Mystic Home

De cuteblueicecream

511 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 42 "William"

5 1 0
De cuteblueicecream

Alexandra's POV

I went looking for my father but I cannot find him. Where is he?

"Who are you looking for?"

I jumped in surprise as Nicholas appeared. I didn't notice him coming.

"My father... Did you see him?" I asked.

"They probably at the Mystic palace... They are having a meeting." He answered.

"Oh..." I said.

I can't go to the Mystic palace without an emblem.

Right! I should list my name and get an emblem.

Sigh... I should have done it earlier. I heard that it took three days in the mystic world to get the emblem of your own.

"Why did you asked? Is there anything you need to tell him? I can tell him for you." He said.

Should I tell him?

"No... It's okay..." I said. "Thanks a lot yesterday."

"That's no problem. I don't want my future girl to have a problem with her family. Do you have something to do today?" He asked.

Future girlfriend...? Is he really pursuing?

"No... By the way, I saw William earlier." I said.

"William...?" He said.

"Did you see him?" I asked.

"Yes..." He answered.

"Where is he?"

"H-he probably busy with his mission..."

Is that so?

Is that why he was in a hurry earlier?

"Lien..." I called as I saw her flying.

"Hi, Alexandra..." –Lien

"Hi, Lien..." –Nicholas

"Hump...!" –Lien.

Ah-? Are they fighting?

"What are you doing here, Lien?" I asked.

"I was just searching for Master Kenneth. I can't find him since this morning." Lien said.


Nicholas's POV

"You can't find Kenneth since this morning?" I asked.

"Do I have to repeat it myself?" –Lien.

If Lien didn't find him then-

"He must have at the mystic palace." I said.

"I've been there and I see no Master Kenneth anywhere there." She said.

"Then maybe he is busy with his mission." I said.

"I think so- Maybe I should look for him there again." –Lien.

"Sorry, Lien... I don't know where Kenneth is also. Sorry, but I have to go. Bye-" Alexandra said.

Where is she going in a hurry?

"Bye..." –Lien.

Alexandra left the area.

Lien was about to leave too.

"Wait...!" I said and she stopped.

"What?" She said.

"Do you want to know a secret?" I said.

Geez, how did this bird become Kenneth's pet?


Alexandra's POV

Since my father is at the mystic Palace and I cannot go there without an emblem or the ruby of exemption, I have no other option but to wait.

And also I'll go to the library to write my name on the list and get an emblem. If I got one, I can finally go to the Mystic Palace whenever I want to.

I don't know why they are giving emblems away but I guess it is part of their plan.

I turn my head as I saw someone familiar again.

William...? Is that really William?

It's him!


I called him but he didn't hear me.

Where is he going in such a hurry again?


Zane's POV

The clinic has been occupied since I was gone.

Too much work today.

I'll be busy today...


"Daniel...? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Where is Jamaicah?" He asked.

Tsk! Why is he asking me that?

"I don't know where she is." I answered.

"Okay... But if you know where she is, tell me..." He said.

Why would I tell him? Tsk!

"Okay..." I lied.


Jamaicah's POV

In the corner of this room, I'm sitting all alone.

I have nothing to chat with. Nothing to laugh with... Nothing to share with... Nothing...

It's boring.

"Laurence... Why did you think that Zane is your daddy...?" –Keith.

"Because my daddy has no hair...!" –Laurence.

"Pfft...!" I laughed hard.

"The bitch laughed, mommy... Look!" –Laurence. He said and pointed at me.

I have enough with these name callings! It is not funny.

"Wow, huh... Laurence, I am not a bitch! If you wanted me to leave this room then I will!" I said.

"Jamaicah... Don't leave me here." –Keith.

"Sorry, Keith but I can't bear with that little monster anymore!" I said.

"Go away, bitch!" –Laurence.

"Fine...! As you wish...!" I yelled.

"Jamaicah..." –Keith.


Alexandra's POV

I don't know how I ended up on the Mystic world.

I was just following William and got lost.

And went to a room and ended up here.

This experience was just like what happened when I and Jamaicah first came here.

There are things I still don't know about this world.

Where should I go? I want to go back...

The beasts-

I need a weapon...

Oh... Why didn't I bring my weapon?

I should keep quiet...

No- Wait...! I almost forgot.

The beasts can scent me...

What should I do...? What should I do...? I don't know where I am... And I don't even bring my weapon... I didn't have the potion that Keith gave me...

What should I do...?


Someone is coming...!

I need to hide I need to hide. Where? There...

I hid myself. I need to keep quiet...

I heard the footsteps are getting louder and louder. Someone is coming nearer and nearer-

Until he stopped right before me-

Who is this guy? He is wearing a black cloak...

An enchanter from the Mystic Palace or an enchanter from the side of our enemies...

Who is this guy?

"You came..." Someone in front of this guy said.

"Master, what should we do with him?" A servant said?

"Punish him..."

P-punish...? What did this guy did to be punished.

The three servants stretch forth their hands with open palm pointing to the guy

"ajnouef ouni unfru unfbse."

"aoeiuoienf ieuroa iooueiu ifurfu."

"ioueu uefygrhb uhhhfssvb budhui huehfb."

I don't know what they are saying.

But that guy... Why didn't he dare to defend himself or even move?

Who is this guy?

"aiheuwe ieudb!"

After that their wands produced blades that are black and it went to the guy.


The guy got hurt and the blades continued to slash the guy's skin.

I covered my mouth when I notice it was William whom they punished.

"iadjehf oiaue ioihhc hbbviso bcii"


William floated into the air with black smoke surrounding him after the spell was casted.

He was hardly breathing.

"Did you know what you just did, my boy?"

My boy...?

"Hdue uefb"

Then the next thing happened is that William dropped himself to the ground with a powerful force. He tried to tolerate the pain but he failed.

"Are you abandoning our plans? Did you forget our evil plans?"

"hsueb... hiehd..."

William was hardly breathing again.

"Or you have forgotten all about what they did to us years ago..."


He's breathing again.

Please, Stop this...

"I'll be waiting for you to move. Let's go..."

The four enchanters that punished William walk away.

I waited for a couple of minutes before I came out from where I hide to make sure that those enchanters are gone.

I quickly went to William.

"William..." I said. "Can you see me?"

"Alexandra..." He said.

He still remembers me. I'm glad but he's condition right now is not okay.

What should I do? I don't know how to cure enchanters.

How can I stop his bleeding?

"Don't close your eyes. Wait here, I'll find someone to help us." I said but he suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"Just stay here..." He said. But how can I just stay when he is like this? How can I just do nothing when he is hurt right now? "No one else is here to help us." He added.

"But- I'll try-"

"It's alright. Just stay here... Trust me." He said.

I hope he is telling the truth.

I nodded.

William... What have you done for them to do this for you? What did I just saw recently?


"The sky is dark and gloomy. I don't think we can see funny figures above us." He said.

What is he trying to say?

I lift my head up.

"Your right... The sky is dark and gloomy." I said. "W-what are you doing?" I asked as Kenneth tried to get up.

"Trying to get up..."

"But you-"

"It's okay..." He said and sat.


"It's okay." He said and stands up... All I did was to help him.

"Wait!" I said and was worried when he is trying to get up on his own. But when he successfully got to her feet, I asked. "Are you okay?"

How great, Alexandra... Of course he is not okay. Haven't you seen the obvious wounds that he has including his condition today?

That was the stupid question I ever asked.

"I'm fine... Let's go..." He said and tried to walk. I helped him on his balance.

I hope someone will help us.


"Whose house is this?" I asked when we found and went into the house for our shelter.

"Take this." He said and gave me a potion.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"Use it for emergency." He answered.

I nodded.

"William... Why are those enchanters doing this to you? I asked to break the barrier of silence between us.

He stopped for a while thinking for an answer.

"Alex...What you saw was-"


It's Lien...?!


Before I can call Lien, William covered my mouth and hid me.

"Shh..." He said.

I was shocked by his response...

What is going on?

What is he doing?

"There's no master here... Where is he?" Lien said and flew away.

William took his hands to uncover my mouth and sighed in relief.


"Lien must not know I'm here." He said.

How did he know that the bird that came here recently was named Lien?

Are him and Kenneth friends?

Why did he hide from her anyway if they are friends?

Lien is part of the-


Is this why I did not see him before at the mansion?

Could it be that William is one of the dark enchanters?

Is that why he hid me to hide his presence from Lien?

But why- I mean why did I just saw him from the mansion this morning?

Is he spying the enchanters at the mansion?

Did he fail? Is this why he got punished by their master?

Is this why Nicholas was shocked when I mentioned William's name?

How- Why-

Why did I just think about this just now?

I stepped back...

"William..." I said and he turned to my direction. "Are you- you- I-"

"What's wrong?" He asked and walked closer to me.

I stepped back as he come closer.


He stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you-" I started. "You aren't going to hurt me, are you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"William, are you one of them?"

"Alex, what you saw back there was-"

"So, you are one of them...?"


William tried to explain something to me but I can't hear it when a loud beast growl was heard. As loud as he can, he told me to run.

He grabbed my wrist and we both run.

I forgot to tell him that the beast can scent me because of my human scent.

We ran and ran until I stumbled.


"Get up..."

I quickly stand up when I found that the beast is catching up.

We ran...

I turn my head to the beast but when I turn back, I found that William was lost.

Where is he?

I heard the beast roared again.


"Aaahhhhh...!" I screamed.

The beast almost caught me but I glide to one side and manage to avoid its claws.

I run and run until I tripped again by the big root of the tree.

Aww... my foot hurts.

The beast is coming.

I need to get out from here!

Then a flash of light came upon me- until I suddenly dropped to the floor- a tiled floor, clean and sparkly.

What is this?

I stayed at my position for a while because what happened.

What happened?

I stood up gently trying to endure the pain of my foot.

I scanned the entire place. It is a room of someone.

Then I heard something tapping from the window. There, I saw a butterfly flapping its wing desiring to get out through the glass window.

I opened the window and the butterfly finally got out the room.

Where am I? What happened? Where is the beast?

"Hello?" Someone's voice called. "Is anyone there?"

S-someone else is here...

What should I do?

I look around inside this big room.

There must be a doorway to get out from here.

She's coming...

What now?! What should I do? Where should I go?

A few times I stepped backwards then a flash of light came back unexpectedly from behind me.

And to my surprised, I am back to the Mystic World again.


Pauline's POV

I suddenly noticed a flash of light coming from our room.

"Hello?" I called. "Is anyone there?"

I immediately put my cloak inside the closet.

After that, I came in and found that there's no one else is in here.

A knock suddenly is heard.

I went to the door and opened it.

"They are here." Xylene said.

"Where...?" I asked.

"There..." She pointed a direction with her fingers. I nodded.


"Let's go!" She said and walks away.

I look back to the direction where I thought I saw a flash of light.

"Am I just seeing things?" I asked to myself.


Paul's POV

"I'm so tired. We've been waiting here in the library for hours. What took them too long? Do you think this will be finish by the end of the day? I guess not. I'm hungry... I'm sleepy... I'm tired." I heard Chris murmured.

"Shut up, Chris. Didn't you hear what Mr. Greg said? He said that getting the emblem took three days in the mystic world." –Janette.

"Yeah... Yeah. I heard it." –Chris.

"If you are tired, why not take a sleep on your own seat?" I said.

"I can't." –Chris.

"Why not...?" –Anne.

"It's too tight... I can't sleep here." –Chris.

"Sophia... You're next."

Sophia stands up from the couch and went to Mrs. Tessie. She's next to go to the Mystic Palace.

"Finally, the couch is not too tight anymore." –Chris.

"Hey, look! Faith is back." –Janette.

"Faith...!" They called.

Faith finally returned from the Mystic World.

"Over here...!"

"Hey guys..." –Faith.

"Did you have your emblem?"-Anne.

"Here..." –Faith.




"I can't wait to have mine."

"I can't wait to see yours too. I should get going then." –Faith.

"Okay..." They all said and Faith left the library.

Lucky for her, she finally got her own emblem...

"I'm worried. What if there's an interview we have to take before having our own emblems." –Anne.

"There's an interview alright but don't worry. All you need to do is to answer honestly." –Mrs. Tessie.

Since when did she listen to our conversation?

"That's right..." –Janette.

"Okay..." –Anne.

"That's the spirit." Mrs. Tessie said and left.

"Don't worry too much guys." Chris said and embraced us. "Just be confident like what Janette is today."

"Me...? You're the one who's confident. You even murmured and said that you are tired."

"Right... Don't worry guys..." –Chris.

"Yeah... I will." Anne said and takes off the arm of Chris around her.

I also took off the arm of Chris around me.

"I'm not worried." I claimed.

"Oh...? But you look like one." –Chris.

"No, I don't."

"Then why are you spaced out mostly of the time since this morning?" He said. "Don't worry if you'll tell us. It is not embarrassing to be worried though."

"I told you already that I am not." I said. "I was just thinking... What if this battle that we are preparing for fails?" –Paul.

"Why are you thinking about that?" –Janette.

"I don't want to die..." I answered. "I still want to see my parents."

"You are not going to die..." –Chris.

"Then why didn't you just leave the mansion before?" –Anne.

"I can't... If the enchanter's battalion get lessen, there's a possibility that we will fail and fall into the hands of our enemies." I said. "I stayed to make sure the good enchanters will win. I want to help them for the world and my family."


Alexandra's POV

A cliff...!

There no other way to run...



"When have you been?" He said and then the beast that was chasing me appeared. "Stay behind me..." He said and I just nodded.

The beast growled.


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