Deku Of The Dead (BNHA Zombie...

By Welcome2Helheim

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The BNHA boys and gals but in a zombie apocalypse where they are just peps (no quirks) It starts roughly a y... More

Episode 1: Makin my way down town
Episode 2: Whats up with Bakugou?
Episode 3: Denki of the dead??
Episode 4: Bird boy
Episode 5: Train tracks to no where
Episode 6: Home is where you make it
Episode 7: Don't take your eyes off me
Episode 8: The long night
Episode 9: The crow and the firefly
Boring notices
Episode 10: A very merry night
Episode 11: Season 1 Finale
Season 2 Episode 1: On your left

Season 2 Episode 2: the gentle giants

710 23 8
By Welcome2Helheim

The end of the world had not been kind to anyone. That was a irrefutable fact. No one can say that they didn't lose someone close or someone they cared about, and if it wasn't people, it was jobs, careers, homes, material goods or in some cases sanity.
Truly the end of the world was not kind: cruel and spontaneous with who it targeted and decided to ruin, yet even that would never break the burning resolve of some.
The big three, UA, most academically and physically gifted students were more than the high praise of their school, they were also great friends. Mirio and Tamaki since they were kids, and when the name of the big three began to be thrown around in the halls, they made it official and added Nejire to their band of merry men.... well men and women.
Like everyone else, the end had not been kind to them, they lost people close: fellow students and family mostly.

But they refused to lose each other, the one thing that kept them smiling through pain, hardships, empty stomachs and cold winters. Cold winters were especially troublesome for Tamaki, as he child he loved the snow falling but in the apocalyptic winter it was a struggle to stay warm and find food for the three of them, along with often catching colds and illnesses.

Today was another winter day. Tamaki lay limp in the scavenged mattress of their home, a repurposed steam train the trio got working in the summer, which Mirio had put in the engine room to keep his friend closer to the flames of the roaring engine, chugging along. The noises made sleep hard but eventually he would slip away no matter the noise. Today he woke up to Mirio sitting next to him, a hand planted near his mattress, sleepily, his simple yet warm face peacefully resting, contrast with his physically impressive frame: well built and defined even through the large winter jacket and trousers he wore. It was impressive Mirio took the time to maintain his frame and body in the end times, but then again, the captain of the track team always stayed in peak performance. It was something that made Tamaki slightly envious and yet self conscious since he let himself go a bit, eating less than he should, not totally withering away but not in peak performance. Slowly his thin hand reached over, a finger cooling around Mirio's like a squid wrapping tentacles around its prey, but in a wholesome non malicious way. Rather quickly Mirio opened his eyes and smiled at him.
"Hey bud, how you feeling?" He asked with concern, wiping the sweat from Tamaki's pale forehead, soft and caring like a diligent mother goose: if they could do this.
"Like a live squid being ringed of all it's ink" he groaned and flopped back on the mattress, which only made the hard metal floor just a bit more bearable.
Mirio couldn't help but laugh, he enjoyed Tamaki's colourful use of language more than he should of some time.
"We're about four train stops for that ladies place, you know the one with the spiny hair and glasses..." Mirio trailed off trying to remember her name
"Momo Yaoyorozu..."
"Yeah that's her!"
"Do we have to her, the one with pink hair is there and she just wouldn't leave me alone last tine" he grimaced slightly at the thought of being constantly bombarded by questions from Mina and the others since it was him who got the plans draw up for getting the train working, he did have a lot of valuable knowledge in his brain... he just felt uncomfortable when he was constantly pushed for it.
"Cheer up, if your still feeling down I'm sure they could help us out, after all, we did save their butts that one time" he beamed with unbridled positivity that was common to the unofficial leader of the big three. As the smile stretched cheek to cheek, Tamaki couldn't help but smile but also be blinded by its beauty.
"Is it okay if I sleep again... don't want to feel terrible all the way there" still holding Mirio's hand, he slowly placed a piece of paper into it, and, once he got the Okay nod from the sunshine man over him, he rolled over back to sleep. Mirio smiled and left sobs dried fruit and a water bottle near the foot of the bed before locking the door behind him.

Their train wasn't massive. Two carts were dedicated to the coal and water and the third and fourth were residential sleepers which they had slowly been improving. Mirio walked along the outside of the cart, checking the railings before a sound peaked up through the quiet of the woods, the sound of gunshots.
"Nejire, What is that?" He asked out loud, looking around for the blue haired set of eagle eyes. She was sat on top of the water cart. Mirio climbed up and was handed the binoculars.
In the distance a old steam train sat holted on the left side of a crossing they used, although never the left.
It was surrounded by the dead, clawing and groaning at the carts and four figures on top.
"Hey Mirio, isn't that the green haired kid you did that intern with" Nejire spoke calmly, refusing to lose her cool as she handed Mirio the binoculars and headed down to flip the switch on the track so they turned to the right one that ran parallel to the holted left track at least for a while.
"By golly it is!" Mirio exclaimed seeing Izumi Midoriya and what he could only assume was friends and class mates fighting off the growing hoard clambering up them.
"Nejire, slow is down!" He spoke with determination as he ran on the roofs of the sleeper carts and opened the hatches.
As they got closer, Mirio called out for his intern partner, having Nejire use the whistle much to a sleeping Tamaki's dismay.

"Is that... Mirio?" Midoriya turned from the undead clambering on each other to reach the roof of their cart to see another train approaching. Todoroki, mid reload turned and noticed it as well, although another functioning train in the apocalypse would be hard not to notice.
"MIDORIYA!" The two called out to each other with endless joy as they got closer, the big threes train slowing down and pulling up next to them.
"Quickly, jump!" He spoke to the others with outstretched arms. The gap between the two wasn't massive, nor was it small. You could make it across, but you could just as easily slip and be zombie chow.
Tokoyami and Todoroki toon turns throwing their bags across, full of supplies and personal effects.
"So... whose going first?" Kaminari asked. Panting softly, covered in blood from the backlash of his chainsaw, now out of power.
They all looked at each other.
"Midoriya, Todoroki go, I'll help Kaminari across." Tokoyami spoke with conviction, loading another mag in his rifle.
The two took a deep breath.
First Midoriya made the leap into Mirio's arms, almost slipping but meaning pulled back by the blondes athletic strength and reach.
"Good to see you again." He smiled at him
"Like wise" Midoriya replied as he watched Todoroki take a running start and make it across effortlessly.
"Come on you two!" Midoriya called, arms out stretched as Mirio supported him, Todoroki already climbing down into the engine room with Nejire and a groggy Tamaki, working to stack enough coal to quickly shove in for a speed boost.
Denki looked at the gap, anxiety coursing through him, he was never the greatest at gym, and now not training was coming back to bite him.
"See ya on the other side" Denki smiled back at Tokoyami as he took a running start and made the leap. But he was borderline exghuasted and would have met a grizzly end if not for Midorya's our stretch arms catching him by his arms, and with Mirio's support he was able to pick him up.
"Think I peed my pants a little" Denki joked as he laid on the roof, rolling over to look at Tokoyami.
"Come on bird brains, lets go" he called out, panting for breath, Midoriya's arms still out stretched.
Tokoyami threw his rifle over which Denki caught and cradled. He took a running start and as he was about to leap.
A shot rung out and Midoriya and Kaminari's eyes glazed wide with shock as they watched Tokoyami's chest envelope red. The black murky cloak he wore slowly being stained a deep crimson. His face usually twisted with seriousness or focus was instead painted with shock as he slowly began to fall back on the roof of the other cart.
Denki screamed "NOOOO!" As Midoriya stood there in horror, tears raining down his freckles cheeks as another shot rung out and another hole tore through his side, blood spilling out on the roof of the cart which he slumped back on.
In the distance, they could just make out the fo of a figure in a hoodie, a large gang standing by trucks. Mirio instantly shoved Denki and Midoriya into the sleeper, putting them through the roof hatch, landing and tumbling on the beds below with a thud and hard squeak.
"Nejire, Go, Get us out of here!" Mirio yelled in worry as more shots rang out, tearing through the trains walls as he stormed in to the engine room to see Tamaki laying slump against the wall, blood trickling down his arm from where a bullet had grazed it. He instantly rushed to his aid and checked his vitals. He was okay he had just passed out. Turning back he saw Todoroki and Nejire shivering coal into the engine, the train rapidly picking up speed as the sounds of gunshots grew more distant.

"Kurogiri... find out where that train goes"
"Yes Mister Shigarki"

Authors note
Well hope you all enjoyed this being back. Updated will be irregular cause things are hectic but I hope you really enjoy this chapter.
Comments and such are much appreciated, thanks for the dedicated readers and those who kept asking for the next part, we'll be careful what you wish for.

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