The Night Children

By Leahwhitefang

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She was breaking, he was broken. She was misinterpreted, he was recognised. She was a nobody, he was everybod... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Authors Remarks
The Hunted Children
Reviews + Awards

Chapter 41

74 9 6
By Leahwhitefang

I took another step backwards, eyeing both of them off in alarm. They looked corrupted, their gaze glinting like the pin in their fingers. Izzy continued to twist hers in jerky movements while Chelsea gripped hers like her life depended on it. Together, they both looked like bed ragged racoons holding tiny hair pins.

"We are under orders not to use these unless you kill anyone else," said Chelsea, her lips twisting into a vicious snarl of dislike. "Until you are under arrest, we won't let you out of our sight."

Izzy nodded beside her, pausing to stare at the end of the silver pin. "For Hannah." She whispered after examining the piercing end of the pin.

"For Hannah." Chelsea echoed. And then, almost in sync, they twisted the hair pin back into their birds nest of hair before spinning on their heel. The click of their stilettos was the only thing that drilled into my mind before they disappeared out the building.

I slouched back up against my locker, feeling the familiar taint of hot tears brim my eyes. Everything was becoming out of control. Miss Anderson had all the evidence she needed to put me under arrest. But how did she find the dagger? She would have to have been in the woods recently but why? My fingerprints were on that bloodied dagger and it was left in the forest. The same forest where Amber was discovered. I knew all the children who were killed. I was in and out of hospital for suspicious reasons. I was a nobody in town.

The chickas were right, I did really look like a murderer.

I blinked back the gathering tears and willed myself not to cry. I wasn't guilty of anything; I wouldn't be charged.

But you are guilty for Aleena's coma.

I shoved away the thought and squeezed my eyes shut against the sharp pain that intensified around my body, causing my head to throb.

I couldn't deal with this anymore. Miss Anderson thought I was a werewolf and was setting me up for the murders of the Forsaken. Aaron is oblivious to what is going on behind the scenes and I can't even talk about my worries to Isaac because Aaron forbid me to. Not to mention Aleena isn't getting any better, Mum is getting worse and multiple people hold lethal weapons in their hair and are walking around school like everything is normal.

But here's the thing about Brookefield. Nothing is ever normal.


I looked up sharply to see Isaac watch me from afar. His hair was tousled, curling into locks by his temple and down the nape of his neck. His expression was troubled, his lips pulling into a tight frown as he spoke my name. His green gaze was darkened with worry, his pupils almost only brown. I stared at him definitely, almost daring him to make a remark about my reddened eyes and flushed cheeks but he said nothing. The only give away that he had realised I was crying was the softening of his gaze.

"We need to talk." He breathed softly, although his voice was loud in the empty locker room. I shook my head mutely in response, causing him to take a step closer. "Renee." He whispered, his eyes searching mine. "Please."

I cast the locker rooms a quick glance to ensure no one was listening although I knew the action was stupid. No one was around anymore to listen in to our secrets.

"We don't need to talk about anything." I said remotely, flat lining my voice to hide all emotion. Aaron wanted me to stay away from Isaac, and if that was what I had to do to ensure everyone was happy, then that is what will happen. Despite Isaac saving me over and over again, he was still a shady character and I knew I would never be able to uncover all of his secrets.

He moved forwards, his actions hesitant as if he thought I would run away at any minute. Believe me, I wanted to.

"Renee you don't understand what is about to happen," He said hastily until he stood a metre away from me. I could see an indent on his lips from where he had constantly bitten at it. "Miss Anderson is using your dagger to set you up, Renee you need to-"

"I know what she is doing." I interrupted, finding Isaacs concern out of character for him. "But I can't do anything about it."

He shook his head vigorously at this. "Yes you can. Prove you are incident. Ask for them to compare the blood sample on the blade to mine."

I gave him an astonished look as he continued.

"My blood still stains the blade as well as my finger prints, tell the Mayor that." He sounded desperate, his voice risen in panic. I didn't understand the way his hands clenched in and out in utter fear.

"Isaac," I breathed as I shook my head. "It won't matter to them. Miss Anderson has them wrapped around her finger."

He didn't seem phased by this as he watched me. "Take it to court Renee. My fingerprints are on there, I'll tell them the truth-"

"And what is the truth." I lashed, my anger surprising him. "That we were in the woods because you showed me Ambers dead body?"

He took a step backwards, his eyes blazing with an expression of shock.

"That we were in the woods and Aaron held a gun to your heart? That we were in the woods because the wolves attacked us and I tried to make you stab me?" I continued angrily, taking a step forwards so I could crane my head up to glare at him.

He looked utterly thrown, his mouth ajar. His eyes were wide, blue hinting through his brown irises to swirl with shock.

"Renee I understand the pressure is getting to you but you need to hear me out," Isaac said, his tone one of softness and care. I immediately hated it. "They cannot arrest you for murder when I tell them you didn't touch me. They cannot use the dagger against you when I am there to stand by your side."

"No." I said sharply. I took another step closer, enough for me to suddenly get hit by the smell of pine. It took all my strength not to flinch from the familiar essence. "I do not need you to stand up for me."

His gaze seemed to harden at this, and he moved his hand to thread his fingers through his hair. This I knew, meant he was deeply troubled.

"Renee listen to me." I watched as a thin curl trailed over his hair but he pushed it away impatiently. "You can save yourself, why won't you let me help you?"

I dodged his intense gaze, instead glancing down to stare at my feet. "I don't need your help anymore. You've done enough for me as it is." I slowly looked up to see him look at me, his face all angles of anger hidden with disbelief.

"Renee don't do this." He breathed, his voice edged with a plea.

I shook my head but the worry in his eyes sent a shiver up my spine. "I can deal with Miss Anderson alone. Just promise me something,"

"Anything." He said, his eyes a wrestling match of green, blue and brown.

"Protect the wolves."

He looked taken back at this, a muscle in his jaw jumping. "Why would I do that?"

I leaned in closer to him and he seemed to follow the movement. Something stirred deep within me, a memory of some sort. I quickly ignored it and leaned closer to whisper in his ear.

"The wolves are helping the Parade attack the Forsaken. I assume you know this considering you are a member but we can't let hunters kill them off."

If he looked surprised before, nothing could ever compete with the look of astonishment on his face.

"Where did you hear that from?" He asked, his eyebrows drawn. A shudder passed through me as I stared at him. His lips were parted, his eyes flickering from my lips to his eyes. Something was hidden deep within his expression. The way his irises swirled with a sudden desperation, the blue over taking the green as if his untold secrets were rising to the surface. I wanted to paint his flecks at that very second. To visually create the way his flecks seemed to sparkle under the light, bringing out a sense of curiosity among his pupils.

I quickly sucked in a breath to rid of the sensation. "Aaron told me."

At this, Isaac seemed unimpressed. "What else did he say?"

I felt myself frown. "It doesn't matter. What matters is Miss Anderson can't say I was the murderer unless she has legitimate proof. They can match that blood to any of the murdered children but it'll only come up as yours." His gaze seemed hopeful for a split second but then he blinked it away as I quickly added in. "But I don't need you to get involved so please, let me deal with this on my own."

His whole body seemed to sag, his lips downcasting into a frown. "Take my help Renee."

I watched him, admiring every individual mark that sketched his face. The scars that chipped at his jawline. The curls that brushed the nape of his neck. The eyelashes that were too long to be classified as manly. "I can't," I whispered ever so softly. "Not anymore."

He angled his mouth in frustration. "You aren't doing yourself any favours Renee. This situation is bigger than you think."

I searched his hardened tricoloured gaze, trying to understand the depth of his irises. He was holding himself back from saying something. I could tell by the way he bit his tongue and clamped his mouth shut.
"You're supernatural, you have the ability to protect the wolves. Just do it for me." I said in agitation, stopping myself from sinking my teeth into my lip.

Now he was angry, his eyebrows furrowing so a crease appeared in his t-zone. "Stop dodging the fact you are landing yourself jail time." He took a step closer and his eyes seemed to swim. "Renee, Miss Anderson has so much against you. She will do everything she can to get you behind bars and prove you aren't innocent."

I shook my head. "Miss Anderson has nothing against me besides the dagger. The police will surely understand the dagger is not the murder weapon."

At this he narrowed his eyes, his face like steel, enough to match his gaze. "You are forgetting who the Sheriff is."

At this, the blood seemed to drain from my face, seeping through my bones to leave me in a chilled phase.

"Miss Anderson and Pincel both have something against you. They will stop at nothing to make you guilty, even if it means messing with evidence." He continued, his voice laced with growing urgency. "You need my help. Admit that you need my help."

I glanced down at my feet, ignoring his questioning gaze. I couldn't think straight. If I lived in a normal town, it would be obvious that I wasn't the murderer, but Brookefield was so corrupt that any lies could be manipulated to form a terrible truth.

"I don't know what to do." I admitted, my voice shaking. I quickly cleared my throat to demolish the lump that was beginning to form in my throat. "I don't know what to do anymore Isaac." I repeated in a whisper.

He didn't make a noise from in front of me but I could tell he was watching me. "Let me help you." He breathed, his voice barely above a whisper.

I stifled the tears that began to cloud my vision again. I wouldn't cry, I said I was done with crying. Crying was for the weak and I was far from it. Gone was the girl who cried because her teacher yelled at her. Gone was the girl who let Mr Osmin walk over her. Gone was the girl who never spoke the truth to her mother. I wasn't the person I was months ago.

"Miss Anderson thinks I am a werewolf."

At this, Isaac visibly flinched but I pretended I didn't see it so I went on.

"Pincel wants me dead because I know he is a Parade member and he is the main supplier. Izzy and Chelsea are convinced I am the murderer and soon the rest of the town will."

I finally lifted my head to look at him, conscious of the tears that dribbled down my cheek. I couldn't hold them back anymore. Weeks of holding back my emotions and bottling them up had now taken a toll. My walls had finally cracked and come tumbling down in a crumbled mess.

"Miss Anderson is waiting to kill me. She tried to persuade me to go to the woods the other night-"

"You went to the the woods?" Isaac said, his frown dissolving into a scowl. His eyes flashed angrily and I was left to drown in a whirl of deep brown.

I stammered, searching for something to say but nothing ever came. A flicker of a memory stirred in the back of my mind, but every time I went to grasp it, it seemed to disappear within my clutches.

He took a step closer and lowered his face to watch me. I titled my head to watch him, fear suddenly spurting through me as I recognised the look in his face. Pure anger. I knew how agitated he was by the darkness of his irises.

"Why were you in the woods? I thought I told you to stay away." No emotion was in his voice, only a flat tone of annoyance.

I glared at him, refusing to let him see me flinch. "I didn't actually go into the woods, but I need answers." Even to my own ears I sounded unsure of myself. My mind was telling me that I should know something, but my brain wasn't connecting any evidence to support that.

He seemed very unimpressed, his pupils narrowing. "You don't need any; I already told you everything you needed to know."

That's when I snapped. "I know nothing. I don't know why Pincel is so set on killing me. I don't know why Miss Anderson thinks I am a werewolf. I don't know why I react to silver and mercury. I don't know why the Parade aren't killing enough of the Forsaken and I don't know why everyone is so set on seeing me behind bars."

He blinked, his pupils narrowing them growing hazy as if he was deep in thought.

"Miss Anderson is an ambitious woman," He began slowly, as if he was picking his words carefully. "When she thinks she knows something about someone, she will stop at nothing to assure she is right about them."

Despite everything, I arched an eyebrow with disbelief. "You don't believe in werewolves do you?"

At this, the tiniest of smiles touched his lips. It shouldn't even be classified as a smile. It was more just the hint of a slight incline of his mouth. "I believe that anything is possible."

Now it was my turn to blink rapidly. The sensation of tears had lulled to nothing and now I was beginning to regret my decision of crying in front of him.

"There is something deeper I don't know." I breathed, watching for any reaction beneath his façade of gradual calmness but nothing hinted at the fact he seemed surprised. "Something that no one is telling me that is the missing puzzle piece to fix everything."

He examined me, his eyes colouring his emotions. Blue for empathy, green for curiosity and brown for understanding.

"If you know that piece and don't fit it into the puzzle we are all involved in, we will never get the full picture, the answer will never be found. But it is not you paying the price. It is the children." I continued, my voice hardening with reasoning. "And me."

He seemed to hesitate, his thoughts whirling like his flecks. There was no room left for him to take a step forward, so instead the only action he could do was stuff his hands into his pockets. He looked utterly lost, his eyes lowering to stare at the ground as if looking me in the eye was too much for him. His head of curls was all I could see as he glanced away. His shoulders sagged in defeat, hunching against his T-shirt so the sharp blades of his bone was evident through the material.

"Everything I have done so far is to protect you." He said, his voice low. "Convincing you I was the murderer to persuade you to leave the situation was one thing, but showing you the impacts of the Forsaken on Amber was another." He looked up and all the emotions I had held back for him came rushing back. His eyes were glassy, reddened in desperation as he watched me. Curls crossed his vision but he didn't draw them back. All his attention was on me. "The truth is something I have to protect you from."

A single flicker of something crossed his eyes. It was the memory again. Something was hidden in the depths of his expression. The quick blink of his eye, the shift of his gaze before flickering back to mine, the impatient gesture of a muscle jump in his jaw. I knew he was holding something back that was important but nothing would make me forgive him for refraining from telling the truth.

"I thought you at least would tell me the truth." I said, my voice soft but edged with sharpness. "But I guess there's not a lot of it in a town like this."

He frowned. "Renee that isn't-"

"Fair?" I finished for him, anger flickering through me. "It's not fair of me to tell you how I feel? Well guess what Isaac, it's not fair that you hide everything from me. It's not fair that I've been in and out of hospital. It's not fair that Aleena is in a coma. It's not fair that I have been targeted and it sure as hell is not fair that the blame for dozens of children's death is laid upon me." My voice didn't hide the amount of anger I had bottled up with my worry. It came out in waves, driving Isaac back with the force of them. "Do not tell me what is or isn't fair."

He seemed to shudder, his whole body convulsing as he shivered. He took a step back and turned his head away from me, hiding his face completely from view. This action was unlike him, and my anger was pierced with uneasiness.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you Renee." He said unsteadily, his face still turned away from mine. "It's the fact I cannot force myself to think that the truth will only lead you closer to death."

I swallowed numbly, pressing my lips together in a tight line to stop myself from saying anything out loud.


Recently, it came and went more often than not. The pencil, the spiked drink, the wolves, the seizures. Everything was combined in one swirling mass of death and destruction. Everything was beginning to overflow and soon my luck would run out. Next time the pencil could be through my heart, or the spiked drink would clot my veins or the wolf's fangs would break my windpipe.

"People are dying Isaac." I whispered, ignoring the fact he practically admitted I would die sooner or later. "I can't sit here and pretend like children aren't being slaughtered every night."

At this he rose his head. "You don't think I don't know that." He said angrily, his eyes flashing. "You don't think I question the secrets I hold every day and ask myself if admitting my lies would stop the children from dying?"

I glared at him but held his gaze. I saw out of the corner of my eye his hands knotting into tight fists in the pocket of his jeans.

"I want to tell you; can't you see that? I want to tell you what I am. I want you to understand how much danger you are in. I want to tell you of the evil people in this town and protect you from their merciless actions but I can't." He continued, his voice rising in anger. "I can't tell you because you'll only be more involved. Once you know the truth, you'll be dead in an instant."

I gritted my teeth to stop myself from hissing in frustration. "What don't you get Isaac?" I stared at him, flinching slightly under his intense gaze. "I don't care if I die. Let them kill me. Let the Forsaken tear me to pieces. Let Miss Anderson stab me with silver. Let the wolves tear me apart."

He was staring at me now, his pupils dilating in horror. The blood had rushed from his cheeks, draining his face into paleness.

"I don't care if I die saving the children." I said, my face inches from his. "Because no one else will."

A deep noise erupted from his chest. It was almost like a rumble, a scratchy noise at the back of his throat. He unlocked his fists to comb his fingers through his hair again, his expression all angles of worry and anger and trouble.

"If only you knew." I heard him whisper almost to himself. He looked lost, his eyes cloudy with thought as he drifted into silence.

"Then tell me what I don't know. Tell me the reasons why I'm destined to die if I know the truth." I said, with great effort in lowering my voice so it wasn't tainted with frustration. He looked up to meet my eyes, desperation evident in his irises.

"Don't trust the people closest to you. Everyone in this town is capable of lies, even the most innocent."

His words were soft but they seemed like ice, smashing into my brain to sheer away at my thoughts.

We both looked up to see Aaron round the corner, his eyes darkening as he spotted Isaac standing this close to me. Isaac immediately took several steps backwards, his mouth angling into a deep set frown. Aaron reached me and within a second he had his hands around me, pushing me gently behind him. It was a protective action but it was done with such gentleness that I was surprised his touch was so careful as he gestured to Isaac. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?"

Isaacs eyes snapped to mine and the place where Aarons hand still remained on mine but then, as he saw me notice, he looked back up to Aaron. He gave him a slight nod.

"I didn't mean any trouble, I was only-"

"Leaving." Aaron finished for him, his tone as hard as his gaze. I tried to signal to Aaron to lower his attitude by squeezing his fingers on my wrist but he didn't take the cue.

A vein began to rise along Isaacs neck, his pulse quickening. He opened his mouth to speak but Aaron didn't let him.

"I said go Jackson." He said harshly. His irises were as sharp as flint, his pupils igniting with fury at the sight of Isaac.

"Aaron he wasn't doing anything wrong." I said softly in hopes to lower the tension that crackled between the two boys.

"Leave it be Renee." Aaron replied. His words were harsh but I knew they weren't directed at me.

Isaac glanced at him in a look of disgust, his lips curling into a snarl. "So is that what you two are now?" He hissed through clenched teeth. "You protect her so long as she keeps her mouth shut?"

"Isaac," I began but Aaron jumped in.

"You know nothing of what we are." His hands self-consciously tightened on my wrist. He seemed to sense it because he loosened his grip to slide his fingers into mine, holding it firmly as if ensuring I wasn't going anywhere. Isaac caught every movement, his piercing gaze picking up on my hand in Aarons.

"Trust me," Isaac murmured from against his tightened jaw. "I know exactly what you are."

The way he was watching Aaron made his words seem like they implied something else. Silence stretched between us, with the boys communicating through harsh glares and slight huffs in their breaths. I watched them both, flinching upon their murderous looks.

"So are you going to tell her or should I?" Isaac suddenly said, his voice steady despite the rage beneath his gaze. Aaron clenched his hand against mine then quickly loosened it. He moved a wisp of hair from his fringe in a swift gesture.

"There is nothing to tell her." He said simply.

"Tell me what?" I said hastily, flickering my gaze from between the two but none of them met my gaze. They instead continued to stare intently at each other. Green and gold eyes met tricoloured but neither of them looked happy to be this close to each other.

Isaacs lips tilted into the faintest of smiles. I knew that smile from anywhere. It was a smile when he knew he had someone cornered. It was a smile of slyness, a smile that held the depth of his personality obscured by an act of amusement.

"Aaron has something he has been hiding from you, isn't that right Aaron?"

Aaron flinched openly and seemed to immediately steel himself up again. He straightened his back, standing taller to watch Isaac squarely.

"I have spoken the truth to Renee and only the truth." He said, his voice unwavering in confidence. Isaac gave him a cackle, the noise so fake that it seemed to rattle the locker room doors as well as all the bones inside my body.

"What didn't you tell me Aaron?" I asked gently, undoing my fingers so his hand slid emptily to his side. He turned to give me a look of hurt, the emotion flashing across his gaze.

"Don't listen to him Renee, he's just trying to turn you against me." He said gently, whispering to me but I could tell by the way that Isaacs body grew rigid that he had heard.

I flickered my gaze to watch Isaac. He was staring at me, his eyes trying to tell me something. A memory was still hidden in his irises, lingering there like the way hope would.

"What do you remember of the day Miss Anderson asked you to go to the woods." Isaac said, his voice intent with sudden urgency.

I felt my eyebrows draw together in confusion. "The day Miss Anderson asked me to go to the woods?" I echoed.

Aaron said nothing, his jaw clenching then unclenching.

Isaac nodded. "What happened after you left school."

"I went back home, had a shower and then did some homework." I said confidently.

Isaac nodded again urgently, taking a step closer to us, causing Aaron to stiffen.

"Then what. What did you do after your Mum went to sleep?"

Aaron quickly interjected. "Don't listen to him Renee."

I ignored Aaron, feeling drawn to the level of intensity in Isaacs voice. He was hinting at something, a recollection of some sort but I couldn't pin point what it was.

"I..." I trailed off, searching my brain for any answer that came to mind but nothing ever did. It was like my mind was dense with fog. Every time I reached for an answer, it would slip through my fingers until I was left with nothing. I bit my lip in frustration, forcing myself to remember something, anything, of that night.

Aaron turned to me, facing his back to Isaac completely. "Renee listen to me." He said ever so gently. I looked up to see his concerned face. The gold in his eyes had died down due to the shadows casting over his face. He looked incredibly tired this close, each fleck dulled in his irises. "Remember that you went to sleep. The doctors said you lost memory from your seizure. That is why you're having trouble remembering what you did that night."

Confusion continued to wrap itself around me, causing the fog in my brain to intensify.

"Tell her Aaron or I will."

I heard Isaacs voice from afar as I ducked my head, still searching for an answer that was within grasp.

Isaacs voice floated back to mine, soft but not in a caring manner. It was soft because he knew he won. He knew he had hit a sore spot on Aaron, whatever that sore spot was.

"What did you do after your Mum went to sleep?" He repeated, his voice like knives drilling into my brain. They cut through the fog to dice open my mind until I was left with nothing but emptiness.

"I-I don't know." I finally breathed, looking up to see Aaron crestfallen and Isaac blink. I expected him to smile his sly smirk but he did nothing of the sort. Instead empathy crossed his vision but he downcast his eyes in hopes of me not seeing.

But I did.

I then turned to Aaron, examining his uneasy expression. "What do you need to tell me?" I asked.

He gave a quick glare to Isaac, a look of pure loathing crossing it before he looked back at me. "Renee I-"

"Miss Argent, just what do you think you're doing out of class?"

All three of us turned to see Miss Anderson appear from the other end of the hallway. She was storming towards with quick strides, her grey hair flying. And she did not look happy. 

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