Star Wars The Clone Wars || T...

By InstagamerEmily

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Long before the Clone Wars began was where the age of the Vahla began. Born in the Outer Rim in the peaceful... More

Character Introduction
From The Start
Master And Apprentice
A Jedi Knight
The Battle Of Christophsis
Battle Of Teth
Arriving On Tatooine
Shadow Of Malevolence
Destroy The Malevolence
Old Memory
Lair Of General Grevious
To Become A Master
Landing At Point Rain
Weapons Factory
Legacy Of Terror
Brain Invaders
The Zillo Beast Strikes Back!
Within One Another
Altar Of Mortis
Ghosts Of Mortis
The Citadel
Counter Attack
Citadel Rescue
Water War
Gungan Attack
Darkness On Umbara
The General
Plan Of Dissent
Carnage Of Krell
Slaves Of The Republic
Escape From Kadavo
Friends And Enemies
The Box
Crisis On Naboo
The Lawless
The Rank Of Master
The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
To Catch A Jedi
The Wrong Jedi
The Bad Batch
A Distant Echo
On The Wings of Keederaks
Unfinished Business
Memories Of The Past
Old Friends, New Enemies
An Old War
Finishing It
Beginning Of The End
The Last War
Operation: Knight-Fall
How It All Ends

Rising Malevolence

438 8 1
By InstagamerEmily

Adira's POV

Since there were rumors of a Separatist weapon that was taking out our Republic cruisers, the Jedi Council instructed me and Master Plo Koon to find it, and take it out. I happened to know the Kel Dor Master around the near beginning of the Clone Wars, and had known he led the proud 104th legion, the WolfPack battalion. "The enemy ship has reduced speed, Generals." Commander Wolffe reported. "They must have realized we're tracking them." I said as I looked at Master Plo. "The fleet is holding it's position, sirs." Wolffe stated. "I think it wise to report our position before we attack." Plo assumed as I nodded in agreement. "Skywalker's fleet is nearby, in the Bith System." Wolffe informed as we walked to the communications table. "Good. Perhaps he can reinforce us." Plo replied. "From what I hear, Skywalker's always ready for a fight." Wolffe said. "So I've heard." Plo said as I activated the table, and we looked up to see the two figures of Anakin and Ahsoka. "Koh-To-Yah, Master Plo, Master Casteele." Ahsoka says in a greeting. "Koh-To-yah, little 'soka." Plo replied. "How's the hunt for the mystery weapon going?" Anakin asks as he crossed his arms. "We've tracked it to the Abregado system. We need reinforcements." I replied, giving them a firm look. "I'll have to ask the Council, Master Plo, Master Casteele. I was given strict orders to protect our sector." Anakin replied, just as communications started to flicker and become static. "Master--Plo--Casteele--Whats--Happening--" Ahsoka nearly asks before our transmissions go off. "What is wrong with our transmission?" Plo asks as he looks at Wolffe. "There's too much interference, sir. We've lost them." He replied as a thought came to me that the Separatist ship must be the reason of the loss of our transmission.

"The enemy ship is closing!" A clone warns us. "Prepare for battle." Plo instructs. I then walked up to the window to see our enemy ship, and felt a strong disturbance in the Force. Someone was on that ship, someone we knew yet I couldn't figure out who. "We're picking up a large enemy reading from the enemy ship, sirs." Wolffe said as we looked over the scanners. "Open fire." Plo directed. "We're not in range yet, sir." Wolffe replied as I looked up to see some sort of magnetic energy coming our way. "Brace for impact!" I yelled as the electricity hit our cruisers, including ours. "We're loosing all our power! They're tearing us apart!" Wolffe shouted. "Quickly, into the pods!" Plo yelled as the alarms went off, while the rest of the ship started to shut down. We then ran to the escape pods, having clones from left to right to run to the nearest pod. "We don't have much time! Get inside, hurry!" I yelled as I then hoped in one with Master Plo and Wolffe, along with two other clones I knew were Boost and Sinker. Once we evacuated from the ship, I looked behind to see the cruisers go up in flames and explosions, as the rest of the escape pods either escaped into the vast open space, or were destroyed by the floating wreckage.


Now that we were stranded in space, we were starting to ruin our luck. "The power grid is completely burned out. With no engine, communications, or...Or life support recharge." Wolffe said as he trailed off. "So, we'll just sit here and hold our breath?" Sinker asked. "Someone will come looking for us, right?" Boost asked as Wolffe looked at Plo and I. "Let's get the power restored, so we are here to be found." Plo stated, trying to change the subject as I looked out into open space. Boost did had a point, someone would have to find us sooner or later.

"The air in here is getting stale." Wolffe said as Boost and Sinker started to work on the wires. "Don't look at me, it's Boost, sirs. He only takes a bath when he's on leave." Sinker said as he looked up at him. "Save it! Just keep working on the pod, not your jokes." Boost snapped. "Do you think we have a chance, Generals?" Wolffe asked us. "I don't believe in chance, Commander. I know if we work together, we will stay alive and someone will find us." Plo replied. "Agreed, there's always truth in disbelief." I added with a slight nod. "With all due respect Generals, strategically it doesn't make any sense for someone to come look for us. If I was in command, I'd be hunting that weapon down." Sinker stated as he continued to work on the panel. "We value your lives more than finding that weapon." I responded, before Boost pointed to something. "Sirs, there's another pod out there!" He said as we all came to the front of the pod to see another pod, with it's back facing us. "If only we had power, we could contact them." Wolffe said as Plo and I looked at each other. "Well how about we just, wave hello when the viewport come around?" Boost asks as Plo and I use the Force to turn it around, only to feel more shocked than ever. The front of the pod was broken, and a clone's body remained inside as it floated. "They're dead!" Sinker shouted in horror. "Somebody busted that pod wide open." Wolfee stated. "We are not alone out here." I then said as we needed help quicker than ever.


"No, that's not it. This one goes there, that one goes there." Sinker said as he pointed to different wires in the panel of where he and Boost were working on. "Are you sure? We don't want to make things worse." Boost asked. "How are we gonna make things worse?" Sinker asked in sarcasm. "When you ask for trouble, you should not be surprised when it finds you." Master Plo stated. "I think trouble already found us, sirs." Sinker replied. "What if we connect these two wires here?" Boost asks as he points to two wires. "I'm getting something." Wolffe said as he started back on the communication table, having static and interference happen. "We are under attack, is anyone out there?!" A clone asks. "It's one of our other pods!" Wolffe reporter as we looked at the communication table. "I repeat, we are under attack! Is anyone out there!" The clone asks again, sounding frantic and in a panic. "That signal is weak, we must be close by." Plo stated. "They've locked onto our ship! They've locked onto our ship!" The clone says frantically. "Our positivism Mark 12. At point two-six." He continued as I felt they were closer. "I have visual contact!" Wolffe reported as I saw an escape pod in the distance with two clones inside, but they weren't alone. There was another pod with them, having the end to be crushing on the front of the pod, with droids on top of it. "Pod 1977, do your copy?" Wolffe asks. "The droids are hunting for survivors. They're cutting through!" The clone says just as the front of their pod is crushed open, having the two clones be pulled out to space, a horrible death of suffocation. "Things just got a lot worse." Sinker said as I saw the pod turn towards us. "I..Think they see us." Boost said as the droid hunger pod released the original target, and came towards us. "It is time to go." I said as Master Plo and I got up. "Go? Where are you going sirs?" Wolffe asked.

"Outside to destroy the enemy. I can withdraw the pressure for a brief time." Plo replies. "And my armor will be able to help me as well, not to mention my old helmet." I said. "Put your helmets on." Plo directed to Sinker and Boost. "If..You say so sits." Singer replied as he and Boost standee up. "I know that this is a difficult situation. But there remains a possibility we will survive." I stated. "That's good enough for me. Come on, let's go!" Boost said as he grabbed his blaster. I then picked up my old helmet that I would carry from time to time. It was white with brown markings and gold stripes. I hardly wore it since I didn't need to, now I do. "Wolffe, keep the communication signal alive! It is our only chance someone will find us." Plo instructed. "Let's just hope someone's looking for us." Wolffe said as we then headed out into space.


While Master Plo, Sinker, Boost, and I stood on top of the pod, the hunters were getting closer. "Hey, what's a pair of Jedi doing out here?" A droid asks as the enemy pod comes closer, having Plo and I ignite our lightsabers. With Sinker and Boost at our sides, we started to take the droids out, having me to jump on the Enemy freighter as I slashed a droid in half. "I can't get a clear shot!" Boost yelled as he tried to fire at the droids. "Time to put the squeeze on them." One of the droids said as it took control of the pod, having the front of it squeeze on our pod as air was heard hissing from it. "Is anyone out there? Come in. This is Ahsoka Tano. Is anyone out there? Come in." Ahsoka said through the communication. "It's Ahsoka, she must be close!" Wolffe reported. "Keep the signal alive Commander!" Plo directed as we continued to block the droid's firepower. "We're loosing the signal! The pod can't take much more damage!" Wolffe yelled as the hissing of air increased. "Sinker, you're turn!" I yelled as I picked the clone up with the Force. "I'm on it boss!" He replied as I threw him behind a droid, screaming in surprise. "Woah, what the-" The droid said as Sinker Aimee his weapon at him. "Suck laser Clanker!" He yelled as he blasted the droid. But it before the droid fired his blaster, having one of the marks hit me in the helmet. I yelped in surprise, but I wasn't hit hard as the old helmet received the damage. I shook the recoil off as Plo cut off the arms of the enemy pod, and I helped him push it back into space with the Force, bringing Sinker back to ours. The Emmy ship then crashed again debris floating in orbit, knowing that the hunters had been hunted.


Now that the enemy pod was destroyed, so were our hopes of being rescued. The blaster mark on my helmet would have taken out my eye if it had not had the reinforced screen on it, but my oxygen was leaking slowly. "We'll Generals, this is another fine mess we've gotten ourselves into." Sinker said with sarcasm. "You're sense of humor is improving." Master Plo stated. "I don't mean to say I told you so, but I never believed anyone would come looking for us." Sinker replied. "Sargent, why are you so certain no one is coming?" I asked. "We're just clones, sir, we're meant to be expendable." He replied as he hit his hand against the pod. "Not to us." Plo responded before we heard a ship coming behind us, and Plo and I shielded our eyes from the lights to later identify Anakin and Ahsoka. They found us. They moved ahead of us, and attached a cable to the pod as it drew us to the hanger, having the pod fall on the floor. All of us slid off the pod as I removed my helmet, and took in deep breaths of relief we were lucky. "Are you alright Master Plo, Master Casteele?" Ahsoka Alaska as she runs towards us. Knowing I was exhausted, I pointed my thumb up as I saw her look inside of the pod. "There's someone in the pod!" She reported as she and Anakin used the Force to open the pod, helping Wolffe down as he coughed for air right as a medical droid helped him. "Will they be alright?" Anakin asks the droid. "The pressure suits offer some protection, but they require a medical freighter for recovery. I will stabilize them sir." The droid replied. "You're men are safe now." Ahsoka reassured to Plo. "Tell me, were there any survivors?" I asked. "We couldn't find anybody else." Anakin replied as he shook his head. "The hunters must have destroyed the rest." Master Plo said as we both looked down in grief. "I'm sorry Master Plo." Ahsoka said as she hugged him tightly, having him hug her back.


Now that we were alive and were rescued, we had to leave the system before the enemy ship would return. "We tracked the mystery weapon to this system. That is when we found out it was an ion cannon." Master Plo reported. "Ion cannon?" Ahsoka asks as we walk to the front of the ship. "A weapon that neutralizes all power to our ships, leaving the targets defenseless." I explained to her. "There's a massive vessel approaching." Anakin reported as I saw the ship coming. "Shut down the power systems before they can detect us!" I stated as the rest of us started to turn off the ship, but turned around to see R2 beeping. "The droid!" Plo stated as Ahsoka ran to the droid's side. "Sorry little guy." She said as she turned him off, just as the ship came in front of us. "That is one big cruiser crusher." She then said as it started to fly above us. I eyed where the iron cannon came from, and it seemed to be an opening if we fired at it or around it, having the whole thing explode from the inside out. But my thoughts ended as I saw the enemy ship turn around slowly. "They're coming back!" Anakin said. "Are all the systems shut down?" Plo asked before the Medical droid came. "Is there a problem sir?" It asked as the thought occurred. "We forgot to shut off the medical droid!" Ahsoka stated as we then quickly tried to turn the ship back on, in order to escape in time. "We've got to get the power back on, now!" Anakin directed as we worked quickly. "Can I be of assistance?" The droid asked. "No thanks, just get back in there and take care of the clones!" I replied as I turned on more buttons. "That is my programming, sir." It replied as it walked back. "Come on, we've got to get out of here." Anakin ushered. "I know, I know!" Ahsoka replied. "R2, program the navi-computer. Be ready to get us out of here!" Anakin instructed to his droid. "You forgot, we turned him off!" Ahsoka said as Plo tapped on the droid, having R2 beep in greeting. "Ko-To-Yah, droid." He said as Ahsoka instructed to him. "R2, program the hyperdrive!" Ahsoka stated as he beeped back in where. "Anywhere!" She replied as he rolled to the side of the ship, and plugged in. "Master..." She then said as Anakin ducked and rolled from the floating debris, just in time as we made through hyperspace the moment we were clear. "We're clear." I then said as a sigh of relief came through to me, we were safe now.


We had docked into another Republic station, and would report to the Council of the enemy's new weapon any time soon. "Thanks for getting us out of there, General Skywalker." I heard Wolffe said to Anakin as they walked down from the ship. "You have my Padawan to thank for that." He replied as he looked at Ahsoka, who was kneeling down to R2. "She always said you guys would pull through." He continued as she smiled at him. "General Plo and Casteele said someone would come for us. We're glad they were right." Wolffe replied. "Master Plo, Skywalker, it is time to give our report to the Council." I reported. "Right, the Council report. Come on Ahsoka." Anakin replied as she tilted her head in confusion. "You want me there? I figured because of before.." She trailed off before he finished. "Ahsoka, through it all, you never gave up. You did a great job. But if I'm getting in trouble for this, you are gonna share some of the blame too. So come on, let's go." He replied as she ran besides us. "Right beside you Skyguy." She said as we then walked to speak with the Council, of our enemy's new weapon.

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