(INACTIVE) KonoSuba "This Isn...

ForTheCulture05 द्वारा

25.4K 386 633

There's like thousands of Konosuba Fanfics so now I have joined the dick ride as well. Very simple, you die a... अधिक

Episode 1: Who's This Goddess? Another World?
Episode 3: Time For Quests! Who's This Mage?
Episode 4: More Party Members?
Episode 5: Treasure? Eh... Not Close!
Episode 6: Picking A Fight... With a Demon King General?
Episode 7: A Price Comes For This Cursed Sword!
Episode 8: What's The Point Of This Fight?
Voting for Kazuma's Waifu!
Results for Kazuma Waifu!
Episode 9: Winter Season Is Here!

Epsiode 2: Parallel World Here We Go!

3.5K 58 154
ForTheCulture05 द्वारा

A/N: Wow, I'm efficient with this fanfic, I'll try my best to keep the story as close to the anime and have my twist and spins in it as well! Also, a lot of people checked my story out. More than expected, to does who read the first chapter thank you!


-3rd Person FOV-

Y/N: "What power do I desire? This is a huge decision for this new world I'm going to. I gotta make it count!" One suggestion is OFA (One For All) but my body won't be able to handle it when I start. Also, my stats might not be able to have the same class as OFA considering it has to have enhanced strength and speed. Maybe something of a sword? Demon Slayer or Blue Exorcist? This is where my anime intuition comes in to use. Blue Exorcist is leaning on me...

Y/N: "Aqua? You said that I can choose what power I want to bring to the world, can my imagination be used as well?"

Aqua: "Yes indeed. You're the one bringing something of your imagination to the world, the possibilities are endless!"

Y/N: "Ok, my final decision has been decided. I want to be able to have Demon Flames around me when I pull out a sword."

Kazuma: That's not a bad choice...

Aqua: "Okay! Your wish is granted!"

Y/N begins to have a flash of light around him as he appears with a red sheath attached to his back which has a dark blue sword in it.

Y/N: "Sweet! This is exactly what it looked like in the anime!"

Y/N shows a very happy expression as a magic circle appears below him.

Aqua: "All right stand in the circle and don't leave until Kazuma is done choosing what he wants."

Y/N looks at Kazuma as he struggles to find any type of power to choose from.

Aqua: "Hey, hurry up. No matter what you pick it's all the same."

Y/N: She is a Goddesses, I guess she has no time huh?

Aqua: "You're a shut-in game otaku anyway..."

Y/N: Ouch...even though it's not targeted to me, I felt that diss like a gun wound.

Kazuma: "I-I'm not an otaku! Also, I died outside of my house so I'm not a shut-in either!"

Aqua: "I don't care, just hurry it up."

Kazuma: Damnit! Getting all high and mighty just because she is a little cute...

Kazuma: "Hurry it up huh? Ok, you said to pick one thing to bring into the parallel world, right?"

Aqua: "Mhm"

Kazuma: "Okay, I pick you."

Kazuma points at Aqua but seems to show no emotion what so ever.

Aqua: "Finally... just stand in the circle and don't leave-WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!"

An angel seems to appear out of the sky slowly flying to the ground

Angel: "I shall take over the job from here Aqua-sama. What Kazuma wishes is allowed in the regulations..."

Aqua: "YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! No, no, no come on, this is one big joke, right? Taking a goddess with you is against the rules! THIS MUST BE ILLEGAL, IT HAS TO BE ILLEGAL RIGHT?"

Aqua: *Depressed Aqua Noises*

Y/N: My god, she is too loud... my ears are starting to bleed damnit.

Angel: "Please have a safe trip, Aqua-sama. When you can defeat the demon king, I'll send someone to pick you up."

Aqua: "I may have the ability to heal as a goddess, but I have no fighting experience! There's no way I can beat the Demon King!"

The angel smiles as she points to Y/N

Angel: Maybe sticking around him might be the factor.

She winks at Y/N making him blush

Angel: "I feel that if you are with him, he will guide you towards success!"

Y/N: "I'm lost, the hell that's supposed to mean?"

Kazuma grinned at Aqua with a sinister look

Kazuma: "You've been designated as the one thing I'll bring along! So if your a goddess, come with me and use your godly powers to make my life as easy as possible!"

Y/N: "This guy is on a whole different level that no weeb like me can reach." o_o

Aqua: "No please! I don't want to go to a parallel world with a man like him! Y/N please help me!"

Y/N starts to sweat a little...

Y/N: I don't even know if she is a goddess now...

Angel: "Brave heroes, I pray that of a great many Prospective heroes, you will be the ones do defeat the Demon King. When you do, you can get any wish from the gods!"

She winked at Y/N again, now getting closer to him giving a seductive look. Y/N blushes

Kazuma: "Dude!"

Kazuma points at Y/N and the angel as he feels a sense of jealousy

Y/N: "I'm sorry! I don't even know why this happens!"

A portal appears above them as the three get sucked in

Y/N: "God have mercy on me please..."

Angel: "Now, go on forth with your journey!"

Aqua, Kazuma and Y/N has been transported to another world

The Town of Beginning Adventures

Aqua, Kazuma and Y/N were standing in a village

Y/N: "This is it huh?"

Kazuma: "It's the parallel world, it's the parallel world! I can't believe I am going to use magic now!"

Y/N: "Yah! Our adventures are waiting for us!"

Kazuma looks at you, awkwardly asking

Kazuma: "I forgot your name, don't mind if you tell me?"


Y/N: It's L/N Y/N and I assume your name is Kazuma Satou?

Kazuma: "Yep!"

Feeling excited, Kazuma looks around the village

Kazuma: "Goodbye shut-in world and hello New World!"

Aqua starts to cry and whine

Kazuma: "Oi shut up. What am I going to do when everyone thinks me and Y/N are friends with this crazy woman?"

Aqua still cries and whines as Y/N tries to calm her down

Y/N: "Aqua, please relax..."


She proceeds to hug my left arm with her bust

Y/N: My God...

Kazuma: "Anyways, isn't there something your suppose to give at a time like this? Look at what I'm wearing. It's a tracksuit and here in this fantasy world wearing this. Isn't there a bare minimum of magic you have that can-"

Aqua grabs Kazuma shaking him to death


Y/N: She's already giving in huh?

Kazuma: "Ok I get it, if you don't want to be here you can go home. Me and Y/N will manage by ourselves."

Aqua: "That's not the point! I'm in trouble because I can't go back! What am I going to do now?"

Kazuma: "Hey calm down goddess, at this time a guild is needed. Going to places like this in games is what we need for Intel."

Aqua: "Huh? You're supposed to be a shut-in game Otaku, how come you know so much?"

Y/N: "When you play RPG games, knowing these things can help us get into a good start!"

Kazuma: "All right! Let's head out!"

Kazuma, Aqua and Y/N make their way to the guild

Aqua: "I don't mind being called "Goddess" by both of you, but to not cause any commotion call me Aqua."

Kazuma: "Oh, if you are a Goddess, could you tell us where we can find the adventurer guild?"

Aqua: "I'm a goddess, I don't the ways of this lowly place like this."

Kazuma: She is useless...

Y/N: Kazuma looks angry...

Adventures Guild

Y/N: "I think this is the place!"

Y/N, Kazuma, and Aqua all walk-in into the building

Waitress: "Welcome! If you're here to eat please find a table! If you need job guidance to please to the counter inside."

Kazuma: "All right! Thank you."

???: "Oi! I haven't seen you guys anywhere and what's with the weird clothes?"

A buff looking man gives a mean stare

Kazuma: "We came a long way and just came into town, I want to be an adventurer and be able to defeat the Demon King's Army!"

???: "Is that it huh? Welcome to the Gates Of Hell! If you're looking for the Guild admission desk, hand over there."

He gives us a point of a finger looking in front of us

The group makes there a way to the admission.

Aqua: "Kazuma, how come a shut-in game Otaku NEET like you can have no friends or girlfriend? Why do just accept the fact that you're a shut-in game Otaku so easily?"

Y/N: I guessing she doesn't understand how mean that was. She is a goddess so I can see why...

Kazuma: "Hey! Stop calling me a shut-in NEET you bitch. Don't combine shut-in and NEET either"

???: "Hello. What can I do for you today?"

A beautiful and busty lady asks as she appears in front of us

Y/N: My God, woman here are way too revealing...

Kazuma: "Us three would like to be adventurers."

???: "Ah. In that case. you'll first have to pay the registration fee."

Kazuma: "Uh yeah sure, wait huh? How much is it for the three of us?"

???: "For you three it's 1000 coins."

"You guys have any money? Aqua? Y/N?"

Aqua: "You dragged me here without any warning so of course, I wouldn't have any money."

Kazuma: She's so useless...
"How 'bout you Y/N? Got any money"

Y/N: "Me? Uh, let me check...yeah I do!"

Kazuma: "How? Both me and Aqua have empty pockets."

Y/N: "To be honest, I don't know. It might have been a fluke-"

Y/N starts to remember when that Angel winked at him and gave him a seductive look

Aqua: "It was the angel huh?"


Kazuma: "How much is in the bag?"

Y/N checks inside the small bag. His eyes start to grow larger by the second...

Y/N: "Uhh, about 30k."

Kazuma and Aqua: "HUH?!?!"

Y/N: "Let's not waste time and register!" Saying it quickly rushing to the admission desk and paying for the fee.

???: "Allow me to explain. Adventures each have their occupations. This your registration card. It keeps track of how many monsters you've vanquished. As your level increases, you'll earn points that you can use to learn skills, so please work hard to raise your level. Now, both of you, please hold your hands over this crystal."

Kazuma: "I'll go first!"

Kazuma places his hand on top of the crystal making a shining light

Kazuma: Now my tremendous latent abilities will be made apparent, and there'll be an uproar throughout the guild!

???: Here it is. Satou Kazuma-san, is it? Let me see... pretty average across the board. Except for decently high intelligence. Oh? Also, your luck is extremely high. Of course, luck isn't a very needed stat for an adventurer. With this much luck, I'd recommend becoming a merchant or something similar..."

Kazuma's face turned from happiness into disbelief. Aqua giggles in the back

Y/N: This isn't looking good...

Kazuma: "Hey, don't you think she's disapproving of my adventurer's lifestyle right off the get-go? What's going on? U-uh, make my primary job "adventurer," please."

???: "W-Well, you can always change jobs when you level up!"

Kazuma: The weakest job huh?

Y/N walks up to Kazuma putting his hand on his shoulder trying to cheer him up

Y/N: "Ay man, keep your head up. We'll go for quests after this and you will level up in before you even know it!"

Kazuma: "You're right! Thanks, man!"

Y/N: "We're in this together! Don't worry about it right now, the whole point of an RPG is to level up.!" 

Aqua begins her turn, walking up to the crystal

???: Aside from your intelligence being below average, and your luck being the lowest possible level, all of your stats are drastically above average!"

Aqua: "For real? Does that mean I'm amazing?"

???: "A-Amazing is an understatement. The mage class requires intelligence so that's out of the question, but other than that, you can be anything you want! A crusader, swordmaster, archpriest... nearly any advanced class out there!"

Aqua: I see, It's a shame there's no "goddess" occupation, but in my case, maybe I'll be an archpriest who heals her allies."

Y/N: A goddess complex huh?

???: An archpriest! An almighty class that commands all recovery and support magic and that boasts enough strength to stand at the frontline! 

There were cheers and "woo's" making Aqua show a very happy expression. Kazuma on the other hand, not looking so good for him...

Next, it was Y/N's turn

???: Wow! This is amazing! Your intelligence is remarkably above average. Your luck is below average, but other than that, all your stats are extremely above-average beating the advanced class. This has never happened before until now!

Everyone in the Guild heard about your stats and look at you with shock

Y/N: "Huh? Hell Nah no way!"

???: "It's like God gave us a miracle! You can be an Advanced Adventurer, swordmaster, etc! Or being in the Elite Class!"

Y/N: "S-So I'm like Elite Class right?"

???: "The Elite Class is needed for strength and speed is way greater than one of the Devil King's General! Your recovery and health speed make healers look like absolute useless and is needed for no help! Also, your stats are very close to max."


Y/N regains his thoughts calmy thinking on what to say

Y/N: "Jezz thanks, so I wonder what's the best class..."

???: "We don't have that type of information, but your only the one to ever reach this class!

Y/N: "Wow! T-Thanks for the information!"

Random Adventurer 1: "Jezz kid, you might be able to defeat the Demon King!"

The Guild: "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!"

Y/N: I don't deserve this, to be honest, that was all luck...

Luna: "An Elite Class huh? You are officially the first person to reach the class. Anyways, the name's Luna. Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild, Y/N!"

Y/N gives a warm smile feeling a nice and welcomed greeting

(A/N: Uh I downloaded it from Pinterest but the person who made it is named in the bottom right!)

Y/N: "Nice to meet you, Luna, I hope to do further work with you."

Luna: "All of our staff will be looking forward to it!"

Kazuma: "When does an event like this start happening to me?"

Y/N: "Don't sweat it out Kazuma, you will level up and get more noticeable. Right now, you just have to start from level 0."

Aqua: "It's an adventurer's life for us starting today! Kazuma and Y/N!"


A/N: Ayyy, the second chapter is wrapped up! I'm feeling confident with my work and hope to continue giving out funny content for all of you. As of right now, we are almost at 100 reads! I know not that much but I didn't expect such growth so soon, so thank you! I am currently working on Chapter 3 so look out for quick content. Also, kinda did not say what I promised saying il keep the second chapter shorter than 1k words. I did almost 3k words! Well I guess the writing feel got into me. And with that, hope you enjoyed this chapter and see ya in the next one! PEACE

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