Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

511 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 41 "Troubles"

4 1 0
By cuteblueicecream

Alexandra's POV

"I have no schedule of training today that is why I was allowed to come with my father" I said to the Jamaicah.

"That's lucky... But why didn't you have training schedule today?" She asked.

"That's because Nicholas, my trainer have other schedules today." I said.

Jamaicah and I finally got to her room.

We got to arrive at the mansion after a couple of hours of travel.

"How was the day yesterday in the mansion without me?" She asked.

"Hmm... I don't know... It is quite different when you are not here?" I said. "How was your experience outside? I heard from Keith that it is your first time to be there." I asked.

"It was fun... and scary sometimes... Some humans are bad but there are still good humans existed." She said.

"Why is that? What happened? Did someone wrong you?" I asked.

I felt a little concern about this.

I've been encountering awful people plenty of times.

They bully me until they are satisfied. They don't have hearts for others but only for themselves.


Zane's POV

After the smooth travel, I took all my things and walked to my room.

The basket I brought got heavier or maybe I just got weaker. Never mind... I want to get some rest after this long trip.

I dropped put the basket to the floor and jumped to my bed to sleep.

Now, I can get some rest.

I closed my eyes.


Alexandra's POV

"Jamaicah...!" Keith scream as her came into the room.

"You scared us..." I said and laughed.

"Nah... Jamaicah, how are you?" –Keith.

"We were just talking about her adventure outside this mansion." I said.

"Yeah... It was fun there. You two should have come with us." –Jamaicah.

"Chitchatting without me? How rude-" Keith said while pouting.

"He-he... I was going to tell you about it that time." –Jamaicah.

"But you still didn't... You didn't told me that you were given a mission." –Keith.

"Oops... I really forgot about it." –Jamaicah.

"But it's okay." –Keith.

"Next time, if there's a next time, I'll tell you about it first." –Jamaicah.

"Lock your words." I said.


We turn our attention to someone at the door.

It's Anne.

"Come in, Anne." –Jamaicah.

"I heard we are going to have our own emblems. But I don't know what it is for." She said. "I already wrote your name to the list, Jamaicah."

"What's an emblem?" –Jamaicah.

"An emblem like this one...?" –Keith. She showed her emblem.

"Yes, like that one." –Anne. "Faith has it already... She received it this morning. She said there are so many processes before getting it."

"The mansion is giving us emblems...?" I asked.

"Yeah... You don't know it? I thought you knew it, Alex... I only listed Jamaicah." –Anne.

"That's okay... I can list myself there later." I said.


Zane's POV

I was shocked and fell from the bed after I woke up and realize someone sleeping beside me on the bed.

Why- where did he come from?

I immediately stand up and tried to figure out who this is.

After that, I hurried ran away- away from my room.


Jamaicah's POV

There are only me and Keith inside my room. Alexandra and Anne went to the library to write Alexandra's name on the list. She was really excited about getting one.

"I heard about it from our room but I did not believe it is true until now." –Keith.

"So, what is the emblem for?"

"Emblems are used to allow us to enter the Mystic Palace." –Keith.

"The Mystic Palace...?" I asked with curiosity.

"The Mystic Palace... There's only one palace on the Mystic World built by our deities." She answered. "But there are also lots of other palaces on the Mystic World and those are not the palace made by our deities. Those palaces are made by enchanters that wanted to make their own kingdom. Those desires are forbidden for us to make but if we follow those desire, we will be punished and suffer forever." She added.

"It's a pity for those enchanters that will suffer forever." I said.

"I do too... They just don't know or doesn't believe the deities existence. That is why they have a strong grip for worldly pressures and be happy until they die. They just don't know that our souls cannot die. Yes may face death, our bodies will die and turn into dust but our souls cannot die. If they did the forbidden stuff until their bodies are gone then their souls will face the forever punishments." She said.

I was kind of scared when she said that.

I don't want my soul to face the forever punishments.

"May I know what the forbidden things that I mustn't do are? I don't want my soul to face the forever punishment in the future." I said.

"Those forbidden things are for us- enchanters only. You're a human and we don't know what forbidden things that you humans mustn't do. We both have different deities." She said.

"We are...? The humans have deities too?" I said.

"Of course... Where your soul did came from if your deities did not exist." She said.

"How do we know that we came from the deities even if we didn't see one?" I asked. Maybe I don't have a deity.

"Well, you have feelings. You love, hate, and also feels conscience about doing a certain thing. And also you know whether your deeds are ring or wrong. Your soul is special... Everyone is special..." She said.

"I'm scared... I might have done some things that are forbidden." I said.

"Maybe but- You can always repent as long as you are still alive." She said. "And besides, most forbidden things are killing others, hating others, and being so selfish." She added.

'I can always repent.' I said in my mind.

"Do you think your deities and our deities are friends?" I asked.

Keith was going to answer it but she was stopped when the door of my room slammed open.

We both turn around.

It's Zane... He's behind this disturbance.

"What's wrong, Zane?" –Keith asked.

We both noticed him gasping for air.

He lifts his head. He looks so worried.

"What's going on?" I asked him.


Zane's POV

I didn't do anything to this.

This is not my fault.

Is it my fault?

I opened the door and took a peek inside of my room.

It's- It's gone?

I went inside.

Keith and Jamaicah followed me inside.

"What do you want us to see?" –Jamaicah.

"Shh..." I said.

He must be around here somewhere.

I slowly look around.


I screamed and fall to the floor as someone jumped from nowhere and went hugging me.

I heard Keith and Jamaicah screamed in a fright too.


Jamaicah's POV

"It's a cute little kid..." I said.

The kid is around 5 years old.

"W-what are you doing here? And I am not your daddy." –Zane.

He tried to pull away the kid from him.

"What is this kid doing here?" –Keith.

"This kid maybe came from with one of the enchanters that got arrived here earlier with us." I said.

"Ahh..." –Keith.

"He's not...!" –Zane...

"Daddy...? Who are they?" –Kid.

"He's not...?" I asked.

"Why did he call you daddy, Zane?" –Keith.

"I don't know." –Zane.


"I recognize this kid. This kid is from the town where I gave him my bread because he was hungry. I don't know why he keeps on calling me daddy." Zane explain.

The kid is busy eating his bread.

"He must have gone into one of your baskets before you travelled back here." –Keith.

"Foolish kid... I already told him to go home that time. I didn't know that he would secretly come with me." –Zane.

"We must take him back. He's parents might have been worriedly looking for him by now." –Keith.

"But how...?" –Zane.

As the kid is done eating, I went to him and gestured to give him a hug.

But the kid stepped back and suddenly cried.

"Daddy..." He said while crying.

"I didn't do anything." I said worriedly.

"Stopping crying..." Zane said while comforting the kid. The kid embraced Zane.

"You might have scared him." –Keith.

"I was just going to hug him." I said while pouting.


Alexandra's POV

"I'm so tired. I'm sleepy." Anne said and yawns.

"Go get to your room and have some rest, Anne. I can take it from here." I said.

"No... I'll wait for you." She said.

But the line is too long.

"No... It's okay. Go and get some rest." I said while gently pushing her.

"Okay. If you insist..." She said and starts leaving.

"Thank you." I said to her.

The line is still long.

I wonder what Keith and Jamaicah are doing today.

As I waited, I saw someone familiar passing by.

My attention went upon him. Where did I meet him?


I don't know how the name entered my mind but that's him. It's William...!

I quickly went and follow him.

He's here!?

I finally saw him again!

I'll go and meet with him.

Will he be glad when he sees me too?


"William...?" I called but he didn't hear me.

William walks so fast, why is he in a hurry?

Where is he going?

Why didn't I saw him at the bus before?

That was so close... If only I look around to all enchanters inside the bus that time.

Wait! Does this means William is also an enchanter?

I saw William turn left.

Where is he going?

As I turn to the left too to follow William, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Aww..." She said.

"Sorry..." I said and stand up.

I stretch forth my hand to help the lady stand up.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked and hurriedly came over.

"I'm fine..." The lady said and grabbed my hands and stand up.

"I'm really sorry." I said. "I just didn't see you-"

"No... It's okay..." The lady said.

"Wait...! Are you- Alexandra?" The lady that came after the lady that I bumped into asked.

"Yes..." I answered and trying to recognize the two person in front of me.

The two of them looks really familiar.

Where did we meet?

"Ah...! Alexandra...! Jamaicah's friend...?" The lady I bumped into said.

They knew Jamaicah?

"Oh... right...!" The other answered. "Do you recognize me? My name is Pauline...!" She said.


Where did I meet them?

"And my name is Xylene..."


Pauline and Xylene... I have to remember their names in case we meet again...

"Are you in a hurry?" –Pauline.

Ahh... I was just following William-


I immediately look behind them. Where is he? I lost him...

"It looks like she does." –Xylene.

I returned my attention to them and slightly laughed.

"No... I was just-"


What should I say?

If I say that I was following William, they would think that I am his stalker...

William is my friend...

My close friend-

My very close friend-

My very-very close friend-

My best friend- No! He is not my best friend. Michaela is my best friend.

Then he is my very-very-very close friend.

Pauline suddenly lifts my chin by her hand and scanned my face.

They are wearing black cloaks which mean they are enchanters.

Do enchanters can read minds?

I must think of something else.

La Lila La Dada La Lilli...

What song should I sing? There are so many songs I knew.

"If that's the case, then let's go to Jamaicah's room." Pauline said after take her hand off my chin.


Did she read it?

If she was Lien, my secret will pop out.


"Jamaicah..." I called as I saw her and Keith carrying a basket.

"Alex..." –Keith.

"Alex... Pauline... Xylene..." –Jamaicah.

"Miss Pauline... Miss Xylene." –Keith.

Keith knows them too?

"Hi, Keith..." –Xylene

"How was it? Are you done listing your name?" Jamaicah asked me.

The listing...

"I forgot..." I said.

"Huh? Why is that? We thought you went straight there." –Keith.

What should I reason out? They don't have to know that William is the reason.

"The line is long so I went and waits for it to shorten but I forgot about it somehow." I said.

"That's okay. You can go there later." –Keith.

"Pauline and Xylene... Those cloaks are nice on you..." –Jamaicah.

"Thank you..." –Pauline.

"I thought you have gone to your training rooms already." –Jamaicah.

"We did but there's this meeting coming on so I come there instead." –Xylene. "We bumped into Alexandra so here we are..."

"What are those fruits are for?" I asked while pointing at their basket.

"Ah-" Keith started.

"This is nothing. We were just chitchatting and thought that we might want to have some snacks." –Jamaicah.

"Ahh... I see..." I said.

"Well, I think we should get back there then." –Pauline. "Come on, Xylene..."

"See you later, guys..." –Xylene.

They immediately walk away.

"Phew..." –Keith.

"What's going on?" I asked.

I know that they were hiding something.

I knew that they were lying when I was asking about those fruits.

"I'm so sorry if I lied... I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. Please... I don't want to be punished with forever punishment." Jamaicah prayed and looked up.

"What's wrong?" I asked Keith but she was also shocked on how Jamaicah acted.


Jamaicah told me along the way until we got to Zane's room.

There I saw the kid jumping on Zane's bed.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy, look how high I jumped." –Kid.

"Okay, okay, come down..." –Zane.

"Looks like having a son is not easy..." Keith teased.

"He is not my son!" –Zane.

Keith and Jamaicah laughed.

"Here are the fruits." –Keith.

"Thank you so much." –Zane.

"What is the kid's name?" I asked.

"Laurence..." They answered.

"Ahh... Hi, Laurence..." I said.

The kid jumped off the bed and went behind Zane's leg.

"He is scared to us except for Zane..." –Jamaicah.

"I see..." I replied.

"Here are your fruits, Laurence..." –Keith.

The kid stared for a couple of minutes to Keith.

"Mommy...?" –Kid.

Eh? How did that happened?

"She is not your mommy..." –Zane.

The Kid immediately went and hugged Keith.

"Mommy...!" –Kid.

"Now, now, take off from Keith." –Jamaicah.

"Bitch...!" The kid said and sticks out his tongue to Jamaicah.

"Why- You naught kid...!" -Jamaicah.

"Mommy..." The kid began to cry.

"Jamaicah...!" –Zane.

"What...? I didn't do anything!" –Jamaicah.

"Laurence, that is bad. Say sorry to Jamaicah." –Keith.

"No!" The kid shouted and went to Zane. "Hump...!"


Jamaicah's POV

That was unbelievable.

"Are you okay?" –Alexandra.

"Of course I am... Why wouldn't I" I said.

I know it was a lie.

I was kind of feeling a little hurt today knowing that the kid hates me and knowing that he is calling Keith and Zane his mommy and daddy.

Oh, deities of all humans, please, forgive me. I don't want to be punished with forever punishments.

I prayed secretly in my mind.

"Sir James is waiting for me today in the clinic. Can you please want Laurence here?" –Zane.

"We can't... The kid only likes you." –Keith.

"Yeah... But he called you mommy." –Zane.

"That doesn't mean that he likes me. And I am not his mother! I even don't have a boyfriend!" –Keith.

"He likes you... Please bear with Laurence and me..." –Zane.

"You two looks like having a conversation of a real couple." –Alexandra.

"No it is not!" –Zane and Keith.

"Okay, okay..." –Alexandra.

"Okay... That's only because we cannot tell others about this." –Keith.

"Why not...?" –Alexandra.

"Zane will be doomed if Mrs. Lori knows about this..." –Keith.

"I can tell my father about this. I will ask him to help us." –Alexandra.

"No, Alex... Mr. Arrastia and Mrs. Lori are close..." –Jamaicah.

"Yeah..." –Keith

"I will tell him to keep it a secret. Don't worry... My father is a trustworthy man." –Alexandra.



Zane's POV

In the end, we all agreed to Alexandra's plan.

"Daddy...? Where are you going? Can I come with you?" –Laurence.

"No... Don't go outside. Stay in my room, okay? Stay with your aunts..." I said to the kid and pointed Keith and Jamaicah.

The kid look to Keith and Jamaicah and then to me...

"Daddy..." The kid started to cry again...

"It is okay, Laurence. Your mommy will stay here." –Keith.

"That bitch...!" Laurence pointed to Jamaicah.

"What...! Why me again...?" –Jamaicah.

"It's alright. Aunt Jamaicah will not hurt you." –Keith.

"But daddy-"

"Laurence, I have to go to work." I said

"Okay..." The kid replied. "But you will come back..."



"Promise..." I said.

Just bear with the kid, Zane.

"Come here, Laurence." –Keith.


I immediately went outside and close the door.

I heaved a big sigh.

I hope Alexandra will ask for Mr. Arrastia's help soon.


Keith's POV

"Mommy, stay away with that bitch!" –Laurence.

I don't know why Laurence keeps calling Jamaicah a bitch.

"Laurence, Jamaicah is not a bitch." I said.

"Go away, bitch..." –Laurence.

"Naughty boy..." –Jamaicah


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