Life in Search ✔️

By Honey_Money_

2.8M 133K 80.6K

Book 1.5 in the "Life in-" series Ashton McClain is lost. After two years of spiraling out of control he has... More

Master Reading List
1 ~ Lost
2 ~ Feisty
3 ~ Interesting
4 ~ Fine
5 ~ Boo
6 ~ Weak
7 ~ Bored
8 ~ Changed
9 ~ Annoyed
10 ~ Jealous
11 ~ Hothead
12 ~ Space
13 ~ Friends
14 ~ Pretty
15 ~ Reading
16 ~ Blessed
17 ~ Nerve
18 ~ Listen
19 ~ Date
20 ~ Flirt
21 ~ Smoothie
22 ~ Party
23 ~ Beautiful
24 ~ Friends
25 ~ Fighting
26 ~ Present
27 ~ Wrong
28 ~ Love
29 ~ Selfish
30 ~ Miserable
31 ~ Secret
32 ~ Dream
33 ~ Trap
34 ~ Tamales
35 ~ Win
36 ~ Lover Boy
37 ~ Thanks
38 ~ Leave
39 ~ Shame
40 ~ Gay
4 1 ~ Alabama
42 ~ Bliss
43 ~ Hooky
44 ~ Potter
45 ~ Finally
46 ~ Dating
47 ~ Kiss
49 ~ Gift
50 ~ Free
51 ~ Oh
52 ~ Hospital
53 ~ Waiting
54 ~ All of it
55 ~ Happy
56 ~ You
57 ~ Children
58 ~ Weird
59 ~ Light
Epilogue ~ Ashlett
Sequels and Spinoffs
Bonus ~ Birthday
Bonus ~ Hufflepuff
Bonus ~ Cuddles
Bonus ~ Always

48 ~ Monster

36.9K 1.8K 811
By Honey_Money_

Watching Scarlett hold onto the counter for dear life, my heart stands still.

Is she okay?

"Dude, don't." Gabe says from beside her as I walk forward.

Ignoring him, I rest a hand on her back, rubbing small, soothing circles into her skin. I'm shoved away and I get pissed, thinking it was Gabe before I realize it was Scarlett.

She shoved me away.

"What happened?" Sage demands, handing her a glass of water.

"I don't know exactly, I got here as he was leaving." Gabe says, offering her a towel.

Who was here?

I want to scream for answers, my mind is working in overdrive, but she turns around and everything vanishes. She looks horrible.

"The girls need to get out of here, now." She states, avoiding eye contact with me.

"They can go to my house." I offer, clearing my throat. Mom and Dad aren't doing anything tonight.

"I'll take them." Sage says, eager to calm her down.

She visibly relaxes and I'm about to move for her again when Gabe speaks up, "Ashton, go with him."

Dude, I just want to be with my girlfriend. Screw off.

"I don't want him alone, take the twins too" Scarlett agrees with him.

She wants space.

I wait for her to send Gabe away, but she doesn't, fixating on her water. Fine, if she wants space, I'll give her space. Sending Gabe a threatening glare, I head for the door. But not before I glance back at her.

She'll be okay.

The ride is silent, the twins refuse to say a word while Sage grips the wheel so hard his knuckles are white. They know what's going on, but they won't share anything.

I need to know what happened.

What made her so scared that she threw up?

Maybe it was something to do with custody. But that doesn't explain the music or the open front door.

Taking the girls inside, I find mom making a cake. "Can the girls stay here tonight?"

She jumps, "Ashton, knock next time. What happened to your plans?"

Shutting the door, I wince. "Something happened and Scarlett doesn't want Saffron to be worried."

"Is she alright?" Mom demands.

"I don't know, but... but I think it might have something to do with custody. She was really shaken." I explain softly.

"Oh, Hun, go be with her." She says, grabbing hold of my hand for a tight squeeze.

Nodding, I hurry outside to find the boys the same way I left them. Silent.

Arriving back at the Rhodes residence, the twins go back to the basement while Sage follows me up the stairs. Hopefully Scarlett will be in a more relaxed state of mind.

Voices stop me right outside her door.

"You would've done the same thing for me, Letty, and it's nothing to thank me for. In my mind you've always been my friend." Gabe offers and I relax.

Good, it's about time they've talked things through.

"Well, thank you anyways." Scarlett's muffled voice replies.

"Besides, once a West-Sider, always a West-Sider. We tend to stick together."

She laughs and Sage mutters out a "Finally." I go for the door, but stop as Scarlett speaks again.

"Please tell me Emmy is a girl you're trying to hook up with and not Emmanuel." I don't have to be in the room to know she's absolutely pissed.

Emmy, funny, we were just talking about him.

"Scarlett, he can help."

Help with what? Gabe gets to know and I don't.

"I don't want help from him. I don't want to see him that will just fuel Bennett's fire."

I freeze, Bennett. That's the last name I want to hear coming from her mouth right now. Or ever actually.

"He can help, the Widows don't mess around and you know that."

Sage gasps but I stay tuned into the conversation.

"Bennett isn't stupid enough to use the Widows for me. He can threaten me, which he's already done, but he won't embarrass himself just for revenge."

That's it, I've had enough. Shoving the door open, Sage doesn't try to stop me.

"Who the hell are the Widows?"

"Oh, boy." Sage mutters, pushing past me to sit on the bed.

Scarlett freezes, clearly not expecting to see us anytime soon.

"The Widows are a gang from the West Side, Bennett's uncle is sorta their leader."

I'm sorry, come again?

Feeling my cluelessness, Scarlett begins to explain everything. "That night I broke up with Bennett, Sage beat the shit out of him and the next day I woke up to a black widow waiting for me on the windowsill."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" Gabe demands, obviously insulted beyond measure.

She glares at him, "It was simple. I ignore the West Side and move on and he wouldn't mess with us ever again."

That's not so simple. I remember asking her why she chose to never go back, I know it bothers her more than she cares to admit.

"At the party he told me he was ready to collect and so I freaked out and we all know how that ended." She says before hesitating. "It was fine till... till..."

"Till when, Scarlett?" Gabe demands. If I wasn't so desperate for an answer, I would've slapped him.

"The basketball game that Scotty showed up to and threatened me. He said Bennett wanted revenge for Ashton, Sage, and James beating him up. We got told to watch our backs and I ignored it."

Gabe swears, "Why the fuck would you do that?"

"Because, it's Bennett. He's never done anything like that, he threatens and moves on. He likes scare tactics not actually acting out."

"Well, you were wrong."

"I know that!" She snaps, "Him showing up to threaten me today made it pretty clear he meant it."

My blood runs cold. He was here. In this house. With her. Oh my God.

"He said that the baseball game against Steinborn is when he's going to retaliate." She offers weakly, shrinking into herself.

Sage pales, more terrified of Bennett then he cares to admit. I don't get upset, I get angry. He feels the need to stalk her, threaten her. I'm going to enjoy this game because it's pretty simple, no one messes with my girl.

Sage clears his throat, pulling my attention back to the conversation. "So what do we do? I'm sure he plans on kicking my ass thoroughly into the ground Tuesday night and would love to do the same to Ashton and James. I mean, we can't not play."

"No, we play. We're on school grounds, they can't do anything too drastic without getting in trouble. If they start a fight, we finish it." I say since Gabe and Scar both appear out of options.

I've kicked his ass once and I'll do it again. Something tells me I'll enjoy this time a hell of a lot more.

Sage looks at me like I've gone crazy. "It's not that simple. Bennett's wanted to kill me for two years and this is his chance."

A chance he won't get.

Gabe slaps his head, "Bennett's not going to kill you. L- Scarlett's right, he's not stupid enough to risk embarrassment. Whatever he plans to do will be with just his friends."

Honestly, I don't know anything about this stuff, but I've seen plenty of situations play out like this before. People go big to scare you, but the end result isn't that bad. My father used to live off this theory.

While Sage freaks out, I focus on Scarlett. Eventually Gabe drags him from the room, leaving just us.


"I'm sorry, I didn't say anything before. It's just I haven't let myself focus on that since I was 15." She offers hurriedly as soon as the door shuts, avoiding my gaze.


"And now you're involved, and I feel even worse because you don't deserve this." I don't deserve this? She's the one who shouldn't have to put up with any of this psycho's bullshit.


"I understand if you're mad at me, I'd be pissed too. Especially since now he's going to mess with you. I know you moved here to get away from trouble and here I am getting you into even more problems."

It's impossible to be mad at her.

"Sweetheart." I say, shaking her shoulders to snap her out of this downward spiral of guilt. "I wouldn't change my decision for anything in the world. If I could go back, I'd punch him even harder."

And I plan on doing so the next time I see his ugly face.

"But-" She protests.

"You're worth whatever terrible thing he has planned." I assure her, worth every second of it.

She pulls back, expecting the opposite reaction out of me. Always expecting the worst.

I dry her tears. "Do you understand me?"

As soon as she nods, I engulf her in a hug. Resting on the bed, I relax, this is all I needed.

"If anything, I'd like to see what he's got." I tease.

"A lot." She sobs into my chest. Okay, so we're not at the joking stage yet.

Laying us down as she empties her emotions, I can't help but appreciate how much growth she's had. Two months ago, she would've held them back and carried on. But she trusts me.

She pulls back with red rimmed, puffy eyes, silently watching me watch her. Brown eyes drift down to my lips and instantly, she pales.

"What's wrong?" I ask as she sits up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know he was going to do it and then I froze in complete shock." She manages to get out, avoiding my eyes again.

What the hell did he do?

My question is answered when Scarlett reveals a bruise on her neck. A hickey.

"I'm going to kill him." I seethe. I will kick his ass till he literally can't move. To touch her like that against her will.

Tears spring back up in her eyes, "I'm so sorry."

Oh, no. "You have nothing to be sorry for." If anything, I should be apologizing to her. I would never get upset over something like this, not with her at least.

She looks away and I cup her chin, guiding her face back up to mine. "You mean the world to me."

Fear dissolves from her face as I kiss her, resting our foreheads together. "Get some sleep, Sweetheart. I promise you, I'll be here when you wake up."

I'll always be here.

Arms wrap around me as her eyes close. Studying her, so much pain fills my heart.

"If you only knew how important you are."


The next morning, Scarlett stirs in my arms. Watching as she blinks the sleep away, I smile. "Morning, Sweetheart."

She grins, "How long have you been awake?"

"Not long." Two hours.

Shaking her head, she goes to get up and I hold her in place. Leaning in for a kiss, she shoved me away. "Ashton, I need to brush my teeth."


"Because morning breath."

"That's never mattered before." I counter, leaning back in.

"We weren't dating before." She snips. "Besides, maybe I'm not talking about myself."

As she walks into the bathroom, I try to smell my breath. I don't smell... at least, I hope not. Joining her in the bathroom, I use a new toothbrush to clean my teeth. Thoroughly making sure I smell minty fresh.

She stands in front of the mirror, pulling her shirt down to study the mark on her skin.

"Hey, don't focus on it." I whisper, trying to pull her shirt back up.

The more she fixates on it, the worse she'll feel.

Shrugging me off, she frowns. "It's hideous. I want to bleach it off my skin."

Please, don't do that. Wrapping my arms around her, an idea comes to mind.

"Why focus on that one, small spot when I could give you something happier to look at?"

"What are you-"

My lips cut her off, I have a feeling she's going to be rather fond of this.


Scarlett's been a mess all week. I force her to eat. I stay over every night till she falls asleep. I try to keep her distracted, but it doesn't amount to much.

She's terrified and it makes me want to bash Bennett's face in even more.

Waiting in the Steinborn parking lot, I wrap my arms around her. The filth himself walks by, eyes lingering on Scarletts neck.

I sneer in return, eager to wipe the smugness off his face. There's plenty of hickeys on her neck but none of them belong to him. They're all mine, just like she is.

Containing my anger, I don't even budge as he spits at our feet. Even though I really, really want to, I will not throw the first punch.

Everyone silently heads for the field and I go to grab my stuff when Scarlett pulls me aside, worry evident on her face.

"Are you okay?" I ask, grabbing her hand.

She nods, eyes protectively following Sage as stars are traced into my skin. The silence is about to kill me when she clears her throat, "I need you to do me a favor."


Remorseful brown eyes, showing the faintest traces of green, gaze up at me. "Make sure whatever happens, Sage isn't involved."

Oh. "Of course." I was already planning on making sure Bennett doesn't get anywhere near him.

My hand is dropped, "I'm sorry to ask because I know he's focused on you too, but I couldn't live with myself if-"

She doesn't have to explain a damn thing to me. Sage is her blood. Sage is hers. Nothing will ever compare to that. Hugging her tightly to my body, I put all my assurance into it. "Sage is my first priority."

"Thank you."

Cupping her face, I smile. "You just have to make it through this week, Sweetheart."

Her birthday, and custody, is just around the corner. This nightmare of a situation is just a small road bump.

She smiles weakly and I turn to go when I'm forced back around. What the- lips cut off my train of thought as Scarlett kisses the life out of me. Forgetting about everything else in the world, I kiss her.

"What was that for?" I question breathlessly as we separate.

"My promise worked so well last time I figured I'd pay in advance this time around." She smirks devilishly, just like she did all those months ago at that football game.

She's something else entirely.

"I-" I start before stopping myself.

"What?" She asks curiously

I love you so much, but now isn't the time or place. Asking her out might not have been perfect but saying those three words will be.

"McClain!" Coach shouts, saving me from talking myself out of this.

Kissing her once more, I run for my team.


We're winning and I couldn't be madder.

Sage is pitching and doing amazing, but it should be a little more difficult. They're just giving up, on purpose.

It pisses me off.

But what takes the cake is Bennett coming in to pitch. He's good, I'll give him that, but that doesn't make up for the fact he throws that ball at Zev four times. Purposely allowing him to get on base.

Taking one glance back in the dugout to find Gabe and Sage offer grim looks, I head for the batter's box. Bennett sneers, not even hesitating to hit me with the first pitch right in my knee.

Jesus fucking Christ, that hurt like hell.

Staring him down, itching to throw my bat at his face, I walk to first base.


Helplessly, I watch Sage walk into the batter's box with an ear to ear grin on his face. I don't know if I should be worried or proud as he eyes Bennett up.

Worried, definitely worried, I decide as the first pitch flies by his head. This little shit has the audacity to shake his arm out like it was a fluke. The second ball would've drilled Sage if he hadn't of ducked down in time. Standing back up, my idiot of a best friend who apparently has a death wish, points his bat at Bennett. Challenging him.

The next ball hits him on the side of the head, causing him to crumple to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

And that's when I decide enough is enough and charge the mound.

Everything happens quickly after that, but it all seems so surreal. My only focus is on Bennett, any and all control I've had these last five months vanishing with that first punch. Fists fly between us, a punch to my jaw has me reeling back as a second hits my eye.

For a second I'm 15 again, Chase kicking my ass for being too loud during a deal. We had almost been caught and that was the first and last time I lost a fight. Rearing back, I hit him repeatedly not caring where I hit him The nose, mouth, eye, throat, stomach– I manage to hit it all and slowly his fight begins to die out.  

"She's nothing more than a tease." He mutters, throwing a punch to my gut. "Soon enough you'll learn how cold she can truly be."

"And you're a crazy fucking psychopath, I don't need time to tell me that." I hit him again.

"Your father misses you." Bennett offers as he spits blood on the ground.

I hit him again, "How the hell do you know about him?"

He smirks, "Funny you should mention that, I know a person behind bars, he sends his love."

"Yeah, well his love and your face can both go die in a hole." I seethe, not letting his words get to me. It's a distraction to weaken me.

"Does he know about your happy little life here?" He manages to get out.

My fist isn't enough to shut him up.

"Does he know that you're playing some twisted version of house with a girl who you will never fully have?"

Stop talking about her. He has no right to run his mouth nonstop about Scarlett like she's something as useless as the weather. She is a human being with so much potential and worth.

"He can go to hell for all I care and you can tell him that since I won't ever speak to him again." I spit out with a hit to his nose.

We continue on, earning cheap shots on one another as the chaos carries on.

"Enjoy my leftover's, McClain, they'll spoil soon enough."

In a blinded rage, I pummel him into the ground. "Stay the fuck away from her. Stay away from them. Stay away from me."

Arms try to pull us apart and he doesn't stop them. Focused on his broken, bloody, smirking face, I fight the hands holding me. Desperate for another punch to shut him up.

"Easy, kid." A voice calls and I send a jab with my elbow.

There is no easy.

"Ashton." Someone says and I reach out to hit them, not caring who it is.

I get shoved on my ass, water squirted in my face.

Furious, I jump back up but a familiar face slams me back down.

"You need a fucking chill pill before you put someone in the hospital." Gabe warns me, now sporting a bloody nose.

Those words are enough to sober me up, what have I done?

"I... I'm sorry." I croak out, trying to ignore the hum going through my bones.

"Go walk it off." He orders, directing me towards the gate.


In a panic, I find him being watched by Scarlett, the former trying to insist he's okay while she forces him to sit down. I was so blinded by my own personal vendetta that I totally forgot about him.

Nodding, I find a picnic table separated from the rest of the aftermath. Coach Jones finds me instantly, "Son, you should count yourself lucky."

"And why is that?" I snort.

Because I didn't almost kill anyone this time. Because no one's going to press charges.

"Because there will be no record of this fight, which means Alabama won't be hearing about this."

I stop breathing, in the midst of all my fury I forgot all about my scholarship. "What do you mean, no record?"

"Steinborn has a special way of ensuring certain things stay secret. Technically this game ended with us as the winners and then we all separated in high spirits."

That bothers me, no one should be able to hide what I just did. I deserve to be punished. Punching the wooden table, I groan. "I'm so stupid."

Coach leaves without a goodbye, leaving me alone with my thoughts. My fist is still balled up, ready for another go at the table if I don't find a body to hit.

God, what is wrong with me? How can I even allow myself to listen to the singing of my blood? begging to hit someone, something.

I'm a monster and there's no getting around it. I deserve to be locked away, hidden from the real world due to all the damage I'm capable of causing.

And just as my spiral reaches an all time-low, my beautiful light appears by my side. Almost as if she knew now was when I needed her most. I can't look her in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asks, placing a bag of ice on my swollen knuckles.

I don't deserve ice.

Nodding my head, unable to form words, I wait for her to disappear. Disgusted by the outcome of my actions.

"Hey." She tries again, fingers brushing against my face.

The worry in her voice snaps me back to reality. "I'm okay, Sweetheart. It's just difficult to sit down and think about what I just did."

I just beat the shit out of someone.

"Ash, I'm so sorry." She offers, pulling away her hand.

Oh, no. Don't blame yourself. I try to reach for her, but my right hand is forced to stay under the ice, so my left brings her close. "Don't you dare apologize. I'd beat the shit out of him a thousand times without a second thought," I assure her, meaning every word. Even if I lost my scholarship tomorrow. For her, I'd do it. "It's just the way my body feels after a fight, the desire to punch someone else is what scares me."

It's an addiction.

Hands grip my face, forcing me to look at Scarlett who has a determined glint in her eyes. "You're my Prince Charming."

Even if I feel like shit, I can't help but smile. I guess there's a cut on my lip because it hurts like hell.

"You're an idiot." She snips, holding a bag of ice to my lip.

Shoulda known this was coming. "He hit Sage."

"He did, but I didn't think you would full out charge the mound." Honestly, neither did I but here we are now.

A metallic tang fills my mouth, so I shrug before turning to spit blood onto the ground. Yeah, my body's gonna hate me tomorrow.

"Thank you." She pecks my forehead.

Wrapping an arm around her, I smirk. "The things I'm willing to do for my sweetheart."

Literally anything.

Leaning in to kiss her, a bag of ice is slapped onto my face. "No, sir, your lip needs to heal."

"But a kiss would make me feel better." So much better.

"Then you should learn to protect the face."

Before I can attempt to convince her, arms wrap around me. Needing this as much as she does, I pull her closer.

And as I sit here with my entire body throbbing in pain, I decide there's no saving me from the beautiful, relentless soul that is Scarlett Rhodes.


Hi, here's a new chapter.


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