How to Steal a Heart

By SuperMerrell2244

155 11 7

You know, its quite easy to steal a heart... Collaboration with : @freshavacodoqueen More

Chapter 1

147 11 7
By SuperMerrell2244

Hey guys welcome to me and Char's shared book we have been thinking about and working on this  for a while! We will be taking turns writing chapters and btw this is char writing thus chapter hiii! Buckle in because this is about to get real!
Also hi I'm here! -G

Chapter 1 Roni's Pov
"Hurry up we are gonna be late don't make me bring you down myself!" Ethan shouted from downstairs "I'll be there in a minute love" I shouted back and heard him groan a little.
I put on my glasses and finished my hair for the party "Ethan why do we have to go?" I called out to him "Because there's going to be business people there!" He practically screamed back and I walked downstairs in my costume "Oh my god are you serious Veronica ughhh your supposed to be a normal scientist not an evil one" he said and put his hands on his head "Love the card they gave us said to dress like this" I said and got a little nearvous. I really don't want to be hurt again and I'm really scared but I can't just run away... It's not that simple. "just stay away from me I don't want to be embarrassed by you again" he said and Rolled his eyes furiously.
We went into the Car and drove over in complete silence, He looked furious and the fact that he had one a ripped up suit and fake scars all over his face didn't help.
"hello and welcome to our murder mystery party" a women said to us as we walked into a huge ballroom filled with a wide range of people dressed as Doctors, Brides, Groomsmen, Artists and so many more but one person in particular caught my eye for a moment... I blinked and he was gone. "They're coming over act happy" Ethan said and grabbed my hand painfully firm "Hello I'm ethan Dolan my brother couldn't make it tonight" he said and side hugged the men who came over "Hello I'm Michael" "Jackson" "Matt" they said and all walked off leaving me alone in a huge crowd when I heard a bell ring and everyone ran across the room trampling me completely to the ground. People were kicking and running on top of me when everything went black. "hello?" "You ok?" I heard a mans voice I didn't recognize at all saying, I opened my eyes and saw a man dressed in a suit with a tophat and oil stained clothes with a name tag that read "The enginer" then I realized he was the same person who caught my eyes when I walked In 
I looked around and I saw We were on the roof alone and he was icing my head "Urr" I kinda groaned and he tried not to laugh" "nice to meet you" he said and got up grabbed something out of a first aid box and gave it to me "take this it will help your head" he said and handed me some medicine "Ok" I said and downed them "I'll go get some more ice stay here" he said and got up "Ok" I said and fell asleep again "Hello?" I heard him say again "Oh sorry" I said and sat up "Your head feeling better?" He asked "Yeah" I said "You come here with anyone?" He asked "My boyfriend Ethan Dolan" I said and he smirked and lifted his eyebrow "The same Ethan Dolan Hooking up with a random girl downstairs?" He asked "Wait WHAT?!?!" I said and shot straight up into the air, I instantly felt light headed and fell but he caught me "Wow slow it down kido" he said and I rolled my eyes "Why are you even here helping me?" I asked "Cause you were bleeding trampled on the floor and I'm not a monster" he said sarcastic "well thanks but I'm fine" I said and tried to sit up and fell down again "Yeah, no I'm taking you to a hospital" he said as he caught me "You don't have too" I said "It's either I help you or you die" he said an shrugged "Ok Fince just help me stand" I said "Ok but if you fall again I'm carrying you" he said "I'm fine I don't even feel pain" I said "Yeah that's a problem your head but dripping blood you lost too much, That's why we are going to the hospital" he said, Stood up and grabbed my hands to help me up.
I stood up and tried hard not to but I fell again so he picked me up like a baby and carried me to an elevator "You can let me down" I said "Ok" he said and sat me down on a chair meant for an operator who must have not been there. "I just realized I don't know your name" I said "I'm Aaron" he said "I'm Veronica but you can call me Roni" I said and then the elevator door opened and some people came in. Aaron walked over and lifted me onto his back which felt nice because my heals were killing me.
He ordered a lyft to urgent care for me and while we were waiting I saw ethan... He was kissing another girl and has his hands all over her. Aaron noticed me staring looked over and he said "Wow" "Yeah" I said "Don't you too like live together?" He asked and I nodded "Well maybe don't tonight, He is definitely drunk and he could hurt you" Aaron said "Then where am I supposed to go?" I asked "Any family?" He said "They don't like Ethan and I don't wanna give them another reason to hate me even more" I said "I'm sure that don't hate you" he said "You have known me for about 5 minutes how could you know?" I said a little annoyed "Trust me I just do" he said and the lyft pulled up. he opened my door without me asking "I can open my own door" I said "Yes but it's the polite thing, you would know if you had a polite boyfriend that isn't Ethan" he said and I smiled a little then got really light headed "I think I'm gonna fai" I started to say but passed out right in the car.
I woke up in hospital bed freezing cold and I saw Aaron texting someone in the corner. "You can leave if you want" I said "ok good your awake and First you
Can't handle yourself like this and second you legally need me here I signed paperwork for you to spend the night" he said "You didn't have to" I said and then his phone rang "It's my little brother he was supposed to spend the night I'm gonna pick up and here's my jacket your clearly freezing" Aaron said and walked out before I could say anything else.
He walked in a few minutes later and said "My other brother is watching him so i can actually stay" "Why did you even help me I mean it was kind of random to help a complete stranger by getting a lyft, signing paperwork and staying" I said "Well it's just the way I was raised" he said and shrugged a little "Well if we are gonna be here for that long what was your childhood like?" I asked "Deep or brief" he asked half joking half serious "Go deep im bored" I said "Ok well I mean I'm the oldest so A lot of the responsibilities, Chores and driving was put on me and I didn't get an insane amount of attention but yeah it was just normal for me" he said "That was Breif" I said "Who said I'm finished?" He asked and I giggled a little "Ok so what about you? Any sibling cousins?" He asked "My twin sister Vanessa and my parents" I said "We had a good relationship but I was always the responsible one and the smart one,  it was a lot of pressure to be honest" I said "and you said I was breif" Aaron joked and I nugged him on the shoulder "Shut it" it said and he laughed "So did you come with a date?" I asked and he smirked a little "My brother" he said "Cool" I said back "Why?" He asked and pretty much stared me down "No reason" I said "Ok" he said doubtfully.
A doctor came in and told me that I needed stitches and I had a mild concussion "Ok Umm I guess will I be able to drive can I even read?" I asked "You can drive in 2 weeks and you can resume all other normal activities just don't stress yourself out to much" he said "Ok" I said "We will come in in about 5 minutes to give you the stitches" he said "Ok" I said and he left. I started to think about stitches and the last time I got them and I got really nearvous "You ok? Your kind of shaking" Aaron asked "I just Umm the last time I got stitches it was a bad situation" I said "what happened?" Aaron asked "I Umm" I said "You don't have to tell me" he said "I umm no it's ok I can tell you" I said "Well Umm about 6 months ago I was out with Ethan and he got a little upset... He didn't mean to but he kind of shoved me" I said and lifted up my skirt to show a scar next to me knee "I'm sorry to say this and I know you barely know me but well like... You need to break up with him, He is abusive clearly he cheats which we both saw and it's just an all around horrible relationship" he said and I sighed "Your right I just think I needed someone to say it who isn't biast" I said and he nodded "Well maybe I'm a little biast" he said "Why?" I asked confused wondering what could make him biast "Well I mean your literally the most beautiful person I have ever seen" he said and I turned bright red and he smiled a goofy cute smile "thank you but not possible, I'm not beautiful" I said "Are you kidding? your gorgeous" he said And I smiled "Definitely not what Ethan thinks" I said and his face changed a little from a goofy grin to kind of sad I guess"Well trust me he is very very wrong and if your boyfriend won't make sure you know that your beautiful well there's another reason you shouldn't be with him" he said and I blushed I little “Thanks" I said and he smiled again "Aaron can I ask you something?" "Anything" he said "Ok well obviously you can say no but I mean well i really need help getting away from Ethan, The last time I tried to break up with him well... It wasn't good" I said "Of coarse I will help you" he said and I smiled "Thank you Aaron" I said and he walked over to the bed “Can I just have a hug? I really need one right now” I said and he hugged me, It felt like a huge warm teddy bear was hugging me and honestly it was the best feeling. 
I was told I could go home and Aaron offered me a ride because his brother got his car for him "So where do you want me to take you?" He asked "I Umm don't know" I said "Well I'm not taking you to Ethan's because he is way to drunk and it's not safe" he said and I nodded "Yeah it isn't a good idea to go there" I said "I really don't want to go to my family's house though" I said "Yeah I understand" he said "You could come to my place for the night if you want. Obviously you don't have to but at this point hopefully you know I'm not gonna kill you" he said "If you don't mind that sounds like the best option" I said "ok well it’s settled” he said “Thank you again for everything” I said "no problem and Your clearly exhausted try to get some rest" he said "Ok" I said shut my eyes and leaned back. 
I could feel the air from the windows blowing into my hair, The cool breeze and could hear the quiet music playing. Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep. 
I woke up from a nightmare and I sat up straight, I looked around and saw I was on a couch in an apartment. This must be Aaron’s apartment. I heard footsteps and saw Aaron walking over “You ok?” He asked “Yeah just a nightmare sorry I woke you up” I said “It’s ok” he said and walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water “Also sorry your on the couch I would have slept on it but my legs would be hanging off” he said “Don’t worry I mean your letting me stay I could care less about what I’m sleeping on” I said “What woke you up?” He asked “I just had a nightmare” I said “About what? If you don’t mind me asking “It was about the last time I tried to break up with Ethan” I said and he sat next to me on the couch and handed me a glass of water “It was like a movie and real life and a million other things all at once” I said “that’s pretty bad” he said “Yeah it was” I said and a little tear streamed down my cheek “It’s ok, Don’t cry I’m here” he said and hugged me “Everything’s gonna be alright now, I’m not going to let anyone hurt you” he said and whipped the tear off my cheek and I smiled a little. I put my head on his shoulder and could feel myself drifting to sleep again, Peaceful happy sleep.

Annnnd that's part one be on the look out for more! Bye love y'all Xx-G

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