
By mscreativwriting01

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First ever tag!

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By mscreativwriting01

What is your full name?

Motherly angel

Do you have any hobbies?

Singing, cooking and obvs writing duh

What is your favorite song?

Any that I can sing well and where my voice sounds bae

What is phone home screen background?

Something I drew on a paper plate

Do you have any big dreams?

Train engineer sounds so weird but always been fascinated by the mechanics behind the movement of tube trains

Did you sleep well last night?

HA HA not at all spider infestation

How many friends do you have?

Too many to count but like 10 ish close close ones

Do you like maths?

Yes but not for an a-level

What is your favorite subject?

Atm chemistry but also biology and Psychology

Where are you from?

My mum and dad's gametes

Do you like sport?

Only a few

Are you healthy?

No I be chugging down big Macs as if they a drink

How much do you cost?

Too much for anyone to afford me

Do you have any favorite singers?

No I am all rounded with my fav tunes

Do you have any siblings?


Can you draw?

Not to save my life

How many lessons do you have on Monday?

None at the minute but used to have 3

Do you have a crush?

Nope for once

Single or taken?

I wish the second option was liable for me

If you had a chance to take home an idol who would it be?

Myself coz I am amazing 🙃

I tag everyone!!!!!!

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