By roselettes

605K 19.6K 7.4K

in which a girl falls in love with an underground fighter. | © roselettes 2014 More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five


21.5K 761 116
By roselettes

Usually Brielle was a fan of rainy weather -- at least when she was inside, sheltered from it. The monotonous sound of raindrops beating on the sidewalk blended in with the occasional whoosh of the breeze through the treetops. Everything was bleak, gray, and dreary - even the atmosphere. People dressed in heavy coats and bearing large umbrellas walking quickly with purpose, not stopping to look at anything or anyone. And for some reason she absolutely adored it.

Although today, god, today was definitely not the day for this type of weather. The wind was blowing harshly, devastating her hair which was already not in ideal shape. It was around seven, which was usually the time the radiant sun would come into sight, although the overshadowing dark clouds decided to hide it for today. And there was an occasional pound of thunder that was indicating that the usual sunny city of Santa Monica would soon be drenched.

Not only was she miserable from having to wake up a number of hours earlier than she usually would, but she was now dealing with this extremely gloomy weather.

Brielle had made it to the shop with only 5 minutes to spare. The exterior of the smoothie shop was very desolate, with about two or three cars parked out front, and from her view, she couldn't see anyone inside.

She took a deep breath, getting one last glance at herself in the vanity mirror before being startled by another strike of thunder. She quickly shut the mirror and got out of the car, deciding that if she wasted any more time she would get caught in the rain, and not to mention, late for her first day.

She sped-walk towards the front door, though slowed down once she got close. She hesitated to open it, as even though the lights were on, there was no one in sight. The sound of a bell rang once she entered, and she almost immediately heard conversation coming from what seemed to be some sort of back room. Although, the conversation came to a halt a few seconds after Brielle walked in.

Just as she was about to call out for someone, a tall figure appeared.

She soon noticed it to be the same figure she came in contact with the first time she came to the shop.

"Hey, you're Brielle right?" He asked, pointing to her, even though she was the only person in the room.

"Um, yeah," she answered, also realizing after hearing his voice again that it was the same boy she talked to on the phone yesterday. She didn't manage to make the connection before as she was too focused on other things. "You're...Calum, right?"

He grinned as he walked out from behind the counter towards her, surprised that she remembered his name. "Yeah, that's me." He held out his hand as the smile remained on his face. "I'll be training you."

Brielle sweetly smiled back at him and grabbed the hand that he held out. "Cool."

She was happy to have this boy training her -- she remembered him saying he was hoping that she would get hired, so it reassured her that she wouldn't be a nuisance to him.

He let go of her hand and motioned behind him to the walkway that he previously came from. "Come on, let's get you dressed first."

Brielle slowly followed him as they entered a room that looked like your typical break room, the only difference being that the furniture was much more modern than normal. In fact, the whole store was very contemporary, and Brielle made the assumption that it was either just recently built or remodeled.

The room was furnished with 4 circular tables that sat in the middle and a number of vending machines that offered various healthy foods off on the side. There was a kitchen in the far corner, although Brielle wasn't able to completely analyze it as she was distracted by a girl with jet black hair sitting on one of the counters.

She was wearing the same outfit as Calum, so it was evident that she was a fellow co-worker. Brielle couldn't help but notice how she was brutally tapping on her phone with a frown plastered on her face.

Calum noticed Brie staring at the girl and decided to introduce them once Brielle didn't say anything. "Oh, this is Savannah. Sav, this is Brielle; the girl I was telling you about," he said, walking closer to the girl with Brielle closely following behind.

Brielle gave Calum a confused look that he didn't see, hoping that whatever he told her were positive things. Savannah looked up at the two workers and her irate face suddenly lit up.

"Oh, so you're Brielle! God, I'm so excited to have someone new work here. I couldn't stand the last girl," She confessed as she jumped down, holding her hand out and smiling; just as Calum did.

"Yep, that's me."

Brielle couldn't help but chuckle at how quickly Savannah's vibe changed. She took her hand and shook it as she returned the smile. Brielle noticed that Savannah's hands were a bit sweaty, probably from how hard she was gripping her phone.

"Let me know if you need anything. This dweeb," Savannah glared over at Calum. "Is probably the worst teacher. They should've let me train you, but oh well," She remarked, shrugging.

Brielle grinned as she glanced over at Calum to see his reaction to Savannah's insult. He looked at her with squinted eyes, although he was slightly smiling so Brie could tell he didn't take it too personally. It made Brielle feel more comfortable, knowing that they joked around with each other.

"Anyways..." Calum started, although he made sure to quickly stick his tongue out at Savannah (in which she returned) before continuing. "I'm gonna go get your apron and shirt, I'll be right back," he announced before sauntering away, leaving Savannah and Brielle alone.

Savannah waited until Calum was completely out of the room before speaking up. "He's a great guy. I think you'll really like him."

Brielle looked back over at her co-worker, who had jumped back onto the kitchen counter. She was kicking her legs against the counter underneath her as a small smile remained on her face.

"He seems nice," Brielle replied, as she sat down in a chair that wasn't too far from Savannah. And he did seem like a really nice guy. Except for the two times that he accused her of stealing a Chanel bag.

"Yeah." Savannah nodded, agreeing. It was silent for a minute and Brielle started to feel extremely uncomfortable. It seemed that the silence made Savannah uncomfortable too, as she spoke up once again. "So, what made you decide to work here?"

"Um.. money," Brielle admitted as a grin appeared on her lips.

Savannah chuckled at Brielle's response as she had the same reason. But then again, who would really work at a smoothie shop for any other reason then to get paid? "Same."

Calum walked back into the room, interrupting their attempted conversation. He had a black apron and shirt in hand, and gestured them towards Brielle with a smile. "Here. Put them on quickly because we still haven't gotten to the actual smoothie part, and we only have like 20 minutes til the shop opens."

Brielle took the clothing and quickly stood up once Calum notified her that there was only 20 minutes. She needed to make sure that she had enough time to learn how everything worked here, as the last thing she needed was to screw up on her first day. She started to walk to go get changed, although she realized that she had no clue where she was supposed to go. She opened her mouth to ask, but Savannah interrupted her and it was like she read her mind.

"The bathroom's right right over there," she directed, pointing to a hallway in the back of the break room.

Brielle smiled in response and followed Savannah's directions.


"Okay, so here's the blenders." Calum pointed out as him and Brielle stood behind the counter. Brielle started to feel nervous as she realized that this was it -- this was her job. How well she listened to Calum was going to determine how good her first day was going to go. A part of her felt like she was over-thinking this, but then again Brielle tended to do that with everything.

"So, obviously, you're going to mix the fruits depending on whatever the customer ordered," He pulled out a laminated sheet of paper from under the counter before continuing. "I've been here for 4 months and I still don't remember all the combinations, so do worry about memorizing them. Just use this," He explained, handing her the paper that had all of the smoothies along with what was included in them. She felt relieved as she realized she wouldn't have to memorize all of them.

"There's the liquid and stuff over there in the fridges. And there's some frozen yogurt in the freezer. You just mix everything together and bam. Smoothie." Calum spread his hands out and muttered a small boosh as if he was imitating an explosion.

Brielle smiled softly, although it was barely noticeable. She stood there waiting for Calum to continue to explain everything, but his mouth remained closed.

"Um, so that's it?" She questioned as she fiddled with her hands.

"Yep, pretty much. You wanna do like a practice run?"

Brielle didn't respond for a few seconds. Savannah was right, Calum was not the best teacher. But she realized that there wasn't too much time, and honestly, how hard is it to make a smoothie? "Okay."

Calum walked over to the other side of the counter, leaving Brielle by herself on the opposite side. He stopped and looked up at the menu, although Brielle couldn't help but notice the feminine stance he was in. He had his hand on his hip and his knees were bent which made his butt protrude more than normal.

"Ummmmm," Calum dragged out in an extremely high pitched voice that made Brielle laugh louder than she meant to. He started to twirl his curls in his finger and Brie was finding it extremely hard to take him seriously.

"Gimme a Lemon Twist Strawberry smoothie."

"Seriously? You couldn't pick something more simple?"

"Excuse me?" Calum gave Brielle a sassy look and even he was finding it hard to take himself seriously.

Brielle couldn't help but laugh again at Calum's attempt to act like, what seemed to be, a female customer. Although her laugh faded as she looked down at the piece of paper, trying her best to take this seriously.

She scanned the sheet for the smoothie that Calum had "ordered" and her eyes stopped once she found it.

Lemon Twist Strawberry: Ingredients - Strawberries, Lemon Juice Blend, Papaya Juice Blend

She turned around to the counter where all of the fruits were placed, and pulled out a couple of strawberries. There was a cutting board to set them on, although Brielle didn't see any knives. She thought about turning around and asking Calum, though she had a feeling he would reply in his girlish voice which would ruin her seriousness.

After searching for around 30 seconds, she finally located one and started cutting the fruit right away. She wouldn't have too much time to wonder around when it was an actual customer, so she wanted to make sure she got everything done quickly.

She managed to cut the strawberries into smaller pieces without cutting her finger off (which was an accomplishment), and she dropped them down into the blender before making her way to the fridges.

It wasn't too difficult for her to find the juice blends as they were organized in alphabetical order. She wasn't sure who was responsible for this, but god bless their soul as she couldn't even imagine the amount of patient they had to have in ordered to organize them like that.

She poured everything in, and turned the blender on to mix. She watched it as it did it's job, but was interrupted by Calum's voice again.

"Can we hurry this up, please?"

Brielle turned around to glare at him and tried her best to contain her laugh, although a small chuckled escaped.

She found the cups in the same place the knives were, and pulled out a large one. She carefully poured the liquid into the cup, being extra sure not to spill anything on the counter. Once she was happy with her job, she placed a plastic lid on it before turning around and placing the cup on the counter in front of Calum.

"'am?" She somewhat-asked, not sure if Calum was still in character or not.

He picked up a straw from the counter and viciously poked it in, giving Brielle a look before taking a sip from the cup.

He smacked his lips a couple times, more times than he probably should have, before giving his opinion.

"This is actually really good." Calum commented, taking another sip. "Seriously, though. This flavor is really good. Why haven't I ordered this before?"

"So I did good?"

"You did..." Sip. "great."


i didn't even know how to write about the smoothie stuff i've literally never drunk a smoothie or stepped foot in a smoothie shop in my entire life is that weird idk

hopefully this wasn't 2 boring i probably should've established her job in the beginning but at least this gives me a reason to add king fuckboy into the story u feel

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