Our Second Chance || Hamilton...


3.9K 183 39

"Margaret Scott knew who she was from the day she turned 12. The day was crystal clear in her mind, as we're... More

The Lady Out of Time || Prologue
Self Care is Important, Kids
The Plight of Aaron Burr (Sir)
The Schuyler Sisters But Eliza Isn't There
Fevers. Great!
It's Investigation Time!
Max Gets Some Results
Games: The Most Powerful of Safe Bonding Activities
The Hamilsquad (Somewhat) Reunites!
Les I'm Miserable
Mariokart: Bringing People Together Since 1992

And So We Meet Again...We Just Don't Know It

330 15 3

Angelica was an incredibly ambitious girl, and that's not what she's learned from others. From a young age she knew she wanted to do great things, and nothing was going to stop her. Of course, she was fortunate enough to grow up in a family that wanted her to succeed, but she could be proud of herself for getting into college, couldn't she? No family connections, no cheating, just her and her brain.

Like her parents had suspected from a young age, Angelica just wanted to learn everything she could. She still majored in a subject, that being political science, but she still took classes in history, women's studies, etc.. It was just her mission to become as educated in as many subjects as possible. Really, it was a miracle she was born into a rich family.

History was one of Angelica's favorite subjects. Maybe it was learning about the people who made this country, maybe it was that she never wanted to repeat the mistakes of her ancestors, but history has always been special to her. It was no wonder she was in such a promising class, too. As she walked down the aisle to one of the middle front seats, Angelica took notice of each one of her classmates. Boys playing on their phones, one of them had an incredibly troubled look on his face, there was a girl with blonde hair drawing in a notebook, a girl and boy across the room cuddling.

No one was paying attention to her as she took one of the last two seats in the front row, but she was aware of them. Angelica looked at the teacher, who was typing something extremely fast on his computer. She thought for a minute, then remembered his name; Blake Franklin. Funny that his last name was like Benjamin Franklin, someone who was very important in American history.

The room was tidy and blank, the only interesting thing being that the desks were all painted navy blue. As Angelica surveyed the room, taking care to write down every interesting thing in a document in her phone, a young woman, who looked to be the same age as Angelica herself, raced down into the front row empty seat. Something about her seemed familiar.

The girl wore a simple blue dress, white jacket, had white sneakers on, and had long, straight black hair. Her face was flushed red, most likely from the running she did to get there. She cursed under her breath as she rummaged through her bag. "Where is-"

"Good morning,class!" Professor Franklin announced, looking at each and every student in the class. Angelica shivered as his gaze found her. Those eyes were so old...but the professor couldn't have been more than thirty! It struck her as odd, but this was not her place to ask questions about his appearance. "I am Professor Franklin, welcome to..." Angelica hated the first day to no end. All the rules for each class, it was just an excuse for the teacher to talk about himself. Luckily, she was a master of pretending to pay attention. The almost late girl, however, was not a master.

Angelica studied the girl carefully, watching as she clearly debated something in her head. She pulled a pen out of her bag with a triumphant look and began. write. Where had she seen her before? They obviously weren't roommates, and her light skin was nothing like where Angelica came from. They must've passed each other when moving in, she reasoned. There were tons of people in the halls that day...

"I know this is upsetting, but we will have our first assessment starting today." The words pulled Angelica back to reality. "You will have to make a presentation on what you are most passionate about in history. You will find all the requirements on Canvas, where you can also ask me questions." Professor Franklin turned away, but then a smirk appeared on his face."Oh, and one more thing... This is a partner assignment. Your partner must be in this class." He gave a little wave. "Have a nice day."

Now, Angelica hated partner assignments, especially if they were on the first day. That was a dirty trick. Today, though, she figured this could give her a chance to get to know the girl next to her. Find out why she feels so familiar.

"Hi," The girl looked up in surprise, but turned to Angelica. "Do you want to work on this project together?" She asked, hoping the girl would agree.

After a moment of hesitation, she nods. "I'd love that. I'm Elizabeth Small." Elizabeth holds out her hand to shake Angelica's.

"My name is Angelica Skyler." Angelica says, and she shakes Eli-

"My name is Angelica Schuyler. " Every part of Angelica feels alight with love for this boy who she doesn't even know the name of.

"Alexander Hamilton." His name is fit for his apparent ambition. What a future they could have together! Alexander Hamilton and Ang-

"-elica? Hello? Are you okay?" Elizabeth's voice is full of concern. It grounds Angelica in her confusion.

"I..." What did Angelica just see? Her heart is pounding and her head feels light. "I just feel kind of light-headed. Can we just give each other our phone numbers and talk tomorrow?" It would hit Angelica later that it sounded a bit ride, but currently she didn't care all that much.

Elizabeth feels Angelica's forehead. "You feel fine... Alright." She gives Elizabeth her phone and tries to sort through what just happened as she enters her phone number. "I put my name in as Eliza," she says as she hands the phone back. "I hope you don't mind."

"It's fine-"

"Eliza!" Angelica couldn't believe her little sister was right here, and that she had been invited to go on a vacation with her sister, and Alexander.

Alexander's voice breaks through her head. "The Schuyler Sisters," and Angelica is overjoyed to see him. Her heart can't help but ache, wishing she could have him, even if she knows how much that'll hurt Eliza. Eliza.

Eliza. "That's fine, Eliza." Angelica attempts to play off whatever just happened as normal, it as if it didn't happen. "I'm just going to head out." America says, and before Eliza can say something she wishes out of the room.

What is happening to her?


Alexander felt like he was going to collapse any second. It was a mix between the less than ideal amount of food he's been eating, having caught up on four days worth of sleep in the past night, and the fact that currently he was sitting next to the most annoying person on the planet.

Currently, Alex sat in the class he was most excited for: Political Science. In fact, his father taught this class, so he knew that it would be extra challenging, at least for him. The day had been going well, too. Lafayette had made his legendary pancakes, the campus looked gorgeous from the fresh coat of rain, and he had arrived so early to class that he and his father had some quality time together. Then Thomas Johnson has to walk in and ruin his entire week with that disgustingly bright magenta coat and the constant smirk on his face.

Before Thomas walked in, Alexander was working on an article about the national bank for his political blog. You might laugh at that, but his anonymous blog was famous across the country. Anyway, his entire being was so focused on the story with a spark of inspiration that he didn't notice Thomas slink into the classroom and survey the area, choosing the seat right next to Alex with a smirk.

"Already busy?" Thomas asked, both genuinely curious and making fun of him. Deep in thought, Alexander didn't respond. Thomas flicked his cheek in an attempt to get his attention.

In response, Alexander's head shot up, his eyes narrowing as soon as he saw Thomas. "Thomas Johnson." He sneered the name as if it was a curse. "What are you doing here?" Thomas scoffed.

"Taking this course? Looking for education? What else?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if you were here just to annoy me." Alex turned back to his writing, determined to keep the spark lit until it became a fire.

Thomas pouted playfully. "Don't be like that, Wilson. Phillip wouldn't like that attitude, I'm sure..." Those words struck a nerve in Alex and he turned all the way over to Thomas, a deadly glare in his eyes.

"Don't." Alex whispered through clenched teeth.

"What?" Thomas asked, voice so mocking it made Alex want to stab something. "Laf told me about him, so why can't I talk about him?"

"That was five years ago. You know, when you didn't act completely like the spawn of Satan." Alex retorted, attempting to change the subject. Ever since he was little he had nightmares of a boy, who he for some reason called Philip, dying in his arms. Each time he had to watch the life drain out of the boy, each time there was blood on his hands, and the unmistakable feeling of out all bring his fault. No one knew why, only assuming it was connected to a past life.

Thomas scoffed, but dropped the subject, opting to steal the notebook Alex was writing in. "So what's this about? How terrible Alexander Hamilton is?" He asks, knowing that Alex despised the man.

"Don't you bring him up! That man cheated on his wife and was the cause of his son's death! There is no excuse for that!" Alexander yelled, standing up so he could look down on Thomas, who immediately stood up as well, causing Alexander to fast as a cheetah jump up on a chair. He would've continued ranting, but Professor Wilson walked in with papers in his arms.

"Alright everyone, welcome to Political Science. If you could all sit down, i'd love to start this class going." The professor looked pointedly at Alexander and Thomas, the former grumbling under his breath while sitting down, the latter just smirking as he sat.

This class was going to be absolute torture, wasn't it?


Lafayette looked out the window directly above the desk in his dorm, staring at the slightly cloudy sky nervously. Internally he debated on whether he should go and get food, or wait for his brother in the dorm. On one hand, Alex would probably panic if Laf wasn't here when he got back, but on the other hand they were running out of food and needed something to eat.

In the end, his hungry stomach won.

Before he left, Lafayette wrote a note for Alex, telling him that he went out to grab some food. If he was late, he didn't want Alex panicking. Quickly, Laf located the nearest restaurant(A Wendys) and set off, opting to walk instead of drive.

Something everyone should know about Lafayette, is that he'll do anything to get to food when he's truly hungry. So, when he got outside to a super crowded area, he began to run like his life depended on it. If he pushed people over while doing so, well no one needed to know.

That was, until he ran into two people walked right in his path. As they collided, the soda one was drinking spilt all over him. Not him as in Lafayette, him as in the man who was drinking it.

"Holy-" The girl began, but Laf didn't hear her, because as he looked up he realized he recognized these two.

"Hercules? Peggy?" Different scenes (memories?) flashed through Lafayette's head.

"Oui oui mom ami je m'appelle Lafayette!" A warm bar...

"I am Hercules Mulligan!" Tailers apprentice...

"I'm John Laurens in the place to be!" Black rights activist...

"Aaron Burr." Prodigy of Princeton college...

"Eliza Schuyler, it's an honor, sir." Helpless for Hamilton...

"My name is Angelica Schuyler." Womans rights activist...

"Schuyler. Margarita Schuyler. Call me Peggy." Youngest of three...

"Martha Washington! It's a pleasure to meet you." Mom?

"General George Washington. I'm glad you're here, Lafayette." Dad?

"The name's Alexander Hamilton, and there's a million things I haven't done!" Mon Petit Lion? Alexander?

Lafayette didn't realize he was crying until someone wrapped their arms around him. Before he could process anything more, the world fell away, and black filled his vision. 

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