What's So Good About Picking...

By jhawkgrl2003

864K 16.8K 6.5K

26 year old Lyla James is living in Los Angeles pursuing her dream of being a photographer. She gets the chan... More

What's So Good About Picking Up the Pieces? (Vic Fuentes FanFiction)
To Move On Is To Grow....
Warped Tour 2012 Here We Come!
The Past Has a Way of Catching Up to You
Save Me From Myself
Remember When....
Who Are You Now?
We Meet Again
What Do You Want From Me?
After Years of Silence, Why Now?
Drunken Words are Sober Thoughts
Give Me Love
Between You and I
The Truth
Everything Will Change, but Love Remains the Same
Beautifully Broken
Too Good to be True
What's Left of Me
Second Chances Won't Leave You Alone
For What It's Worth, I've Wanted You So Long
My Worst Nightmare
Now My Body's on the Floor and I am Calling Out to You
Beautiful Tragedy
Like We're Gonna Die Young
With Every Move I Die
When It Won't Save You
I Remember It All Too Well
Where's Your Passion, Where's Your Fire Tonight?
You Are the Way My Heart Beats
Maybe We'll Make It After All
Saving Grace
I'd Fall Anywhere With You, I'm By Your Side
Kids In Love
You Are, and Always Have Been, My Dream
Epilogue: Forget Regret
Sequel is Posted!

Here's to the Night

23K 482 82
By jhawkgrl2003

Hey Guys!!! Sorry this chapter is pretty short and uneventful! Please read the A/N at the end of the story cuz I really need your help! Thanks Loves :) Enjoy!

Vic's P.O.V:

I had been sitting alone in the corner of the club for a while, downing drink after drink. I was already drunk, which probably wasn't the best idea, but at this point I didn't care. People walked by, occasionally stopping to chat, but I remained seated. I glanced around the club, my attention moving over to the bar where I saw her: Lyla.

She was downing shots, laughing with Austin and Alan. Soon she grabbed Alan and pulled him to the dancefloor.

She looked incredible; her short black dress was tight, leaving little to the imagination. I noticed more tattoos than I had seen last time. I watched her intently, not able to look away.

The song changed and she started to grind on Alan; I felt myself get jealous again, my face transforming into anger. I ordered another drink, my eyes never leaving her. I wanted that to be me so bad.

"Helllooooo Victor," Jaime slurred as he walked up to where I was sitting. "Having fun?" He asked. I shot him a fake smile and nodded as the song switched to some shitty dubstep. "Oh shit. Hold on I'll be back," Jaime said as he took off past me. I watched where he was going, my breath catching in my chest as I saw him say something to Lyla, spinning her around before she pulled him out onto the dancefloor.

I watched as they danced, jealously welling up inside me even more now that she was dancing with my best friend, who didn't even know her.

I hadn't told Tony or Jaime about Lyla, yet. I didn't think they even knew who she was, but apparently I was wrong. They weren't around back when Lyla and I were together, and I didn't feel the need to explain, especially since I couldn't even get her to talk to me.

She danced with Jaime, the dance turning from goofy to sexy. Jaime seemed to be enjoying it too much and that made me mad. I had no right to be mad; she wasn't mine, not anymore. The song ended and she hugged Jaime before stumbling over to the bar where Austin was sitting. She ordered another drink; at this point I could tell she was completely drunk. Austin said something to her, his eyes flashing with worry before he wandered off leaving her alone.

I downed the rest of my drink, and thanks to a little liquid courage I stood up from the table and walked over to her. I stood behind her as she faced the bar, leaning on it for support.

"Have time for another dance?" I asked. It was stupid to say; I knew we weren't going to dance. But I had to talk to her, it was killing me. She turned around, not expecting me, and her face dropped.

She didn't yell, she didn't cry, she didn't do anything. She just stared at me, silence between us.


Lyla's P.O.V:

I stared at him for a while, not knowing what to do. If I were sober I would probably cry, then yell at him and tell him I hated him. The alcohol was clouding my brain, though, and I just stood there.

"No thanks." I managed to spit out before turning and walking towards the door. I made it outside and leaned up against the side of the building, pulling a cigarette out of my purse. I lit it and inhaled deeply as I saw Vic come stumbling out of the building and walk toward me.

"Ugh, what? Are you stalking me now?" I asked, my voice filled with bitchiness. I saw something in his eyes. He looked sad, and even though I was mad and drunk it made my heart race just thinking that he still felt something.

He just stood there and stared at me, occasionally looking me up and down. I didn't say anything either, just took puffs off of my cigarette. I glanced at him a few times; he looked really, really good. Damn it; my night was going so well and now here he was ruining it all.

He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by Austin and the guys coming out of the club, hollering my name.

"Lyla!" Austin said walking towards me. "Hey we're goin to take this party back to the hotel, you comin?" He asked. He eyed my cigarette, giving me a dirty look, but he didn't say anything. I needed out of here, away from Vic, before he had a chance to break my heart again. I tossed my cigarette to the ground, stomping it out with my heel.

I smiled up at Austin, ignoring the fact that Vic was still standing there. "Absolutely!" Austin picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, smacking me on the ass as we all walked over to the awaiting taxis. He tossed me in next to Alan before he climbed in. I situated myself to where I was laying across their laps. I was getting more and more drunk by the minute it seemed, and I was laughing at nothing now. I leaned up and kissed Austin right on the mouth, then turned over and did the same to Alan, before I started cracking up again.

We made it back to the hotel and I clinged to Austin to keep my balance. We made our way to someone's room, Kellin's I think, where a bunch of people were already inside, drinking and dancing. I made my way over and grabbed an entire bottle of Jack, taking drinks off of it every now and then as I swayed alone to the music.

I was determined to get Vic off of my mind, one way or another.


Okay I need your help everyone!

The next chapter Vic and Lyla are finally going to talk.....I can't put it off any longer! But there are several different ways I could approach this and I want your opinions since you are the readers and I want you all to love this! So....

Here are a few scenarios I want to guys to think about and decide which you like best.

Lyla getting angry with him, yelling at him, him yelling at her, etc. (Basically angry first conversation, venting their feelings)

They could have a nice conversation, lots of crying involved, spilling their feelings but not in an angry way.

They could also end up chatting for a while and then sleeping together because of how drunk they both are.

Feel free to leave your own ideas too!!! I probably won't update again until I get a few responses because I want this to happen in the next chapter!

So leave a comment or even message me and let me know what you guys want to see!

Thanks :)

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