The Translator

By Rachelcoolkid

368K 9.7K 6.3K

"You're going on BTS world promotional tour to be a translator." "Why would I want to do that?" I asked. "All... More

1. A Turn of a Events
2. Breaking Up
3. Meeting the Boys
4. Getting Food
5. Welcome to The Party
6. The People you Meet
8. The Morning After
9. Rio
10. What Really Happened?
12. Things that Happen in Hotel Rooms
14. So we're going to...
16.What Usually Requires Alcohol and Strippers?
17. Guess Now it's Official
18. Wedding EXTRAvaganza
20. Guess Who's Back!?
21.Bumped into...
22.*Cue the Bedroom Playlist*
25. Hospital Bed

23.Happiness is Fleeting

6.9K 205 96
By Rachelcoolkid

I woke up and stretched. I hit something I looked to my right to see Namjoon. I smiled as I remembered the events of last night. I rolled over to the bedside table and checked what time it was.


I rolled back over to stare at Namjoon. Damn, I'm one lucky girl. I love him, and he loves me."Je t' aime, "I whispered. "Te Amo, "I said. I wanted to tell him how I felt in every language. Even if he wasn't awake to hear it.

"愛してる, Ich liebe Dich,7. ٲنَا بحِبَّك, 我爱你, "I started to trace each letter on his shoulder blade while I said it. "Mahal kita, Я тебя люблю, Ti amo, אני אוהב אותך," I took a deep breath and continued.

"Eu te amo,ฉันรักเธอ,mwen renmen w, मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हुँ , እወድሃለሁ, Seni seviyorum." I continued to say I love you until my throat was dry, and my hand was cramping from writing every character on Namjoons shoulder blade.

"You forgot two languages," Namjoon whispered. I was shocked. "You were awake this whole time ?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"Cause I like to listen to your voice." He replied. I could almost hear his smirk. He rolled over so that we were face to face. "You forgot two." He purred. "I didn't forget I was saving them for last." 

"Say it, "He insisted. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "사랑해, I love you."

"사랑해, "Namjoon said. Then he kissed my forehead. "I love you." He lightly kissed my lips. I wish we could stay like this forever. Just gazing into each other's eyes and basking in each other's warmth.

But reality decided it didn't want me to be happy, cause at that moment both of our phones went off. I quickly picked up my phone, not even looking at the caller I.D.

"Hello," we said in unison.

Namjoon quickly walked to the other side of the room so that he could hear who he was talking to better.

"This is the IRS it seems that you haven't paid your taxes this year. I should have you know this is a federal offense. You could do up to 5 years in jail time." The person said in a bored tone as if this wasn't a big deal.

"What the fuck. I sure as hell do pay my motherfucking taxes bitch!" I screamed.

"No, I'm kidding this is just Michael." I let out a sigh of relief. I could hear him laughing at me. "It's not that funny." I chided.

"No, it kinda is, "Michael replied, still laughing. "Why are you calling me?" I asked, still annoyed that he made me believe the IRS was going to be after me.

"Oh right, so Mr.Rosenburg wants to talk to you. In-person. So we booked a flight back it leaves in an hour. I sent you all the information in an email."

Shit. Mr.Rosenburg probably found out I was dating Namjoon. I was going to get fired. I decided to act on my feelings for Namjoon, and now I had to deal with the consequences.

"Do you know what he wants to talk about, "I asked Michael trying to make it sound casual. "No idea," He responded.

"Ok," I said, making sure my voice was steady. "Bye," I said and hung up.

I looked over to my right to see Namjoon speaking in rapid Korean. The only thing I heard him say is that he would be there as fast as he could.

"What happened, "I asked. "The company planned a last-minute concert in the U.K. I need to get to the airport, "Namjoon checks his watch. "In forty-five minutes."

"I have to go to the airport too." Namjoon looked confused. I explained to him. How my boss wanted to meet with me in person, so I need to go back to the states.

"Is everything ok," he asked, concerned. "Yeah, "I lied. I had no clue what was going to happen when I got back.

Namjoon could see through my b.s, he just didn't call me out. Then there was an awkward silence.

"Soooo, "I said. "I need to go pack." I made my way to leave.

Namjoon grabbed my hand. I turned around so I could look at him. "See you soon, "He promised.

I smiled. Namjoon didn't want to say goodbye. Since I had been on this promotional tour, an ocean had never separated us, and now I would be hours away.

I put my hand on the side of his face and leaned and close. I kiss him deeply, but not a goodbye kiss but a kiss full of promise for another meeting.

"See you soon, "I reassured.

Then I went to my room to pack and headed for the airport.

The flight was long, but it gave me some time to catch up on my sleep.

As soon as we touched down, I made my way to the company building not even changing into something business casual.

I quickly made my way to the twenty-third floors conference room. Michael and Mr.Rosenburg were already waiting.

I took a seat across from Micheal and on the other side of Mr.Roesnburg.

"Hello," I said.

"Tiana I think we both know why you are here today." Mr.Rosenburg deadpanned.

"We do?" I asked. "Yes," Mr.Rosenburg sighed solemnly. "We do."

Damn. This is it for me. I'm really getting fired.

"Look if this is about me dat-," I started to say.

"Your being promoted!" Mr.Rosenburg exclaimed.

"Promoted?" I asked, extremely, confused.

"Yes, I watched some of the bts interviews, and you did a great job translating it. You were also friendly but made sure to stay in the background. You have been a great employee here, your work is much appreciated."

I was shocked. Not only was I not get fired but I was getting praised by Mr.Rosenburg, something that rarely happens to anyone.

"Well, Thank you, "I grinned.

"Of course your promotion will only fully start after the tour, "Mr.Rosenburg confirmed.

After the tour...

I never really thought that far ahead what will happen to Namjoon and me when the tour was over.

I was so focused on my thoughts, that the rest of what Mr.Rosenburg was just background noise.I could tell the Michael was staring at probably sensing something was wrong.

After the meeting, I was going to go rest in my apartment before I got an on the plane to go to the U.K. When I get a phone call...

Call I.D. said it was Jungkook. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why would he be calling me wouldn't they be performing?

I accepted the call and put my phone up to my ear. As soon as I did, I could hear Kookie talking fast. It sounded like he had been crying.

"Slow down, "I said in Korean. "What happened?"

"Namjoon, Namjoon is in the hospital."


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