The Unknown Wizard (Fairy Tai...

De Shin_90

159K 2.2K 1.4K

Join Y/N L/N on his journey as a Fairy Tail wizard. Not much is known about his past or his powers, but some... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 7

7K 120 12
De Shin_90

Hello lads! Seventh chapter of the story. Enjoy!

Also, thank you so much for the 3.7k+ views. You guys are amazing!

Y/N = (Your Name)
L/N = (Last Name)
H/C = (Hair Colour)
H/L = (Hair Length)
F/F = (Favorite Food)
F/D = (Favorite Drink)
E/C = (Eye Colour)
F/C = (Favorite Colour)

Third Person's P.O.V.

As Y/N woke up from his nap, he seemed a little lost.

Y/N: "Wait, what happened?"

Erza: "Y/N? Oh, thank goodness. Are you okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah, my head hurts a bit. Is everything alright? You look like you've seen a demon"

Erza: "I'm okay. It's just that you began to scream and stir abruptly in your sleep and I was worried. Did you have a nightmare?"

Y/N: "To be completely honest, I don't remember a single thing. The more I think about it, the more my head hurts"

Erza: "I think it would be better for you to stop thinking about it then. We can't have you incapable of fighting Erigor"

Y/N: "Don't worry. This time I'm prepared. It's going to take him a lot more than a cheap shot to beat me"

Erza: "Speaking of which, what did he tell you?"

Y/N: "He reminded me of stuff from my past, back when I was training with him. I thought no one knew about it apart from me but it turns out that I was wrong"

Erza: "Do you want to talk with me regarding what he said?"

Y/N: "Maybe when we'll be back at the guild. For now we must concentrate on defeating Erigor and stopping him from playing the melody, but thank you"

Y/N patted Erza's head. He, however, didn't seem to notice the blush that slowly made its way on the requip mage.

Erza: "Y-you a-are welcome. B-by the way, we must inform the crowd outside!"

Y/N: "Are you okay, Erza? You are stuttering a lot"

Erza: "W-well, I'm just a bit cold. Stop wasting time! Follow me!"

The two mages ran outside and Erza took one of the worker's megaphone in order to talk to the crowd.

Worker: "I-it's you! You're part of those people who forced their way in a little while ago! What's going on inside?!"

Y/N: "You'll find out soon enough. Just listen to her"

Erza: "Anyone who values their must get as far away from this place as possible! Evil wizards have made this station their base! And they have in their hands a magic item that can kill every person in the vicinity! Get as far away from here as you can!"

Silence fell over the crowd gathered outside. Not a single sound was made. No one was moving. They were all paralyzed.

Y/N: "In three, two, one…"

Just as Y/N finished his countdown, people began to scream and run in every possible direction opposite to the station. In less than a minute the entire road had been emptied.

Worker: "H-hey you! Why did you say that?! Are you trying to incite panic?!

Y/N: "We are here to save people. So it's better for them to panic and run away than to stay here and die"

Erza: "You should know that everything I have just said is true. Of course we're going to do everything possible to stop it, but there's always one chance in a thousand that we can't. You'd better evacuate"

Worker: "What?!"

As he ran away, Erza and Y/N stood there. Their minds seemed to be working to figure something out.

Y/N: "We have secured the place. Erigor is not going to be happy with what we have done"

Erza: "Indeed. Though I do not have any clue what he will do now"

Y/N: "We'll worry about it once we're inside with the others. Let's go"

As they were about to head inside, however, a strong wind suddenly blew and, in no time, the entire station was surrounded by wind.

Y/N: "Stay alert. We've got company"

???: "Queen of the Fairies, Y/N. What are two flies like you doing outside? Oh, I get it. You two are the ones who got the rabble to run away"

Erza: "Erigor! So this was all your doing?!"

Erigor: "I always wanted to have a bout with you. Too bad, I've got no time to waste on you today. So get inside there and wait for me!"

Y/N: "Erza! Watch out!"

Y/N managed to jump out of the way of Erigor's attack just in time. Erza, however, got hit and pushed inside the wind barrier.

Erigor: "You stupid fly! Can't you make my work easier and just go inside by yourself?! I have somewhere to go to and you have already wasted enough of my time. Titania. Try as much as you want to get out from that wind barrier. It's going to be useless! You can only enter from outside. Now, Y/N. I suppose I'll have to deal with you too… Wait. Where is he?"

Y/N had suddenly disappeared and was nowhere to be found.

Erza: "Y/N! Don't punch that wall. You'll only hurt yourself!"

Erigor: "How stupid can you be?! Did you really go inside to check on your girlfriend?! Well, good for me. Farewell, flies"

Erza: "I think he's gone. You can come out, Y/N"

Y/N: "Never thought he would fell for such a childish trick"

Y/N came out from behind a pillar.

Y/N: "To think I only needed to hide my magical energy. Thanks, Erza. Hadn't it been for you, he would still be looking around for me. I'll be on my way now. I still don't get what he plans on doing but I must stop him no matter what!"

Erza: "Good luck, Y/N! We are all counting on you!"

And so, Y/N hopped on his scythe and flew after Erigor while making sure to keep his distance so that the mage wouldn't notice his presence as Y/N waited for a chance to attack him and used this time to gain his magic back.


Erza: "We need Kageyama in order to get out from here. He is the only one who can do something about the wind barrier"

Natsu: "Hadn't it been for his guild mate stabbing him, we would be already out!"

Gray: "I can't believe Erigor is after the guild masters. Does Y/N know that?"

Erza: "Not that I know. When he left Erigor didn't say anything about who his targets were"

Natsu: "Damn it! Why does Y/N have the chance to fight Erigor while I don't?!"

Lucy: "Natsu, I'm not sure you'd want to fight him. Did you see what he did to Y/N the first time they fought?"

Natsu: "There is no way Y/N would go down just like that! Erigor must have used some kind of trick!"

Erza: "Natsu is right. Y/N told me earlier that Erigor brought up something about the past that only Y/N was meant to know. Though I do not know what he was referring to. Apparently it's from when he was training with Erigor"

Gray: "Y/N won't fall for the same trick twice. I'm sure of it!"

Happy: "I was meant to tell you something, Lucy. But I don't remember what"

Lucy: "Don't you dare tell me again that I am weird! You stupid cat!"

Meanwhile, as the group was trying to figure out what to do, Y/N was getting ready to attack Erigor. As the were flying over a bridge, he passed a sign with the name Clover on it, things began to click together.

Y/N: 'Hold on. Clover. That's where the guild masters are! Damn you, Erigor. I have to stop you know, even if I don't have that much energy yet'

With a swift movement, Y/N tackled Erigor to the ground and punched him.

Y/N: "There is no way you'll be able to attack the guild masters"

Erigor: "What are you doing here?! I thought you were inside the station! Did you manage to get out?!"

Erigor pushed Y/N off of him and stood up, ready to fight.

Y/N: "You're really dumb, huh? I never got inside the station after you set up your wind barrier. Erza was just playing along to trick you"

Erigor: "You damn fly. I'll make sure to end you here"

Y/N: "Try me"

And so it began. Erigor and Y/N decided to settle it just by using their scythes. No magic was being used. Although neither would admit, they still had to charge up a bit. Erigor, however, used a bit of his magic to gain the upper hand and hit Y/N with strong gusts of wind.

Erigor: "Surrender now! Storm mail!"

Wind began to surround Erigor. He didn't seem fazed by it. On the contrary, it was like an armour.

Y/N: "Do you really think that is going to be enough to protect you?!"

Y/N charged with all his strength and landed a few hits on Erigor, despite the wind surrounding him.

Y/N: 'Damn. What did I do to run out of all my magic energy?'

Erigor: "Are you feeling a little weak, Y/N?"

Y/N: "N-not at all. I'd be able to fight you all day long"

Erigor: "I know you are struggling to even stay up. This is all part of my plan! You are slowly being drained of your magic and it's all flowing into me!"

Y/N: "W-what?!"

Erigor: "Can't you feel this breeze? This is my strongest attack. It can drain any target of its magic. Any last words, Y/N?"

Y/N: "K-kill him!"

Erigor: "Who are you talking to? The wind? That's my ally. There's no way he'd go against…"

Y/N wasn't talking to the wind. He just gave an order to his scythe and she began to charge against Erigor, being able to injure him, though not severely. Although the dark wizard was taken aback at the beginning, he slowly managed to counter each and every attack of Y/N's scythe and, with one strong blow, sent it back to Y/N.

???: "I'm sorry. I didn't have that much energy either. He drained me too"

Y/N: "It's okay. At least we tried"

Erigor: "You know what? Although I am in a rush, I'd like to test the power of this flute against you. I want to make sure it works fine. You don't mind, do you?"

Y/N: "Please. Don't"

Erigor: "Come on Y/N. You don't have to deny your excitement!"

Erigor began to kick Y/N as he laid on the ground, drained of his magic and unable to do anything.

Erigor: "You should be happy. You're going to be the first one to hear this melody. It's to die for"

Y/N wasn't able to oppose himself to Erigor. He just surrendered and felt ashamed. To think he didn't notice Erigor draining him of his magic. But it was all over. No one would be able to save him. He started to tear up. He'd miss every single one of his guild mates. He just felt sorry he couldn't protect them anymore.

Erigor began to play the melody. It was a very relaxing one, to be completely honest. Y/N felt his eyes slowly closing. And then, he saw nothing.

Erigor: "I must say I'm impressed. It's very fast to kill people. Well, Y/N. I have to get rid of your body. Shame you couldn't put up much of a fight"

Erigor kicked Y/N's body next to the end of the bridge. Then, with one single push, he dropped it down into the canyon.

Erigor: "Now, I believe I have an appointment with some old geezers"

Meanwhile, somewhere where the rules of space and time have no effect

A light was close to the body of Y/N.

???: "Wake up. You are not dead yet"

Y/N: "What do you mean? Of course I'm dead. He played Lullaby"

???: "And so? Do you really think that can kill you? Come with me for a second"

Y/N: "Wait. Are you the same voice I heard back when I fought the Manananggals?"

???: "Yes, I am. It's good to see you, Y/N"

Y/N: "Who are you?"

???: "That question doesn't have its answer here. Look"

As Y/N looked inside of what he thought was a puddle, he saw himself from a third person perspective. He was falling down from the bridge, but everything seemed to move in slow motion. One other thing that stood out to him was that his tattoos were now glowing of a bright F/C. 

Y/N: "What's happening to me?"

???: "You have awakened one of your powers, finally"

Y/N: "All I had to do was get thrown off a bridge?"

???: "No, it had to do with you hearing the Lullaby melody. I am not allowed to say much. You'll find out in due time. Now wake up and experience your new power"

The light somehow managed to push Y/N into that same puddle he was looking into.

Back in our universe

Y/N: "W-what did that voice mean with 'experience your new power'?! Hold on. Something feels off. I feel some weird energy inside of me"

As Y/N was getting closer and closer to the ground, he realized his tattoos had something to do with it and decided to try and concentrate his magic on them. Then, the unexpected happen. Instead of entering face first into the ground, his fall velocity rapidly decreased and he found himself floating above the ground. As he looked at his shadow, he could see that he had something that resembled wings which seemed to come out of his back. He also felt something on his head and, as he touched it, he could feel two small horns.

Y/N: "What am I? A monster? Well, I'll worry about this after. For now, there is a certain someone I must take care of"

As Y/N flew upwards, he spotted Erigor not too far in the distance. In a matter of seconds, he reached him and almost cut his body in half. 

Erigor: "What?! Who are you?!"

Y/N: "The same person you tried to kill a few minutes ago"

Erigor: "Y/N?! Are you a monster?!"

Y/N: "It's one of my powers. Too bad you won't be able to tell anyone about it"

And like that, with a swing too fast for the human eye to see, Y/N had used his scythe to kill Erigor.

Y/N: "I expected you to put up more of a fight. Tsk, who am I kidding? No one will be able to beat me now"

And that's it for today. Let me know what you think in the comments, like the story if you enjoyed it and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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