Space and Rebirth: The Favore...

By autumnwindl

708K 16.2K 377

✨ Ok, so the credit goes to the original author 年小华 [ Yunqi (云起) ] and the translator(s) ethocra I'm just put... More

Chapter 1-Reborn to Ten Years Back (重生十年前)
Chapter 2-The Lucky Star that Fends Off Evil (福星挡煞)
Chapter 3 - Took the Wrong Medicine (吃错药了)
Chapter 4 - A Conscienceless White-Eyed Wolf (没良心的白眼狼)
Chapter 5 - A Sudden Space (惊现空间)
Chapter 6 - The Destiny to Defy God's Will (逆天运数)
Chapter 7 - Absorbing the Spirit Jade (吸收纳灵玉)
Chapter 8 - On a Small Scale (小打小闹)
Chapter 9 - A Child from the Preceding Marriage (拖油瓶)
Chapter 10 - Who Did It? (被谁打的?)
Chapter 11 - Talking Nonsense (胡说八道)
Chapter 12 - Verifying the Prescription (验证药方)
Chapter 13 - Giving up on Treatment (放弃治疗)
Chapter 14 - A Black Complaint (告黑状)
Chapter 15 - Not Learning The Good Things (不学好的东西!)
Chapter 16 - Earning The First Sum of Money (第一笔金)
Chapter 17 - A Medicinal Marketplace (药材市场)
Chapter 18 - Buying Medicinal Herb Seeds (药种采购)
Chapter 19 - Going Home to Reflect (回家反省)
Chapter 20 - Clearing Her Name (清白身子)
Chapter 21 - No Blood Relations! (没有血缘!)
Chapter 22 - A Shameful Thing (见不得人的事)
Chapter 23 - Don't Think of Coming Home! (别回家了!)
Chapter 24 - Getting A God-Grandpa (多个干爷爷)
Chapter 25 - No Problem with Character (人品没问题)
Chapter 26 - Adorable Space Bug (空间萌虫)
Chapter 27 - Unscrupulous (狼心狗肺)
Chapter 28 - Do You Want to Become the Stepmother? (是要做后妈?)
Chapter 29 - Beating Off The Baby Fat (打出婴儿肥)
Chapter 30 - Righteous Self-Defence (正当防卫)
Chapter 31 - Cleaning Up the Rumours (谣言澄清)
Chapter 32 - Cleaning Up the Rumours (2) (谣言澄清(二))
Chapter 33 - Self-Assuming (自作多情)
Chapter 34 - Your Problems Are My Problems (你的事就是我的事)
Chapter 35 - Forceful Counter-Attack (强硬回击)
Chapter 36 - Rich, Black Widow (豪门黑寡妇)
Chapter 37 - It's All For Your Own Good (也是为你好)
Chapter 38 - Medicine-Making Maniac (制药狂人)
Chapter 39 - Grumpy Old Man (糟老头)
Chapter 40 - Come Again Tomorrow (明天再来)
Chapter 41 - The Wrong Season (时节不对)
Chapter 42 - It Can't Be That She's Hiding A Man? (藏了男人不成?)
Chapter 43 - This Willing to Take the Initiative? (这么主动?)
Chapter 44 - You Killed Him (人是你杀的)
Chapter 45 - Framing (栽赃陷害)
Chapter 46 - A Ruthless Girl (心狠手辣的女孩子)
Chapter 47 - Closer than Real Brothers (比亲兄弟还亲)
Chapter 48 - I Didn't Do It (不是我干的)
Chapter 49 - The Truth is Revealed (1) (水落石出(1))
Chapter 50 - The Truth is Revealed (2) (水落石出(2))
Chapter 51 - The Result (下场)
Chapter 52 - Difference in Treatment (区别对待)
Chapter 53 - The Young Miss Clothed in Gold (包着金衣的大小姐)
Chapter 54 - A Loser (怂包一个)
Chapter 55 - Transaction Complete (钱货两清)
Chapter 56 - Took the Wrong Medicine (吃错药了)
Chapter 57 - Rotten to the Core (坏透了)
Chapter 58 - Embarrassing Yourself (自找难堪)
Chapter 59 - Slapping Face (打脸)
Chapter 60 - Self-Righteous (自以为是)
Chapter 61 - Unexpected Accident (突生意外)
Chapter 62 - Emergency Treatment (紧急救治)
Chapter 63 - Beckoning the Peach Blossoms (招桃花)
Chapter 64 - Who is Ye Qing? (谁是叶青?)
Chapter 65 - Villain (小人作祟)
Chapter 66 - Mother Ye Apologizes (叶母认错)
Chapter 67 - Li Shaoyun (黎少云)
Chapter 68 - Puke It Out (吐出来)
Chapter 69 - A Playboy Face (一张采花的脸)
Chapter 70 - A Stark-Naked Threat (赤裸裸的威胁)
Chapter 71 - Waiting for Gains without Pains (守株待兔)
Chapter 72 - Appeared (现身)
Chapter 73 - Losing Face (丢死人了)
Chapter 74 - Falling Down and Standing Back Up Again (破而后立)
Chapter 75 - Forced to Acknowledge the Truth (被逼认错)
Chapter 76 - Special Education (特别教育)
Chapter 77 - Ignorant and Audacious (无知无畏)
Chapter 78 - Guessed it Right (蒙对了)
Chapter 79 - Unable to Beat Little Sister (比不过妹妹)
Chapter 80 - Admitting Defeat (认输)
Chapter 81 - Disaster-Bringer (灾星)
Chapter 82 - Acting Like a Good Kid (装巧卖乖)
Chapter 83 - Too Violent (太暴力)
Chapter 84 - Don't Touch Me (别碰我)
Chapter 85 - Thinking Of Money Till Insanity (想钱想疯了)
Chapter 86 - Stealing Others Path To Wealth (抢人财路)
Chapter 87 - Made The Decision (做得了主)
Chapter 88 - Helping an Outsider (贴外人)
Chapter 89 - Debt of Gratitude (恩情)
Chapter 90 - Improper Methods (不正当的途径)
Chapter 91 - Guarding Against Deceit (防贼)
Chapter 92 - Plotting Behind Her Back (背后算计)
Chapter 93 - Restarting the Rumors (谣言再起)
Chapter 94 - Brainless (没脑子)
Chapter 95 - An Eye for an Eye (以牙还牙)
Chapter 96 - Following (跟踪)
Chapter 97 - No More Money To Spend (没钱花了)
Chapter 98 - Green Comes From Blue (青出于蓝) [1]
Chapter 99 - Having a Taste of Your Own Medicine (请君入瓮)
Chapter 100 - Treating to a Meal (请客)
Chapter 101 - The Blond Man (黄毛男人)
Chapter 102 - To Catch a Turtle in a Jar (瓮中捉鳖)
Chapter 103 - Deceitful Relatives (贼亲戚) [1]
Chapter 104 - Lies (谎言)
Chapter 105 - Carrying the Blame (背黑锅)
Chapter 106 - Victim (受害者)
Chapter 107 - Mission Accomplished (任务完成)
Chapter 108 - King Amongst Bugs/Lowlife (虫中之王)
Chapter 109 - Collapsed/Shattered Goddess (女神破灭)
Chapter 110 - Receiving A Slap From Reality (被现实扇了一巴掌)
Chapter 111 - Flower Protector (护花使者)
Chapter 112 - The Resistance of a Weed (野草的反抗)
Chapter 113 - Too Vicious (太恶毒)
Chapter 114 - Pretending to be Sick (装病)
Chapter 115 - Going Against on Purpose (故意针对)
Chapter 117 - Consulting a Doctor for a Minor Illness (小病求医)
Chapter 118 - Young Entrepreneur (青年企业家)
Chapter 119 - Cooperation (合作)
Chapter 120 - Birds of a Feather (同类人)
Chapter 121 - Treatment (治病)
Chapter 122 - Came Across Treasure (碰到宝了)
Chapter 123 - A Stable Income (稳定收入)
Chapter 124 - A Buyer Shows Up (买主上门)
Chapter 125 - A Grievance Even After Death (死不瞑目)
Chapter 126 - The Mantis Stalks The Cicada, Unaware of The Oriole Behind (螳螂捕蝉)
Chapter 127 - Kidnapping (绑架)
Chapter 128 - Good Stuff (好东西)
Chapter 129 - Medicinal Jar (药罐子)
Chapter 130 - Medicinal Jar (2) (药罐子(二))
Chapter 131 - Out Sprang An Older Brother (冒出来的哥哥)
Chapter 132 - Getting Intimate (靠近乎)
Chapter 133-An Old Cow Eating Young Grass/A May-December Relationship/Pedophile
Chapter 134 - Groping About In The Dark (摸黑)
Chapter 135 - Lodging a Complaint (告状)
Chapter 136 - Useless Waste of Money (没用的赔钱货)
Chapter 137 - Divisional Storm (分班风波)
Chapter 138 - Transfer Student (1) (转学生(一))
Chapter 139 - Transfer Student (2) (转学生(二))
Chapter 140 - Transfer Student (3) (转学生(三))
Chapter 141 - Croesus (大财主)
Chapter 142 - A Clown (跳梁小丑)
Chapter 143 - A Dragon Cannot Crush A Snake In Its Own Haunts (强龙不压地头蛇)
Chapter 144 - Irreversible Damage (不可逆伤害)
Chapter 145 - Failure as a Person (做人失败)
Chapter 146 - Getting Along Alone (单独相处)
Chapter 147 - Shadow/Past Trauma (阴影)
Chapter 148 - The Miracle Doctor's Guinea Pig (神医的小白鼠)
Chapter 149 - Having No Sense of Shame (不知羞耻)
Chapter 150 - Childhood Sweethearts (青梅竹马)
Chapter 151 - Sorry, But I Won't Oblige You (恕不奉陪)
Chapter 152 - Old Friend (故人)
Chapter 153 - Recommending A Job (介绍工作)
Chapter 154 - Has She Gone Crazy? (疯了)
Chapter 155 - Major Event in Life (人生大事)
Chapter 156 - Evil People Will Naturally Have Their Retribution (恶人自有恶人磨)
Chapter 157 - Throwing Tantrums (使性子)

Chapter 116 - Looking for A Miracle Doctor (找神医)

4K 75 18
By autumnwindl

The space Jing Yunzhao owned was larger than this field by innumerable folds. Even though it could be said that she was only going through the stances for her martial arts, but more importantly, it was to train her breathing and physique.

Every day, she would run in her space for a considerable amount of time. Combined with practicing the breathing methods taught by the cultivation manual, she could now run 10 laps without breaking a sweat, let alone five.

"I heard someone in Class 2 say that the matter of Jing Yunzhao being pregnant was also a rumor that Qiao Hongye cooked up..." As she was running, Jing Yunzhao kept an ear out to the gossiping going on and heard some people talking.

"It can't be?" 

"It's true! My friend suspects that it was when Qiao Hongye had seen Gan Jinchen and Jing Yunzhao arrive at school together. Other people didn't know of the situation then too, so it suddenly became the truth..." The girl defended.

Class 2 was lagging behind Class 1 by an entire lap, so they were currently still following behind the rear of Class 1. The conversation ahead was also overheard by Qiao Hongye.

She clenched her teeth, her heart cold, but she could only endure.

Qiao Hongye stared at Jing Yunzhao from behind, unresigned. Her steps slowed down and became heavier, yet Jing Yunzhao's were still not slowing down as she moved onwards with a relaxed pace. It was as if she was just taking a stroll; She didn't look tired at all! This suddenly gave Qiao Hongye a sense of inferiority.

A few laps later, Qiao Hongye's legs didn't feel like they belonged to her anymore, but the other students still wouldn't let her off. They kept forcing her to participate in the activities after that. The unceasing lines of provocations made her feel muddleheaded as her head felt like it was about to combust.

At the same time, a car was parked outside the field. The figure inside stared at a certain figure on the field, their face exposing a complicated look.

"What's this, Young Master Li? It can't be that you've fallen for one of the female students in that group?!" A companion sitting by the man's side teased.

The owner of the voice also swept their eyes across the field, and he couldn't help but sigh. Being a student sure is great. He could feel the youthful atmosphere even from across the distance.

"Since we're already here, I wanted to look for someone," The corner of Young Master Li's mouth curved, and he told the driver to drive the car towards the school gate. He leisurely watched the ongoings of the field, patiently waiting.

"Look for someone? There shouldn't be anyone in your family who attends this school though?" His companion, Du Lin (杜霖), was dumbstruck and asked in surprise.

Even though the ancestral home of the Li Family was in Hua Ning County, Li Shaoyun would only return for a short period of time once a year, thus he didn't have many friends here. The only ones he were truly familiar with was probably him alone. In fact, while this Young Master Li's attitude might make him look like a playboy, the reality was that he was one who didn't indulge himself in lust. Also, his patience was comparable to a sesame seed or even smaller. No one has ever seen him wait for anyone so patiently.

"Wasn't Uncle not feeling well recently? Coincidentally, I managed to acquaint myself with a miracle doctor. Let's bring them over so they can take a look at him," Li Shaoyun randomly found himself an excuse.

Du Lin's expression stiffened, "Young Master Li, you're kidding me right? My dad only has a toothache..."

"Wasn't it said that the pain of a toothache can make one hurt to the point of wanting to end their lives? It's my duty to be worried," Li Shaoyun shamelessly spoke.

Du Lin was speechless. 

His words may not be wrong, but his dad had only met Li Shaoyun three times so far; They couldn't even be considered to have an adequate relationship. Plus, when speaking of miracle doctors, shouldn't they be found deep in the mountains and dense forests, hiding from the world, or staying in some sort of clinic? But they were now in a school! He could maybe let it go if it was a university, but this was a high school...

Du Lin's curiosity rapidly rose. He followed Li Shaoyun's gaze and tried to identify the 'Miracle Doctor' from the students, but he still couldn't see anyone who had the unique characteristics of a miracle doctor after a while. As a matter of fact, they were all little rascals who were below 18 years old. They couldn't even be considered adults!

After another 10 to 20 minutes had passed, the bell to signify the end of the class rang. It was also finally the time for the students to be dismissed.

Li Shaoyun's car was luxurious yet low-key. The students couldn't read anything off of it, but when Li Shaoyun opened the door and stood outside to wait, his handsome appearance attracted the gazes of many female students.

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