Lush Corruption | Harry Styl...

By butterflytattoo

4.8M 153K 62.8K

BEST FANFIC SERIES 2018 - @thefanfictionawards Book 2 of the Lush Trilogy (completed ✓) | Continuation of Mou... More

Before You Read (Stories, Trailers & Info)
Lush Corruption | COMPLETED ✓ | Harry Styles AU
AFTER or Lush Corruption??!11?
12 (part one)
Lush Corruption is
The Fanfiction Awards 2018

12 (part two)

130K 5K 1.9K
By butterflytattoo

"You guys are fucking behind! Follow the leader; Harry Styles!" Louis shouted from the top of his lungs towards us. Then he started to sing Follow The Leader with Red.

I flinched away, and stared at Liam in shock. I felt the coldness taking over my hands, which was a few seconds ago, linked with his. We were almost kissing each other. This was strange. God, I was doing everything so quickly while I was under influence. Don't get me wrong, it would be completely lovely to kiss his lips, but it would be too soon to touch them. We had to take it slow; at least, that is what I wanted after everything. So against my better judgement, I ignored Liam and followed the group on my own.

"I'd like to welcome you all in the club of my choice; Rosé." Harry informed us while motioning to the club.

"What's Rosé?" I whispered to Red.

"Rosé is a club for high-class people. They are popular by the classy attire and the people that come here now and then. It is a club for the elite. The conclusion: we don't really belong in here if we weren't their company." Red pointed at all the guys.

"Should we go inside?"

"Yes! This might be our only chance." Red exclaimed.

We reached the entrance of Rosé, and showed our ID's to the security card. Red wasn't appreciating the fact that the security guard asked for her card because she claimed not to look like a twelve-year-old. Obviously, the security guard didn't care about her statements or whatever she had to say. He was just doing his job.

Rosé was even more classy on the inside than I thought. It was crowded, and an enormous amount of people were wearing formal clothing. Despite this, they danced like wild animals. Women in short dresses hanging out at the bar with their Martini in hand waiting for a rich man to arrive. There was sexual tension in this room as well. It made me wonder how that was even possible.

"I'd say a round shots to start with?" Luke asked us all.

You couldn't hear us saying yes, but it was a fact that no one would say no.

The shots were served by the bartender quickly, so Louis gave him a tip. We all took a shot in our hand, and Louis raised his glass. He was absolutely thrilled to give a speech.

"Dear lads," Louis started, and I raised my eyebrow at him. "And ladies," He corrected himself. "Thank you for agreeing to be my company for tonight. Sadly I can only marry one girl, otherwise I'd have married all of you. I don't care what you do tonight; get drunk, dance, have fun, but don't end up in jail because I'm not paying again...Luke." Louis raised his middle finger to his mate.

"Be glad you didn't end up being the one losing a tooth," Luke yelled.

"Awh fuck off, mate. Don't cry, it was just a tooth." Louis shrugged, and he wrapped his arm around Luke. "Drink, assholes!" He demanded us, and we all threw the liquor in our mouth, and swallowed it.

I placed the shot glass on the table, and was immediately pulled on the dancefloor by no one else other than Red. Her broad smile made me already forget about Liam and me almost kissing. Also, that Harry was in the same room as I was.

"Let loose, Vicks. We are attending a bachelor party and having the time of our life." She said while shaking me back and forth. "You know I said earlier this evening that we didn't need men. Okay, we might need them to buy our drinks too. Now, have fun."

"I'll try," I replied.

"No, you'll have fun. Don't disappoint me, and let everything go for once. We need to make this night memorable for Louis and for us." She encouraged me, and I suddenly recognized the song that was being played. "C'mon, Vicks. Dance like you're in Moulin Rouge."


I was enjoying myself a lot inside of Rosé. The attention I got wasn't creeping me out, but men stared at me like they did in the club; craving & fascinated. The way they looked at every dancer on a Friday night, but this time it was closer and more intimidating.

After hours of going out and drinking, I was tired. Red had given me so many shots, that she eventually got stopped by Luke. He told her that giving me too much would lead to memory loss, and I wanted to remind myself of this evening when I would get home.

I could almost fall asleep on this bar chair. But the loud music and people screaming along with the lyrics was most definitely keeping me awake. I wasn't someone for the night life. On the other side, Red was dancing with the same spirit and joy when she agreed to the bachelor party. She could do this non-stop, and I was in shock how she managed to look like she just started with going out after sleeping for hours.

"Hey," I saw Liam standing in front of me.

"Hi," I replied, trying to sound louder than the music so that he could hear me. I failed miserably. To my surprise, he heard me in the end.

"You seem very tired, am I right?" Liam asked, I nodded. "What's the reason you aren't home now?"

"Her," I replied, and I pointed at Red who waved cheerfully.

"Do you want to stay? I can take you home if you like," Liam stood in front of me.

I shook my head. "No, you need to stay. Louis is throwing a bachelor party and the last thing you need to do is disappear. And you decided to stay sober, so they need someone like you." I explained in a rush. But I became calm when I felt Liam's hands rest on my legs.

"They'll understand," He assured me.

"I got this," We got interrupted by a voice louder than the music, at least, it seemed that way. But it wasn't a surprise that Harry stood out of nowhere next to us. His eyes fixed on me, but moved over to Liam when he had to be persuasive about this situation without a doubt. "Louis is counting on you to stay."

Liam looked at me; searching for a hint of mine if he could go. But I didn't move nor say a thing. "I don't know whether she feels comfortable to go with a stranger," Liam explained. "I know Vicky. You're just her boss, Harry." He added without any knowledge of Harry and me.

His mouth was shut, and his features changed; he was cold. He brought the glass of whisky to his mouth, and drank everything in one sip. With the harsh grip around the glass, he smashed it on the bar incredibly aggressively; but the glass didn't shatter. He shattered.

"Excuse us, Liam. I got this. Tell Louis I'll call him later today." Harry took my wrist, and pulled me off the bar chair. "Have a pleasant evening." He scowled at him before gazing at me darkly.

Harry took the lead as we escaped from the club. He held me tightly, like he wanted me for his own. When we stood outside, the fresh air reached my lungs and it felt much better to be here. Harry thanked the security guard for letting us go silently through the back of the club.

"How classy, Harry. Ruining things for me and others." I spoke.

"Be glad someone is bringing you home who you know."

"Like I know you so well," I joked. "If there is something completely torn between you and me, its trust. I feel like I know Liam better than you."

"Liam Payne, huh? I didn't know you knew him," Harry spoke up. "Is there more I should know, Vicky? Besides that fact that you clearly haven't told him we know one another." His eyes weren't the usual colour anymore, because of the amount of alcohol. We both had drank too much, and we surely knew the reason behind our drinking tendencies.

"There is not even a label for what we had, Harry. And why should I tell everyone about us spending time together back in the days?" I defended myself. I crossed my arms against my chest as we walked hastily over the sidewalk. The faster I was home, the faster I was safe and without the man I couldn't understand.

"Are you ashamed of me, Vicky?"

"Are you really asking me that? You were clearly ashamed of me, since you didn't even dare to fucking talk to me when this whole Herpes scenario was going on!" I yelled.

"Liam is not the guy for you, and you shouldn't talk to him."

"I beg your pardon. I'm allowed to speak with Liam, like you did when you spoke with Carmen,"

"Now I beg your pardon, Vicky. You didn't accept the fact I even breathe the same air as her."

"Neither do you like the fact I breathe the same air as Liam. Just because you aren't on good terms with him, doesn't mean I can't." I pointed out. I was already done with him. "I asked you to stay away from me, but you don't seem to listen."

"I was invited for a bachelor party, Vicky. I cannot help it that you know Liam and that he was too 'nice' to make sure Louis got to know you." Harry rudely fires back. "Why didn't you tell him? He clearly wanted to smash his lips onto yours when we were walking to Rosé. Don't try to deny you weren't accepting him being close to you."

"What is your problem?! I didn't do anything wrong! It's not my fault you and Liam don't have a great bond or whatsoever. I can talk to him. It's harmless what I do."

"You're doing the same things when I was getting to know you," Harry breathed out heavily.

"What am I doing then?" I asked him while throwing my hands in the air.

"Making him fall in love with you," Harry muttered. "You have this thing about you that makes it impossible for people to keep distant."

"Well you ignored me for weeks. I think I know how to keep people away from me." I slurred.

"Shut up for once, will you?" He demanded me, and I rolled my eyes at him. "You're letting people to get to know you, and you start to be playful and nice. It's frustrating, Vicky. I've been there, and witnessed the whole process. But from all the people you can get, you choose Liam Payne. This is a surprise, Vicky West. I thought you could do better."

My jaw dropped because of his rude behaviour "I thought you could do better," I scolded harshly. "Is this your normal drunken state? Making remarks about my life when you have so much to make-up? Seriously, don't complain about my life when you cannot control yours."

I hadn't even noticed we were so close to one another while we stood in front of my apartment door. My fingers held the keys, and I opened the door. Only his stare was the singular thing I was aware of. Words weren't shared between Harry and me.

We took the staircase, and sometimes I glanced over my shoulder to see if he was still there; he was.

The distance between the front door and myself was getting smaller.

As I turned around we were feeling each other's breath. I had missed his closure and I noticed that when we were almost touching each other.

"I'll regret this," I muttered as we stood in front of my apartment.

"You want this,"

His hand held one cheek, and my head leaned further into the palm of his hand.

"I don't," I objected immediately. I didn't want to give myself emotionally to him. I couldn't.

"You do," Harry said.

"Why do you think I do?" I begged him for an answer.

He grabbed my entire face now, and smashed his lips onto mine. His hands searched for the keys, and recklessly he opened the door. Bringing me inside, smashing the door shut, and standing so insanely close against me.

"Otherwise you wouldn't let me come up here, so would have simply stopped me by now." He whispered before kissing me again.


(Hiya vote and comment?

Happy easter .. i am a bit late..

A special thank you to @amandajtommo ! Follow my amazing friend (:

Xo lay)

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