Twisted Fate (UN-EDITED)

By sjshrksprincess

69.2K 1.5K 66

Hey guys this is my first story i have ever written so please be patient with me. Any comments and feedback t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note

Chapter 11

1.6K 43 2
By sjshrksprincess

Aria’s POV

I finally wake up and realize I’m alone. Where the heck did everyone go? Oh now I remember Nick saying they were going to breakfast and he would bring me back food god I’m starving. Just to confirm it my stomach growls at me. “Well I guess while I wait for them I can take a nice long hot shower” I say to umyself out loud. I crawl out of bed and realize maybe I don’t want to take a shower I smell like Max and I like it. I’ll just wear one of his shirts today there that fixes that problem. I grab my shower things and go to take my shower.

 As I pour the shampoo in my hand I realize I have these, what look like tattoos, on my wrist. I quickly finish my shower and sit on the bed wrapped in my towel.As I study the tattoos they are of three roses on each wrist twisted together. On my right wrist is a midnight blue rose, a gold rose, and a turquoise rose in between the two. On my left wrist there is a blood red rose, a black rose, and a turquoise rose in between them too. I take a closer look and notice that in the center of each rose is a star. In the red rose there is a black star, in the black a red star, in the blue a gold star, and in the gold a blue star. The turquoise roses have a white star in the center of them.

This is so weird I pass out from being poisoned and I wake up with tattoos. Did I miss something? As I sit there and look at them I get this feeling that they are more important than I know and that I am going to have to hide them most of the time. I realize I’ve been sitting and staring for like 5 minutes and I need to get dressed. I get up and grab a pair of black shorts and a red tank top. After putting them on I walk over to Max’s bag and grab one of his black v-neck shirts and put it on. The shirt falls to my knees so I grab a hair tie and tie the back of the shirt how I like it. I sniff the shirt and it doesn’t smell like him so I look through his bag and find his cologne. I spray a little on me and go into the bathroom and work on my hair. No I’m not trying to impress anybody, well ok maybe I am, but hey don’t judge me. After I’m done I walk over to the bed to wait for them and soon I am asleep.


I sit up and look around and I’m in a different room. The walls are a pure white and the sheets are gold with a gold and white comforter. Where am I and whose room is this? I slowly crawl out of bed and look around. Soon a woman enters and smiles at me “Good you are here. They will see you now.”

“Wait I am where and who will see me now” I question her. Now I am defiantly confused.

“Just follow me dear” she says with another smile and walks out the door.

I quickly hurry to catch up with her and follow her in silence taking everything in. This place is so beautiful it reminds me of an old palace. The trimming along the walls are white and gold with a little tint of red in them. The thing that catches my attention is that everything looks so old like it belongs back in the times with dragons and knights in shining armor. I’m pulled from my thoughts as we arrive at huge oak door that looks older than the building itself. The woman knocks and from the other side I hear “send her in.” She smiles and opens the door for me.

I walk in and my breath is caught in my throat. The room is even more beautiful than the house with black and red walls and gold and white trimming. The table in the center of the room is a midnight blue with 5 chairs on one side and one on the other. Sitting in 4 of the 5 chairs are 4 BEAUTIFUL women. The middle chair is left empty.

“Who are you and where am I” I ask stopping in my tracks.

“She looks just like her mother” the lady on the end right says. I look her over and she is very pretty with short red hair and green eyes with golden yellow specs in them making her a werecat.

“She does” the one next to her on the inside right says. I look at her and she has long flowing brown hair with light brown eyes. I sniff and she is a wolf.

“I think she looks like Lucian” says the one on the end left. I turn toward her and she has black hair with dark brown eyes that have red specs making her a demon.

“What is your name dear” the one on the inside left chair asks. I take a good look at her and she has to be the most beautiful of the 4. She has sun blonde hair and bright blue eyes with what looks like grey/silver specks in them. I sniff and realize she is a vampire.

“My name is Aria and how do you know my mother and who is Lucian” I ask really confused now.

"You don't know your mother Trinity" the she-wolf asks.

"No she died after giving birth to my brothers and I. It was the same with the others moms as well."

They all look at me with curious faces. "Before we ask any more questions let us introduce ourselves. I am Jezebel" the vampire says.

"I am Sasha" the demon says.

"I am Serenity" the she-wolf introduces herself.

"And I am Hope" the werecat says.

"Nice to meet you, I think" I laugh nervously.

They all chuckle "come sit child we have a few things to discuss and not a lot of time" Jezebel says pointing to the chair in front of them.

I walk over and sit in the chair and start playing with my hands. "Why am I here? The last thing I remember is falling asleep waiting for my brothers and pack members to come back and I wake up here."

"You are still sleeping technically. We can meet with only certain people in their dreams" Serenity explains.

"But why me why am I here? I don't know my mother I don't know who this Lucian person is so I don't understand."

"Let us talk and just listen okay some of this will not make sense yet but it time it will" Sasha scolds me. I nod and they exchange glances before they start.

"We have called you here because we believe that you are the daughter of two very powerful hybrids, Trinity and Lucian. The reason we believe this is because we saw your fights and can feel you coming into most of your powers/gifts. You are very powerful Aria we can sense that and we haven't sensed anything that powerful ever. You have to understand we are the mates of the Originals and we are powerful but you come close if not surpass us" Serenity explains.

"So wait does that mean all my brothers are the same" I ask.

"How many brothers do you have" Sasha asks wearily.

"Seth, Nick, and I are triplets, Cole and Travis, our god brothers, are twins, and Carter and Trent, our other god brothers, are also twins. Our mothers were all pregnant at the same time and we were all born on January 24th, 1994. Seth, Carter, and Travis were born at 6:50am. Nick, Cole, and Trent came 5 minutes later at 6:55 am. I came 5 minutes after them at 7am" I finish. I look up and they all have this look on their face of sorrow and regret. "Did I say something wrong?"

"What were the other mother’s names" Hope whispers.

"Sahara and Ruby"

"We have great-grandchildren" Jezebel whispers and they all look at each other and then back at me. As they take in what I told them they suddenly get very antsy.

“Wait earlier you said your mother and the other mothers died after childbirth” Sasha asks.

“Yes this is true after I was born all three passed away” I answer sadly.

“Our grandbabies are dead” Serenity and hope cries.

“What about your fathers” Jezebel asks.

“Well I don’t know this Lucian, Mark, and Jasper you say are our fathers were not the ones who raised us.”

“So there is a chance they are still alive” Sasha asks with hope.

“I guess” I say while shrugging.

"We must tell you what you need to know and hurry" Hope says looking around like we are being watched or someone is coming.

"Your mother's name was Trinity she was human before the war. When the war started between the Originals they each chose one human to do experiments on. Ours was Trinity we took her and transformed her into a perfect hybrid of werewolf and werecat. She could shift from wolf to any cat she wanted to and was a deadly warrior after all the test and training we put her threw" Serenity says. I can feel my anger raising.

"Your father was Lucian he was a normal human just like your mother but he was a warrior for the village he lived in. We took him and turned him into the perfect hybrid of a demon and vampire. He had all the strengths and no weaknesses and like your mother he was the perfect warrior after we finished all our tests and training him" Sasha tells me. Now I feel like my blood is boiling. If what they are saying is true how could they do that to my parents who were just human.

"The plan was to put them against each other in a fight and whoever won that's the side that won the war. Now that's not exactly what happened. Trinity became best friends with our daughters Sahara and Ruby" Serenity adds.

"And Lucian became best friends with our grandsons Jasper and Mark. Now Jasper and Sahara were mates and so were Mark and Ruby. But our husbands didn't care they thought that demons and vampires should stay together and werewolves and werecats should do the same. So to keep them apart they started the war" Jezebel added.

"So us grandmothers decided that mates, no matter what, should be together so we sent the girls out to the field the same time they sent their grandsons out to the same field. We never knew the Lucian and Trinity would be mates but I guess it worked out for the best. After that we never saw them again they ran away to be with each other" Sasha explains.

"What about their parents didn't they care about their kids being happy and finally bring everyone together" I ask through gritted teeth still trying to control my anger from earlier.

"You have to understand Aria our husbands are very persistent and persuasive and in this family what they say is practically law" Hope said trying to calm me.

I can no longer control my anger at what they did to my parents, if they are telling the truth, and what they put my brother’s parents through. I stand up flipping the chair I was seated in over “YOU’RE LYING! ALL OF YOU ARE LYING.”

“Aria, wake up please” I barely hear Max say.

“YOU’RE LYING!” I wake up screaming with Max beside me on the bed trying to comfort me. Cole comes running into the room to see what is wrong and I pull away from Max and jump into his arms. This is my rock the one who has been by my side through everything and never once turned his back on me. I sob into his neck and he holds me like a little girl.

“Shhh, Little One I’ve got you and I’m not going anywhere” Cole promises. I nod and look up to see the others all watching us and I reach for Nick. He walks over and I hug him with my left arm and he hugs me back.

“I’m sorry for everything Sis, but now I’m here and like Cole I won’t be going anywhere” Nick says and apologizes.

“I know” I say while hugging them.

“You wanna tell us what your dream was about” Cole asks. I just shake my head no and mind link ‘not right now’ to the both of them.


So I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is reading my story. The chapters aren't very edited but when i'm done i will go back and edit everything. 

Please comment and let me know what you think!!! 

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