Wren of the East *Complete*

By RAThomas1988

2.2K 145 21

Princess Akira was apprehensive meeting her husband Emperor Farrow of the Southern Kingdom. As a marriage of... More

Chapter 1: Wren of the East
Chapter 2: Settlement
Chapter 3: Wet Bird
Chapter 4: Empress Akira
Chapter 5: Deflower
Chapter 6: Discussions
Chapter 7: Inconveniences
Chapter 9: In the Moonlight
Chapter 10: Bitter Partings
Chapter 11: Weaknesses
Chapter 12: Joyous

Chapter 8: Declaration

159 11 1
By RAThomas1988

The sun was warm against my skin, and the song of a warbler roused me from bed. I stretched and was surprised to see the window open. Then again, it is warmer than any previous day. The breeze moved the papers on the table and blew ash from the fireplace.

I searched the room for Farrow and was disappointed when I didn't find him. Over the months since my arrival, he was a constant presence until I was ready for the day to begin. He would wait until I was awake and dressed before he went about the tasks we had decided he could do without me there.

The warbler's song drifted into the room again, and I knew that I wouldn't be going back to sleep. I pushed the silken sheets away and went to the window. The trees were bright with brand new leaves and had begun to call to the birds. I could hear conversations and laughter drift up from the village as I listened. They were happy, and it was a welcome sound.

The chamber door creaked open, and I turned to see who it was. My attendants came into the room, and their arms were laden with fabric.

Kokoa laid the kimono on the bed. "Good morning Empress."

"Good morning Kokoa. Ruka."

Ruka pulled the nagajuban from the pile. "The Emperor sends his regards as he was called away at dawn. He said he would discuss everything with you once he returned."

I slipped my nightgown off, and Ruka helped me dress. The two women moved around me in a dance of finery and fabric. Once they had finished securing the obi, I sat down in a chair Farrow had given me as a gift. He wanted me to be comfortable as my attendants helped me with my hair and makeup.

"Was I left anything this morning?" I sat straight and let Kokoa pull my hair back.

"A letter from the Eastern Kingdom. Also, a note informing you that the lords have arrived." Kokoa secured my bun with a comb.

"They're early. Where are they?"

"We had them wait in the lower palace. We were coming to wake you."

I stood and hurried from the room. If the lords were here early, then something had gone wrong.


The lords of the Eastern Kingdom waited in the lower palace. Instead of resting on the zabuton, they were huddled around each other, whispering fervently. Upon noticing I had entered the room, they all bowed.

"What has happened?"

The men looked at each other. "Empress Akira, forgive us, but the Northern Kingdom, they've attacked."

Bile rose in my throat. "The Emperor is with one of the generals, I take it?"

"Yes, Empress. General Yuri is with him now."

I nodded my head and began pacing. "In times of war, Emperor Farrow takes overruling the kingdom. He has survived war against all three nations. I trust him to keep the kingdom safe."

The lords erupted into upheaval.

"Trust him? You have been married to him for six months!"

"He doesn't care about us. Meeting with Yuri is a formality. All generals must meet the Emperor."

"Empress Akira, you cannot truly believe that he will do what he can to defend us."

"Enough!" I let my panic, agitation, and anger seep out into that one word. If they began to question me, this marriage was for nothing.

Their fear was bubbling over, and I could see it in their eyes. However, quelling it would prove impossible as I no longer live in the country.


I spun around, and a sense of relief filled me. Farrow entered the room, and Yuri was close behind. He descended the stairs and came to a stop beside me.

I could feel his anger roll off him. Farrow handed me a scroll, and I pulled it open and scanned it. The words filled me with dread. Farrow grabbed my upper arm and pulled me away from the other men.

"What do we do?" He leaned in close so he wouldn't be overheard.

"Ryu is going to start burning the fields and orchards because he's insulted by my marriage to you. I have soldiers, but his army is stronger." I touched the scroll to my head.

"I have soldiers. If I bring them, it's a declaration of war. The Western Kingdom may side with him."

I shook my head. "Perhaps, but they will be angry at each other too. We need to make sure he understands that the Eastern and Southern kingdoms no longer exist. We are a whole. He is declaring war on us. King Ryu is declaring war, and we need to answer."

"Well, my Little Bird, you need to come up with a name for our country. I'll go and answer the bastard back." He kissed my head and returned to the men.

"I have conferred with my Empress, and she and I agree. King Ryu of the Northern kingdom has declared war. The nation of...."

"Kikon." We were marrying our lives together and our countries. It was a fitting name.

Farrow smiled. "The nation of Kikon will answer," his smile faded, and his face turned hard, "and make them regret it."

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