By thisisphayyy

173K 7.5K 574

A victim of abuse, depression and life's unpredictable nature, leaves home to New York for a fresh start. Wor... More



4.8K 185 13
By thisisphayyy


It felt good to know that Louis and I were cool again. I mean I didn't want to lose my best friend.

Work has been going fine, although I haven't really seen Levi this week, something about him traveling to Indonesia to monitor his building construction.

Although we talk and text every day, I just can't help but miss him.

I read the email forwarded to me by Layla about a lingerie company that wants to be a part of credos. After going through the email and replying. I send my report to Levi via email.

With a smile on my face as I'm done for today and going home for the weekend, I stand to put my office in order as there are some documents here and there and the flyers for our new game shop all over the place.

As I'm trying to pick some flyers off the floor I notice something behind me and I turn and scream afraid that the person might be an assassin or a kidnapper.

"Oh shit, calm down princess it's me" Recognizing the voice immediately I glare at the figure in the shadows

"Last time I checked you weren't batman" I roll my eyes annoyed and he chuckles which makes me smile and i turn away from him, crouching to pick the remaining flyers.

"Bella" Levi comes beside me


"my love"

"my heart"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to surprise you. I stayed there because I couldn't get my eyes off you, I just needed a moment to admire you" he says softly helping me up, taking the flyers from me.

I look up at him and smile

"I missed you" I hug him sad that I didn't see my baby for so long

"I missed you more my love" he holds me so tight.

I look at him and he kisses me, making me swoon inside. Gosh! I've missed this.

We let go of each other so I can finish putting my desk in order before we leave.

"Oh flyers for a game shop" he sits turning to me

"um yeah, we had to open a game shop because we felt that way we can win more customers over and you know the kids love games a lot, it the best part is that all the games are in 3D" I finish with a smirk.

"Nice, I like that idea. You and your team are doing a great job here" he walks up to me and pulls me to him

"can I take my princess to my castle now?" he asks

"Of course my prince, sweep me off my feet" I say dramatically and Levi laughs pecking my lips.

"Well you're staying with me for the weekend so... Do you want us to go to your place to get anything before we head to mine?" he takes my hand in his as we walk out of the mall.

"Sure, I like the idea" I say smiling at him


Currently, I'm in Levi's room cuddling  and seeing a movie. But before then I had Levi cook for me although I helped him with some minor stuff like chopping veggies and all that.

I really enjoy being around Levi a lot. He brings out the best in me. And I hope this lasts.

"What's going on in your head princess" he asks and I smile

"You. Us." I say smiling at him

"well what about us?" he says kissing my neck and I shiver

"I'm just happy I have you. And I really want us, our relationship to last. You know long term and all that" i turn to look at him.

"Well no need to be scared because I'm not letting you go. Ever. You're mine and I'm yours forever princess" he caresses my cheek.

"You know things change.." I say

"Yes, things change. We're not perfect, so we will have ups and downs but just know that in all this, my love, our love, the way I feel for you won't change. We will solve our problems together. I got you and I know you got me too." he says, placing a kiss on my lips to finalize what he said.

And right there? In that moment, I realized that I was in love with Levi. I didn't care if I was a whimp telling him I loved him first so I just decided to say it. And give this my all.

" I love you Levi Rosario" I said looking right in his eyes. I watched as his expression changed in something more. He stared at me like I was the best thing in the world.

"I love you more than words can say or actions can prove. I love you so much my princess" yes expect Levi to always be extra but hey I'm not complaining, I love it.

I'm so whipped

After our confession, we kissed and cuddled until I fell asleep.

With a smile on my face might I add.


The next day I woke up with a very tired Levi sleeping beside me, his lips slightly apart and I just stare at him and trace his lips with my finger until his eyes fluttered open and immediately met mine

"Good morning babe" he says smiling at me and I reply with a smile too.

"You woke up early, did you sleep good?" he asked his voice laced with concern.

"Yes, the best sleep I've ever had" and I kiss him completely ignoring the whole morning breath thing. And he does the same.

"Come on, let's brush our teeth and head down to make breakfast. I have a lot planned for us today" he pulls me with him and I just smile

"ouuu I can't wait"

After brushing our teeth, we went down to make breadfast. I helped with the eggs and bacon while Levi handled the rest. When we were done we showered (separately though), I mean it'll be nice to shower with Levi but not so soon.

"You ready?" Levi asks walking behind me pulling me to him

"Yes babe" we stare at ourselves in the  mirror

"C'mon babe" Levi says taking my hand in his.

Levi pulls outta the drive way and I turn on the radio.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"Patience my love, you'll see" he says and I pout


We talk about random stuff, listen and vibe to different songs blasting from the radio. We just finished listening to a song when brown skin girl by Beyonce, wizkid and Blue ivy came on and I couldn't help but get excited

It's a very nice song

"Your skin just like pearls
The best thing in the world
I'd never trade you for anybody else" I sing along and move to the beat while Levi stares at me like I've grown two heads and I laugh.

"melanin too dark to throw her shade,
She minds her business and whines her waist, Gold like 24k! Okay
Tonight I might fall in love
Depending on how you hold me
I'm glad that I'm calming down,
Can't let no one come control me,
Keep dancing and call it love
She fighting but falling slowly, if ever you are in doubt, remember what mama told me. " i sing every word looking directly at Levi

"Wow princess" he says when the song comes to an end

"Yeah, singing is one of my many talents babe" I wink and laugh

"Great, so I'd be expecting a song from you every night before I sleep right?" he says and I laugh

"Sure" and then Levi brings the car to a stop

"We're here" he says.

"Well where's here" I roll my eyes and he points at something above us and my eyes go wide

Kessintons Art Museum

"oh my goodness Levi you remembered" I hug him and get out of the car

"Wait up princess, Levi says and chuckles behind me.

Well one time, Levi and I went on a date and well we were talking and he asked me about my likes, Dislikes and all that so i mentioned to him that I loved art a lot and that although I can't paint or draw to save my life, I was into poetry and I also loved to admire the works of others, because after all art is a way people express themselves. Art speaks we're words can't

And I still remember the way Levi stared at me

"well princess, another reason why I can't seem to get enough of you is that unlike everyone you always analyze things so deeply and with passion, you don't just see things as they are"  and I still remember this was his reply that day but this right now is just so beautiful. I didn't even know he kept all of that in his heart. Making sure to surprise me

Urgh this man, I love you so much

Heading inside the museum with a big smile on my face. I take out my phone capturing some nice works of Pablo Picasso and so many others

I don't know how long we were in there but when we were done I couldn't help smile at Levi.

It was beautiful

I Thanked him for taking me there and he insisted that it was nothing and that it's one of the many things I get to enjoy for being his girlfriend and I just roll my eyes

So currently, Levi are just taking a walk on the park, it's such a beautiful sight, kids all over the place with their parents monitoring them to make sure they don't hurt themselves or cause any trouble, the birds are chirping, I mean it's a really nice sight

"Babe why don't we get some ice cream" Levi suggests and I nod.

We make our order at the ice cream stand. I settle for a coconut chip ice cream while Levi settles for vanilla.

Just as Levi pays and I'm about to turn so we can leave I bump into someone making my ice cream and my phone land on the floor and I bend to pick my phone

"Jeez I'm sorry" a familiar voice says as the person helps me up to my feet and my eyes go wide

"Jamie?" I say shocked and surprised

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