Beyond The Shadow Of A Doubt...

By ThaKid_Snapback

93.7K 3.6K 610


Brooklyn & Lunch
They Meet
The Date
Houston, TX
Daddy/Daughter Day
My Girl
What We Gon' Do Now?
Six Flags
Let Me See
*Warning: Explicit*
Why Marcus?
To The Zoo
Potty Mouth
How It Began
Trading Places
Last To Know
Happy Birthday Cori!
Just Another Day
First Day Of School
Happy Birthday Bey!
Marcus Sick? part 1
Marcus Sick? Part 2
Welcome To The World...

Houston, TX Raised Me!

3K 127 26
By ThaKid_Snapback

Beyoncé's POV

"You ready to meet my mom?" I asked.

We were laying in my bed. We had to get up in a few because our flight was leaving in a few hours. 

"Yeah, she cool right? I mean like does she know what I do?" He asked.

"Uhm no." I said.

"Then what am I supposed to tell her?" He said.

"Uhm go with the investment thing like you told me." I said.

"So now you want me to lie to her?" He said laughing.

"You lied to me." I said.

"And you lied to me yet we're still here." He said.

I shook my head and sat up. 

"It really doesn't matter." I said. "Whatever you tell Cori tell my mom. She won't pry she just wants to know the man that is in her baby's life."

He nodded as I got up and stretched.  I went in the bathroom to take a shower and do all that. When I got out Shawn got in. After I brushed my teeth and all that good stuff I got dressed and went to wake Amir and Cori. I went to wake up Cori first because she is a piece of work. I love Cori like she's my own but she must've received her attitude from her mother.

"Cori, wake up." I said.

I turned on the light to get her up. I started shaking her.

"Come on Cori." I said.

Her she goes with the whining. I hate whining.

"Not today Cori." I said.

She finally sat up and started looking around. 

"Go take a shower and get dressed." I said.

She got out the bed and headed towards the bathroom. Next was to get Amir up. I turned on the light when I walked into his room.

"Amir." I said.

"Mommy," he said.

"Up Amir." I said.

He finally got up and headed towards his bathroom. After that I went to make a quick breakfast and a phone call.

"Hello?" I heard.

"Marcus." I said as I walked to the kitchen.

"Oh my god Bey, what?!" He said.

"Boy, who you talking to?" I said. "Now are you okay for the week?"

"Yes." He said.

"Okay, are you sure you don't want to go?" I asked.

"Bey, I'm fine." He said. "I'll see when you get back and you can pick me up. I know you gonna miss me."

"Yeah whatever. If you have any problems call Michelle or Kelly." I said.

"Okay, bye." He said.

"Bye." I said and hung up.

I placed my phone back in my pocket and started up breakfast.

I thought it was pretty odd Marcus didn't want to go to Texas. He said he wanted to stay here but wouldn't tell me why. He better not be up to anything cause if I find out I'm busting his ass. He better stay out of trouble.

By the time I finished breakfast Shawn came in. I sat a plate in front of him and he kissed my lips.

"Thank you." He said.

"Your welcome." I said.

"Mommy!" I heard.

"Yes." I said.

"Uhm, uhm, never mind." He yelled.

I shook head as I sat down. I sat next to Shawn and drunk my coffee.

"Is that gonna have you bouncing off the walls later?" Shawn asked.

"I am a grown woman. I do not bounce off walls." I said.

"But you bounce off-"

"Daddy!" Cori yelled before she walked in.

I immediately punched him.

"Ow!" He said.

Cori came in and sat down.

"Daddy, I'm hungry." She said.

He looked around and back at her.

"This is BB house." He said. "Ask her."

She turned her head to me.


"Yes love." 

"I'm hungry." She said.

"You're in luck." I said as I went and fixed her a plate. "Where is Amir?"

She shrugged but quickly responded. 

"I don't know." She said.

I'm glad she's learning I hate shrugging.

"Amir! Come on!" I yelled.

We started eating again when Amir came in.

"Boy, what are you wearing?" I asked.

"I know, hot right?" He said.

I rolled my eyes and Shawn laughed.

"Take those shades and that hat off." I said.

I went to fix his plate.

"But mommy, it's my look." He said.

I sat his plate in front of him.

"I don't care." 

After we finished breakfast Kelly came to drop us off at the airport.


We walked through the airport to get our bags. Once we got our bags Shawn went to get the rental car. I gave directions to get to my mom's place.

"You nervous?" I asked Shawn when we got there.

"No, I'm good." He said. "Come on y'all."

We got out and got our bags and before I could even ring the doorbell my mom opened it.

"Grandma." Amir yelled.

He hugged my mom and she told all of us to come in.

"I thought Marcus was coming." She said.

"He changed his mind." I said.

"Mama, this is my boyfriend Shawn and his daughter Cori."

"Nice to meet you." My mom said shaking there hands. "I've heard a lot about you."

"All good I hope." Shawn said.

My mom showed everyone where they would be sleeping. Of course my mom is old school. Shawn and I have to sleep in separate rooms. I hate that rule but what can I do.

I sat my suitcase and sent a text to Kelly so she knows we made it safe.

"Beyoncé!" I heard.

I rolled my eyes because I knew it was Solange. I left my room and saw her over the rail. 

"What? Why you yelling and where is my nephew?" I asked.

"He's with his father." She said as she walked up the stairs. "You'll see him before you leave. Where is he?"

"Solange." I warned.

"What? I just want to meet him." She said shrugging.

We walked towards the guest room. I knocked before I went in. Shawn's back was facing us and he turned around.

"Shawn, this is my sister Solange. Solange, this is Shawn." I said

"Nice to meet you." Shawn said shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you too," Solange said. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Oh really?" He said laughing.

"Solange, don't you want to go see your nephew." I said.

"He ain't going nowhere." She said.

"Solange." I said.

She smacked her teeth.

"See how she do me." She said. "Nice to meet you Shawn." 

Solange left and I turned back to Shawn after Solange eyed me.

"She seems nice." He said.

"And loud." I said.

"So you be talking about me." He said grabbing my hand.

"Don't flatter yourself." I said.

"Oh for real?" He said.

He pulled me towards him and attacked my lips. I had to pull away.

"Baby, we're in my mama's house. We can't do that." I said.

"Then I guess we gonna have to stay quiet." He said.

"Nope, my mama will find out." I said.

"You scared." He said.

"Damn right." I said.

"Fine." He said sitting on the bed.

He pulled me towards him. I sat on his lap and we basically went against everything I just said.

"Beyoncé!" I heard. "Shawn!"

I looked up from straddling Shawn and he threw me off of him. 

First of all, ow! I hit the floor and I know somebody had to hear that thump. Shawn got up and I looked at him.

"Sorry babe." He said trying to help me up.

I smacked his hand away and got up. 

"And I'm the one scared." 

"It startled me." He said.

"Yeah right." I said as we walked out.

"Mommy!" I heard.

"We're coming."

We walked down to the kitchen and my mama eyed us as we sat down. We said a prayer then ate.

"Mama, can we go to the breakfast klub?" Amir asked.

"Your asking me that as you eat?"

"Well yeah, I just wanna go before we go back home." 

I nodded.

"So Shawn," my mother started. "What do you do for a living?"

Oh god.

"I work in sells for a pharmaceutical company." He said.

I gasped on the inside. Good thinking my nigga.

My mom nodded.

"So Cori, how old are you?" My mom asked.

"Nine but I'm gonna be ten in August 12th." She said.

We continued with mindless conversation as dinner went on. My mom just basically getting to know Shawn and Cori.

Later That Night

"You're very smart baby." I said.

"I know that." He said smiling.

I was in the guest room with him as we talked about how dinner went.

"I didn't lie to her though." He said. "I do work for a pharmaceutical company."

"I know." I said laughing.

I snuggled up close to him.

"You know I can't sleep with you right." I said.

"Ask your mom to change her rules." He said. "Tell her you can't sleep without me."

I laughed.

"Yeah right." I said.

"Okay, well tell her I can't sleep with you." He said. "Please."

"Are you begging?"

He smacked my ass.

"Just go ask." He said.


He smacked my ass again. This time hard.

"Ow! You know what? I was gonna ask now I'm not." I said getting up.

"No, no." He said pulling me back laughing. "I won't touch your ass no more unless you ask."

I rolled my eyes and got up and made my way to my mama's room. I standing outside her door all nervous and shit. Like why? Ugh. I knocked before I went in. My mama was watching TV.

"Mama." I said.

"What can I do for you?"

I went over to lay with her. She needs to be buttered up.

"What do you think of Shawn?"

"So far I like him and his little girl." She said. "I can tell you care for them both a great deal. I can see the love-"

"Woah, back up." I said. "We haven't said the "L" word yet." 

"Baby, sometimes you don't even have to say it." She said. "It could be they way you talk or look at them. Y'all might not have said it yet but I see it."

I nodded.



"Can I sleep in the room with Shawn?"

She laughed.

"Go ahead." She said. "But don't you dare mess up my good sheets in my house or wake anybody up."

"Mama, I wouldn't disrespect your house like that." I said.

"You do crazy things when you're in love." She said.

"Alright mama." I said and got up from her bed.

I hugged and kissed her goodnight. After that I went in Amir's room to check on he and Cori. Th flight finally caught up with them. I kissed both of them and then went in the room with Shawn.

"What she say? Can you stay?" He asked.

I nodded and he pulled the covers back. I hopped in the bed.

"Don't think you getting any because I'm in here."

"I'm not gonna disrespect your moms house like that. I just met her. Give it a couple years." He said.

I laughed and snuggled up closer to him. We shared a kiss before we went to sleep.

A Few Days Later

"Damn." I mumbled under my breath.

"You still can't reach him?" Shawn asked.

We were out with the kids at the mall. I had been trying to call Marcus for a few hours but wasn't getting him. Something didn't feel right to me and I had to make sure he was okay.

"No." I said.

"Get Kelly or Michelle to check on him after work." He said.

I nodded and shot a text over to them to check on him. 

We finished up our time at the mall.

Narrative's POV

Bronx, New York

"Look at that bitch ass nigga." Marcus heard someone say. "What you be doing in the house? All you do is stay on your stoop and in the house? What you be doing all day?"

There were a group of boys at Marcus stoop. He knew a couple of them but didn't care for the rest like the one that was speaking at the moment.

"Don't worry about my life nigga." Marcus said.

"He must be in the house beating his dick all day." The boy said and the guys laughed.

"Nah, that's your bitches job." Marcus said.

"Anyway, all jokes aside. Why you don't hang with us no more? BK ain't got product here no more. What you scared for?"

"Nigga, I ain't scared. Y'all just don't be doing shit." Marcus said.

"Cool, we about to go to the court. You down or you gotta call your mom." The boy said laughing.

Marcus looked around and he knew the street lights were about to come on. He knew he was tired of being in the house and it wasn't like he was going to the courts alone. He didn't  see the harm.

Marcus got up.

"Aye, my nigga back." The guy said and they walked to the park. 

There was no harm in just going to the park.

Beyoncé's POV

"Yes Kelly, why you calling me so late." I asked.

I didn't hear anything on the other side.

"Kelly." I repeated.

I could hear breathing but she didn't say anything. I sat up.

"Kelly!" I half yelled in the phone.

I heard shuffling.

"Hello, Bey."

"Michelle? The fuck is going on?"

"Something happened." She said.

"What? With the store?" I asked.

She was silent for a minuet.

"You gotta come home." She said and paused. "It's Marcus."

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