Harry's New Guardian (A Snape...

By JessicaRivera821

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What if, instead of Hagrid giving Harry his letter, Snape is the one who gives it to him? What will Snape thi... More

Chapter 1: The Dursleys
Chapter 2: Hogwarts
Chapter 3: Guardianship
Chapter 4: The Hogwarts Express and The Sorting Hat
Chapter 5: Potions, Charms and Madam Hooch
Chapter 6: The Dursleys' Punishment
Chapter 7: A troll and A Qudditch Match
Chapter 8: Christmas Break Part 1
Chapter 9: Christmas Break Part 2
Chapter 10: Christmas Day and Presents
Chapter 11: The Mirror of Erised and Nicholas Flamel

Chapter 12: Down The Trap Door

11K 209 96
By JessicaRivera821

As the weather got warmer, Harry, Ron and Hermione, studied for their final exams. Besides studying, Harry had quidditch practice for the upcoming match against Hufflepuff. Gryffindor had their quidditch match against Hufflepuff, with Snape refereeing the match. Harry understood why. Snape didn't want anything to happen to Harry in this quidditch match. Gryffindor won the match, when Harry caught the snitch. Snape had a long talk with Harry about the dragon they gave to Charlie's friends. He understood now why Harry was out after curfew with his friends. The night before their final exams, Ron and Hermione sit by the fireplace. Everyone else had gone up to bed. They were the only ones in the common room. Harry was pacing back and forth. He said, "I realized something earlier this week." Ron said, "What did you realize, Harry." Harry said, "Quirrell doesn't want the stone for himself. He wants the stone for Voldemort. With the Elixir of Life, Voldemort will be strong again. He'll.... He'll come back." Harry sits down as Ron said, "Look, if he comes back, you don't think he'll try to....kill you, do you?" Harry nods, "Yeah, he will, since he tried to kill me while I was a baby." Ron looks worried, "And to think, I've been worried about my potions final." Hermione said, "Hang on a minute, we're forgetting one thing. Whose the one wizard that Voldemort always feared?" Harry and Ron shrug at her. Hermione said, "Dumbledore! As long as Dumbledore's around, Harry, you're safe. As long as Dumbledore's around, you can't be touched." Harry and Ron smile at Hermione, hoping that she's right. They go up to their dorms and head off to bed. They were going to need the rest for their final exams the next day. They awoke the next day and washed up. They got dressed and went down to breakfast. After breakfast they went to their classes to do their final exams. After lunch, they went to the rest of their classes and did the rest of their final exams. After they finished all their exams, they go on the grounds to relax. As they walk, Harry continue to press against his scar. His scar has been hurting all afternoon, but his friends never noticed. Hermione said, "I've heard that the end of year exams were frightful, but I found them rather enjoyable." Ron said, "Speak for yourself." Ron notices Harry pressing his scar with a pained look on his face. Ron said, "Alright there Harry?" Harry said, "My scar.... it's burning." Hermione said, "It's happened before." Harry said, "Not like this." Ron said, "Perhaps you should see the nurse." Harry said, "I think its a warning. It means danger is coming." How Harry knew that, he did not know. He just knew it. He could feel it. Harry spots Hagrid, outside his hut, carving a piece of wood. Harry said, "Oh.... Of course!" Hermione said, "What is it?" Harry said as he starts to walk faster, "Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrids wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger turns up , who just happens to have one?" Being around Snape for so long taught him how to put 2 and 2 together. Harry continues, "I mean, how many people wondering around with dragon eggs in their pocket? Why didn't I see it before?" Harry breaks at a run, with Ron and Hermione running behind him, as they run to Hagrid.

They stop in front of Hagrid. Harry said, "Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg? What did he look like?" Hagrid said, "I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up." Harry said, "This stranger though, knew he must have talked." Hagrid said, "Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I told him, after Fluffy, a dragon's not going to be any problem." Harry said, "Did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Hagrid said, "Well of course he was interested in Fluffy. How often do you come across a three-headed dog? Even if you're in the trade. But I told him,I said, the trick with any beast is to know how to calm it. Take Fluffy for example, just play him a bit of music and he'll fall straight to sleep." Harry, Ron and Hermione looked horrified. They knew one thing, Quirrell knew how to get passed Fluffy. They had to talk to Dumbledore and fast! Hagrid said, "I shouldn't have told you that." Harry, Ron and Hermione turned around and started to run back up to the castle, Hagrid called out to them, "Where are you going?!" They continued to run up to the castle. They ran all the way to the Transfiguration classroom, where McGonagall was grading essays. They run up to her, which startles her. Harry said, "We have to see Professor Dumbledore immediately." McGonagall said, "I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here, Harry. He received an urgent letter from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately to London." Harry said, "He's gone?! Now?! But this is important! This is about the sorcerer's stone!" McGonagall looks surprised and said, "How did you....?" Harry cuts in, "Someone's going to try and steal it!" McGonagall said, "I don't know how you three found out about the stone, but I can assure you that it is perfectly well protected. Now would you three go up to your dormitories, quietly." They leave the classroom, looking defeated. They walk a few feet away from the classroom, before stopping. Harry said, "That was no stranger that Hagrid met. It was Quirrell. Which means he knows how to get passed Fluffy." Hermione said, "And with Dumbledore gone...." They were interrupted by Snape, who came up behind them. He said, "Good afternoon." All 3 of them turn around and look up at Snape. Harry said, "Professor, we have to tell you something. It's about the stone. We told McGonagall, but she didn't believe us. You told me if she didn't believe me, to come to you." Snape looks at the three of them, then said, "All three of you, my office, now." Snape swept away as they followed him. He leads them down to the dungeons and to his office. He opens the door and said, "Inside." All three enter his office and look around as Snape shuts the door behind him. He pulls his wand out and puts the Muffliato spell on the door, then puts his wand up his sleeve. His office had shelves upon shelves of ingredients, some looking very odd. His desk and chair was by the window. His fireplace was lit with a bowl of floo powder on the mantle. The candelabra and torches were lit as well, lighting up the room. There was neat piles of books near his desk. Snape had them sit in the chairs. He had to conjure up a third chair for Hermione.

After they sit down, Snape sits behind his desk and said, "Harry tell me what you told to Minerva." Harry said, "Quirell is going after the stone tonight, He knows how to get passed Fluffy, Professor Snape! Hagrid told him the night he got that dragon egg! Quirrell got him drunk enough to get him to tell him." Snape looks seriously at Harry, "Quirrell is not as stupid as he looks then. If he can get passed that three-headed dog, he can certainly get passed Filius', Minerva's and Sprout's protection." He added bitterly, "So, that protection he put in won't protect anything at all. He will certainly get passed my protection." Harry said, "What protection did he put in, sir?" Snape said bitterly, "The troll." Harry said, "What do we do now, professor?" Snape said, "Normally I don't allow children to go into danger, but in this case, I will need all three of your help." Harry and the other two look at each other. They're going to help Snape! They look back at Snape. Snape looks thoughtful for a few minutes, then said, "Alright, here's the plan. For once, Harry, you will need your invisibility cloak. Tonight, all 3 of you will come down to the third floor and meet me at the door at 9pm. The dog will be on the other side of the door. Use the cloak and bring that flute you received for Christmas, Harry. Do not let anyone see you and don't let anyone follow you, understood?" All three of them nods. Snape continues, "In case Quirrell has found a way to play music, we will need the flute to put the dog to sleep. I'll play the flute, while you three go down the trap door, I'll follow soon after. Understand so far?" The three nod in response. Snape continues, "The next protection is the Devil Snare, Pomona's idea. Now, the devil's snare hates sunlight, so you Miss. Granger, will cast the light, strong enough for the devil's snare to let go, in case one of us can't calm down." Hermione nods as Snape continues, "The next protection is Filius', winged keys. The key that opens the door to the next protection is an old fashion, key. It will probably look rusty. If the wing is bent, then we know Quirrell has gone through there. The moment you get the key, you drop it to me, I'll open the door and we all run through. I'll shut the door, before the keys come flying through. The next protection would be Minerva's, we will have to play wizard's chess and beat the white pieces, that's where you come in Mr. Weasley. I've seen you play wizard's chess with Harry, you will lead us in the chess game. Mind you, the chess pieces are enormous. Each one of us will have to take the place of the chess pieces. So choose wisely where you tell us to move." Ron nods as Snape continues, "After that protection, comes Quirrells', which is the troll, but if he made it to the troll, then the troll will be knocked out. If not, I can simply use the levitation charm to levitate the club and have it fall on its head. Simple as that. The next protection is my own. If it comes down to me and Harry, then I need you, Harry, to read the poem I wrote. It's all logic. You will have to choose which potion to drink to move forward. Miss. Granger, if you must go back, take Weasley with you and write a message to Dumbledore. Let him know what's happened and where we are." Hermione nods. Snape now looks at Harry and said, "I'll disillusion myself and enter with you to the final room. In the final room, is the mirror of erised. You know what that mirror does, Harry. If Quirrell is there, then Voldemort won't be far behind. If you somehow get the stone, do not give it to Quirrell. Much less to Voldemort. I know Voldemort, he will try to persuade you to give him the stone, with false promises. Do not fall for it. He will use your weaknesses, just as he used mine. Eventually, he will find a way to kill you to get the stone. If that happens.... I'll be ready to protect you." Harry looks at Snape and said, "Thanks dad. Thank you for believing me." Snape nods, "Of course I believe you. Dumbledore always told me to trust your gut instinct, Harry. As they are usually right." Harry smiles slightly. Snape said, "Does everyone understand the plan?" All three nod in response. They understood what they had to do. Snape said, "If all goes well, Quirrell will never lay a hand on that stone." Harry couldn't believe they were going to do this! Snape said, "I will see you all tonight at 9pm. Do not be late. You may go back to your dormitories to prepare." Harry, Ron and Hermione left and headed back up to the common room. They had to get ready for tonight. For tonight, they had to stop Quirrell from getting that stone!

That night Harry pockets his wand, cloak and flute just as Snape asked him to. They come downstairs to the common room. They start to sneak towards the portrait to leave the common room, when they hear a loud croak. They turn to see Neville's toad on the arm rest of an armchair. Harry mutters, "It's Trevor!" Ron said, "Trevor! Shhh! Go! You shouldn't be here!" From within the arm chair appeared Neville. Neville said, "Neither should you." Neville gets out of his chair and said, "You're sneaking out again aren't you?" Harry said, "Now Neville, listen...." Neville cuts him off as he said, "No! I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again!" Neville raises his fist, "I'll.... I'll fight you!" Hermione pulls out her wand and said, "Neville, I'm really really sorry about this." She points her wand at Neville and said, "Petrificus Totalus!" Neville's arms snaps to his side as he goes rigid and keels over, falling on his back onto the floor. Ron said, "You know you're really scary sometimes. You know that. Brilliant, but scary." Harry said, "Let's go." As Hermione puts her wand away. Harry and Hermione said, "Sorry Neville." As they passed him. Ron said apologetically, "It's for your own good, you know." All three leave the common room. Once they were out of the common room, Harry takes out the cloak and puts it around all three of them. They hurriedly move through the corridors and down the stairs until they reached the third floor. They go through the door and go to where the three-headed dog was kept. They found Snape outside the door, waiting for them. His wand in his hand. Harry whispers, "We're here, dad." Snape whispers, "Good, stay under the cloak, all three of you, until we're inside." Harry, Ron and Hermione stands there under the cloak. While Snape turns to the door and points his wand at the door. He whispers, "Alohomora!" The door becomes unlocked. Snape opens the door and whispers, "Inside, come on." All three went inside as Snape follows behind and shuts the door. Snape said, "You can take the cloak off, Harry." Harry takes off the cloak. A soft music can be heard playing. Snape looks around to find a harp playing on its own. Snape said bitterly, "He's been here already. He's put a spell on the harp." They look over to see the harp playing as the dog slept. Snape looks around and sees the trap door under the dog's front paw. Snape said, "There's the trap door." He looks at the paw and said, "We'll have to move the paw, if we're going to get through that trap door. Harry, you and your friend, move the paw. I'll keep an eye on the three heads." Harry stuff's the cloak into his pocket and said, "Ok, dad. Come on, let's move the paw." Harry, Ron and Hermione, went and moved the paw as Snape eyes the three sleeping heads. Hermione opens the trap door and all three look down into it. Snape realizes the music is ending and said, "Harry the flute! Give me the flute!" Harry pulls the flute out and tosses it to Snape, who catches it. Snape puts the flute to his lips and begins to play just as the dog was starting to wake up. Harry was impressed with Snape's skills with the flute. Snape nods towards the trap door as the dog falls asleep again. Harry nods and said, "Let's go! I'll go first, then you Hermione, then Ron and lastly, my dad. Ready?" Ron and Hermione nods as they hear Snape continuing to play the flute. Harry jumps first, then Hermione jumped and finally Ron jumped. They land on the devil's snare. They hear the music stop. Soon the sound of barking was heard. Moments later Snape lands on the Devil's Snare. Snape was looking very pale and was panting. He said, "I barely managed to get passed that dog." He pockets the flute and said, "I'll hand it back to you later, Harry." Harry nods, then feels the devil's snare begin to wrap itself around them. Snape said, "Remain calm. Panicking will only make it kill you faster. Take deeps breaths and stay calm. It will let you fall right through, once you do this. Watch the landing as you fall through." Snape and Hermione remained calm and fell through the devil's snare. Harry falls through soon after, but Ron was struggling to calm down. Snape said bitterly as he got up, "Weasley, calm yourself!" Snape realizing that Ron wasn't going to calm down anytime soon said, "Miss. Granger if you please." Hermione pulls her wand out and points it at the Devil's Snare as Harry gets up. She said, "Lumos Solem!" A light burst from Hermione's wand. It mimicked sunlight, which made the devil's snare retreat from the light. It releases Ron as it moves its vines away from the light. Ron falls through and lands on the floor on his butt. Snape looks at Ron with a raised eyebrow. He said, "You never listen, do you, Mr. Weasley?" Ron looks apologetically at Snape. He said, "I tried to stay calm, honest professor." Snape shakes his head as Ron stands up.

They walk towards a door and look up. Above their heads were thousands of keys with wings. Both Snape and Harry look across from them to see a broomstick levitating in midair. Snape looks at Harry and said, "You know what to do, Harry. Look at this as a quidditch game, the old fashioned key is the golden snitch." Harry nods and walks over to the broomstick. Snape goes and stands at the door at the ready. As do Ron and Hermione. Harry grabs the broomsticks. At once the keys start to fly at him, dive bombing him. This isn't going to be as easy as it looks. Harry mounts the broomstick and flies into the air, swiping at the keys. He flies around, looking for the key that Snape mentioned. Suddenly he spots the old fashioned key. One side of its wings was bent. Quirrell had used the key. Harry flies after the key determine to get it. The other keys keep dive bombing him as he flew after the old fashioned key. Harry manages to get the key and flies towards Snape. Snape holds his hands out as Harry drops the key into Snape's hand. Snape grabs hold of it before it flew away. Snape quickly sticks the key into the lock and unlocks it. They run into the next room with Harry flying in soon after. Snape slams the door shut before the keys came flying through. Snape leans against the door, panting. He mutters, "I'm getting too old for this." He and the other two walks further into the room as Harry lands his broomstick and follows them. Harry said, "Quirrell's used the key already, dad."Snape nods as the room lights up to reveal a huge chess board with chess pieces. They at once knew that Quirrell had been through here. There were broken chess pieces along the side of the chess board. Snape said, "Mr. Weasley, you know what to do. Where shall we stand?" Ron walks onto the chess board and looks at the black pieces, looking thoughtful, then said, "Ok, Harry, you take the bishop's square, Hermione you take the Rook's square." The bishop and Rook bows and steps off their squares as Hermione and Harry took their places. Ron looks at Snape, "Professor Snape, you take the knight's square. I'll be the other knight." Both knights bow and leaves their horses for them to get on. Snape and Ron jump onto the horse. Hermione said, "What happens now?" Ron said, "Well, white moves first.... And then, we play." Just as he said this, a white pawn moves forward to squares. The game of wizard's chess has begun. Ron continued to ordered the pieces around, as the game continued. Making sure that neither, Harry, Hermione or Snape got hurt. The game lasted awhile, until Harry realizes what was about to happen. The Queen had turned and was now facing the front. In order for Harry to win, Ron had to move and let the Queen take him out. Even Snape's eyes goes wide as he realizes it as well. Harry said, "Wait a minute...." Ron said, "You understand why, Harry. Once I make my move, the Queen will take me. Then you're free to checkmate the King." Harry said, "No.... Ron no!" Hermione said, "What is it?" Harry said, " He's going to sacrifice himself." Hermione said, "No you can't! There must be another way!" Snape was looking at Ron with wide eyes. The boy was going to sacrifice himself so that Harry could finish the game! That boy was showing his true Gryffindor colors now. He definitely belonged in Gryffindor. Ron, said, "Do you want to stop Quirrell from getting that stone or not?!" Ron had a point there. If this is what has to happen in order for them to continue on, then so be it. Ron said, "Harry, it's you and Snape that has to go on. Not me, not Hermione, you two!" Harry finally nods, looking sadly at Ron. Ron looks at the Queen and said, "Knight to H 3." The horse he was sitting on moves to said square and stops near the King. He said, "Check." The queen turns around to face Ron and moves towards him. Ron starts to pant in fright as the Queen stops in front of him. The Queen suddenly lifts her sword and swipes at the horse, breaking the horse into pieces. Ron gets knocked off of the horse and screams as he falls to the floor, his head hitting the chess board, knocking him out. Harry shouts, "Ron!" Snape looks on in shock, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly opened. Hermione goes to move towards Ron, but stops as Harry said, "No! Don't move! Don't forget. We're still playing." Harry moves and stands before the King and said, "Check mate!" The king drops his sword, ending the game. Harry stares at the king for a few minutes, then runs to Ron. Snape and Hermione runs to Ron as well. All 3 went to their knees. Snape checks his pulse. He said, "He's alive. He's just knocked out, when his head hit the chess board." Harry and Hermione relaxes. Harry said, "Take care of Ron. Then go to the Owlery and send a message to Dumbledore. Ron's right, Dad and I have to go on." Snape was impressed with Harry taking the lead like that. Hermione said, "You'll be ok, Harry. You're a great wizard. You really are." Harry said, smiling slightly, "Not as good as you." Hermione said, "Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things, like friendship and bravery. Harry, just be careful." Harry nods in response. Snape couldn't help but smirk. He had a feeling that these three Gryffindors will remain friends for years to come. Whatever may come their way, they will be there for each other and will have each other's back. They won't be alone. He'll be there as well. Harry stands up. Snape squeezes Hermione shoulder, reassuring her. Hermione nods as Snape stands up as well. Snape and Harry move towards the door. Snape opens it. They both look back at Hermione and Ron one last time before moving on to the next room.

At once, an awful smell hit their noses. Both Snape and Harry scrunch up their faces as they both said, "Ewwww!" As they move further into the room, the door closes. They see a troll knocked out on the floor, a large lump on his head. Snape said, "If he's gotten passed my protection, then he will be at the mirror of erised. Which happens to be Dumbledore's protection." They walk passed the troll and go to the next room, which was as Snape's said, his protection. At once a purple fire sprang up blocking the way back. At the same time a black fire sprang up blocking their way forward. There on the table were 7 vials. Each were a different size. On the table as well was a piece of parchment. Harry said, "I never saw flames in these colors before, wicked!" Snape smirks in response. He said with a smirk, as he crosses his arms, "Read the parchment, Harry. Let's see if you can figure it out." Harry walks up to the table and picks up the parchment. It read:

Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,

Two of us will help you, whichever you would find,

One among us seven will let you move ahead,

Another will transport the drinker back instead,

Two among our number hold only nettle wine,

Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line.

Choose, unless you wish to stay here forevermore,

To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:

First, however slyly the poison tries to hide

You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;

Second, different are those who stand at either end,

But if you would move onward, neither is your friend;

Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,

Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;

Fourth, the second left and the second on the right

Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight.

Harry rereads the riddle and starts to walk around the table. He hopes he gets this right. Snape watches as Harry reads the riddle again and points to a certain bottle each time. After a few minutes, Harry stops and points to two bottles. One was round, while the other was small. Both had enough to take it in one swallow. Harry said as he points to the round one, "This one takes you back, but this one." He points to the small bottle and picks it up, "Will take you forward, dad. There's only enough for one of us to take though." Snape smirks and pulls out a vial from his pocket. He said, "I knew this would happen, so I came prepared." Harry smiles, "Nice, dad." Snape smirks, then said, "Let's go, Harry." Snape and Harry walk towards the black flames and stop before it. Both Snape and Harry drank the potion. Harry from the bottle and Snape from the vial. They toss it aside and take out their wands. Snape said, "It's time to confront Quirrell." Harry nods as Snape goes through the black flames, Harry follows shortly after. They walk down some stairs and stop just before entering, to find a large room. Snape disillusions himself and follows Harry into the room. Snape stays close to the walls as Harry walks into the room. There standing in front of the mirror, was Quirrell. Harry, said, "You! I knew it was you! You tried to get me to think it was Snape didn't you?" Quirrell turns to face Harry, but did not see Snape. Quirrell smirks and said, "Yes well, he did seem the type didn't he. Next to him, who would suspect poor stuttering Professor Quirell?" Quirrell wasn't even stuttering anymore as he eyes Harry. Quirrell said, "To bad it didn't fool you. It didn't fool Snape either." Harry said, "So, I was right, you were the one trying to kill me then." Quirrell said, "Yes, Snape, if my cloak hadn't caught fire and broken my eye contact, I would have succeeded. Even with Severus muttering his little counter curse." Harry was glaring at him now. Quirrell said, "I knew you were a danger to me, right from the off. Especially after Halloween." Harry said, "Then you let the troll in." Snape was glaring daggers at Quirrell. He knew it! He knew Quirrell had set the troll lose as a diversion! Quirrell said, "Very good, Snape, Yes. Severus unfortunately, wasn't fooled. While everyone else was running about the dungeons, he went to the third floor to head me off. He, of course, never trusted me again. He barely left me alone. Of course, he doesn't understand. I'm never alone....never...."

Harry's scar begins to burn, which makes Harry press his hand against his scar in pain. Snape's eyes go from Harry to Quirrell. Quirrell turns back to the mirror and said, "Now, what does this mirror do?" He suddenly sees what he wants and said, "I see what I desire. I see myself holding the stone, but how do I get it!" Both Snape and Harry hear a high cold voice said, "Use the boy." Snape's eyes widen even more, it can't be.... He can't be here.... Quirrell faces Harry and shouts, "Come here, Snape, now!" Harry walks up to the mirror, looking scared. Quirrell said, "Tell me, what do you see?" Harry looks into the mirror and sees his reflection. Suddenly his reflection smiles and puts his hand into his pocket. His reflection pulls out the stone and winks at Harry. Then his reflection puts it back in his pocket. As his reflection does so, Harry feels something drop into his pocket. Harry slowly feels the outside of his pocket. Amazingly, he somehow got the stone! He looks slightly shocked, which Quirrell catches. Quirrell said, "What is it? What did you see?" Harry thinks up a lie on the spot as he said, "I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the house cup." The high cold voice said, "He lies." Quirrell shouts, "Tell the truth! What do you see?!" The high cold voice said, "Let me speak to him." Quirrell said, "Master you are not strong enough." The high cold voice said, "I have strength enough for this." As Quirrell begins to unravel his turban, Harry starts to back away from Quirrell, hoping to escape. Quirrell finishes unraveling his turban and reveals that he had a face coming out of the back of his head! The face had red eyes and 2 slits for a nose.That face was none other than Lord Voldemort! Both Snape and Harry were rooted on the spot, staring wide-eyed at Voldemort. Voldemort smirks and said, "Harry Snape, we meet again." Harry said, "Voldemort!" Voldemort said, "Yesssss, you see what I've become! See what I must do, to survive. Live off another. A mere parasite! Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it cannot give me a body of my own! But there is something that can." Voldemort's smirk widens, "Something that conveniently lies in your pocket!" Harry makes a run for it. Voldemort shouts, "Stop him!" Quirrell snaps his fingers and flames sprout out all around them. Luckily, Snape manages to stand behind the mirror, still disillusioned, before the flames sprouted. Snape watches as he peers slightly around the mirror to watch. Harry stops and moves away from the flames a little, before looking back at Voldemort and Quirrell. Voldemort smirks, "Don't be a fool, why suffer a horrific death, when you can join me and live." Harry shouts, "Never!" Voldemort chuckles coldly, then smirks, "Bravery, your parents had it too. Tell me, Harry, would you like to see your mother and father again?" Harry stares at Voldemort. Just as Snape had said, Voldemort was using his weakness to persuade him. Voldemort continues, "Together, we can bring them back. All I ask, is for something in return." Harry pulls the stone out of his pocket. Snape though to himself, 'Don't do it, Harry.' Voldemort said, "That's it Harry. There is no good and evil. Only power and those too weak to seek it. Together, we'll do extraordinary things. Just give me the stone!" Harry shouts, "YOU LIAR!" Voldemort shouts, "KILL HIM!" Quirrell goes flying through the air at Harry and slams him to the floor, knocking the stone out of his hand. He grabs his throat and starts to strangle him. Snape realizes that he wasn't the only one that knew how to fly without a broomstick.

Harry struggles and manages to put his hand on Quirrell's hand, to try and pry his fingers from his throat. Snape was about to attack Quirrell, his wand pointed directly at Quirrell's back, when he saw Quirrell's hand immediately starting to blister. He watches as the hand darken. Quirrell let's go and screams. His hand becomes ashes as it falls apart. Quirell shouts, "What is this magic?!" Snape still disillusioned, comes out from around the mirror and watches, wand out, just in case. Snape realizes that Quirrell couldn't bare to touch Harry. Snape smirks, that was going to be his downfall. Harry realizes the same thing that Snape did. Voldemort shouts, "FOOL! GET THE STONE!" Quirrell dives for the stone, only for Harry to grab his face. Just like the hand, his face begins to blister as Harry let's go and Quirrell screams in pain. Voldemort also screams in pain as he feels what Quirrell is feeling, since he was sharing his body. Quirrell moves away from Harry as his face becomes ashes. Quirrell attempts to get to Harry again, only for the rest of him to tun to a pile of ashes on the ground, His clothes laying near the ashes. Harry picks up the stone and smiles. Just as Snape was about to remove the disillusionment charm, he sees what was left of Voldemort. Before he could say anything, Voldemort goes through Harry, making him pass out on the ground. What's left of Voldemort goes flying away and out of the castle. Snape shouts, "HARRY!" As he runs to Harry and checks his pulse. The boy was alive. He sees the top of Harry's hand. His hand was bleeding. Snape relaxes, but only for a moment. He had to get Harry to the hospital wing. He takes the stone and pockets it. He pockets Harry's wand and looks at Harry. He carefully picks Harry up, takes him out of the room and back up to the castle. He takes him straight to the hospital wing and lays him on the bed. He has Madam Pomfrey tend to him, while he went to Dumbledore and gives him the stone. He then berates Dumbledore for giving Harry that cloak, as well as for his meddling. Then goes back to the hospital wing, sits by Harry's bed and waits for Harry to wake up. Harry finally wakes up and sits up. He puts his glasses on and looks around. He found Snape asleep in a chair next to him. Not the most comfy of places to sleep. He also saw cards and gifts on the table and table tray. Harry said, "Dad?" Snape awoke with a start and looks at Harry. A surprised and relieved look came over his face. Snape said, "You're awake!" Harry said, "How long have I been out?" Snape said as he stretches and rubs his neck, "Three days, Harry." Harry looks surprised. Harry sees that his hand is bandaged up. Snape nods towards the cards and gifts. He said, "Tokens from your admirers. Fred and George thought it would be funny to send you a toilet seat. I had Madam Pomfrey confiscate it. Obviously, what happened down there was between you, Quirrell and myself. So naturally, the whole school knows." Harry chuckles. Snape said, "How are you feeling?" Harry said, "Other than my hand feeling a bit sore, I'm feeling fine." Snape stands up and hugs Harry. He said, "I'm glad your alright, Harry. I was worried about you." Harry smiles at his dad and hugs him back. Snape lets go and sits down. Dumbledore enters the ward and walks over to Harry. Dumbledore said, "Ah, you're awake. I'm glad that you're alright, Harry." Harry smiles and said, "I'm glad, too, professor. Are Hermione and Ron ok?" Dumbledore smiles, "They are both fine, Harry." Harry said, "What about the stone, sir?" Dumbledore said, "Relax dear boy, the stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I had a little chat and agreed that it was all for the best." Harry said, "But with the stone gone, he will die, won't he?" Dumbledore nods, "He has enough elixir to set his affairs in order, but yes, he will die." Harry said, "How was it that I got the stone, sir?" Dumbledore smiles, "Ah, you see, only the person who wanted to find the stone, find it but not use it, will be able to get it. It was one of my more brilliant ideas." Harry said, "So, does that mean, with the stone gone, that Voldemort can never come back?" Dumbledore looks grimly at Harry and said, "Ah, I'm afraid there are ways in which he can return." Dumbledore continues, "Do you know why Quirrell couldn't bare to have you touch him?" Harry shakes his head. Dumbledore said, "It was because of your mother. She sacrificed herself for you and that kind of act leaves a mark." Harry touches his scar as if to think that the scar was that mark. Dumbledore said, "No no no, this kind of mark can not be seen. It lives in your very skin." Harry said, "What is it?" Dumbledore smiles, "Love, Harry. Love." Harry smiles as Dumbledore spots a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Snape, who was watching and listening to Dumbledore and Harry talk, sat there thoughtful. He thought of Lily for a moment. So it was Lily's love, the willingness to sacrifice herself for her only son, the Sacrifical Charm, that prevented Quirrell form touching him. Which meant that Voldemort, if he ever returned, can not touch the boy either. He was taken out if his musings when Dumbledore said, "Ah, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. I was most unfortunate in my youth, to come across a vomit flavor one. It is there, I'm afraid, that I lost my liking for them." Dumbledore sticks a tentative hand into the box as he said, "Perhaps I would be safe with a nice toffee." Dumbledore takes a jelly bean out and pops it into his mouth. He chews on it and swallows it. He said, "Alas, earwax." Harry grins as Dumbledore smiles and leaves the ward. Snape shakes his head chuckling. He said to Harry, "At least I still enjoy them, despite some of them having unpleasant flavors." Harry chuckles, "Me too, dad." Snape takes an orange and white jelly bean and pops it into his mouth and said, "Mmm, pumpkin pie." Harry laughs as he pops one into his mouth. He said, "I got chocolate." Snape chuckles as they ate.

Madam Pomfrey finally released him on the evening of the End of Term Feast. He heads to the Great Hall, to find Hermione and Ron heading there as well. Harry smiles, "Alright there, Ron?" Ron said, "Alright, and you?" Harry said, "Alright." Harry said to Hermione, "Hermione?" Hermione smiles, "Never better." They enter the great hall. Despite them three not losing a lot of points, the Weasley twins did. Which ended up putting Gryffindor in 3 place. Slytherin managed to scrape enough points to get to first place. So the Slytherin banners were hung in the Great Hall. The feast began and they started to eat. Once they finished eating, McGonagall taps her goblet. The hall went quiet as Dumbledore stands up. He said, "Another year has gone. Now as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding and the points stand thus." Dumbledore continues, "In 4th place, Hufflepuff, with 332 points. In 3rd place Gryffindor with 350 points. In 2nd place, Ravenclaw, with 426 points. Finally, in 1st place with 472 points, Slytherin house." Everyone claps as their total house points were said. Slytherin house being the loudest. Malfoy smirks at the trio from across the hall. Dumbledore said, "Yes, yes. Well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have last minute points to award." Snape looks at Dumbledore and shakes his head. He had a feeling this would happen. Though in this case, those 3 deserved the points that Dumbledore was going to give to them. Dumbledore said, "First, to Miss. Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect, when others were in great peril.... 50 points." The students clap and cheer for her. Gryffindor being the loudest as Dumbledore continues, "Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts have seen for many years.... 50 points." Ron grins as the students clap and cheer for him. As Dumbledore was awarding points, the rubies in the hourglass was pouring downwards. The Slytherins were looking worried now. Gryffindor were close to winning the house cup. Dumbledore said, "And third, to Mr. Harry Snape, for pure love and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 60 points." The Gryffindors were cheering so loud now along with the other 2 houses. Slytherin sat there looking dumbfounded. Gryffindor had won the house cup! But Dumbledore wasn't finished. Although no one noticed, Snape was looking proudly at Harry. His dark eyes glittering. Dumbledore said, "And finally, it takes a great deal to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom." Everyone cheered and clapped for him. Gryffindor was now the loudest as they cheered and clapped. McGonagall was grinning now. The rubies stopped falling. Showing that it had filled up nearly the entire bottom half of the hourglass, and that it was slightly higher than the Emeralds for Slytherin. Dumbledore said, "Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of decoration is in order." Dumbledore claps his hand once and spreads his arm apart. The banners changed from green and silver to red and gold. The snake changing into a lion. Dumbledore smiles, "Gryffindor wins the house cup." The Great Hall erupted in the loudest ovation yet, as they cheered and clapped for Gryffindor house. They have been waiting for one of the houses to beat Slytherin house for ages! And one house did! Gryffindor! Soon enough, the feast ended and everyone went up to their dormitories to pack their trunks. Since they were going home the next day, after breakfast.

Harry stands at the station as he hugs Ron and Hermione. Harry said, "Have a safe trip home. Promise me you'll write." Hermione grins, "I will, Harry." Ron said, "You know I will, Harry." Harry grins as he hugs them one more time. They get on the train and get into a compartment. Once all the trunks and cages were loaded. The train blew a whistle, warning them that it will be leaving in just a few minutes. The conductor said, "All aboard!" The train starts to move, then begins to pick up speed as he leaves Hogsmeade station, heading south to London. Ron and Hermione waves out the window at Harry. Harry waves back at them until they were gone. Snape was standing by Hagrid, watching Harry. Harry turns around and walks back to Snape. Snape hugs him and said, "You'll see them again when term starts, Harry." Harry said, "I know, dad. It's just weird that I'm not going back to the Dursleys. I never thought this would ever happen to me." Snape smiles slightly, "Well it has, Harry." Hagrid walks up to Harry and said, "I know you have pictures of your parents and of Snape when they were kids here. But, I thought you would like an album full of pictures of your parents when they became adults and had you." Hagrid pulls out of his pocket a maroon photo album and hands it to Harry. Harry opens it and looks at the photos. Harry grins and hugs Hagrid, "Thank you, Hagrid." Hagrid hugs Harry back and smiles, "You're welcome, Harry." Harry lets go and goes back to Snape. All 3 of them head back up to the castle. After walking past the gates, Hagrid goes to his hut. Snape said, "Harry, would you like to come and stay at my house for the summer?" Harry looks surprised, "I thought you lived here all summer." Snape shakes his head, smiling slightly in spite of himself. He said, "No, I have a home just like your friends do, Harry." Harry said, "Where do you live, dad?" Snape said, "Well, I live in a town called Cokeworth. It's not the most nicest of neighborhood, and my house isn't the nicest of houses, but it's home. It's my childhood home. You'll have my old bedroom. I'll sleep in my mother's bedroom. My potion's lab is in the basement, so we'll be able to brew potions down there. It's a muggle house, but I have it warded. You see, the homes there were made for factory workers who had families to take care of. My father was a factory worker. The factory was nearby, so he could walk to work. After working there for almost 20 years, they let him go. He wasn't the only one who was let go, though. That's when he started to drink. He started to become abusive soon after. After he passed away, I threw his things into a large garbage container and lit his things on fire. I donated all of mothers things to charity. I kept a few things though." Harry smiles sadly at him. Snape said, "Perhaps it's best that you see my home first, then you can decide whether you would like to live there with me, after that." Harry smiles, "I already made my decision dad. I want to live there with you. I don't care what the house looks like. Anything is better than the Dursleys." Snape smiles, slightly, "Very well, Harry." Snape looks at his son's bandaged hand, "I will be checking on that hand of yours, to make sure it heals properly. I have what we need in the potions lab, so I'll tend to your hand, while we're there." Harry looks at his hand, then back up at Snape, "Ok dad." Snape smiles slightly and rubs Harry's hair affectionately. Harry grins as he ducks, "Daaaaad!" Snape chuckles in spite of himself. They head into the castle and pack their things. Snape shrunk both his trunk and Harry's. As well as both cages. The owls have gone ahead to meet them at the house. Snape pockets the two trunks and cages and leads Harry back outside. Snape looks at Harry, then looks forward as he becomes thoughtful. Harry has grown quite a bit since he started the boy on the Nutrient Potion towards the beginning of the school year. Harry didn't look so small now. He looks almost like a normal 11 year old boy. He still couldn't believe what the boy went through this year. It still amazes him now, how the boy survived his encounter with Quirrell. Even though he saw it with his own eyes. Harry had changed both their lives forever. He got to know the boy and the boy got to know him. He no longer hated Harry, in fact, he grown to love Harry and saw him as his son now. Truth be told, he started seeing Harry as his son on the day of the adoption. Who knew that he, Severus Snape, would grow to love, Harry Potter now Snape, as his son. He wonders what the following year will bring to the both of them. He also wonders what this summer will bring for both himself and Harry. They walk past the gates. As the gates closes, Harry holds on to Snape as they disapparates to Snape's home. Harry was looking forward to seeing what it would be like living at Snape's house for the summer. He was also looking forward to seeing what the following year would bring. What they both knew, was that they were a family now. Forever and always. 

That is the end of my first book. :) <3 But don't fret. The story continues in the fanfic sequel  called: Harry's Unknown Power. The first chapter of the sequel will be posted soon after I move to my new place and have the internet up and running. :) <3 The sequel, as you all know, will be based around Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. With just a few changes here and there. So keep your eyes open for the next installment of this amazing fanfic! ^_^ <3 I really hope my readers enjoyed this fanfic! ^_^ <3 Until then, enjoy the other fanfics that I've written! :) <3 

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