Will Always Be There For You


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One-shot More

Will Always Be There For You (Extended Edition)

245 7 0

3rd Omniscient POV
It was a dark snowy night, a nine year old girl is walking, carrying some items. Then, she heard loud noises, such as glass breaking, wood being broken into two, then a loud thud. She looks deep into the darkness as an empty can rolls to her feet.

Girl: W-Who's there?

Then, a little and dirty boy walk towards her. He doesn't have any clothes, but he does have a sack around his waist; but it was thin and almost transparent; he wears a thin potato sack as a shirt. He has two clumps of hair attached on the top of his head. He has messy and dirty black hair, with those burning eyes that made her uneasy. But she puts confidence in front of the uneasiness.

Girl: Oh... Hello!

Boy: H-Hello...

Girl: What's your name?

Boy: I... I don't know...

She saw a collar on his neck, which she got a closer look to see it was tight and there was a heavy chain. She take a look at the collar and see something:

Y/n Fall
Mother of ----er Fall & Father of ------ -------

The names have been scratch out, she feels sad that she can't return him to his parents. But now she think about it, why would they leave him here? Did he got lost? Many questions.

Girl: Your name is Y/n Fall, huh? My name is Nicole. Are you alone?

Y/n: Y-Yes...

He said in a saddening tone. Nicole puts her hand out as Y/n's head perks up.

Nicole: Come with me, I'm sure my father would be happy to adopt you.

Y/n: Adopt? Father?

Nicole: Yeah, come on!

She grabs his hand, Y/n follows behind as two sets of feet was printed on the snow, along with a line going down between their feet.

They walk for two and a half mile, the boy shivers as the girl stops to give him her coat and hat. She walk the steps, the boy follows as she open the door; the boy feels a warmth air immediately warming his body. The sweet relief of getting warmed feels... new to him. They head inside as the girl takes off her boots, coat and hat; the boy was later taken to the bathroom.

She turns on the bathroom, then the bath. Then, she takes off the collar, there was a noticeable pink mark from the collar, she didn't told him to get naked, since it would get awkward. She made him get onto the tub. She put water on his head, as dirt and bugs wash and go into the drain. She did this until his hair is completely clean, those "clumps" of hair turns out to be Snow Leopord ears. She gasp as the boy looks at him.

Y/n: Something wrong?

Nicole: You're a S-Snow Leopard...

Y/n: No, I'm human.

Nicole explains to him about faunus and Snow Leopard faunus. Y/n was confused, to him it didn't feel right to have an animal part attached to him. But it scared him when only four thousand Snow Leopards faunus were still alive.

His ears twitch as he looks at the doorway. Nicole also looks to see a bulking male figure.

???: Who's this, Nicole?

Nicole: U-Umm... This is Y/n Fall. Uhhh.... I... take him here, because he is.... c-cold and homeless.

???: Why?

Nicole: B-Because... he's homeless and cold... and alone.

???: *sigh* You always helping people. Go to your room, I need to talk with him.

Nicole: B-But-

???: No buts, get him out of the tub.

Then, Y/n got out of the tub as Nicole walks out of the bathroom. The figure kneels down, he has a beard that the homeless kid admires. He is bald, in his left hand was a hat.

???: I am Nicole's father, I know this is rather... inconsiderate, but Nicole always wanted a brother. Plus, she doesn't bring back kids for reason. For whatever reason, she saved you. So, would you like to be part of our family?

An female is walking at an isolated night, she was holding something. She cried as she turns a corner. She looks for a place, she find a box in perfect shape. She places that something into the box, she unwraps it to see a baby sleeping. She takes her hood off to have black hair with bright amber eyes.

???: I'm sorry, Son. I-I have to do this... I'll always love you.

She carefully places a collar around his neck, she carefully tighten it and leave it looking like it is big on him. She kisses him on the forehead, then slowly roses up and walks away. Then, she hears crying. Her hand clenches as she suddenly turns around and rush towards the baby. She hugs him as his cries die down.

Two years later, Y/n and Nicole was inside having a snack. Y/n was more leaner, with more hair growth, his hair is long enough to be in a ponytail. Y/n is eight and Nicole is nine; Y/n went upstairs to use the bathroom, but he heard his adopted father talking.

Father: Five hundred grand? That won't be enough, just kill them..... the huntstress? Well what about her!?.... You kidding me! Team STAK? No? Oh!... Her, just kill her and leave her on some cliff... I don't care!... No! The difference between a dead huntstress and an alive huntstress: is that one will shut up and the other won't!

Y/n: D-Dad...

He looks over to Y/n.

Father: Be right back.

He hung up, then face towards Y/n.

Father: Yes.

Y/n: K-Killing is wrong...

The Father sighs.

Father: Y/n, you are too young to understand the vast reality of this world. Sometimes people need to do it out of... vengeance, anger, and more. But, yes, you're right. Killing is bad. It's wrong.

Y/n: W-Why you're doing it t-then?

Father: There are people out there that is bad, bad people need to pay. Sometimes that you need to do wrong things for the right things.

Y/n: O-Oh...

Father: Now, go along. I am busy at the moment.

Y/n the walks off, his ears dropped down as Nicole came upstairs.

Nicole: You took your time going to the bathroom.

Y/n: Y-Yeah, I sure did.

Nicole can tell he is lying, he isn't good at lying. So she smiles.

Nicole: Hey, Knucklehead!

Y/n: Y-Yeah?

Nicole just grab the handle of the stairs, and leans in a bit.

Nicole: Nothin', just wanted to say that no matter where you go, I will always be there for you! I'll be forever in your heart!

Y/n smiles out of feeling better.

Y/n: Thanks! You're the best!

*Years Later*

Y/n and Nicole has grown since, Nicole is fifteen and Y/n is fourteen, Nicole has been trained some fighting moves such as Karate, Boxing, and Martial Arts by their father. Y/n has been studying the Grimm and Weapon parts.

In their heads, they wanted to switch places. Nicole wants to read about fairy tale stories, see how the hero saves the person in distress; Y/n wants to fight and protect himself.

Nicole is walking out of the store. She tugs onto her gloves as she takes a right and started walking. Starting to think about how she would assemble a team, granted she doesn't want to go, but she have to. Since Nicole unlock her semblance and her aura in the same day, Y/n has unlock his aura two weeks after. She heard something.

A sound of grunting and dragging. She followed the sound, in the middle of the street, a male carrying a person whom is unconscious by her observation. He saw her, then starts running away. She runs over to check the person, stab wounds around the dome.

She chase after the person, she takes out her hammer with a barrel sticking at the end of it. She rushed into the building that she saw the person is running into.

She find a male wearing a white mask with little markings on the bottom. He was wearing a white winter coat, white and light gray camo pants, and boots. His hood was up, he slowly walk to the right.

???: Who are you?

Nicole: I should be the same to you.

??? Name's Omar Wilson, I am what they called: "An Anarchist". I believe that I am, here to change the world, free them.

He take his mask off, Nicole now see his face then slowly puts her hammer away.

Nicole: That so? That's good, I guess. My name is Nicole. (He seems a great guy, perfect candidate for a team member.)

Omar: When I kill them, they will learn and stop hiding.

Nicole: (Nevermind.) Hold up, what did you say?

Omar: People hated each other because they have additional body parts. They need to be taught, learn that if we all fall; then we don't have each other back's.

He puts on a mask. Nicole grabs his arm, he looks at her.

Nicole: Don't, please. That will put you in harm.

Omar: You don't understand, people just stand there as the corrupt takes over! We had wars, racism and many more against each other, our own kind. What does it take for them to finally understand!? You don't understand nothing!

Nicole: I do understand! They're just afraid!

Omar: They wouldn't be afraid if they learn how to fight back!

Nicole: You don't make everyone to start fighting, then that will lead to violence!

Omar: Then, they will need to learn not to do that!

Nicole: That's not how it works!

Omar: Just watch!

He went in for a punch, but she caught it and jabs him in the ribs. Omar kicks her in the stomach with his knee, then punches her in the head three times. Nicole looks up to see him going in for a punch, she dodges it and grabs his arm, then throws him down on the ground.

Nicole: I don't want to hurt you, but I'll must to protect everyone.

Omar kicks her, then he stand up.

Omar: Then protect them, I planted bombs in their heads! They're going to die in twenty hours if you don't save them all, they're willingly to die for change. But, that will be worthless, saving criminals from death. Come and face me when you're ready, ONCE you have my privilege.

Suddenly, smoke fills the room; Nicole coughs then goes outside for air. Y/n is walking to the train station, he saw a white cloaked figure with his sword out and it is slowly walking towards a female. He then walk towards it, he stops when the figure is sitting down next to her. He then goes near a wall and eavesdrop.

???: Did you kill him?

???: Yes, My Mistress.

???: Good, good. We will wait until it is up to the forth. Then, assassinate the leader with no witnesses, if so kill them.

???: As you wish, Mistress. Even those who eavesdrop...

Y/n take a step back as the white figure turns around a corner as it walks away, but glances at him before Y/n blinks and he suddenly disappears.

He looks at the woman but she is also gone. He then starts running out of the station, he need to tell the police of this information, as he run passes a couple of alleyways. The figure grabs him, then shakes him violently as he slams his body against walls then to the ground. The figure starts punching his face, despite him not fighting back, his face was full of blood as the figure rises up, then he grabs him and steps away into the darkness where he disappears with Y/n.

Nicole is in a police station, a police officer name Brad sets down various files, before opening one.

Brad: First one, unknown. He is an Anarchist, making explosives and turning people as ticking time bombs.

The Anarchist is secretly putting bombs inside one of the Schnee's dust crates, guards pulled out their weapons.

Guard: Freeze!

Anarchist: No, you!

The Anarchist throws a canister of dust at them, when it broke it frozed them. Then, he throws another canister at them, it exploded and pieces of the guards went everywhere. He laugh as his mask closes into the view.

Brad: Next up, Zalzar. A woman of many talents, can kill five hunters or huntresses under six seconds.

A woman in her late thirties is walking by, until a team from Mistral arrives.

Hunters: Stop, you're under arrest-

She suddenly grabs his neck with her legs, then twist it a few times in a quick manner, then quickly parrying and dodgeing the rest, which led to them slowly getting taking out.

Brad: The third one, a male. Not much information on him, other being an weapons-smith that gets sold for various criminals, but he is dangerous. Fourth one goes by the name "Claws of Mistral." A person from a cult that has been killing people for twelve years.

A hooded figure in black robes is slowly walking towards a man, he takes out his sword with writing on it, those writings are glowing in white. The man turns around, before he could do anything he stabs him in the stomach. People around scream as they run away.

???: Thy Order verily needly for me to vanquish this man. Sorry for your interruptions, I now must leave.

Then, smoke appears some people stood by and watch, as the smoke slowly disappears to find him gone.

Brad: Finally, there is a female name... uhh, Jonzwra? Hope I'm saying it right, she is a high-end merc with a high kill count.

A woman is sitting in a clock tower, then fires a shot. It went through a man's skull, then another's chest then through a female's leg which bounces off of part of a ladder that goes through her skull. They all fall down as she takes a rose from her pockets and drops it down.

Brad: She can kill them with pretty much anything... even a Nerf Gun. Geez. Her bullets have penetration on auras, which is why she is so deadly. All five of them, have one in common. They want to destroy Atlas and it's Military.

Nicole: The Anarchist's name is Omar.

Brad: Well at least we have the name... We will look into some files under that name, it's familiar. But you shouldn't do something like that, you could've been killed.

Nicole: But I didn't.

Brad: Well don't get yourself in trouble.

Nicole: I won't.

She walks out of the police station, she take her usual route back home. She tried calling Y/n but he won't pick up, she was about to call her father but she heard beeping. She followed the beeps into an abandon building, she see a red light in a distance, quickly glowing.

She know it is the bomb Omar was talking about, she runs towards it as she saw the timer. "Twenty three hours, fifty six minutes and twenty seconds." Still counting down.

Nicole: Not a smart idea, but fuck it.

She slams her fist against the bomb, it turned off. Then, out of nowhere-

Omar: You finally disarmed a bomb? There is four more to go, twelve people to save. Better hurry!

Nicole then gets out, before a figure grabs her, she screams.

???: Relax it's me!

She look to see Lance, her boyfriend.

Nicole: Lance!

She says while hitting him, he let out a groan and rub the spot she hit.

Lance: What? You know I always do that?

Nicole: I know... but right now it isn't a good time.

Lance: Why?

Nicole: I don't want to talk about it, I don't want you to get dragged into this.

Lance: Hey, whatever is your problem, is my problem. So tell me.

Nicole carefully disarms the second bomb, while Lance searches for the third bomb.

Seven hours passed by, Nicole finds a way to shut the bombs down. Abandoned buildings next to important and profiting buildings that made the CEOs' rich. Nicole is breaking down a door, she saw six people defending the bomb.

Nicole: Light me up.

Lance activates his weapon, it generates electricity and it shot Nicole as she absorb it, the electricity goes down to her fist. Then, she punched a person, admittedly; she doesn't know how to defuse the bombs inside the heads of unfortunate people. But she heard a pop, the bomb defused, finally.

Then five other people attack Nicole, she is able to take out only one, but multiple people is her weakness. Lance charges up his weapon, then blast three people, Nicole knocks one out. Lance grabs one who is still up, while Nicole knocks out the rest, he then pushes him into a wall.

Lance: If you don't tell us where he is, I'll kill you.

???: You're joking!

Lance: Am I? Or maybe it is just the fear inside you slowly coming out, believe me, I killed scums like you. I heard of you, crawling under people's skin. You may crawl under most skins. But me and Nicole will be the one who'll live to see another day. So tell us... or you'll regret it.

???: H-He's in the docks! Jakobs Dust Building! That's all I know!

Lance: You better...

Then, he throws him out of the window.

Nicole: Is that necessary?

Lance: You got to use intimidation every chance you get. Let's go to the docks.

They run towards the docks, the Sun is slowly escaping the Atlas' skies and the Moon slowly approaches. They took thirty minutes to get to main street.

Lance: How much time?

Nicole: Seventeen hours, twenty one minutes and five seconds left!

They arrive at the docks, they enter the Jakob's Dust building, they saw no people and no bombs, they walk up to the second floor, then the third, and the forth. Where they find a person wearing a white winter coat, white and light gray camo pants, and boots.

Omar: So you came, very predictable.

Nicole: Your plan wasn't really smart if I think about it.

Omar: Tch! Whatever.

Then, people came in as they fight Lance and Nicole. Omar then programs that bomb to explode for five minutes. She used her semblance to quickly deactivate the bombs in the skulls of people, this made Omar mad.

Omar: No! They are bad people! Stop saving them!

Nicole uppercuts him, his bomb defuses as he charges her again, she then got pushed to the wall. Nicole punches his stomach, then lifts him then slam him down on his neck. Omar then leaves via through an elevator. Lance hurries to the bomb, his heart raced when seeing the timer, he starts typing.

Lance groans and stops typing and helps Nicole, they fight together. Once they all were out, Lance goes onto the computer... he stops and turns around, take a sigh.

Lance: Bad news, the bomb is about to blow just a minute. I don't have enough time fully stop it, but I can reduce the blast radius. You need to beat him.

Nicole: No. There has to be another way, I-

Lance picks her up, where she struggles to break free, but couldn't. Nicole then escape her grasp, as she looks at the computer and is about to blow in any second. Lance then grabs her and throws her out of the window, but she caught the ledge.

Lance: Go! Your brother needs you!

Nicole: We can still do this, just leave with me! We cannot save one building, that's enough!

She grab his leg, then pulls him off and she let's go. Once they hit the water, they saw an explosion. They immediately get to shore to avoid debris that was going into the water. Suddenly, more explosions occured. They look to see crates of dust being exploded, they escape the area with explosions surprisingly occurred near them.

Once they leave the docks, they sees Omar running. And they start to chase after him.

Y/n was awaken in a small box, he tried to break free, but couldn't due to the small space.

???: I present to you, Y/n! Father of Ember Larkson and Mother of Cinder Fall!

Then, someone break the box open. They saw his faunus ears, as he grabbed Y/n by his collar of his shirt.

???: What shall I do?

Then, he hear multiple people telling him to beat him up, but not to death. He did so, he didn't held back, Y/n was getting punched and kicked around. His eyes are glowing, he groans in pain as he was being tossed aside.

Nicole and Lance finds Omar hide out, an abandon building on the slums part of town. They enter, Nicole turns around to Lance.

Nicole: Lance, I want for you to stay here. Just in case.

Lance nods, before Nicole turns around and kicked the doors open. Omar is running upstairs, she ran upstairs as she saw Omar standing there. She slowly walk towards him.

Omar: We finally meet again, face to face. Soon, fist to fist.

Nicole: You tried to kill innocent people, you're not going to have any mercy.

Omar: Let's see if you could meet my expectations.

Nicole suddenly went in for a punch, Omar dodges it as he grabs her arm and slams her down on the ground. Then, punches her face several times, before Nicole suddenly push Omar off of her. Computers around her started to glitch, as electricity starts to move towards her and go around her. Her arms is now covered in electricity, Omar grabs a pipe and went in to hit her face, she grabs it as the electricity goes down through the pipe and shocks him.

Omar drops the pipe as he throws a chair at her, she nearly dodge it and Omar kicks her legs, making her trip. Omar get on top of her as he starts to punch her in the face. Then she punches him, then push him off of her as she kicks him to a wall. Omar looks down to see his aura is completely gone, he chuckles.

Omar: Y-Yes... this is it... The only way for one of us to win is to kill each other. So, come on, Nicky. Let's do this-

Nicole clenches her hand, as she charge towards him. Omar grabs a wooden stick and beats her face when she gets close enough.

Omar: Let me finish! Just listen to me! If you listen, then you find out that we aren't so different! I know I can't win, but I can still come back to destroy whatever the government has built! You know how to stop me... go on! Let's fight!

Nicole started smashing his face on the ground, then slam her fist against his body as she throws him around. She grab his throat and starts to choke him, he struggles to breathe as he tries to escape her grasp. Omar pokes her eye, she let go as Omar grabs her shirt and lifts her then throws her with his feet. He got up, Nicole looks at him as she yells and charge towards him. Omar quickly look around for any objects, but was interrupted by Nicole slamming him against the wall. She grab him. Then, she slam him down against the floor, breaking it as he falls down and gets up. Nicole drops down and slowly approaches him.

Omar tried to punch her, he did but she didn't flinch. Nicole grab his head then slam it against the wall, blood came out of his mouth as he gets kicked in the stomach, and then she starts to hit him multiple times, each punch cause his heart to beat faster and his hair started to get fuzzy. She then goes faster, with lighter punches as Omar suddenly spits blood and gets hit by hard and slow punches. Then, a elbow slam to the face, knocking him out through the window, shattering it. Omar falls off a top floor of a four story building to the ground as he screams on impact, Nicole looks over to see a spear like structure pierce through his shoulder. Nicole jumps down, as the electricity dies down, she then break the structure. Omar didn't attack back as he let her drag him into jail.

As Omar bleeds and sitting in the cell, Nicole calls Y/n. He picks up:

Nicole: Caught him.

Y/n: H-Help...

She can hear his almost broken down voice.

Nicole: What's wrong?

Y/n: I... I been taken to some cult.

Nicole:... Claws of Mistral.... no, Atlas? Where are you?

Y/n: Looks like the.... underground.

Nicole: I'll come get you, I promised.

As Nicole is about to leave, she heard Omar say something before he exits the building.

Omar: P... Proud... of you...

She dismissed it, as she calls Lance.

Lance: Hey, Nicky.

Nicole: Do you know about the underground?

Lance: Sorta of, you can only enter via through sewers. But they say it is guarded by someone strong, that's all I know.

Nicole: Thanks, see you Lan-Lan.

She hang up, then she entered through a sewers. She almost gag on the smell, but continued anyway, she explore like this for at least an hour, before coming across a man-made hole. She crouch down to see lights, she crawled through. Only to see an entrance, she goes through to see an arena like area. In the arena is Y/n getting beat up by a person, she immediately run towards him as she jumps into the area.

They saw her, as the figures body face towards her.

This seems the end of the adventure, the amount of determination and justice made her survive this far.

She heard faint whispers, then the figure spoke.

???: Thy Order needly requires for me to given you an option to become the Order's Serf or die to the hands of The Claw of Atlas.

Nicole: What about no?

???: Valor? Don't be so feign valor. You are deft, but languid nor vehement. Your death will be anon.

He takes out his sword, she can see strange carvings on it and it glows as he gets in a stance that she can't recognize.

She gets into defensive stance, as the white figure slowly walk towards her. She got out her axe as she attacks him, his blade caught the axe as his hand turns making Nicole drop her axe. He swipes his sword, as Nicole dodges it and kicks his stomach. Then punch his face to show no signs of pain. So she kick his hand in a very accurate position, his sword was being dropped as she kicks it, then it flung across the room.

Immediately, he punches Nicole then grabs her shirt the slams her to the ground so hard that her entire body bounces and he grab her foot, he pulls Nicole's body to punch his face, then grab her face then slam it back to the ground.

Nicole tried to hurt him in any sort of way she can, but he dodges.

Nicole dodges the sword, as the hooded figure's hand quickly dashes back as Nicole barely had time to dodge instead she blocks it with her arm.

This sword was different, her aura was still enough to eat it, but it ignored it as she feels extreme pain as her entire left arm has a huge gapping slice. The white hooded figure slowly lowers his sword.

???: My, my... what a desolate surprise. A vanity of-

She punches his face, then slams her elbow against his chest.

Nicole: E-Enough monologuing!

The figure is surprised, usually when he slices a limb off, they would fall down and die. Suddenly, a quick flash fills the room, all blinded for a moment, they saw Omar standing next to Nicole.

Omar: Had to drag into this, huh?

Nicole: Of course... I... had to... I... can't beat them. Maybe we can... Why?

Omar: I'll talk to you about it later.

They then fought the white hooded figure, Y/n run towards the figure with a stick. He swing it and landed in his face, the figure swing his sword at him, he ducks down as Nicole kicks his back, he falls to his knees, Omar punches his face numerous times. Before Y/n grab his sword, before rising it in the air.

???: N-No!

He bash it against the ground, before breaking on the seventh try. The glowing writings slowly fading. The figure head hang low, as he slowly rose. He look at his hands, before looking around.

???: I'm no longer a puppet to anyone!

Then he escapes, Nicole falls to his knees, Omar catches her.

Nicole: I'm proud... of you...

Omar: Hold on, let us get you to the hospital.

He picks her up, then leaves the arena. He can tell she is bleeding out, so he cover the wound with his cloth. Then, he immediately ran to the hospital, with Y/n following behind.

*Next Two Days Later*

Y/n was sitting next to Nicole, so is Lance. Nichole's arm is healed, just barely. Suddenly, Omar and someone else enter the room.

Omar: How are you doing?

Nicole: Why'd you care?

Omar: Just wondering.

Nicole: So, what was the reason? And how did you get out of jail?

Omar: After what you said... I think about it, and you are right. On how I got out, I have ways.

Nicole: Who's the other person.

Omar: His name is Wyile, he was the guy that we were fighting, believe it or not, he got kidnapped and was brainwash to be this ultimate soldier, which really was the sword.

Nicole: That's cool, I guess. Anyways my brother is wondering if we can go to Beacon.

Y/n: I-I meant other people, not t-these maniacs!

Nicole: Hey, at least they're interesting characters.

Y/n: N-No, they're not!

Nicole: *sigh* Anyways, would you like to?

Wyile: I see it no other way, so yeah? Not really have a place to stay.

Omar: If it mean becoming stronger than you, the yeah.

Nicole: Alright cool, because I got this speech. *ahem* We would like to say that this have been the wildest right in my life, we can change the world. Our goal isn't to become hunters or huntresses, we all want to change the world. But. Together... we are just ordinary people. Some of us are prophets, anarchist, homeless, or a daughter of a Mob Boss. We will be a team full of young, determined kids that wanted to change the world.

Wyile: Amen, Sister.

Y/n: Great speech.

Omar: Yeah, whatever.

Y/n sits next to her.

Y/n: What happened to you and Lance?

Nicole: We agree to break up, I like the sense of adventure and he likes to stay home. So I would like my rest now.

*A Month Later, Y/n POV*

Me: I'll be right back! I forgot my book.

Nicole: Alright, I'll be waiting right here!

I started running down the hallway, but I run into a girl. When I look who I run into and apologize.

Me: I-I'm sorry!

I see a female who is part of the Schnee family... I think. But, she is beautif-

???: Don't! I don't know why YOU! Out of all people! Have to be here at Beacon, you faunus are the same! Animals! I don't want to see you near me again! You shouldn't even talk to me! Do you know who I am!? Get out of here!

Weiss POV
Ugh! I was TRYING to have a normal day, until I got trip by someone. I got up and brushed myself.

???: I-I'm sorry!

I turn around to see a male with snow leopard ears.

Me: Don't! I don't know why YOU! Out of all people! Have to be here at Beacon, you faunus are the same! Animals! I don't want to see you near me again! You shouldn't even talk to me! Do you know who I am!? Get out of here!

He looks down, before walking away. I pick up my stuff, before walking to my next class. I maybe went a little hard on him... forget it, I said it to him and it is too late. Besides, I need to make sure that I keep my grades up and be a top student.

After I had class with Port, I told my team that I'll be at the bathroom for awhile. I take a look at myself, to make sure that I don't have any dirty spots on my face. I walk out of the bathroom, I walk down the dorms, until I hear a conversation that catch my attention.

???: She isn't a nice person, the Schnee isn't that bad towards the faunus. It is just Weiss, I understand how you feel, even after you came here. But everything will be better.

???: And she doesn't get the same treatment as us. Even if she did, she'll stop acting like a total prick.

???: N-No, maybe she's right. I may be just an animal that doesn't belong here.

???: Hey, don't talk like that. She is just a bad person, okay? Here, have some treats.

???: Thanks.

I walk to my dorm, trying to forget the whole situation. I studied, until Ozpin called us down. We head up to Ozpin's office.

Ruby: Hey, Professor.

Ozpin: Hello, Team RWBY. You will be having a mission.

Ruby: What is it?

Ozpin: Grimm extermination, we have a distress call from the off coast of Vale. You'll be doing it with Team SNOW.

Ruby: SNOW?

We heard the elevator open, we look to see four people. I only recognize only one, and that is the snow leopard faunus. The female next to him has dark blue hair, with lapis eyes, she is wearing a blue tee shirt, with a leather jacket, dark blue jeans with black boots. The male next to her has green hair, with dark brown eyes, he is wearing a pull-over sweater with bits of armor attached to it, he is wearing normal jeans with a pair of running shoes. The last one is a male with black hair, dark red eyes, coyote ears. He is wearing a black tee shirt, with a big black leather jacket, he is also wearing ripped up jeans, with big black combat boots.

Ozpin: The leader is Y/n, or he likes to be prefer as Snow. His teammates is Nicole, she is his sister, there is Omar and Wyile. They are from Atlas, and you are off by thirty minutes.

Team SNOW immediately walks out, not waiting for us at the elevator. We got ready, when we come outside, we see SNOW standing there. Y/n is looking down, Nicole stares at me with a glare, Omar is on his scroll and Wyile is also on his scroll.

Ruby: What's up, guys!

Nicole: Don't talk to us and let's get this over with.

They got onto the Bullhead, Omar looks at us, before sitting away from us.

Yang: What's their deal?

Blake: I don't know.

Ruby: Wish we could be friends.

The Bullhead takes off, there was a long awkward silence. I look outside to see the destruction by the Grimm. The Bullhead lands, we get off, while SNOW walks away from us. We walk a few minutes, before coming across the Grimm.

When I saw the Grimm, my legs are shaken and Nicole laughs.

Nicole: Still scared?

Me: No, I'm not!

Nicole: Step aside, let the pros handle this.

Nicole, Wyile and Omar takes out their weapons, so does Team RWBY. My teammates weapons is an battle axe that can shoot from between the blades that is belong to Nicole. A great sword with dust that can make bigger damage and impact that belongs to Omar, the last one was two revolvers that can transform into a hand cannon and that belongs to Wyile. I take my weapon out, which is a normal sword. I get in my stance that Nicole told me. The Grimm run towards us, they charge towards the Grimm, I couldn't do nothing, but stand there. A Beowulf saws me, went to attack me, I closed my eyes and swing my weapon. Nothing happen, I open my eyes and I killed it!

Me: I-I killed it!

Nicole pats me in the back, before going off to kill another Grimm. I run towards the Grimm, before swinging my sword around, killing two, wounding three. And after twenty ot thirty minutes, we got rid of the Grimm. I sigh in relief, before I hear a bush rustled, I look to see a Beowulf approaching Weiss. I look at everyone, they were celebrating the victory, the Beowulf is almost. I run towards Weiss.

Me: Watch out!

She looks at me, I pushed her out of the way, the Beowulf strikes me, pushing me to the ground, hitting my head against the ground very hard.

Nicole POV
I saw him getting strike by the Grimm, I rush towards the Grimm, it notices me, before deciding to attack me. I counter it, before landing my axe on it's back, shooting a couple times. It died, I rush to Y/n. I place my hand on the back of his head, feeling my hand getting wet, I look to see blood. My heartbeat goes faster, I saw the left side of his face, bloody. I turn around to my teammates.

Me: Get the Bullhead ready!

Weiss: Why he pushed me? I could've easily got it.

I clinched my fist hard, I got up and got close to her face.

Me: You are so ungrateful! He saved you! I swear, if he somehow dies, I'll make sure that you regret saying that!

Weiss: Yeah, whatever.

I pick him up, I carried him back to the Bullhead. I was in a hurry, that I forgot about my axe. Omar picks it up for me, they got into the Bullhead, while I make sure that he stop bleeding, until we got to Beacon. Once we are at Beacon, I didn't bother waiting of it to land, I open the door, jumping down to the ground, before running to the infirmary. Blood is starting to through my hands. I don't care if I accidentally knocked down some students, all I care is bringing him to the infirmary. I kick open the door, putting him onto the table. The nurse ask me to get out while she aid him. I did, Omar and Wyile is waiting outside, I sit patiently for him. Wishing he would be okay.

*Few Days Later*

Me: Is he okay?

Nurse: Yes, he needs rest. You can go see him now.

I walk inside of the room, his head is almost wrapped in bandages. I take a sit beside him, and I waited very patiently for him to wake up... An hour passed by, guess who comes in? Team RWBY, Weiss is holding flowers.

Ruby: Hey, I want to say that I hope Y/n gets better soon. Right, Weiss?

Weiss: Yeah, I'm sorry for my attitude and stuff.

She says it in the most uncaring way, I didn't bother fighting with her.

Me: Yeah, yeah. Set it on somewhere and get out.

Weiss: Mind if I set it on the floor?

Me: The fuck is your problem?

Weiss: What is your problem?

Me: You, is the problem.

Weiss: I didn't do anything bad.

Me: Oh yeah? How about the time you called my brother an animal? Or saying that he shouldn't be at Beacon. You know who is the real animal? You! You are always such an ungrateful brat! You would act like you didn't do anything wrong! But yet, you are such a disrespectful little girl that doesn't know what it is like to be left out in the cold! Alone, with almost no clothes on! With no one EVEN willingly to help him! Now get the fuck out!

Silence fills the room, Ruby walked out of the room as soon I open my mouth. Yang and Blake is at pure shock, Weiss is at between shock or anger.

Me: I said to get out... now...

They left, but not Weiss, she take a deep inhale, before exhaling.

Weiss: I... I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Me: Just... get out.

Weiss: Can you tell me that whole story?

Me: If it means you leaving.

She takes a seat, across from me.

Me: It all started six years ago, I was walking back home from the store. When I was passing the alleyway, I heard cries of pain. I stop, and went down the alleyway, to find a homeless child, it was the same age as me. I helped him, even though he didn't trust me. He was only wearing a cloth that covers his waist and a cloak made out of potato bags. It was thin, I see that he was alone. No parent, or guardian. I take him home with me, my parents allow for him to stay, soon. He tells all about himself, he is the same age as me. When he took his first bath, I found out that he was a snow leopard faunus. I thought those ears were clumps of hair. Days passed, we adopted him as my brother. Yes, we are step siblings. When we went to school together, he was consider either an outcast, or a treasure. Because snow leopards faunus are almost gone, so he was one of a kind. I help him, train him to be a student that is fit for Beacon. At first, I don't like being a huntress, too much work. But since he wanted to go, I went with him. Any questions?

Weiss: No, sorry for everything.

Me: It is fine. He always wanted to be a Hunstman. Like a superhero, I'll make sure that no thing will hurt him, physically, emotionally or mentally. Just letting you know, my father works in a mafia. If you fucked up again, then I'll make sure that your ungrateful flat-chested bitchy ass wish you wasn't born. You may crawl under his skin, if you say my name or his in vain. You'll regret it... YOU HAVE ONE CHANCE... NOW GET OUT.

I smile at her, her face has a little show of fear.

Me: Have a nice day.

She left the room, without stopping to saying goodbye. I lean back against the chair, staring at the ceiling. I heard shuffling, I look to see him waking up. I hugged him tightly.

Y/n: What happen?

I let him go, he is rubbing his right eye.

Me: Well, after you push her out of the way, you got knocked out. I take you to the infirmary.

Y/n: Oh, really? Thanks.

Me: No problem. Let's get you out of here, stay here.

I ask the nurse to get him out of there, she says that it may take several minutes. I agree and waited, he walks out with the bandages still there.

Nurse: Don't take the bandages off, until next week.

Me: Yes, Nurse, thank you.

Nurse: Just doing my job.

We walk back to the dorm, Omar and Wyile greeted him.

Wyile: Hey, boss.

Omar: Feeling better?

Y/n: Y-Yeah, I wanted to say thanks, not as a team, but as a family.

Wyile: No problem, let's get some grub, shall we? Beside, today is a VERY special day.

We walk out of the dorm, we walk out of the dorms, before bumping into Team RWBY.

Ruby: Hey, guys.

Me: Hey, sorry about the bad attitude we give off when we went to that mission.

Ruby: That is fine. Wanna hang out together right now?

Omar: Maybe, can we hang out on the weekend? Today is a special day.

Ruby: How do you feel about that guys?

Yang: Sounds okay.

Blake: Maybe, if I have time.

Weiss: No, I got some studying to do for the test.

Me: Oh well, looks like Weiss couldn't find some new friends. Gee, I knew you were a boring person.

Weiss: Yes, see you guys later. But can I talk with him for a minute?

She points to Y/n.

Me: Sure, I'm coming with you though.

Me, and Y/n follow Weiss. She stops when we are out of my team and Team RBY's sights.

Me: What do you want to tell about my brother?

Weiss: Usually I don't do this, but I am sorry for insulting you. I admit, that was very stupid for me to explode on you for accidentally tripping me.

Y/n: Well, apology accepted.

Weiss: That is good.

Me: You're going to hang out with us on the weekend?

Weiss: Maybe not.

She turns around, walking off. Probably off to studying, we head back to the two teams.

Me: We are going to Vale, to get something to eat. Now if you excuse us.

We walk into the Bullhead, Omar is looking through the list on his scroll for a place to eat. Wyile is cleaning his weapon, Y/n is sleeping, placing his head on my left shoulder. I look out through the window, seeing Vale getting closer. I wake him up.

Y/n: Maybe we should head to somewhere for practice. Besides... I need to practice.

Me: Yeah! You need some practice, you almost got scared to death.

We landed, we say our thanks to the pilot, we knew it was the beginning of the training. We look for a place to eat.

Weiss POV
I was sitting at the chair in the library, studying for the test.

Ruby: You know the test begins next week, right?

Me: I know, just getting prepare ready for the test early.

Yang: Okay, Weiss. What did Team SNOW did to you? I mean, they are weird around you.

Me: Nothing, I got trip by the leader and exploded on him.

Blake: Nicole seems a little threatening towards you.

Me: She is just a protective person.

Nicole POV
We take a table, and I look at Y/n.

Me: So, how do you feel about Weiss, now?

Y/n: Well, she isn't a bad person, nor a good person.

3rd POV
Yang: How do you feel about Y/n?

Weiss: Him? He isn't a brave person, he is scared to kill a Grimm for his life.

Nicole: Anything else?

Y/n: U-Um, she is nice. Like beautiful. Wish she doesn't dislike the faunus.

Yang: And?

Weiss: He isn't my type, really. If he ask me out in a date, I would one hundred percent decline the offer.

Y/n: I would ask her on a date... but she probably says no. But I'll give her a chance, even if she is rude to faunus. I'll don't want to see anyone hurt, I want everyone to live a happy life.

Weiss: But, I might give him a chance. Only because he saved my life and also he is a snow leopard faunus.

Me: And... I want everyone to be safe, I want you all four to be safe and happy. I don't know what will I do if any of you die.

The food arrives, we eat until we finished our plate. We take a walk out of Vale, we look for a spot to train. We found an opening, it was perfect. Omar and Wyile take a seat, me and Nicole started training. Granted I wasn't as professional as Nicole. But as time flew by, I got better. I even manage to knock down Nicole, I was happy that I finally made progress, and so was Nicole. After an hour flew by, we heard growling from behind a few bushes and trees. Omar and Wyile got their weapons, the Grimm comes out. I was prepare, they charge at us, we attack the Grimm.

Weiss POV
I walk out of the library, maybe they were right. Time to find him and ask the only question that might change my life. I knock on the door, no response, I knock again, but harder, still no response. I thought they were gone to Vale, I guess I wait here, until they came back.

Nicole POV
Dammit! Not only we have to deal with the Grimm, but the White Fang is here! I got my axe ready, as I can tell that my three teammates is almost burned out. I got an idea, an stupid one for that.

Me: Get out of here! I'll handle this! Just make sure to get sone help, this might be our only chance!

Y/n: Y-You sure?

Omar: What about you?

Me: I am sure, I'll be okay. Just get out of here, I care about your safety. Wyile, let's do this!

I was about to protest, until Omar grabbed me and take me out of there. I ran with him, me going back just going to slow us down. We got into Vale, Omar calls Ozpin and tell him about the situation.

Weiss POV
Ozpin *Intercom*: Will Team RWBY and JPNR, please go to Vale. Immediately!

I didn't know what is happening, but I rushed outside of the dorms. To see my team, walking to the Bullhead that is waiting for us. I rushed over to them, Blake seems worried.

Me: What is going on?

Ruby: Team SNOW got into deep trouble with the White Fang. The faster we get there, the better.

I nodded, we got onto the Bullhead.

Nicole POV
I was almost out of energy, only a few people left. I clash with two people, one of them knocks my sword out of the way, before the other one stabs me through my gut.

Weiss POV
We landed, we rush to the location, we only saw Omar and Y/n. Both of them seems worried, Y/n is worried and scared. Omar sees us, before walking towards north.

Omar: Come on! Let's go!

We follow Omar, he stops when we are at the opening, trees and bushes surrounded us. Omar looks around in the bushes, before yelling.

Omar: Wyile!

We rush to see Wyile, all beaten up, cuts was everywhere on his body. Thankfully, he is alive.

Wyile: N... Nicole... save her...

Y/n: I'll look, you just get Wyile back to the hospital. Wyile, don't leave us, please.

Wyile: Will do... boss.

He walks ahead, Yang, Blake and Omar carried Wyile back to Vale.

Nicole POV
I was limping, holding my wound from spilling too much blood. Thankfully, the stab wasn't deep, but I knew it was lethal. I didn't know I was going, I put my hand deep in my pocket, I pulled out a photo of Y/n when I adopted him. I smiled, knowing the good memories throughout my life. I walk to the cliff, where the sun is setting, I lay down. I look at the sky, I sigh and put my free hand up to my wound.

*Flashback, Three Years Ago*

Me: Hey, Y/n!

Y/n: Yeah?

Me: What will happens if I die? And I wasn't able to save you?

Y/n: Don't say it! I know you won't die! You are the best fighters I know!

Me: Maybe, but that doesn't answer the question.

Y/n: W-Well... I don't know. Let's hope it doesn't happen.

Me: Me too, I need to see who will you be marrying and see your kids.

Y/n: Okay, Nicole.

*End Flashback*

Me: Thank you, Y/n... for being like... an actual brother to me... And thank you, Omar... Wyile... for looking him out... Please, be safe... I am so sorry...

*Flashback, Six Years Ago*

Me: Hey, Knucklehead!

Y/n: Y-Yeah?

Me: Nothin', just wanted to say that no matter where you go, I will always be there for you! I'll be forever in your heart!

Y/n: Thanks! You're the best!

*End Flashback*

My eyes grow heavy, I feel tears running down my face. I look around, to see a white flower, I picked it and held it tightly.

Nicole: I... will always... love you...

I shut my eyes, enjoy my last moments of my life.

Me: Nicole! Where are you!?

I look around, I found an opening t the cliff, I saw Nicole.

Me: Nicole, stole sleeping! I have been worried about you! I know that I would always wake you guys up in the morning, but this is serious!

I walk over to her, she doesn't get up. I saw the wound on her chest, I got worried.

Me: N-Nicole? Get up, this isn't funny...

I get on my knees, touch her face, it was cold and wet.

Me: Nicole? G-Get up, please?

I shake her body, it was heavy and cold. Tears running down my face, I saw the photo of me and Nicole.

Me: Nicole... Please... Don't leave me...

I don't know what to do now... I can't believe this actually happen... Why do you have to leave...?

Weiss POV
Y/n hasn't come back for awhile now, I was worried that something happened to him. But I saw him, with Nicole in his arms.

Ruby: Thank goodness, you found her. Let's head to the hospital.

He didn't say anything, I saw tears running down his face, Nicole wasn't moving. It took me a few second, before I put the pieces together. I put my hand over my mouth, with a tear going down the left side of my face.

Me: O-Oh my god... Y/n, I'm sorry.

Ruby: N-No... This can't be happening, tell me she's sleeping, right?

Y/n: I wish... Let's go.

He walk past us, we follow him back to Vale. Yang, Omar was waiting for us.

Omar: Found her? Good, the team is back together!

There was a long awkward silence, before Omar spoke.

Omar: Why aren't you talking? Don't tell me that...

Y/n: Unfortunately, yes... I always love you, Nicole. She wants to be buried, by a cliff, next to a cherry blossom tree. And I know the place. I'll be right back, I'm going to fulfill her final wish.

He walks away, I couldn't help but follow him, just making sure that nothing bad has happened to him. I found myself long ways from Vale, there was cherry blossom trees everywhere, different kinds of flowers was also everywhere. I stop when he is at the cliff, he dug a hole. He placed the body inside, before filling the hole. He sits down, next to the grave, putting something down on her grave. He walks away, he wipes his face during the process. My curiosity got the better of me, as I take a look at what he has planted. It was a note, saying: Happy Birthday, Nicole!


Omar: Maybe, can we hang out on the weekend? Today is a VERY special day.

*Flashback Ends*

Today was Nicole's birthday, I pick a couple of flowers, before placing them down on the grave.

???: I see that you care for Nicole...

I turn around to see Y/n, his eyes were red, his face was wet.

Me: Yeah, I got to tell you something, but it is probably not the right time.

Y/n: You can say it if you like.

Me: Okay, the question I have been wanting to tell you is; would you love to have a date, with me?

Y/n: U-Um... let's talk about that later, let's get to Vale.

We walk together and walk down the path that looks it hasn't been used for years.

Me: What is this place?

Y/n: It was a place that I like to go as a kid, there is nothing but cherry blossoms and flowers. It is nice... and beautiful.

We walk for a few minutes, talking to each other, knowing about ourselves. Once we got to Vale, Omar told us that Wyile will be okay. Y/n was happy, he waited by his side, until Wyile got discharged out of the hospital. One day, Team SOW hasn't attend any classes and I got worried. I went to find at least one member, I eventually found Omar walking in the dorms.

Me: Omar!

He turns around.

Me: Why hasn't your team haven't been attending any classes?

Omar: We are dropping out of Beacon.

Me: What, why!?

Omar: Nicole was pretty much the only reason why there is Team SNOW in the first place. Y/n have been unmotivated and depressed, since Nicole's passing. Wyile have been drinking alcohol, I just want to quit Beacon. We already told Ozpin that we are dropping out.

Me: Where is Y/n?

Omar: In our dorm, come on.

He lead me to their dorm, Y/n is looking down, staring at the photo of Nicole.

Me: Hey, Y/n.

Y/n: Oh, hey, Weiss.

Me: Is it true that you are dropping out?

Y/n: Yes, I... don't know what to do.

Me: W-What about our date? Nicole would've love that.

Y/n: Maybe, but... I can't date you.

My heartbeat got faster, I...

Me: W-Why?

Y/n: I don't want to be here, this place reminds me of Nicole. Plus, I think you deserve someone better, someone that is better at combat. You seen me at combat, I did some training with Nicole, but I don't feel like being a Huntsman anymore. Here, have this.

He give me a white flower, I was about to cry.

Me: Why do you have to do this to me?.

Y/n: I'm sorry, but I will always be there for you, no matter what. See you, Weiss Schnee, hope you have a nice life.

Me: Where will you be going?

Y/n: For me? I'm going back to Atlas, Wyile and Omar is going to Vacuo. See you later.

He kissed my lips, before he grabs his suitcase, I look everywhere in the dorm to find it almost empty, with only being the beds, a few chairs and a desk. I can't do nothing, but watch them leave Beacon.


It has been years, since he left, I still have the flower that he give me. Sometimes, I feel like he is really here. On some days, I would go to Nicole's grave to put flowers, but on this day. I find a man, putting flowers down on the grave. I drop the flowers, he turns around, he has a beard and the same hair and eye color as Y/n... he also has those... snow leopard ears.

Me: Y-Y/n?

Y/n: Weiss?

We look at each other, before he walks over to me, grabbing my hand.

Y/n: Want to have that date?

Me: Y-Yes, I would love that.

3rd POV
At the cold winter day, inside of a restaurant, Y/n and Weiss is eating dinner. It was there tenth date, but something change as Y/n got onto hhis knees, taking out a small black box.

Y/n: Weiss, ever since you came into my life. I knew getting a date was impossible, until you asked me out. So I was wondering if I could repay it with this question.

Weiss heartbeat beats faster than ever. He opens it to reveal a ring, it was beautiful and nice. Weiss blushes as she looks at the ring.

Y/n: Would you marry me?

In a instance, Weiss hugs him, saying; Yes! Over and over, the people around them applauds. Later, it was their wedding day, Weiss's Father walked with her. Y/n got his Father permission to date her, when he mentions that he saved her life. Y/n was standing there, with Omar and Wyile by his side, as his best man(s). Not letting do the usual Wedding Speeches, Weiss kisses him, as everyone applauds.

Years down the road, Y/n is at the porch, with Weiss. She is sleeping on his left shoulder, before their daughter joins them. Her name is Nicole Snow Schnee, he allows her last name, because he wants the Schnee to live on. Y/n wraps his arm around them, before watching the sunset. In the background, there is a cliff, with a cherry blossom tree.

The End

It has been a years, since Nicole's passing. I went to Atlas to find who did it, I have talk with her father. He was gladly to help, we have been searching for clues on who killed Nicole. We slowly getrting to know who the person is, I know his home, I walk to the location of the address of his home. There was an elderly man, working on his front yard. I approach the elderly man. He stops working when he saw me, he smiles at me.

Elderly Man: Hey, young man.

Me: Hi, Mister.

Elderly Man: Do you need anything?

Me: Yes, a question. Mind if I ask?

Elderly Man: Sure.

Me: Is there anyone who live here years ago?

Elderly Man: No, this was handed down from family for generations.

Me: Well, in that case. Have you heard of a girl name Nicole?

Elderly Man: No, I haven't.

Me: She died when I was a teenager. She was like a sister to me. She has dark blue hair with lapis eyes. She was wearing a blue tee shirt, with a leather jacket, dark blue jeans with black boots.

The man smiles fade away, before quickly smiling, looking very fake.

Me: Have you seen her?

Elderly Man: No, I haven't. Not around here from my knowledge.

Me: Is there any more houses nearby?

Elderly Man: No, I think you should look around the north side. See you around.

He turns around, I look around for any evidence that he may be an ex White Fang member. I found a little spot in his neck, I couldn't see it well.

Me: What's that on your neck, Mister?

Elderly Man: Just a tattoo when I was younger.

I walk over to him, he tried to run faster, but I grabbed him. It was a tattoo of a White Fang emblem.

Me: A White Fang tattoo? Did you kill her?

Elderly Man: No, I didn't!

Me: Is it your comrades then?

Elderly Man: N-No, get away from me!

He take something out of his pocket, he tries to stab me with a four inch blade. I grab his hand just in time.

Me: I bet you did.

Elderly Man: You crazy bastard!

I kick him, knocking him down, I pull out my staff, before pressing a button, making the two blades come out on each side. I put the blade up to his neck.

Me: Not going to ask again, did you kill Nicole? The Huntress in the forest?

Elderly Man: Y-Yes, I did it! P-Please have mercy!

I tighten my grip, and I take a swing.

3rd POV
Five minutes passed by, he is walking by himself. He is carrying flowers, a hand touches his shoulder. He turns around to see no one, in the spirit world. Nicole is right next to him. Y/n walks up the hill, before coming to a stop in front of a tombstone. He placed the flowers on the tombstone.

Y/n: Rest easy, Hero.

Nicole smiles and fades away. Behind Nicole was Weiss...

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