i loved you

By ruelsroseycheeks

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354 8 14
By ruelsroseycheeks

author: hey bros, i'm katherine. hope you enjoy the story, follow my fanpage for more cool content @ruelsroseycheeks , ok enjoy loves
naya is a 16 year old vintage girl, she loves music & visual arts. they bring her happiness and joy. (ruels characteristics are the same, just a slight change in behaviour)

do you ever just want that one best friend you can do stupid things or technically, BE stupid with? or the one where you can chill out and talk to but still have a fun time?
well that's me to my best friend. his names ruel. we've been by each others side since we basically began walking.

real storytime

i got up at around 3AM and walked over to ruels house because he lived directly in front of my place. we promised each other that we'd go out and watch the sunrise together as we always do on the holidays. school was stressful. when ruel wasn't there, i felt like there was no one to turn to and if i cried, i would be all lost and alone. i really loved him. i loved him so much. but he didn't need to know.

i grabbed all the gear we needed for the early morning and headed over. surely i texted ruel so he should've been awake. i texted him to come down the stairs and open the door for me. i texted ruel before placing all the gear on the front porch.

ruel, can you open the door please, this shits heavy !!

yeah i'm coming down now !!

okay thank you dork face

smh bye bitch

love you too 🤡

-end of text-

he finally opened the door. it legit took him forever. he left a note for his parents to wake up to just in case they were worried that he had disappeared or something, we both lived near a beach so it was nice to head down there once in a while. i took out the picnic mat and placed it on the soft sand as ruel began to open the mini snacks that i had packed inside the bag. he was such a cute guy.


she was sitting there peacefully with the soft blankets wrapped around her as we watched the stars fade and the sun shine. she was really pretty. i loved her to bits, she was there for me when i cried or when i was upset. she'd always be there. i continued to enjoy the rest of the early morning with her as it was.


ruels curtains always fell down on the side of his face. they're really cute. he didn't have that hairstyle when he was younger, he had a full on dorky hairstyle, but as he grew older, all the girls at school loved and admired him. i always glanced at him during lessons without him noticing, but i had times where i thought he knew i was looking at him. we shared mini crackers with cheese squished in the middle as we cuddled in the blankets. i wished we were more but we could never be.

at school there are different sets of groups. one being popular girls, popular boys, the nerds, sports team and the emo group. the popular girls. pink, perfect & obnoxious. rebecca was like the leader of her group, she had minions aside her and everything a typical popular girl had. she was rich and very stupid. ruel actually likes her and believe me, he is pretty stupid. although in grade 8 ruel tried to ask her out one time and she rejected him right in front of everyone as they started laughing, he balled his eyes out and i was the only one there to comfort him.


the sun began to rise and naya had already fallen asleep against my chest. i wrapped my arms around her and ate most of the snacks. while i was watching the sunrise i realised that she was there for me through thick and thin. even though we do these things a lot, she makes me feel like i'm the only lucky boy in her life. as she deepens her sleep with her eyes shut peacefully, i grip on her hands and intertwined them with mine while i kissed her on the cheek. it's not awkward because we kiss each others cheeks all the time, like a best friend routine. the next thing i knew, my eyes were shut.

author: hey there, if you got to this part congrats. it's kind of crap right now because i'm uncreative but it'll get better, mwah 💋

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