I Have Confessions (AureliaSh...

By CoolDude627

2.2K 23 12

It's graduation day for the Pokemon School students. A lot has happened, the Alolan Leauge, the Alolan Crisis... More

The Sun is Shining, the Moon is Rising

2.2K 23 12
By CoolDude627

Hey guys! Another book from my old account published here! I don't plan on rewriting this, but I do plan on taking this idea and making it into something more...

Anyway enjoy. This story is 2 years old so please, there will be grammatical and just general story mistakes. Just deal with it. I will make something better, promise.

Also if you want more Aureliashipping goodness, check out my main account AceZackary for a story called Pokemon: Light in the Darkness!

This is a new unplanned one shot of Aureliashipping (AshxLillie). Hope you guys like!


A new journey always brings new surprises. This is very common for Ash Ketchum who has traveled through seven regions and the orange islands. Right this minute he's in Alola with a bunch of companions. This time instead of going on an adventure he went to Pokemon School and today is graduation day.

"Today we celebrate the graduation of our students" said Principal Oak. The crowd erupted in cheers.

"Now may I introduce Prof. Kukui to say his graduates."

"Hello everyone. It's time to say the graduates." Kukui said.

"First Soholces!"

Soholces's parents cheered him on.

"Next Kiawe!"

Same thing happened with Kiawe.

"Next Lana"

Same thing happened to Lana.

"Next Mallow"

Same thing happened with her.

"Now Lillie"

The crowd clapped for Lillie. But Lillie did not have any parents to cheer her on after the incident. Whenever this happened, she began to cry. But she didn't want to cry in front of a lot of people!

"Go Lillie!"

Lillie heard a voice of a good friend. Ash Ketchum. That just made her day. She realized a long time ago that with a friend like Ash, they'll​ cheer for you every step of the way.

"Now our newest student, Ash Ketchum from the far far Pallet Town!"

The crowd cheered for him too. But Ash paying attention to two people in the crowd. His mom, Delia, had made it for his graduation. As well as Prof. Oak.

"These students are the best students a teacher could ask for. So give em another round of applause!" Kukui finished saying.

The crowd went into cheers for these six students.


"Hey where's Lillie?" Ash asked Mallow. They were at the after party.

"I think I saw her at the cliff near the view of the sea" Mallow replied.

"Thanks!" Ash said.

At the cliff

'How should I ask him?' Lillie thought while looking at the sea.


Lillie heard Ash calling her.

"What are you doing here?" Ash asked.

"Oh nothing" Lillie said. She lied.

"I know you're here for a reason."

"Ash why are you such a good person?" Lillie blurted out. "I mean like...why. Just why?"

"Well you're supposed to be good." Ash said simply.

"There's got to be more" Lillie replied.

"Okay, okay. My dad was a good person. I mean very good. But one day some vicious Beedrill came to attack me. But a that second, my dad sacrificed his life to save mine. So I'm trying to be a nice as him. To remember him. To make him proud."

Lillie was speechless for a few seconds but finally found some words. " Wow Ash. That's really. Really. I can't even find the words."

Ash laughed. Things were silent for a few moments.

"Lillie, I've been meaning to tell you something." Ash said.

"What?" Lillie said. She was hoping for a certain thing he would say.

"Lillie. You see, since the first day I came here I felt this feeling around you and MFTHMM!

Lillie released herself. She had just kissed Ash. On the lips. Ash was stunned. His face flushed red. So did Lillie's.

"It's okay. I feel the same way." Lillie replied softly.

"Well uhh what are you going to do after this?"

"Umm. You're the first person I told this to. A random person bought my house and my butler. I don't even know where my brother is nowadays so I really have no one."

"Don't say that Lillie. You have everyone around you, you have me." Ash said. "In fact, I'll ask my mom if you can live with us until we figure out this mess!"

"Really Ash?!" Lillie exclaimed.

"Yeah! My mom will totally say yes!"

"Thank you Ash!" Lillie said.

"You can thank me later, come on!"

Ash and Lillie ran back to school, to tell everyone the great news.

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, say it in the comments!

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