Just a small drop of kindness...

By dreamingpotential

42.4K 1.6K 348

Jungkook picks up some stray (well, not really) hybrids. Out of the kindness of his own heart, of course, and... More

picking up stray(?) number one (yoongles)
more to learn; soon after
it's the circle of life; we're back again
meeting hybrid two (jinnie)
the 'rescue' and hybrid three (hobi-hobi)
going to a restaurant
sincerity with hobi
a bit with hobi and a bit with tae+jiminie
hello hello (tell me what you want right now)
a shopping trip

bonding time with jinnie + yoongles

3.1K 142 31
By dreamingpotential

Yoongi scuffed his feet against the floor, wanting to be anywhere else but here in the freezing cold, battered by the harsh wind and certainly not here with the one person he had not so recently placed on his 'Must Dispose' list.

"Yoongi, stop acting like a woe-begotten princess and sit your ass down so you don't fall into the water." Jin grumbled alongside Yoongi, clearly upset at the rocky boat and stormy weather. "I don't want to explain why you drowned at sea when we return to Jungkook."

Shakily, Yoongi returned back his seat. He whined quietly to himself, just wanting to return back to his soft, warm bed and his sweet Jungkookie. "I miss Jungkook..." He leaned back, curling up into a ball to only be whacked by a fishing rod.

"Yah, Yoongi! Help me catch some fish otherwise we'll starve today!" Jin yelled over the loud rain and wind.

"Stop fucking hitting me with the damn fishing rod! It'll break, you fool!" He snatched up his fishing rod to retaliate before swinging it to try to get it into the sea. "I doubt any fishes will be caught in this shitty weather."


"Hey boys, you okay?" The captain walked up to the two struggling hybrids, soaked by the heavy downpour.

"Yes, we're good, captain. Thank you for taking us with you - I'm glad to be in your service!" Jin enthusiastically responded, standing up to bow although it being very unstable. He dragged Yoongi up to bow with him.

Sourly, Yoongi muttered under his breath, trying to squeeze out some of the water in his long fringe poking in his eyes. "Not that it's that pleasurable. This sucks. I hate it all." Thankfully, the captain couldn't hear because one, it was very windy and two, he was slightly hard of hearing.

When the captain left after giving some tips on fishing, Jin nudged him in the stomach before scolding him. "Do you not have any manners?" He was returned with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, whereby Jin sighed. "Jesus, aren't you a well-mannered one? I can tell Jungkook really spoils you."

"Yeah well, who wouldn't be well-behaved for Jungkook?" Yoongi flumped back into his seat, his face scrunching in distaste as the water seeped into his pants. "Ugh, this weather is terrible. I hate getting wet."


Yoongi felt a heavy tug on the fishing rod, making him stand up immediately to reel it back. He was pulled nearer to the edge of the ship, where then he yelled to the deer hybrid. "Yah, help me otherwise you can starve too!"

Jin jumped up, helping Yoongi drag the fish out by adding more force on the rod. The two grunted at the heavy pull on the fishing rod, perhaps the shitty weather wasn't helping with the fishing (who were they kidding, of course it was).

With a final tug, the large fish was pulled over, wriggling on the wet wooden deck. "Hurry up and put it in the bucket!" Yoongi told Jin as he removed the hook from the mouth. Jin heaved the fish into the big bucket of water, making a large splash as he dropped it in.

"Well, that's dinner sorted for today. Well done, Yoongi!" He patted the blond cat hybrid on the back, walking inside to get away from the terrible rain. Yoongi followed him, slightly weirded out by Jin's unhostile action.


The captain gaped in awe of Jin's knife skills; Yoongi also was mildly impressed (and if he was considering how he could steal those moves to stab a bitch, well, no one would know).

"Your friend... he's amazing," the captain said, probably excited at the prospect of a home cooked meal for the first time in a while.

"He's not my friend." Yoongi blatantly told the man, displeased at assumption. However, he did have to admit Jin was a great cook (although he himself could cook rather well too).

He thought about the occasions when Jin would barge in after work, complaining about the restaurant and the workers while cooking their dinner. He missed his Jungkookie, who he would snuggle with before dinner and after dinner.

Taking out his phone to check the time, his mood was slightly uplifted by the lockscreen of him and Jungkook pushing their faces together into the screen. The signal here was terrible. Why did he even let Jungkook persuade him to go on this damn trip?

Jin and the captain seemed to have a great time, drinking shots with each other and loudly laughing with each other. Yoongi was not in the mood to join in with the festivities (although the only thing they were celebrating was Yoongi's catch), sulking in the corner, ears lying flat on his head.

With Jin's squeaky laughter and their rambunctious conversations, Yoongi could only feel the throbbing of his headache intensify so he departed off to his cramped bed. Jin paused, noticing the pained look on Yoongi's face as he went off. He reminded himself to check on him later - he promised Jungkook to keep an eye on him despite their mild dislike for each other.

The things he did for one cute, starry eyed boy.


Entering the room, he was met with pitch darkness and the rustling sound of bedsheets. "Can't sleep?" Jin sat on the side of the bed with a soft voice, not expecting a response from the grumpy puss.

"I can't sleep without him."

Jin snorted softly. "Who, Jungkook?" He received a small whine at the mentioned of the human. "I was right; he spoiled you too much."

Yoongi jabbed him in the stomach with his fingers, which were so conveniently dulled thanks to Jungkook who predicted he would use them as weapons. Jin yelped at the pressure regardless. "Hey! Stop attacking me like that!"

"You stop acting like a jealous bugger for Jungkook! He's mine; I met him first!" He hissed at the other hybrid.

Jin decided he would have to be the mature one. "Listen Yoongi, I'm not stealing Jungkook away from you. I care and love him just as much as you do, and Jungkook loves us both, alright? He's a sweetheart who has too much love to give - you can't just monopolize him, he has friends and family too."

Yoongi curled back up with his blankets, clearly upset at the idea of having to share his Jungkookie. "I get it. I get that there are more people that he loves too. I just... don't want to be replaced."

"You probably won't, you know. You'll always be his first one he met." Jin rubbed his shoulders encouragingly, making Yoongi puff in pride at his statement.

Yoongi sat up, making eye contact with the deer hybrid. "Actually...I don't think you're that bad. Doesn't mean I want to get romantically involved with you though. Only Jungkook." He cuddled the pillow to his chest, missing the soothing warmth of his human.

"Same. It'll probably just be a group of random dudes just in love with one dude." He chuckled at the idea. "Hopefully there won't be too many otherwise we can't all crash over at Jungkook's apartment."

Yoongi shivered at that idea. "I live there too, you bastard. Why do you insist on that idea?"

"Hey, it's not fair you get him all the time. Let me have my daily dosage of Jungkook." He nudged him cheekily.

"...I get more though."

Jin gasped dramatically. "Is that a yes? I get to have my beloved Kookie too?"

"I'm taking back that agreement." He got up, knowing there was no point in trying to sleep when he didn't have Jungkook.

"Wait, no! I need my Kookie to live!" He scrambled after Yoongi who left the room.


"Jin...hyung." Yoongi said, grimacing at the excited face of Jin when he heard the honorific.

"You called me hyung! Where's Jungkookie when you need him? Why don't we have internet?!" He groaned, upset at the lost opportunity to capture this moment.

Yoongi kicked the other man lightly, slightly embarrassed by Jin's reaction. He coughed, trying to move to a different subject. "Anyway, how do you know Jungkook loves us? It's not like any of us have explicitly told him that we love him."

Jin paused. "I don't know...for sure that he loves us, but I know he cares. What type of person would continue to let a stranger live in their home, let them sleep with them, let them have that much physical contact?"

"But...what if...he doesn't return those feelings back?"

"Hey, why are you being so negative?" He nudged the cat lightly. "We've got to be hopeful. We never really know what will happen, so don't just assume that something is set in stone."

Yoongi squinted at him suspiciously. "Are you sure you're Kim Seokjin? You seem awfully mature all of a sudden..."

Jin hit the other lightly, scowling. "Excuse you! I'm twenty-five years old, you bastard - I can be wise too!"

Yoongi hummed. "Sure, hyung, sure. Keep dreaming." However, he gave Jin a brief upturn of his lips. "Thanks hyung."


(But you, the reader, may still be a tad confused, so here's how this came to be...)

One day, Jin crashed over Jungkook's apartment, carrying a large bag of groceries (as he did occasionally). Yoongi, who was lounging on the sofa groaned almost immediately when he saw him take over the kitchen. "Why the fuck do you always come here? Don't you have a home?"

Jin ignored the question, taking out his ingredients from the fridge and his bag. "Where's Jungkookie?"

"He's still at his art workshop thing, finishing his art pieces. Poor baby." He rubbed his eyes lazily, checking on his phone for any messages.

"Aren't you a comfortable cat? It must be nice to lounge around at home." Jin chopped as he made snarky comments to the other.

"Haha. At least I'm doing a job I don't mind. Imagine bitching about your job everyday - oh wait, that's you."

"I never knew you cared, Yoongi!" He scoffed mockingly. "Well, since you're such a great listener, why not keep an ear out for my bitching, huh?"

"No thanks. I don't like you." Yoongi went back to his phone, sending a pitiful looking selfie of his face so he could gain Jungkook's affection immediately when he came home.

"Damn cat." Jin muttered under his breath, pushing a little harder on the knife.


"Jungkookie!" Yoongi sat up happily, ears perking up and tail swinging. Jungkook giggled at the hybrid's warm welcome, carrying in a large canvas in a bag.

"Hi, Yoongi-hyung." His eyes crinkled up and his front teeth slightly peeking out. "Good day?" He petted the blond hybrid affectionately, before giving a final pat to the head to put down his unfinished artwork in his room.

Jungkook took off his outerwear before shuffling to Jin to give him a hug, making Jin put down his wooden spoon and embracing him tightly. "Hi, Jin-hyung." His bunny smile was adorable, making his heart melt a little bit more.

"Hi, sweetheart. How was your day?"

Jungkook pondered a bit, nibbling on his bottom lip. Jin tapped his plush lip lightly with his finger. "Uh-uh, baby, don't chew on your lips so much. You made them bleed last time." Jungkook nodded obediently, shiny hair bouncing as his head moved.

"Jungkook-ah, I want a hug too!" Yoongi said, disrupting the quiet moment between the two. Jungkook ran to Yoongi, hugging him from the back and hanging off him lightly as a mild attempt to piggyback Yoongi.

Yoongi turned around in Jungkook's loose grip around his shoulders, facing him. He rubbed his nose fondly against Jungkook's nose. "Hi baby." Jungkook threw his head back in joy, giggling at the sweet nickname.

"I already said hi, Yoongi-hyung." A burst of soft laughter erupted from him as Yoongi feigned a sad face. Jungkook placed his hands on each side of Yoongi's face, squishing his cheeks playfully. "You're so cute, hyungie!"

Yoongi booped Jungkook's bunny nose playfully and kissed his forehead quickly. "I can't possibly compare to the most adorable baby boy in my arms," which made Jungkook flush pink and led him to burying his face in the crook of his neck to avoid eye contact because he was so bloody embarrassed.

Jin fake puked at the overly sweet scent in front of him, making obnoxious gagging sounds while Yoongi gave him a dirty look as he stroked the boy's soft hair. "You are disgusting."

"Like you wouldn't say that to Jungkook either." He could feel the hot temperature of Jungkook's cheeks rise even more, clearly flustered by that comment.

Jin agreed with Yoongi, although he didn't need to be so cutesy in front of him. He huffed, carrying the large pot of curry over to the table and getting the two to help out.

As Yoongi was scooping the rice, Jungkook tugged on Jin's shirt hesitantly. "I'm sorry if that was a bit too much, Jinnie-hyung. I'll try to stop if it bothers you so much."

Jin ruffled his hair, making Jungkook pout petulantly at the abuse on his head (despite enjoying the contact very much). "It's okay, Kook-ah. Just... remember you have another needy hyung too?" He gestured at himself shamelessly, making him squeaky laugh at Jungkook's slightly dumbfounded expression.

He slapped Jin on the chest several times, making Jin increase in laughter. "Ah, hyung, stop joking!" Jin slowly stopped, wiping away his tears, ignoring the confused look on Yoongi's face.

"Hyung... seriously though, I'll give you attention when you need it, so just find me and ask, okay?" Jin gave him a soft smile and a quick peck to his nose.

"Thank you, Jungkook-ah."


Jin was now getting his vent time about his job. "And you know what he said, oh your fucking hair stinks, stay away from the food otherwise you'll contaminate it, this fucking bastard! Like my hair is fine; it's better than yours in every sense!"

Yoongi chewed, only partly listening. "Sounds like a right bastard. Just punch him."

"I'm not that violent, you idiot. I can't just punch my higher up and not expect to be fired." Jin shoved another spoonful of curry into his mouth, attempting to blow air out to cool down his food. "Agh, hot!"

"And he calls me an idiot." Yoongi muttered. Jungkook ate his food quietly, enjoying the entertainment in front of him. It was nice to see them interact, even if it wasn't always that friendly (would it be too hopeful of him to ask for them to become friends?).

"Anyway, my boss at work is sending me off to fetch some ingredients from Jeju-do, and I don't want to have to spend the whole boat ride with one of my annoying co-workers because all they'll do is nag nag nag, so you want to come with me, Kook-ah?"

Jungkook apologised, feeling a bit guilty that he couldn't fulfill that simple request. "I'm sorry, Jin-hyung, I can't. These final pieces are a big part of my grade. I'm really sorry, hyungie." Jin sighed, a bit letdown but nodded in agreement. He patted Jungkook's hand comfortingly.

"It's okay, sweetheart. Your education is more important, no matter how much it sucks. I guess I'm just going alone then."

Jungkook had an idea. "How about Yoongi-hyung accompanying you? He has some free time!"

"What? Fuck no, no matter how much I love you Kook." Jungkook blushed, a light pink rising to his cheeks (his heart fluttered at Yoongi's words, probably making his face heat up even more, goddammit). Ugh.

Jungkook coughed lightly while tugging on Yoongi's sleeve. "Anyway, Yoongi-hyung, please! It'll be a great opportunity to get to know each other a bit better!" He stared at Yoongi imploringly, clasping his hands together over his face.

"What about the deer? He probably doesn't want to travel with me." Yoongi argued with a weak voice, a little too affected by Jungkook's begging.

"Jin-hyung, please?" He turned to Jin, starting to attack his soft spot for him.

Jin was much weaker to Jungkook. "Okay, Kook-ah, I don't mind. I want a reward when I come back though." He put out his pinky, wriggling it. Jungkook laughed and linked his pinky. "Now it's a pinky promise, baby. I can't wait for my reward." He winked at Jungkook, causing heat to rise to his cheeks again.

Yoongi sighed, guessing he would have to go, otherwise Jin would drag him just to get that reward. He wanted that reward too, though...

Jungkook felt Yoongi's needy gaze on him, making him laugh. "Yes, Yoongi-hyung, I'll gladly give you a reward if you go."

"Anything I want?"

"To moderation. But basically, yes." Jungkook felt his chest warm at their satisfied faces. "So it's a done deal then?" The two nodded, giving each other a strained smile of sorts.


"Why do we have to travel by boat, of all things?" Yoongi grumbled, carrying his backpack on board. They were going to be gone for several days and he couldn't even get a goodbye hug from Jungkook because he needed to fill in a shift for someone. It sucked and put him in a grumpy mood, whipping his tail around and hitting Jin occasionally (he wasn't very apologetic - it was Jin's fault he was going out for once).

"Hey! Down, you angry cat, down! Stop attacking me like this, you heathen!" The two squabbled noisily, attempting a mock cat fight with their hands flapping about.

When they had finally finished, Jin introduced him to the captain. "He's a good friend of the restaurant's owner - he helps with shipments and stuff."

"Why the fuck are they sending you then?"

Jin shrugged. "Probably to get to know how to look for the freshest ingredients. Anyway, here's where you'll be sleeping - I'll be right next door. When you've finished unpacking, come upstairs to fish for dinner."

(And that's how we circle back.)


"Can we leave now? You've been staring at those vegetables for ages." Yoongi ate his potato twirl on the side, peering over occasionally to get a look at what Jin was squinting at. "They all look the same!"

Jin ignored him, proceeding to ask the owner of the stall about the produce. Yoongi continued to nibble on the snack, completely bored out of his mind. The market was packed with people despite it being relatively early so if he ran away, he wouldn't be able to find Jin, who was his transport back to Jungkook.

So out came his phone - his only source of entertainment (thank god there were sockets on the ship). He had signal, so he was gifted with a cute selfie of a pouty Jungkook in return to his own selfie. Cute. He could feel his cheeks hurting from how much his human made him smile.

He missed him a lot. More than he imagined.


I personally don't ship the other members together except with kook so I hope you don't mind it's just a preference although I do love ot7

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