
By PeachyKeenCoolBeans

2.4K 21 20

Johnny and Clyde are best friends. They might be in love but it's not really clear to anyone yet. Everyone's... More

Therapy Sucks

You Sing?

380 9 11
By PeachyKeenCoolBeans

(Hello, welcome to chapter two. This one is longer, because reasons. This chapter is dedicated to Breajana, because I thought that maybe I would have a few silent readers but no, straight away, BAM! I start getting compliments. You are awesome Breajana!)

"Thank you for opening up so much today, Mr Sparrow, and take my advice... Start singing again," Dr Frank said in his usual soft voice, shaking my hand with a proud smile on his face,

"I will," I replied honestly. I mean, I haven't sung in four freaking years, I loved to sing, and I'm sure, even though it's super cheesy to say it, that is what Dominic would want." I got up and walked out of the office, BEEP BEEP, I heard my phone buzz in my pocket,

I'm down stairs. How did it go? Johnny's with me. Ugh, ily- Jane

BEEP BEEP. It buzzed again.Wow, I'm suddenly popular, maybe I should relive past traumas more often.

Hey baby boo, did you finally tell poor Dr Frank, miss you, love you <3 <3 ;) oxoxo Oh btw, I'm downstairs with Janey- Johnny Wow, to think the first text was from my girlfriend, and this one is from my best friend, maybe that's why his mums think he's gay even though he's slept with more girls than I could count on all of my limbs. Shoving my phone back in my pocket, I walked down the hall, to the elevator, then pressed the down button, ah monotony. Once I was down on the ground floor, I saw Jane and Johnny, chatting. Jane had a Starbucks something with two shots of something else, whereas Johnny had a straight black coffee. Jane's neon yellow dress, made me want to puke, but she's my girlfriend, so... I can't really say anything can I? Johnny was wearing a black t-shirt with 'Music is my life, but food tastes better' printed on it in white, he also had on a pair of straight-legged black jeans, why I am suddenly paying so much attention to clothing is a question I do not know the answer to. I walked over, nodding my head at them, then turning to Johnny, giving him a bro-hug then clapping him on the back, pulling back.Was that a blush? Nah, can't be, it's just that white boy 's skin colour

"Hey lover boy, where's mine?" Jane exclaimed, putting her hand on her chest, and wearing a fake hurt expression,

"I was getting to you," I mumbled, pulling her into a hug, and giving her a light kiss on the lips. GROWL! I spun around to see where the noise had come from, but all that was behind me was a smiling Johnny. Weird... I guess it was just some dog from outside. We walked silently to the car, but as soon as we jumped in, the questions almost burst my ear drums,

"So did you tell him?!" Johnny yelled from the backseat, wrapping his arms around the head of my chair only just not strangling me to death,

"Yeah," I whispered. I knew that Jane would probably just smile and start telling me that now I could finally move on, blah, blah, blah... But Johnny, oh Johnny boy would freak, he would screech and yell, and hug me, then probably cry. I don't like hugs,

"That's great babe, now you can finally move on..." I know Jane too well. Hmm, but Johnny seems a bit quiet...

"OH MY BACON CLYDE YOU DID IT!!! I'M GONNA CRY I'M SO HAPPY!" Johnny screeched, while crying on my shoulder... I know Johnny too well, he squeezes through the small gap between the driver's and passenger's seat, half sitting on my lap, half sitting on the weird cup holder, so he could pull me into a hug "Are you going to start singing again? Did you cry when you told Dr Frank?" His face went serious, as he pulled away, keeping a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, and a smile spread across his face, whereas Jane sat next to me, looking utterly confused. I had sung to Johnny a couple times, but I hadn't know Jane long enough for her to know that I sing, I never told her either, I mean it's not like I have a secret twin

"Yeah, I'm gonna start singing again, and yeah I cried." I started, a sad smile on my face, " And if you tell anyone I will cut you up into small pieces... Johnny!" I glared accusingly, as he slowly slid his phone back into his pocket,

"Okay, okay, you sing?" Jane said, still looking just as confused,

"Yeah..." I replied, "...I've been singing since before I could talk, I was always happy when I sang, but after what happened to Dom, I stopped. I mean he introduced me to the whole singing thing when I was young, then continued to teach different songs as I got older, so when I got rid of everything that reminded me about what happened, I got rid of singing to." I elaborated, staring with glazed eyes at nothing in particular, "Frank told me that I should go to this 'Skin Deep' bar/cafe because they were having an open mic night, and I thought that you guys could come to... you wanna come?" I finished, getting slightly more cheerful with the topic change,

"Oh course you idiot!" They shouted in unison, both attacking me with a hug, in the car, which didn't end well, and by that I mean, they both ended up on top of me, pushing me onto the car door handle... which hurt,

"I'll be there, I'll definitely be there!" Johnny cried, still crushing me, even though Jane had pulled back,

"Ow," I breathed out harshly, before they realized my pain and sat back up, Johnny shuffling back to his seat

"Sorry, I'm just so happy, that you're gonna sing... tonight?" he questioned, a hand still on my chest,

"Yeah, it's tonight, do you guys want me to give you guys a ride?" I said, running one hand through my hair, and using the other to move his hand,

"I'll probably be a bit late, so I'll take myself, but by Johns face, you really need to pick him up, like he's begging with his eyes, and it's pathetic," Jane joked, looking from me to Johnny, vigorously,

"Please!" He mouthed at me. Though I don't know why, it's kinda of obvious that I wouldn't say no

"Yeah, sure." I answered, in a matter-of-fact tone

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