The Omega, a lesbian story. C...

By cassandrasnos

382K 12.8K 851

Can two opposites have an happy ending together? Unedited. More



12.4K 453 17
By cassandrasnos

'Folks! Time to go home. Thanks for the awesome night!'. Leo shouted still happily inebriated.

It was past 2am, so we shared a cab home. Alexis and I got off first. We hugged Leo and walked to our dormitory.

We still had a good 10min walk before reaching our dorm.  The campus was massive since it integrated the whole life sciences courses as well as med school.

We walked in a comfortable silence, we were tired but happy from our night out. As we were walking next to the tennis courts, we started hearing fumbling noises coming from the bushes nearby.

Suddenly, a bunch of tiger shifters emerged from behind those bushes. They were staring at us. They looked high on drugs. I smelt anger and hate emanating from them. I turned to face Alexis. She was staring at them with a scowl.

'Oh, who have we got here!? Two dykes who enjoy practices that are against nature.'

'Who the hell are you??' Alexis shouted with a commanding tone. My instinct screamed at me to cry and run as far as possible from them. My wolf was whining. I was terrified.

The tallest boy of the group took a few steps forward. He grinned and said 'I am Joseph, future alpha of the Rosen tiger-pack. I graduated from this med school a few months ago, so I am now a fully qualified doctor.'

His grin grew wider, making him even creepier. If that was even possible.

He continued 'Now, let me treat your disease. I am sure you both haven't tried what a real male can do in bed. It will turn you back into straight beings... Straightaway. Ahahahahaha'.

His macabre laughters were quickly followed by the ones of his mates. He reminded me of Jake, only so much worse.

His words were beyond disgusting. I wish I had the strength to defend Alexis and myself. But I was extremely conscious of my physical and mental inferiority.

The hair on my skin started to rise, I felt bile rising up to my throat. The danger of the situation fully kicked in. Five against two didn't give us a high likelihood of winning.

Alexis tuned to me and whispered 'Sophie, I sent a telepathic message to my pack but they are not in town. The pack had a meeting this weekend on our holiday establishement, which is about 30km south of here. I doubt they could reach us in a timely manner. We are still too far from the dorms for anybody to hear us, even supernaturals.'

Shit, my pack is even further away. At that point, I though of Skye. She should be in a dormitory nearby. I considered that she could come to our rescue but we would be still a minority. The stats were still against us. She would have no chance against tigers, not even if she was to fight with Alexis. I did not want to endager Skye on top of us too. I felt useless.

In that moment I saw Alexis shaping into a huge, muscular black panther with icy blue bulbs.

The group of tigers turned into their animals as well. Joseph seemed as imposing as Alexis, if not more. Teeth were bare and growls were soaring.

Although, I was shaking like a leaf during a thunderstorm, I turned as well.

'Alexis, we should run away as fast as poss...'

I couldn't finish the sentence that whole hell broke loose.

Immense pain, blood, grinding noises. It was all I could feel in that moment. Although Alexis proved to be an extraordinary fighter, the tigers were prevailing on us. She was fighing off against Joseph an two of his mates, while I was struggling against the remaining two. They were going to kill us, slowly but surely.

As I saw one of the tigers trying to bite into Alexis leg, I quickly freed myself from the other two and jumped on top of Alexis. From the pain I felt in that moment, I was sure my lower leg has been receided completely.

Before I passed out I thought of Skye. I imagined her forest-green eyes looking at me. The only words coming out of my head were 'Skye. I am so sorry'. And the world turned black.

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