Just Try It

By Lisa_R_Baird

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Sondra Riley has had enough. Over the years she has become and expert at placating those around her. Now ev... More

Chapter 1- Sleepover Requirements
Chapter 2- Truth or Dare
Chapter 3- Worries, Worries, and More Worries
Chapter 4- What's His Problem?
Chapter 5- Friendly Advice
Chapter 6- No One Knows
Chapter 7- Time to do My Job
Chapter 8- Meet Your Step-father
Chapter 9- Who is That?
Chapter 10- A Foot Rub
Chapter 11- Homework and Memories
Chapter 12- Flirts, Quizzes, and Rumors
Chapter 13- The Bad News
Chapter 14- Disaster Averted
Chapter 15- Maybe He Won't Remember Me
Chapter 16- A Killer Practice
Chapter 17- It's A Deal
Chapter 18- Undercover Blues
Chapter 19- Police Pandemonium
Chapter 20- The Cleaning Party and the Kite Tail
Chapter 21-Princess in a Tower
Chapter 22- Still in Control
Chapter 23- Where Were You?
Chapter 24- I Did It. I Really Did It
Chapter 25- Lunchtime Performance
Chapter 26- Let's Make Some Things Clear
Chapter 27- Visits With the Counselor
Chapter 28- Hard Practices
Chapter 29- Make-up Mistakes
Chapter 30- Worries and Doubts
Chapter 31- Not Helpless After All
Chapter 32- Rejection?
Chapter 33- Party Time
Chapter 34 - part A - A Good Start
Chapter 34- Part B- Reading Too Much Into a Look?
Chapter 35- Babysitting Moe is Hard Work
Chapter 36- Hidden Agendas
Chapter 37- The Interview
Chapter 38- Unanswered Questions
Chapter 39- Stalker?
Chapter 40- The Text Message
Chapter 41- Showing of the Scars
Chapter 43- So What Happened?
Chapter 44- Apologize?
Chapter 45- Over-react and Banishment
Chapter 46- Parental Visit
Chapter 47- Lacking in Family Loyalty?
Chapter 48- A Romantic Moment?
Chapter 49- Thump, Thump, Thump
Chapter 50- Fixing It
Chapter 51- Teasing Friends
Chapter 52-Surprise Surprise
Chapter 53-Red Flag
Chapter 54- Information is Power
Chapter 55- The Valentine's Dance
Chapter 56- The Airport?
Chapter 57-Some Hard Truths
Chapter 58- Caught
Chapter 59- Return
Chapter 60- Morning Workouts are Good for You
Chapter 61- A Chick Fight
Chapter 62-The Dunking
Chapter 63- Sweet Revenge ... or Not
Chapter 64- Inquisition Time
Chapter 65- Waking Up Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 66- How to Stop Rumors
Chapter 67- Pranks, Car Rides, and Talks
Chapter 68- A Birthday for My Brother
Chapter 69- Some Mom Time
Chapter 70- Time to Come Clean
Chapter 71- Getting this Settled
Chapter 72- Manipulated and Stalked
Chapter 73- Welcome
Chapter 74- Trust Me

Chapter 42- Pass or Fail

54 6 2
By Lisa_R_Baird

Thursday, February 16th 8:25am

Lincoln High School

Moe and Sondra didn't bother to stopping at their lockers, and ran through the almost empty halls. Just as the bell rang, Moe and Sondra slipped into Mr. Hannish's room.

Moe walked up to Mr. Hannish and handed him the report he had finished the night before. He was short of breath, but managed to ask, "Do you know when I can check back to see if my grade had risen enough?"

Mr. Hannish was already flipping through the report. Distracted, he glanced up and said, "You can try right after school, but I might need a little more time to average in the new scores especially with tests to grade today."

Moe nodded and headed back to his seat. He saw Danica lean over and heard her whisper to Sondra, "Good job on getting him here."

Moe ruffled Danica's perfectly styled hair, and muttered, "Can't mind your own business, can you?" but he couldn't help smiling at his cousin. He knew that she just worried about him. Besides, if she was the one that encouraged Sondra to follow him, he owed her big time.

Sondra flashed them a grin, until Mr. Hannish put down the report and brought out the tests. Everyone quieted down and Moe briefly wondered if he had studied enough.

As Moe looked around the room, he noticed several kids staring at him. He frowned, but it wasn't nearly as bad as he had thought it would be. After all, Sondra considered the scars to be marks of bravery, and she was the only one who mattered. With that thought he glanced at Sondra. Even with everything going on in her life she was determined to help him get his grades on track. She was just amazing. Now, the only thing he he had to do was raise his grades enough to stay on the tennis team. After all that studying, he felt ready, but he still hoped this test wouldn't throw him too much.

When the test finally got passed back to his spot, he and gave a sigh of relief. Even though Mr. Hannish had smiled evilly and told the class that this test would be a real challenge, Sondra had asked many of the questions the night before. Sondra had even come up with some harder questions that Mr. Hannish had missed. Moe was sure that he could get the answers right.

Even knowing the answers, Moe needed the whole time to finish the test. Then, as soon as he was done, he rushed to Chemistry, and Moe asked Ms. Brecker if she could grade his test today.

Ms. Brecker nodded in understanding even as she replied, "If today's test is anything like that last quiz you could raise your grade to a "B", but you have to give me to at least the end of the day."

As soon as Moe sat down, she handed out the test.

Class was almost done when Sondra was called to the office. Ms. Brecker frowned and argued that she was in the middle of a test.

Sondra quickly interrupted to say, "I'm done. I was just double checking my answers. I can go now." She stood up and gathered her things.

Moe reached over and squeezed her hand briefly. He found himself staring after her as she walked out. He shook his head and forced himself concentrate. After all, he told himself, Sondra had spent a lot of time helping him this week, and he couldn't blow it now.

After signing out and being rushed the few blocks to the courthouse, Sondra found herself waiting as the judge finished the cases before hers. It was interesting, to say the least, but she still hadn't seen her mom yet. She had spotted several familiar faces though.

Even though they didn't approach, Sondra saw Jamie's uncle, Paul, and even Captain Kastigo sitting on the back wall. They smiled and gave reassuring nods to Sondra. Her heart lightened, and she found herself smiling back, as she turned back to Ms. Mac Inness. Before she could say anything, the gavel banged loudly from up front.
Wide eyed, she watched as Judge Rheinholdt tossed a disrespectful man out of his court. She could tell that the judge had no patience for people talking back to him. As the guy was escorted out, Sondra's mom walked in. She was complaining loudly on her phone, and Sondra automatically winced in embarrassment.

As Judge Rheinholdt narrowed his eyes and glared, the courtroom went silent and you could have heard a pin drop. Pamela ignored him, and the whole room could hear her saying that she would be pulling Sondra out of that school as soon as possible. Judge Rheinholdt frowned and opened his mouth, but she was already putting her phone away and sitting down. After a short glare, Judge Rheinholdt ignored Pamela and continued with the case in front of him.

Sondra was still thinking about her mom's insistence of pulling her out of school. A hard shiver went down her back as she realized that this time her mom was totally serious. She hadn't really thought she might have to use her back up plan, but now she wasn't so sure.

Ms. Mac Inness must have picked up on her distress, because she reached over and held Sondra's hand.

It reminded Somdra that she wasn't in this alone, and she did have a plan, several in fact. Also, she had several strong supporters on her side. Gradually, she relaxed. She had started this in motion, and it was too late to back out now. Besides, Pamela had called the shots long enough.

Sondra got herself settled and prepared just in time, because Judge Rheinholdt had finished the previous case and was calling them up to start their proceedings. Ms. Mac Inness started with the video, and what Sondra had told her about the conversation in the parking lot. She touched on Pamela's most recent outing with Sondra before she went on with her letters and reports showing Pamela's inconsistency in Sondra's life, but how Sondra had done well in her current stable setting. She went over Pamela's recent jail time and how Pamela's own words indicated that there might be a flight risk.

Pamela smiled prettily, denied it all, and claimed that it was a misunderstanding as she batted her eyes at the judge.

Judge Rheinholdt asked Sondra to talk to him in his chambers, and insisted on time to examine all the evidence. Once in his chambers, he asked Sondra many different questions about her likes and dislikes. It didn't make any sense, but Sondra answered as best she could. Then, he turned to Sondra and asked, "Do you hate your mom?"

Sondra shook her head in surprise and said, "No sir. She has never really been a part of my life. My grandma raised me. Pamela just pops in and brings gifts, but she has always put her fun first. I'm afraid that her new marriage will be her biggest mistake yet. The police are already involved, and she was arrested within days of marrying him. If they run, I don't want to go. I'm doing well at my school, and I'm in line for scholarships. I don't want a life on the run."

Judge Rheinholdt leaned back in his chair as he peered at her with wise eyes. After a moments consideration, he said, "I can understand that, but terminating a parent's rights is a big deal. It can't be done on a whim, or because you are mad about some small issue."

Sondra shook her head and said, "I know that you usually deal with severe abuse, and her slapping me for not wanting to use my college money for bail might not count. Isn't there a case for abandonment though? If I can just keep her from taking me and changing my schools for a couple of weeks, I think that things would settle down. She might decide to break parole with her husband, or she might stay here and not visit more than a couple times a year. Who knows, she might actually start acting like a mom and try to do what is best for me. Any of those would work for me. I don't mind working on reunification with her. I'm just afraid of what she might decide to do without thinking right now."

Sondra paused to catch her breath and realized that she had almost been shouting at the judge. She turned red and swallowed as she got ready for him to yell at her like he had the guy he had thrown out of court.

Instead, he chuckled, and said, "You make a strong point, and you gathered a lot of supporting evidence quickly. Now go on, so I can read all these letters that you gathered."

Sondra nodded and quickly left. She rejoined her grandmother and Ms. Mac Inness. Waiting was awful for her though. It didn't seem to bother Pamela. She ignored the signs, and got out her cell phone and typed quietly on it. When the judge came back out, she slipped it into a pocket and went back to smiling innocently at the judge.

Judge Rheinholdt took his seat and focused in on Pamela. His next step was to ask Pamela questions about Sondra and her life and her interests. It wasn't surprising that most of her answers were wrong. Finally, Pamela said, "What does it matter if I know how she did in school the last few years, her friends names, her activities, or where she works? She is my child. If I think that school is a bad influence I can pull her from it."

Judge Rheinholdt's tone was deceptively mild as he asked, "Do you really think that is in her best interest?"

Pamela blinked and Sondra was sure that a baby could tell that Pamela had never spent a second thinking about what was in Sondra's best interest. Sondra felt a wave a bitterness and hurt well up inside of her. She couldn't help wondering what was so wrong with her.

Just then Ms. Mac Inness squeezed her fingers. Sondra looked over to see her glaring at Pamela, and muttering, "Some people just don't deserve kids."

Libby Mac Inness didn't even seem to realize that she had spoken.

Sondra blinked in surprise, and she couldn't stop a small smile. Sondra squeezed Libby Mac Inness's hand back, and reminded herself that her mom was the one that was broken, not her.

Judge Rheinholdt kept questioning her mom for what seemed like a long time, but was actually only a couple of minutes. In the end, he said that their was enough evidence of abandonment and endangerment to temporarily remove custody while supports were put in place to assist Pamela. He instructed Ms. Mac Inness to place Sondra with a family member, and set up times to work on reunification. He then went into detail about how Pamela would not be able to make decisions about schooling, doctors, or relocation over the next few weeks.

Sondra grabbed her grandma's hand, and felt tears of relief welling in her eyes. She managed a weak smile when the judge glanced her way. He gave a grin and a wink as her mom raged, and he left the room.

After Pamela stopped yelling, Ms. Mac Inness walked over, and suggested some times to work on reunification. Pamela just flipped her off and shouldered past Ms. Mac Inness just as a the crowd filled the aisle. Ms. Mac Inness anxiously tried to follow, but was cut off by the crowd even as Pamela stomped up to Sondra.

Pamela hissed, "This doesn't change anything. When it is time to go, you had better be ready. I managed to get Tony out, and he only needs a couple of days to make arrangements before we leave."

Sondra shivered and nodded. Pamela looked for any defiance, but Sondra just bowed her head. Pamela gave a snort of acceptance and hurried away before Ms. Mac Inness could work her way back over to Sondra.

Ms. Mac Inness asked anxiously, "Are you okay?"

Sondra nodded. She asked, "Does my grandma have to let her in if she comes to the apartment?"

Ms. Mac Inness shook her head and insisted, "No, but we have to set up times for you to meet with Pamela. We don't want her to try to take you though. The dojo would be good if it's still okay with Jamie. From what I saw, no one could take you from there if you didn't want to go. You still will need an escort home after work every night."

Sondra found herself blushing as she admitted, "Moe has been walking me home lately."

The small grin that appeared on Ms. Mac Inness's face surprised her. Then, she asked, "Is he the tall one with the dark hair and purple eyes that was studying most if the night?"

At Sondra's nod she ordered, "Make sure that you don't leave without him. A group would be even better, but he should do. I'll let Pamela know when and where the meetings are going to be."

"What if she doesn't show up, or tries to meet me other places?" asked Sondra.

"If you just happen to be in the same spot, get out fast, but don't worry. If she tries to take you, or you can't leave, call me and the police."

Sondra nodded. Both of those options would still work with her plans. Court had been her biggest concern. If the ruling hadn't gone her way the only plan she would have had left was running away. Now she just had to get the rest in place. Even though it was a little daunting, she couldn't help smiling. Now she had it from an official that Moe HAD to walk her home. No way was he backing away again.

Quite a bit going on in this chapter. Hope it wasn't too much. Let me know if you think the court scene was plausible. I haven't been to court, and TV isn't reliable. I did some research on Texas laws, and temporary custody, but would appreciate some advice from someone with actual knowledge.
Other than that, what did you think? Please let me know. Votes are always good, but I really like comments too. Thanks for reading.

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