Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

511 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 46 "Caught"

6 1 0
By cuteblueicecream

Alexandra's POV

The dark castle...

Tall and dark...

The atmosphere is also dark...

Dark clouds are gathered on the top...

Thunders and lightning are perceived...

Michaela could be in there... hurt and scared...

I quickly hide as someone is coming.

The enchanter stopped for a second and look around.

I won't get caught... I won't get caught...

I heaved a deep sigh when the enchanter leaves.

"I'll save you Mic..." I whispered.

I will not stop until I bring back Mic safe... I'll save her even if it means my life. If there's something might happen to her, I will never forgive myself.

I wiped my tears as I stand up and continued to walk.

How did this happen? I should have not trusted too much...


Mrs. Lori's POV

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Me...? I'm just going to see our daughter." My husband asked.

"I heard you and Fred talking... You can't lie to me like that..." I said.

Ronnie stopped for a while.


Jamaicah's POV

"What should we do...? Alex could be in a big trouble!" I said worriedly.

Where is she going? What happened to her? Did she remember something to make herself act like that? But what is it? Why did she have to leave the palace? What is wrong?

Is this my fault?

"Jam... calm down..." –Zane

"How can I calm down when I feel that this is my entire fault? Where is she going? Should we follow her?"

Alex...! Where are you?

"No... we can't! We aren't allowed to leave the palace! The outside is filled with beasts and enchanters that could kill us anytime when we come out from that gate!" –Zane.

I stopped and my hands went to the bars of the gate.

We aren't allowed to come out...



Could be in danger...

What should I do...?

Alex... Why did you put me into this situation? I worried!

Alex... Come back...

I need to get help.

"Jamaicah... There you are... Where have you been?" –Keith.

Keith... She can help us...


Alexandra's POV

I made my way to the center of the dark castle without getting caught. But- How can I find my way leading to Michaela?

I look around...

Which hallway should I take to find her?

"I can scent the smell of success coming towards us."

"I'll show them my vengeance..."

"We'll show them..." He said and then he stopped. "Wait..."

"What...?" The other enchanter asked.

Both of them look around...

"It's nothing... Let's go... The master is waiting for us." He said.

I heaved a deep sigh when the two enchanters are leaving. Good thing I quickly hide myself before they appear and see me.

I slowly come out when the two enchanters are completely gone.

I need to find Mic before I get caught.


Jamaicah's POV

"What...?! She left the palace all by herself?" –Keith. She's more worried than I am.

Before I can reply anything to Keith, Kenneth quickly run away- out from the palace.

"Where are you going, Kenneth?" –Zane.

But Kenneth did not reply.

My attention went back to Keith.

"Yes... I don't know what happened but she just suddenly became in different mood." I explain.

"Why... What... Let's go and find her..." She said and attempts to run but Zane grab her wrist.

"No... It's dangerous. Should we tell the authorities?" –Zane.


Alexandra's POV

I recognize the enchanters going to somewhere in the same direction. Where are they going?

They are all gone...

I slowly come out and continue to search for Mic...

"Please... I wanted to be alone..."

That voice... I recognize that voice... It is Michaela... I found her...

I went to take a peek inside a room and found her with Linda.

Linda... I met her from the human world before... I met her when she saved me from bullies on our school. We became friends and I never thought that Linda would be like this.

"Okay... I'll just go outside." –Linda.

I hurriedly went to hide when I notice Linda is going to come out from the room. She might see me.

The noise of Linda's boot as she walks echoed through the hallway. When she's gone, I come out and went to the room.

"Mic..." I called. I finally found you.

Mic turns around and was surprised to see me.

"You came back..." She said.

I hurriedly went and hugged her.

"I'm so happy to see you again. Let's go back... Let's go home..." I said but she pushed me hard enough that I fell to the floor. Aww...!

"Who are you?" She asked that shocks me.

Why...? Why can't she remember me? We've been best friends since our childhood....

"I'm your best friend... I'm Alexandra... your best friend..."

"Though you look familiar to me..." Familiar...? "No... Even though you are... If you really are my best friend, why can't I remember anything from you?" She said.

What is she talking about? Can't she remember me?

"Mic..." I said and get up.

"You called my by the name of Mic but my name is not Mic. How come you don't know who I am? Are you trying to deceive me with one of your traps?" She said


Instead of answering me, she smirked.

"Who am I kidding? How can a deceiver tell the truth? I'm not a fool anymore to be deceived by anyone. You're just acting innocent... What are you trying to do? Did you know that this is not your territory?" She said.


"I'm not deceiving you, Mic... I really am your best friend... Believe me..."

"Shut up!" She yelled and suddenly something blocks me from breathing.

I fell to the floor.

I can't breathe...

Suddenly, I flew into the air and found Michaela's arm with open palm is pointing to my direction.

She has powers? She can do magic and spell?

"Mic... Please..." I stretch my one arm towards her.

I fell to the floor and inhaled plenty of air.

What happened?

"Go away before my mercy upon you fades." She said.

"Where did you get those powers?" I asked.

"Leave the castle... I don't know you..." She said and turns around.

I stood up and went to grab her wrist.

"Mic, let's go back." I said and was beginning to cry.

She stopped and look to my hand before pushing it away.

She turns to me...

"I'm the princess... I can't go back. And I won't go back." She said.

I don't understand... What is she talking about?

"Mic... I'm your best friend... Don't you remember? Mic..."

Before I can continue what I was going to say, I felt something like a needle stabbed me from the back and went inside me. Spreading something in me... My heart beats rapidly... My visions are blur... What's going on?

"Are you okay?" I heard someone behind me.

Mic nods...

I fell to the floor.


Hector's POV

Why hasn't she waked up yet?

"She's a strong girl..." –Sir James.

He meant for Monica...

"Her finger moved." I said.

"This is..."

I went closer to Monica.



Kenneth's POV

Where is she?

Where is she?

Why did you left the palace, Alex? What thoughts run into your mind to leave the palace like that?

"Will she be okay?"

That voice... It is Michaela. I know her since she's Alex's best friend in the human world.

"She'll wake up soon. You must go to your room."

That's Linda.

What are they talking about? Did they meet Alex again?

I heard they are coming, I need to hide.

"You did not have done that..." –Michaela

"It is for your safety, princess." –Linda.

They left the room.

I immediately went to the room they came from and found Alexandra in chain.

I hurriedly went to Alex and gently shook her until she wakes up.

"Wake up, Alex... Wake up..."

What did they have done to you?


My chest tightens when she called me.

"Alex..." I said and hugged her. "I'm sorry..." I added.

She cried.

"Mic can't remember me..." She said.

"Shh... It's alright..."

"I remembered the day when she as a little beautiful girl stood in front of me the first time we meet. She asked for my name that time and helped me look for my bag after. She is kind and considerate... I like her and admired her so much until we grew up together..." She said and stopped to sigh. "She was there when I am in trouble. She was there when I need her. She was there when everything goes wrong. She was there when I needed comfort. She was there when I need a cheer. She was there every time I am lonely. She was there to help me. She was there to save me from bad guys. She was there to make me see the beauty of life. She always chooses me over the others. Each day is a beauty when she is around. She's the best person who became my best friend. She's the only special person I only had. She's-"


"But how- how did she end up here? Why can't she remember me?"



Jamaicah's POV

"This is not right. We should have stayed inside the palace." –Zane.

"Shh, Zane... If someone will hear you, we're dead!" –Keith.

"Quiet, you two..." –Daniel

"Tsk! Why does Daniel have to come with us...?" –Zane.

"Stop it, Zane." –Keith.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" –Daniel.

These old kids are so noisy! We left the palace to find Alex. But- What is happening?

"Shh... Look..." I said and pointed to the sky.

There are more dark clouds that are forming. There are thunders and lightings have gone crazy. The surrounding is becoming darker and darker.

"What is going on?" –Zane.


Kenneth's POV

Alex and I finally got out from the castle.

What is happening? Why's the surroundings gone worst?

I hurriedly grabbed Alex's wrist but she pulled her arms immediately.

"What is wrong? Are you tired?" I asked.


Alexandra's POV

Kenneth bent down after I shook my head.

"Get onto my back..." He said.

"No..." I replied.

"Alex... We have to go... It is dangerous here."

"I can walk... I'm not tired. I don't need that."

"Don't be so ridiculous..."

"I'm not..."

"Then get onto my back..."


"Then let's hurry up... Let's go." He said and stands up.

"No..." I replied.

"What is wrong with you, Alex?" He asked.

"I have to bring her back." I said.

I know no one would understand me. I know he won't understand.

"Alex..." He called and grabbed my wrist. "We have to go..."

I pulled my arm from him and stepped back.

"No... Not until I bring back Mic..." I said.

"Alex..." He called and stepped forward.

I stepped back as he goes forward.

"I have to save her. I have to bring her back... Kenneth... Please... Leave..."

"Alex... I'm sorry..." He said and went closer to me.

"Why are you apologizing? Are you going to smudge my memory again?"

He stopped after he heard my question.

"How did you-"

"Are you going to use your spell again on me just like what you did the other day?"


"You know that she's Mic. You know that she's my best friend. You know that she was there before you came. But how could you- How could you do that? How could you smudge my memory? Why did that to keep me away from her? How could you prefer to just leave her and make me forget?"

"I didn't mean that-"

"You meant to do that!"

"I was just protecting you..."

"Protecting me from what? From her...?"

"It is dangerous for you to stay that time..."

"Do you know how much she means for me? Do you know how much Michaela is important to me? Do you know how many sacrifices she made for me? Do you know how long she has to endure when she's with me? Kenneth... I would do anything, everything to save her. She shouldn't be there... She shouldn't suffer like that because of me... I have to save her. And this time, I won't allow you to smudge my memory again..." I said and turn around.

"Alex... I'm sorry..."

"Kenneth..." That voice... It is from Beth.


Beth's POV

Alexandra went back into the castle. What is wrong with her? Didn't she understand that it's dangerous to come in there?

"Alex..." –Kenneth.

"Kenneth..." I grabbed him.

"It's dangerous." –Kenneth.

"Why do you always have to show concern to her? Why, Kenneth?"


"She prefers to come in there. Let's just go."

"You don't understand." He said and went into the castle.

"Is it because the loss of David and the others? Kenneth... She's just a human... You are more important to this-"

"She's not just someone you can eliminate for, Beth." He said and left me.



Hector's POV

"Monica, Stop! You need to rest. Where are you going?" I thought I raised my voice.

"Where's Kenneth?" She replied.

What is with her? She just woke up and have to rest for a while but-

"I don't know. You need to stay here." I said.

"He's right, Monica." –Sir. James.

"Hector... Sir James... I need to find Kenneth. I need to see him."


Beth's POV

I found her. But where's Kenneth?

"Alex...!" I called.

"What...?" She replied.

"Let's go!" I said and grabbed her wrist.

She pulled her arm and raised her voice. "No!"

"What did I told you earlier? Aren't you keeping your promise?"


Jamaicah's POV

"What is happening?" I asked.

Why's the wind blowing so strong?

"I don't know..." –Keith

"I think they are up to something." Daniel said and pointed to somewhere. He pointed to a large group of black cloaked enchanters.


Hector's POV

"Sir James, what happened to you?" I asked and turn my head. "Where's Monica?"


Mrs. Lori's POV

"Can't we have another option to do it?" I asked.

"No..." –Heather.


Faith's POV

"Are these enough?" I asked.

"Guys... Look..." Janette said and pointed to the direction outside the palace.

We all turn around and saw it.

"What's that?"

"What is happening?"


Alexandra's POV

I felt that something bad is going to happen.

I need to find Mic fast.


I turn around.

"Linda..." I said.


Keith's POV


We ran quietly...

I immediately stopped when I noticed that someone is missing.

"Keith... what are you doing?" –Daniel.

"Where's Jamaicah?" I quickly asked and the three of us look around.


Mrs. Lori's POV

In the middle of our meeting, Miss Sally hurriedly came in.


Mrs. Tessie's POV

Mrs. Lori came and also went to see what's going on outside the palace.

"Get ready..." She said.


Anne's POV

Rules: We must stay inside the palace for our own safety.

We must help our side a we can.


Paul's POV

"What a beautiful World but too dangerous..." –Chris

I turn my head to him.

"Yes..." I replied.


Faith's POV

I've been here for eight years. I've been trained for eight years.

I'm ready...


Alexandra's POV

"You can't do this to me." I said to Linda.

"Don't worry... I won't... But Princess Kath would..." –Linda.

Princess Kath?

Michaela appeared into the room.


She turns her eyes to my direction.

Those eyes... There aren't any emotions in there... What's wrong, Mic?

"You..." –Mic

"Mic..." I tried to smile but the fear overcame me.

I don't understand... Why do I feel that Mic is treating me a stranger?

"I remember you..." She said.

I don't know but I should feel relieve by now. I should be happy that Mic remembers me.


Kenneth's POV

"Alex...!" I called. "Alex...!"

"What are you doing here?" I turn to someone.

I stopped.

I can't believe this.

It can't be.

He's dead...

He's dead...




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