Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

511 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"

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By cuteblueicecream

Jamaicah's POV

I'm so cold. My knees and teeth are shivering because of the changed weather. Why the weather did changed all of a sudden?

"Guys, let's comprise together to get warmer..." -Zane.

"How's that possible" -Chris.

"Zane read books, Chris. Let's just do what he says." Janette said and we all comprised of bodies.

It still cold but at least it is not that much.

"What are you doing here all so wet, kids?" A woman around forties said after she sees us when she opened her door.


Alexandra's POV

I took an alcohol, cotton, and a bandage from my drawer.

I poured a little of alcohol on the cotton.

"This will hurt a little but please bear with it." I said to Kenneth but he did not answer me.

I then reached for his scar on his cheek and wiped it with the cotton.

"Aww...!" He said while pulling his head away.

As he quickly pulled his head, I saw his eyes and was amazed to see the color of it.

"Your eyes...!" I said in an amused tone of voice.


"I saw it... Its color is white!" I said.

"It is gray, silly." He said.

Then it is gray and not white?

"It's beautiful..." I said.

I often see brown eyes from others everyday so I really got excited when I saw his gray eyes.

"That's nothing..." He said.

"Seeing someone with different color of eyes is so rare. You shouldn't hide those eyes." I said but he did not answer. "It's okay... If you don't want to, it is your choice anyway and your life." I said and wiped again his scar.

After that, I put the bandage on him to cover his scar.

"A human kind of treatment... is not bad..." He said while touching gently the bandage on his cheek.

"Even though enchanter's treatments are 10 times faster in healing than what of human's, human's treatment can be made as temporal since Zane is not here to help you." I said.

"Can I have a favor?" He asked.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Can you do something with these other scars?" He said while opening his sleeves.

I was shocked to see that many scars... Where did he get them?


Jamaicah's POV

The woman is so kind to let us enter to their house. She even gave us clothes because our cloaks were all wet.

"Don't be too sad. The summer is almost ending soon that is why the weather suddenly changed. Here's some hot chocolate. Have a drink..." The woman said after giving us mugs with brown liquids...

"Thank you... Uhm..."

"Call me Mrs. Telin." She said.

"Thank you, Mrs. Telin." We all said.

"You're welcome... Where did you all live? I can take you home when the rain stops." She said.

"You are too kind, Mrs. Telin. But-" Anne started.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Telin. We are just-" I said.

"Mrs. Telin, we are-" Zane. "Actually we came from far-faraway and we are-"

"Uhm..." -Paul.

"Eh..." -Chris.

We all can't come up with reasons.

"Are you saying that you are having a vacation here?" She asked.

"Yeah... That's right..." I said even though I did not know what a vacation mean is.

"We're having a vacation... Yeah..." -Zane

"You are right, Mrs. Telin." –Anne.

"Then where did you stay for the meantime? I can take you there..." She said.

"Ahh..." I said.

"About that-" Zane

"You haven't checked in to hotels or rented an apartment yet, have you?" She said.

We all slightly laughed.


Alexandra's POV

"You're welcome. I'm just glad that I can help." I said while closing the door.

"Where are you going after?" He asked.

"To the training room... I bit Nicholas is now waiting for me there." I said.

"Kenneth...!" -Beth...


"Beth..." I said.

"Hello there, Alexandra." She said.

"What are you doing here?" -Kenneth.


Jamaicah's POV

"Well, you have to rent somewhere to stay before it is too late but for the meantime, you can stay here for a while. The generation today is a big different from the past." –Mrs. Telin.

"Yes, we will..." –Paul.

Then suddenly, we heard a loud noise coming from one of their room.

"That must be my daughter. I'll go check on her." –Mrs. Telin.

"Okay..." We said.

Mrs. Telin left and went to a room.

I wonder what that sound is.

"It sounds like there's something got broke." –Janette.


Alexandra's POV

"I was looking everywhere for you..." Beth said and walked towards us. "What are you two doing here?" She asked.

Kenneth did not reply so Beth looked to my direction.

"He just walked by and I was just going to the training room." I lied to Beth.

I don't know what relationship between them but still I don't what her to think of awful things about us.

"She dragged me to her room." Kenneth suddenly spoke.

Beth and I were shocked to hear that from Kenneth's mouth. I was shocked because of the words that Kenneth used. And I think Beth was shocked of thinking about it.

"It's not like that... I just aid his scars. That's all..." I said.

"Oh... I see... Kenneth and I are going back to the Mystic World to find more clues. If you found something suspicious, you can tell us right away... Okay?" She said.

"I will..." I said and smiled.

"Let's go, Kenneth." Beth said to Kenneth.

"We have to go..." Kenneth said.

"Take care..." I said.

Kenneth immediately gestured to whisper. "Don't lie again like that. We didn't do anything wrong." He whispered into my ear.

He let out the goose bumps from inside me. And I just realized... Why did I just lie to Beth? It is not like Kenneth and I did anything wrong. Oh. Forget it.

Kenneth and Beth walked away.

Those two... Are they couples?


Jamaicah's POV

"Sorry, mom..."

"Be careful next time..."

We overhear Mrs. Telin's conversation with a kid. I guess that's her daughter.

I went to follow Mrs. Telin to the room. I just want to find out what they are doing.

Before I can open the door, Mrs. Telin came out from the room. I saw her carrying a plastic bag with broken vase in it.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Ahh... Casey accidentally broke this vase. She's clumsy sometimes. Well, I need to put this away to the trash bin so no one could get hurt. There's nothing to worry about." She said and walks away.

"What's wrong? What did Mrs. Telin said?" Zane asked.

"It's just her daughter accidently broke a vase." I answered.

"I feel something weird going on here." He said and went into the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked but followed him.

After we came in, we both saw an ill young girl of about 15 years old lying on her bed. Poor little girl... she got so many red spots all over her body. Why- she is really sick.

A six years old kid standing beside the sick girl's bed was shocked to see us. I smiled at her and she smiled bitterly at us.

"What happened to her?" –Janette. I didn't expect that she and Anne would follow us all the way here.

"The doctor said that she got Lyme disease." Mrs. Telin said. She came back.

"Lyme disease all over her body...?" –Anne.

"Poor little girl." –Janette.

Mrs. Telin heaved a big sigh.

"Since when did this all started?" Zane asked.

"About a week ago... I don't know why she hasn't feeling well yet. I tried anything to help her but everything I did didn't seem to affect her." –Mrs. Telin.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Telin. She'll get well soon." I said.

"I hope so..." She answered.

Zane went near to the girl and puts his hands to the girl's forehead.

"She got a high fever..." Zane said.

"Why..." Mrs. Telin immediately checked her daughter. "You're right!" She said and immediately left the room. I think she is going to get something for the girl's fever.

Chris and Paul entered the room.

"What happened-"

"She has Lyme disease." –Janette.

"And a fever..." Anne joined.

"This is not just an ordinary Lyme disease." –Zane.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Someone is jinxing her and that someone used a spell." He said.

"You mean an enchanter could have done this?" Janette asked.

"Yes... But whatever is her reason is, she seems that she was forced." He said.

"Why?" –Paul.

"If she's angry with her, she could have killed her already." He answered with searching for something in his basket.


Alexandra's POV

My mother and father... I missed them.

I slowly closed the door of the clinic. I was just passing by but I saw my father entering it so I just took a quick look in secrecy.

Now my father finally got Mrs. Lori and his daughter Monica, I won't bother them anymore.


I immediately look around.

"Kenneth...? Max...? What are you two doing here?" I asked. These two cats are so mysterious.

"Nothing... We just dropped by and found you. Where are you going? And why did you come from the clinic?" –Kenneth.

"Are you not feeling well?" –Max.

"No... I just dropped by too." I answered.

"If you say so... The cat beside me is worried." –Max.

"Okay... Always take good care of yourself, okay...?" –Kenneth.

"I will..." I said and smiled at them.

"You are looking beautifully each day." –Max.

Eh? What is he talking about?

"Silly, cat... Let's go." –Kenneth. "I heard there's a tuna from the kitchen."

"Race you there." –Max.

"You bit!" –Kenneth.

The two cats ran away until they are out of my sight.


Jamaicah's POV

At the living room, the magic square box suddenly shines bright. And it also talks... how amazing it is... But it is more amazing when it switched moving pictures from one to another as Casey points the small black plastic at it and clicked the tiny soft circles.

"It's the Mickey Mouse Club House... M – I – C – K – E – Y – M – O – U – S – E..." I heard the magic box moving.

The moving picture is so cute...

"Mom, I'm hungry..." –Casey.... She is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Telin and she's six years old.

"How about I'll bake you some cookies..." Mrs. Telin said.

"Hooray!" –Casey.

Casey and Mrs. Telin went to the kitchen.


Zane's POV

The rain remains pouring water.

How will we even start finding all of the enchanters that are on the list? Will we make it in time?

"Jamaicah..." I called but she didn't listen so I called her again.

She's not listening so I went to poke her.

"Zane..." She called.

"About our mission-" I started.

"I'll just finish this story first." She said while pointing to the magic box.

"What's that...?" I asked.

"That's Mickey Mouse.... He is so cute..." She said.


Anne's POV

"We haven't done anything today. We haven't started our mission." I said.

"That's because of the rain. Even our map is wet." Janette replied.

I slowly unfolded the list to see the pictures of each enchanter that lived here and that we have to go to.

"Why- That's Pauline... Why does she have a picture on that paper of yours?" She asked while holding a tray of cookies.

Oh no! Help! Mrs. Telin shouldn't know all about this.

"About this-" I started.

"We were going to visit her." –Janette.

"Yeah... because..." I said.

"Because she's our aunt..." Paul said.

Phew... Good thing I have my friends with me. That was close.

Mrs. Telin put the tray to the tray.

"She's your aunt...? So that list is the list of your relatives that are living in this town and you all wanted to visit them, am I right?" –Mrs. Telin.

"That's right..." –Chris.

"You kids are so sweet." She said. "Have some cookies."

Me and Janette took a cookie and ate it. It's sweet!

"Hmm... Yummy..." –Janette. "Human food are delicious."



We all immediately turn around to the girl who approached. That girl is all better now. Her Lyme disease is gone.

I'm glad to see that she's okay now.

"Cathy... Why- You are all better now. How- This is a miracle." –Mrs. Telin.

Cathy looks around to each of us.

"Mommy, we should thank him a lot." –Cathy. She point Zane.

Lately, at the room, Zane made Cathy drink of his medicine. Lucky for Cathy, Zane's basket is still at his hands.

Too bad our other things are gone.

"Zane...?" –Mrs. Telin.

"Yes, mommy... He made me drink of something and then I got all feel better now." –Cathy.

Mrs. Telin went to and thanks Zane a lot.


Zane's POV

What did I do?

Then Cathy show up.

Ahh... And so I get it...

"It's nothing, Mrs. Telin." I said.

"Zane, how did you- What kind of medicine did you gave." –Mrs. Telin.

"I used some of those medicines." I said and pointed the basket. Inside it are our medicines.

"Herbal pants? You used herbal plants?" She said shockingly.

Herbal pants? I never heard such a thing but I guess human called it in that way.

"I- Yes..." I said.

"The rain is gone..." Janette said happily. I look to window and it is true- the rain has stopped.

"Hotdog... hotdog...... It's the Mickey Mouse Club House... See you next time. Bye-bye...." I heard the magical box talked.

"Aww... It's gone... Mickey is gone..." Jamaicah said sadly.

"Don't worry big sister Jamaicah, Mickey will be back after lunch." –Casey.

"Really....?" –Jamaicah...

"Now that the rain has stopped, I can take you to your aunt Pauline." –Mrs. Telin.

"Really...? You would do that for us?" –Janette.

"Of course... Since that you helped me with my daughter's illness, I insist to help you too." –Mrs. Telin.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Telin." –Zane.

"No... Thank you so much, Zane." –Mrs. Telin. "By the way, how did you know that the herbal plants you used are for the Lyme disease? Are you a doctor or studying doctorial?" She asked.

Ahh...? What's a doctor?

"I don't know what a doctor mean..." I said.

"Ahh...? You don't know what a doctor is? A doctor is a person who is qualified to practice medicine or to cure people." –Mrs. Telin.

"Then he's a doctor alright..." –Chris.

Ahh... that is what they call it. Then Sir James must be a doctor.

But as for myself, I am not a doctor.

But still, I came to help Sir James so-

I'm a doctor's helper...

"No... I'm just a doctor's helper." I replied.

"Ahh... So that is why... then you might be the best helper he has." –Mrs. Telin.

"He sure is." –Anne.

"He even stayed all day at the clinic with Sir James." –Janette.

"Yeah... He mostly forgot to have fun with us ever since he became the doctor's helper." –Chris.

"Even when we invite him, he joins but left after a short period of time." –Paul.

"That is what they do. They are always busy curing injured and sick people." –Mrs. Telin.


Jamaicah's POV

Casey's room is full of Mickey Mouse figure and picture.

This is- I loved it!

"This one, I receive this last year. My uncle gave this to me as a present on my fifth birthday." –Casey. "And this one is from my grandfather. He buys me this when we gone to the mall for shopping."

"Wow... Mickey Mouse..." I said and hugged the Mickey Mouse pillow.

"And that one, my daddy brought me that..." –Casey.

"So soft..." I said.

"Here... This is for you." –Casey. She gave me a stuff toy of Mickey Mouse figure.

I immediately took it.

"Are you serious? You're giving it to me? Thank you very much. I won't lose it. There's no more returning. I'm going to keep it forever." I said while tightly hugging Mickey Mouse.

"I have a lot of Mickey Mouse..." –Casey.

"How about this one... Aren't you going to give it to me?" I asked while pointing and hoping that she'll give it to me.

"No... That's my favorite from my grandmother." She said.

"Then how about that one..." I pointed.

"No... That one is from my maternal grandfather." She said.

"Then this one?" I said.

"No..." She replied.

"How about this...?" I asked.


Zane's POV

Mrs. Telin went to prepare her car.

"The doctor's job is so noble." –Janette.

"Yeah...!" –Anne.

"What are you all talking about?" Jamaicah asked and we all turn around to give her attention. She just suddenly appeared with a toy she's holding.

"What is that?" I asked.

"This...?" She showed us the toy. "It's Mickey mouse." She said with glittering eyes.


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