Av richardgraysons

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"Don't forget I'm also just a girl, standing in front of another girl, asking her to love her." [Margot Robbi... Mer



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Av richardgraysons

Deja vu came over Willa in the cab ride from the airport to the hotel where she had previously stayed. It felt so strange to her that it was only a few days she was making this same trip but with more hopefulness for a romantic reunion between herself and Margot. This time around, she was certain it would not go the way she hoped it would.

Nervously tapping her fingers on her knee in the middle spot of the cab's backseat, Willa couldn't seem to keep her nerves at bay. Eleanor, who had so far spent her whole time in Toronto worrying about Dinah while trying to get her phone to work, noticed the nervous tapping and placed her hand over Willa's. She took hold of the comic book store owner's hand with a gentle squeeze of support then leaned towards her. "It'll be fine, don't worry." She whispered to which Willa only responded with a nod and a long, deep breath.

Willa only really just assumed that Margot would be staying at the same hotel that she had been. It would make sense rather than another hotel elsewhere in the city. So that's where they told the cab driver to take them and eventually, they arrived at the building. With Eleanor paying the cab fee, Willa went darting out and headed into the hotel, making her way immediately to the hotel's receptionist desk.

The slightly older man behind the counter greeted Willa with a grin. "Good afternoon. How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for a hotel guest. Her name is Margot Robbie." Willa said, her hands laying rest on the desk counter.

The man shook his head. "Sorry, ma'am. There isn't someone here booked under that name."

Hero, who had been able to keep up with Willa in a hurried pursuit inside, tugged at her sister's hoodie to grab her attention. "Don't famous people book under fake names? Do you think Margot could be under one?"

Willa turned to her sister and shrugged after a brief consideration over the suggestion. "I might as well try." She didn't really have many other options. There were likely hundreds of other places in the city that Margot could be staying if she's not as this one and Willa doubted that Margot would up for answering her calls right after turning her down. She returned her attention back to the man behind the counter. "Is there a Harleen Quinzel?" It'd probably be a super obvious name to use when you are playing that character currently but why not try?

The man typed away at his computer before sympathetically smiling at Willa. "Sorry ma'am. There is no one here booked under that name."

"Um... Pamela Isley?" Going through comic book names would be the best bet for Willa to try. She doubted herself though, feeling like Margot wouldn't go for a comic book name when shooting a comic book film.

"Sorry ma'am. There is no one here booked under that name."

"Diana Prince?"

"Sorry ma'am. There is no one here booked under that name."

"Selina Kyle?"

"Sorry ma'am. There is no one here booked under that name."

"Barbara Gordon?"

"Sorry ma'am. There is -"

"No one booked under that name." Willa interrupted, knowing exactly what the man was about to say. "I think I get it at this point." Feeling completely and utterly defeated without even trying too much, Willa walked around from the counter and collapsed on a nearby lobby couch, resting her head on the back.

Hero and Eleanor sat down across from her in another couch. Eleanor was still desperately trying to get her phone working as it seemed as though the battery may have died. "Do you have a charger at all, Hero?"

"Oh yeah, I totally thought to bring my charger last minute onto a flight to Toronto that I didn't know I would be taking this morning when I arrived at Willa's apartment." Hero sarcastically replied. She immediately seemed to feel bad about it once seeing the frown that Eleanor wore so she quickly wrapped an arm around the woman's shoulders. "Sorry El. I didn't even bring my phone either."

"What if something is happening though? What if Dinah's gone into labour and I'm not there to support her?" Eleanor asked, leaning forward in her chair as she put in her head in her hands. She let out a groan before lifting her head up. "Sorry Willa for ignoring you right now."

Willa lifted her head up. "Oh it's fine." She sighed. "I'll just think about what I'm going to do next." She lay her head back down on the backrest of the couch, closing her eyes as she did so.

As Eleanor went up to the man at the receptionist desk to ask if they had a way for her to charge her phone (with the plan to bring up the information that her wife could be giving birth and she wouldn't know as a way to get sympathy points), Hero leaned forward in her chair with a sigh. "Are you sure you're okay, Will? Maybe you could give me Margot's number and I could try call her on a phone elsewhere as my phone is dead. Maybe she might answer the phone to an unknown number and might listen to me once I explain the situation."

Raising her head, Willa considered the option. She went to go grab for her phone in her hoodie pocket but as she did, a voice called out her name. A voice that she swore she was imagining with her mind playing on tricks on her and wanting her to hear what she wanted to hear.

"Willa?" Margot's voice was almost faint, clearly taken aback by the sight of the woman on the couch.

Turning her head to look behind her, Willa's eyes were stuck on Margot as she rose from her seat and circled the couch to stand in front of the Australian. "Margot, oh thank God. I've been trying to figure out how to find you after trying a bunch of fake names at the reception to see if anyone was checked in under those names."

"Find me? Why would you want to find me?" Margot asked, still in a state of surprise. "And what are you doing back in Toronto? I thought you'd gone home."

Willa sighed, reaching out to take hold of Margot's hand. She was surprised by Margot not pulling away from her, allowing her to hold onto it. "I made such a stupid mistake in turning you down and I realize that now. I was such a ball." She said.

"A ball? What the hell is she talking about?" Willa heard Hero ask Eleanor but just ignored how stupid they must think she is.

Although Willa expected Margot to be confused by the statement but she simply just nodded, her eyes already beginning to well up a little. "Yeah, you were such a stupid ball."

"After getting some sense shaken into me, I knew that I want to be with you so so badly, Margot." Willa nervously smiled with a sigh and a small chuckle. "I actually planned out this super long speech on the plane. I even wrote it all down." The hand that wasn't holding onto Margot's reached into her hoodie pocket to pull out her phone. Unlocking it with shaking hands, she tried her best to open up the notes app on her phone as quickly as she could. With a clearing of her throat, she read out what she had written. "Margot, when you emailed me, I saw that as the sign I need to reach out to you again and maybe try to get back together but I ended up talking myself out of it, letting my anxieties get the best of me. Once my friends told me how much of an idiot I was, I knew that I made the biggest mistake of my life, other than saying yes to Max." She heard Margot chuckle but the blonde was also on the brink of tears. "I am so sorry about all of the stupid stuff I've done and I hate that I hurt you. I hope that you can forgive this lame loser lesbian who owns a comic book store in Brooklyn Heights because she really, really wants your forgiveness. And I also hope that despite how stupid I was, I can perhaps have a second chance? Or should I be more aptly asking for a third chance?"

Margot chuckled yet again, wiping her eyes with the back of her sleeve. "Despite how much of an idiot you were, you're not just a lame loser lesbian, Willa. You're just a normal woman who amid all the chaos that comes with being famous, you came into my life at just the right moment and in my career, I need someone normal to keep my feet on the ground and to come home to at the end of the night." She really wanted to kiss her but the fear of being noticed still lingered with her. Instead, she wrapped her arms Willa tightly, knocking the brunette back out of surprise. It took a moment but Willa hugged Margot back, tucking her face into the Australian's shoulder and breathing her in. They probably hugged too long to be perceived as being just friends but Margot didn't entirely care. The longer she spent holding onto Willa, the longer she knew that she was ready to let the world know. She had news for Willa in regards to that topic though and just had to tell her.

Eventually, they parted with reluctance. Willa wore a big goofy grin, feeling happy about the outcome of her big speech. "Not entirely sure I felt worthy of your forgiveness but I'm glad you're not entirely mad."

"It might take a little while for you to be truly back on my good side but you'll just have to prove yourself to me." Margot teased, her lips upturning into a suggestive smile the further into talking.

"Oh trust me when I say that I have no plans in slacking off anytime soon." Willa stated.

Having not really paid much attention to Hero and Eleanor throughout the conversation, Willa was surprised to see Eleanor pop up by her side. "So I hate to interrupt on such a touching moment but I do have to ask, Margot, do you at all have a charger on you?"

Margot, who had a bag over her shoulder that wasn't too big, nodded. "I have a portable one if that's alright." She noticed the worry on Eleanor's face before fishing into her bag. "Are you okay, Eleanor? Is everything alright?"

"I'm not sure." Eleanor stated. "My phone is dead and I need to check it to see if there's any updates from home." She nervously itched her upper left arm. "It's just that Dinah is due any moment now and as much I wanted to be here to support Willa in her quest to get you back, I'm just worried that I've missed the news that my wife has gone into labor."

Quickly pulling a portable charger with a cord attached out her bag, Margot passed it over to Eleanor. "Is that the correct cord?"

"Yes it is. Thank you so much." Eleanor said as she turned around, hastily plugging her phone into the portable charger cord. She then sat back down beside Hero, the younger Thacker sibling looking over Eleanor's shoulder and trying her to temporarily relax the older woman.

With their distraction from Eleanor having passed, Margot returned back to talking. This time about her news that she had for Willa. "I actually have something to tell you that is really important."

Willa turned worried, quickly assuming something had gone wrong. "What's up?"

"I actually have an interview coming out about my, uh, coming out." Margot stated and Willa's eyes widened in surprise. "Yeah, I, um, I talked with this magazine that I felt comfortable about talking to this with and next month, the world will officially know that I'm bisexual. I addressed the whole situation in February and I made sure not to directly mention you but the world will know that I am interested in girls as well as guys."

Without saying anything, Willa's actions spoke louder than words as she took Margot in her arms. "Oh, that's amazing, Margot! I'm so proud of you!"

"So that means that we can be open. We don't need to hide away." Margot said when Willa had placed her back on the ground and let go of her. The blonde smiled with a hint of shyness to it. "That means I get to hold you're hand out in public."

Willa couldn't hold back her own smile as it overtook her face. Just thinking about being able to be a normal couple in public with her girlfriend made her grin the most. She now could hug Margot tightly when she wanted to, hold her hand when she wanted to and kiss her when she wanted to. Of course all of this would be consensual and would be within reason but getting display public displays of affection like a normal couple could with Margot was almost like dream come true to her.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself though. I would still like to keep a sense of privacy, especially cause there will still be people around wanting to take photographers of our every move so we shouldn't be too over the top with the PDA." Margot said, her tone matching that of a stern authority figure but still with a hint of humor to it.

"But what if I want to show off to the world that I am with one of the most beautiful and wonderful human beings on the planet?" Willa teasingly asked.

"Well, if you put it that way, I'll consider it." Margot said then let out a laugh. Like Willa, she couldn't keep the smile off her face. "Oh, it feels so good to be back with you in this place and going into a different part of our relationship."

And when Willa went to carry on talking, she was interrupted by Eleanor yet again but this time, with very much more pressing matters. "Holy shit!" Eleanor yelled as she rose to her feet, looking down at her phone screen and grabbing the attention of everyone in the hotel lobby. "Dinah's gone into labor." Panic mood quickly kicked in. "I have to get back to New York right now." She circled the seating area to be beside where Margot and Willa stood with Hero following her. "Let's go. Now." Eleanor sternly told Willa.

"How are we going to get back though? We spent most of our money getting here in the first place that we were stupid to not get a return ticket just in case." Hero asked, noticing the flaws in their situation.

Margot slowly raised her hand up to her shoulder height with a smile "I can be of assistance here." She pulled her phone out her bag. "Let me make some calls and see what I can do to get you back to New York as soon as possible so you can see your baby be born." Tapping away at her phone, Margot walked away from the trio to make her call.

"Why did I even think leaving the country so close to my child's expected birth date would be alright?" Eleanor asked, beginning to nervously pace back and forth. "Dinah's going to kill me if I miss out the baby's birth and I wouldn't blame her at all."

"El, it'll be fine. Margot's got this." Willa stated in an attempt to relax Eleanor temporarily. With a glance over to where Margot stood with her phone pressed against her ear, she hoped whatever call Margot was making would work out. Like Eleanor, she too would like to be there for the birth (perhaps not as desperate as Eleanor though).

"Are you sure though? Like, whatever calls she's making may not work out or it might take too long." Eleanor's breathing was starting to speed up a little as she clutched at her chest. It was obvious that her panicking was catching up to her.

Willa put an arm around Eleanor, rubbing at her forearm as a supportive gesture. "It's going to be okay."

Margot returned only minutes later and as hoped, she wore a smile on her face. "I've pulled some strings and for the first time hopefully ever, I've played the famous card." She looked directly at Eleanor. "I've organised a private jet to New York that is waiting for us at the airport so if we want to get there quickly, I suggest that we head off right now."

"We?" Willa asked.

"Yeah. I'm coming too." Margot stated. She took hold of Willa's hand. "I just got you back. I'm not letting you out of my sight right away."

"Thank you Margot and that was a sweet moment but we have to go now." Eleanor said, gesturing her head towards the door. She then led the way out of the hotel lobby, Hero close on her tails and with Willa and Margot not too far behind them.


Yes, it is kind of ridiculous that Margot just organized a private jet like that but come on, this is a romantic comedy and those are always filled with ridiculous stuff. Just don't question it, it's all fiction. And I've also noticed a few other plot holes but like I said, it's a romantic comedy and they're always like this.

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