Do I Trust You?

By _kourounouuu

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You are just a normal girl working as a Waitress with your BFF Sarah, and one day you meet someone named Jayd... More

Stranger Danger πŸ”΄
Just Met You πŸ˜“
Stop ignoring me
Do you like me
Secret of Lena's revealed!
I'm gonna make you MINE!
The Phone call ft. (Jay)
The Unexpected Fight!!!
Just a little argument
This is my answer...
I like you too! πŸ’– pt.1
I like you tooπŸ’– pt.2
Is this the first sign of love!?❀
Ur so precious... πŸ’–
She said WhAt?!?

Step 1 of making you mine(gone wrong)

102 2 0
By _kourounouuu

(Next day)
(At Jay&Gil's house)
Gil: (just woke up) Arghhhh... Its already 8:30 pm... I should get up! I'm starving!
Gil: Is Jay still asleep? 😒Let me go check!
(Gil enters Jay's room)
Jay's POV
Gil: Jay bro wake up...
Gil: Jay u serious!  GET UP!!!
(U jump of the bed and fall down)
Jay: WTF Gil! 😡😤
Gil: Get up u dumba**!!! 😂 let's go and eat!
(At the kitchen)
(Gil checks the fridge and it's empty)
Gil: Ohhh god!  We have to go grocery shopping again! 😑🙄 we have nothing for breakfast!
Jay:...Oh well imma go back to sleep... 😑
Gil: NOPE were not gonna die from hunger cause I don't wanna people to start saying Gil the strongest and smartest guy died from hunger that would be so humiliating! 🙄 Were gonna go to Starbucks at least get a coffee and a cupcake!
Jay:Fine! 🙄 imma go change!
(After 10 mins)
Gil: Let's go bro I'm starving! 😑
Jay:Coming! 🙄
(U both left to Starbucks got coffee and cupcakes and sat at a table)
(U and Sarah went to Starbucks to get a coffee and have a girls day so u were sitting at a table near Jay's table but u had ur back turned and he didn't see u but Sarah saw Gil and called them over)
Sarah: Gil Jay! 🤗
Gil: Sarah! Lena! 🤗 Let's go there bro
Jay: Jackpot! Lena is here too! 😀 now I'm happy that we came here!
(Jay and Gil came and sat at ur table Gil beside Sarah and Jay beside U)
Ur thoughts* Ohh god its gonna be so awkward! 😒😖
Gil: Hello Girls!
Jay: Hi Sarah! and good to see u again Lena! 😉
Sarah :Hi! Didn't expect you'd be here! 😀
U: Hello... 😑(scrolls through Instagram)
(Gil and Sarah were talking while Jay was staring at u and he was checking u)
Ur thoughts * WTH is he checking me? Imma just pretend I don't see him 😓)
Jay: So how r u today?
Jay: Hello?! 😐
(Jay's thoughts : So u wanna play this game! 😏 ignoring me is not the best option!)
Jay whispers*Do u want me to tell Sarah that this whole time while u were living with her u tried to end ur life by cutting ur wrist! 😓😏
Ur thoughts* What an @**hole! 😡😤)
U: umm.. what were u saying?😓
Jay: I knew this will work!  U know u can't ignore Jayden Croes right?
U: Arghh... Show off! 😒
Jay: I'm gonna say it to her!
Sarah: Say what?
(Jay&U were speechless)
U: Nothing!  Right Jay! 😓😡
Jay: Ohhh yeah right! 😓
Sarah:U guys r weird! 😕
(Back to u and and Jay)
U: U almost got us caught! 😡
Jay: U mean u almost got caught! 😂
U: Look Jay don't do anything stupid! This might hurt her a lot! She loves me a lot and she is my only family! She's my sis, bff, roommate, everything! And if she gets hurt imma kill you! 😡😒😤
Jay: Chill! Imma not say anything if u listen to me! 😉
U: WTF! r u blackmailing me now!? 😒
Jay: Maybe!? Now that u said it, why not? 😂😉
U: Ohh god what have I got myself into! 😒😑
Jay: Be ready tonight at 8:00 imma pick u up...
U: WTH?!  Why? 😡😓
Jay:Were going out to a club! 🙂
U: As a date? 😳
Jay: Well we don't have that type of relationship but if u want to consider it like that... 😉😏
U: Yes! I mean no! 😓
Jay: 😂😂 so u coming? Or should I... 🙄
U: I'm coming! 😒
Jay: Good girl! 😀
U: Sarah I'm done with my food now let's leave! 😒
Sarah: But... Ok fine! 😐 Bye boys! 🙂
Gil&Jay: Bye bye girls!
Jay: See ya later alligator! 😂😏
(U and Sarah were walking home, Sarah was talking to u but u weren't listening u were thinking about Jay)
Ur thoughts* WTF! Jay is blackmailing me now! 😒 I don't even know how he knew that I was cutting my wrist from way way before! Well who am I lying too.. 😐 He can tell by the cuts! 😓 But I really don't want Sarah to know she might do something really stupid and hurt herself because of me! Why do I keep trying to ruin people's lives and why am I still alive before all of those cuts! I'm pretty sure I've had to been dead long time ago cause with those kind of deep cuts its hard to survive especially when u do it lots of times... But always when I try to end my life someone saves me like god wants me to stay alive... 😓😕 But I don't want to hurt people! 😟 especially Sarah&Gil&Jay they mean so much to me, even though I just met Gil&Jay I don't know much about them but I think I already know enough about them and it tells me that they come from a very good family! They have the best sons anyone could wish for... And I'm gonna be the one to ruin one of their lives... 😟
Sarah: Earth to Lena! 😒🙁
U: Ohhh umm... Sorry what were u saying? 😓
Sarah: Forget it! Damn! These past few days I feel like my Bff has changed... U don't even talk to me that much or hangout! 😒
U: Sorry! I didn't mean to make u feel that way, imma make sure we hangout more ok? 🙂
Sarah: Ok!  (Hugs u)
Ur thoughts * I just love my bff so much she means a lot to me! 🙂
(U both went home and u went to ur room, u slept for a little and woke up after and got a text from Jay)
Jay: Hey beautiful! 🙂
U: What do u want now? 😒 *sighs*
Jay: Nothing just wanna remind u to be ready at 8:00 tonight! 🙂
U: Ohh yeah imma be ready don't worry! 😐
Jay: Ok see ya then! 😉
U: I totally forgot about that, thank god he reminded me or he would have revealed my secret to Sarah, if I didn't show up... (Puts palm on forehead) imma go take a shower!
(After the shower)
U: Ok now what should I wear? 🤔 ok since its a club imma wear a black glittery skirt with a tank top that says"Baby im yours" and imma make a messy bun... (After all of that)  Done! But I still have couple of time, should I get my make up done by Sarah or Nah? 🤔 even though I'm not a make up person, but since I'm waiting it wouldn't hurt right? 😕 imma go and ask her!
(U went in Sarah's room)
U: Sarah would you mind to do my makeup plz? 😓
Sarah:.... U serious? 😕
U: Yeahhh... I'm serious! 😓
Sarah: U want to do make up!  Better not lose this opportunity and do it for you! 😀
U: 😂😂 Ohhh Sarah!
Sarah: What this does not happen often... 😐 by the way where ya going?  Dressed all pretty and all doing makeup, who ya meeting Missy?! 😏
U: Arghhh... Stop with that face! 😒😡 I'm not meeting anyone just and old friend...😓
Sarah: Is it a boy? 😕
U: Yeah... 😓
Sarah:Ok cool then u need more makeup to impress him! 😉
U: Ohhh Sarah! 😒 its no date or anything!
Sarah: Yeah yeah whatever! 😒 but u still gonna get 💄makeup! 😀
U: Ohh god, what did I get myself into?!? 😣
(After Sarah put makeup on u, Jay called u and told he was waiting outside, so u went)
U:Bye Sarah! 😗
Sarah: Bye gurl! 😉 and have fun on ya date!
U: Hate you!
Sarah: Love U too! ❤️
(U went outside and saw Jay with new car outside and he came towards u)
Jay: Hello! Beautiful! 😍
U: Arghh... What ya want? 😒
Jay: Don't try to act sassy towards me Ms. Sass! 🙄 cause I know that 1 part of ur body wants to be flirted and kissed by someone 🙂 baby 😉
U: U did just not call me that! 😡
Jay: Baby get in the car! 🙂
U: WTF Jay! I know u want to blackmail me and see me suffer now cause u probably hate me for avoiding u! 😡 but stop! Don't call me baby! 😒 u have no right too!  Were not dating or something...
Jay: So why did u add so much make up and dressed like Kylie Jenner to look cute for who? For the trees?
U: U said so! 😤😧
Jay: I just said u to come with me... To go out somewhere and I didn't say to dress like that even though I like u in that tank top that say's "Baby im yours" 🙂😉it makes u look hot as hell! 😏
U:..... 😓 but I can't go out somewhere looking like trash! 😒 (ur mind* Good job Lena great comeback! 🙃)
Jay: Its so hard to win against u, I'm just gonna pass... 😒 now let's go!
U: Gott'em! 😜😂
(U both went in the car and Jay started driving) 
Jay: So...
U: What? 😒
Jay: Can u ever try to smile instead of being grumpy? 🙄
U: I'm not grumpy!!!(Smiles) 😊☺ See! I can smile!
Jay:...... (heartbeats 💞)
U: (still smiling)  🙂😊
Jay: (bites bottom lip) $top!
U:??? Stop what? 😕🙂
Jay: Smiling like that! 😓
U: Why! Am I that ugly!?  😓😡
Jay: Just... When u smile it makes my heart beat... 😓and makes me wanna do stuff...
(Jay stops the car)
U: Why'd u stop? 😓
(Jay comes close to u attempting to kiss u slowly 😘)
Ur thoughts* Gosh he's coming closer and closer! 😓 no this is not right! (Pushes Jay)
U: Jay! Plz stop! 😓 I came only cause I believed in u and knew u wouldn't touch me or nothing so plz keep ur distance from me or I'm going to leave... 😓😶
Jay:... Um... 😯😓i'm sorry...
(Starts the car)
(U both didn't talk for a while)
Jay's thoughts * WTF Jay! Now u made things between us awkward and made her more distant then she was before! Even though I try to get her closer to me, I'm making her run away from me! But I can't keep resisting her forever! 😓😒
Jay:Lena...? 😐
U: Yes... 😶
Jay: That day when I bandaged u and placed u on my laps, when Gil&Sarah came... Why did u call me Ben? 😓
U: Ben!? 😯 Umm... He's no one... (Fake smile)  😊
Jay: I know ur lying Lena! Tell me! 😒
U: I don't know Jay! 😓
Jay: Stop lying Lena! 😡
U: i'm not! 😧
Jay: STOP LYING!!! (Jay pressed the gas on the car and suddenly stopped the car that made u both fall in front and almost hit ur heads...)
U: JAY!! 😧
Jay: TELL ME NOW!!! 😤
U:..... plz Jay stop ur scaring me... 😭 (cries)
Jay:I'm sorry... I just... Can't control my temper sometimes... 😓(hugs u)
U: (pushes jay) read my lips! *keep ur distance! *😡 let's go now!
Jay:... Sorry... Let's go... 😓
(U both went in the club)
Jay: Here we are at the Lucky's Club!🙂
U: Oh god! Many people right? 😯
Jay: Yeah... And there r to much boys... 😓
U: That's even better! ☺ they will help me forget all my problems! 😜
Jay: Don't even think about it! 😡
U:What!? U bought me here to have fun! 😒
Jay: But not to much fun! Come let's go to the bar! ☺
(U both went to the bar)
Bartender:Hello! Madam u look amazing today! 😉
U: Awww... Thank u! 😊 *blushes*
Jay: What the?! 😡 Yo wanna get fired!? Do ur job and STFU! 😒 And u!  Why u blushing!
U: What? 😒 he's cute... At least he knows how to make someone smile not like someone else 😒😐
Jay: I wonder then who made u blush twice these few days? 😏
U:Ummm... But still I didn't smile!
Jay: I give up, I can never win 😐
Bartender: Here is ur drink Sir&Madam... 😏
U:Thx 😓 (fake smile) 🙂
Jay: 😒
Bartender: By the way... I'm John 🙂, what's urs madam?
U: Ummmm... My name is--
Jay:Her name is not available, let's go Lena 😡
(Jay pulls ur hand and takes u to the tables)
Bartender: She looks damn hot in those clothes! 😍😏
U: WTF Jay that was rude!😒
Jay:Don't u get it, he's flirting with you! 😤
U: He was not he was just being kind unlike u! 😡 and even if he did why do care!?  Were not in a relationship or something! 😓
Jay: I know were not, but I don't want anyone flirting with you and that's it! 😡😓
U: But... 😡😓
Jay: ok let's go to the dance floor! 😐
U: Let me get 1 more drink... And i'll be right back 😐
Jay: But... Wait! (U left)  S***😒
(At the bar)
U:Hello again! 🙂
Bartender: Ohhh... Hello Miss! 😉
Ur thoughts* Did he just wink at me? 😯 Oh God I need to go quickly to Jay after I get the drinks
U: Umm... 2 vodkas plz!😓
Bartender: Sure! 😏
U:(waiting) 😶
Bartender: Here u go! 😏
(The Bartender hands u over the drink, and doesn't let ur hand go)
U:Umm... Plz leave my hand! 😓
Bartender: I know u don't want me too 😏
U: Plz Stop! 😟
Bartender: Let's go drink the 2 vodkas together! 😉
U:  No thank u, I have to go now... 😓
(U try to get his hand of u but he doesn't let go)
Bartender : Not to fast! 😏
(Suddenly someone punches the Bartender and u turn around to see Jay)
Jay: U Frick!  Don't dare touch her again!!!
(Keeps punching the Bartender)
U: Jay! 😢 Stop plz!
Jay: No! 😧😡 imma kill him!
U: Jay stop! (U jump in front of the Bartender and Jay stops)
Jay: Lena move! 😡
U: No Jay, he doesn't deserve to waste our precious time! 😒😓 we came to have fun, but he ruined it! Let's just leave... Plz? 😶(puppy eyes)
Jay:Fiine! 😒 Just consider urself lucky!
(U both leave the Club and walk towards the car)
U: Jay... 😓
Jay:😡 Yes...
U: r u mad at me? 😓
Jay: No I'm super happy! Can't u see me smile! 😡😤
U:I'm sorry
Jay: Let me drop u off home  😡😓
U:Kk... 😓😟
(Jay dropped you off to your place and left)

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