A Sudden Meeting

By IzzehFizzeh

56 3 0

An LiS alternative story where Max and Chloe stumble upon meeting the Diaz siblings at a small little town. ... More

A Sudden Meeting

56 3 0
By IzzehFizzeh

Chloe: Hey Max, would you be a darling and kindly check the GPS for me please?

Max: That's like the hundredth time you've checked it...

Chloe: I know but I just wanna double check on where we're at! Plus, We need to find a place to stay for tonight ASAP. My bones are becoming hella tired....

Max: Okay, fine.

Max took out her phone and turned it on. She booted up the google maps and saw a full picture of a map with a tiny blue dot following the exact same road they were in. She zoomed out of there and seeing that they were still surrounded by trees, trees, and even more trees which is what they were driving through for some time now. Chloe was beginning to get super irritated of it, hoping she could pass by all the greens end up by city already. On the other hand, Max wasn't bothered by any of it. She loved seeing the nature and it's wonders that it had to offer. The forest always had a mysterious vibe to her like as if it could be taking you to another unknown place or even spotting a weird cryptic creature walking on the earth from ever coming in contact with humans. However, Chloe saw it as a place for young teens who get murdered by serial killers with ski masks or she just didn't like the outside at all. 'That's Chloe for ya', Max thought. Aside from all that they had been on one heck of a long journey from Seattle and it's been that time already to look for someplace to spend the night.

Chloe: Any places nearby?

Max slides down towards her as she passed by through more of the greenery. She was beginning to lose a small bit of hope that they would not be able to see one. Fortunately, luck came across their way as she spotted a motel in the middle of the forest.

Max: I think I see one!

Chloe: Really? Where? How far is it???

Max: Calm down, one question at a time! It's just three hours from here.

Chloe: Are you fucking kidding me? Damn it...

Max: I can take the wheel if you want?

Chloe: I don't know. You've already done a lot more driving then me...

Max: Chloe, it's fine. I still have some more energy to get us there!

Chloe: Really?

Max: Really.

Chloe: Aw shit. Well, I guess it's alright.

Max: Yes!!!

Chloe looked at her rearview window to see if there were any oncoming vehicles approaching from behind. There weren't any so she parked on the side of the road. They got out and changed seats. Once they did, Chloe started to do a little bit of stretching before going back inside the truck.

Chloe: Oh my god this feels so damn good!!! I definitely needed this, thanks Max.

Max: No problem. Now c'mon the sooner we get there, the better!

Chloe nodded. She did a few more last minute stretches and got in the truck and left. Night was almost falling and they could see small faint lights approaching them in the distance. The girls exchanged glances before looking back at the road.

Chloe: Is that...what I think it is?

Max: I think so!

They saw a small lit up town that contained a nice country like restaurant, a truck driver pit stop, gas station, and a motel to sleep in.

Max: Town House Motel...

Chloe: Nice clean rooms...

Max and Chloe: Best deal in town!!!


Max parked the truck in front of the hotel. She got out and went behind to the vehicle to get hers and Chloe's suitcases. Though her blue-haired friend decided to do the heavy lifting for her.

Chloe: Yo, I got those Max!

Max: You sure? I thought your bones were tired from driving.

Chloe: Yeah but not my muscles.

She started flexing in front of Max which caused her to giggle a bit.

Max: God, can't live without you huh?

Chloe: Nope! I'll take these in once you get our room.

Max: Will do!

She went into the motels reception office and stood by the desk. Max ringed the desk bell, yet no one came.

???: Stupid peace of shit...

Max quickly turned towards the vending machine, only to see a young boy who looked to be in his teen years and wearing a dark blue hoodie was kicking the machine, trying to make it spit out some sort of snack that he could grab. She decided to kill some time and help him out.

Max: Jeez, I hate how those get stuck every time.

???: Yeah, it's a...pain in the ass...

Max: There's an easer way to get it out.

???: Really? How?

Max walked around him and stood beside the vending machine. She smiles and gave it a good hard nudge until it drop the lays chips into the slot.

???: Whoa, how is that even-

Max: Possible? Yeah I have no clue either, but it always works like a charm!

He took the granola bar and shoved it into his pocket. 'Well, that's one useful trick to teach him' thought the boy who seemed satisfied to finally get his snack. The office door opened and an old woman came out, walking to the front desk. She looked at both Max and the boy and then asks them a question.

Motel Owner: May I help you both?

Max: Oh uh...I'm here to get a room?

Motel Owner: And the kid?

???: I'd like to get a room too please?

Motel Owner: Will that be together or....

Max: Separate...just separate!

Motel Owner: Okay.

The owner gave each of them their room keys and left. The boy shoved it in his sweater pockets while Max held it in her hands. They were quiet for a minute. Before Max could say something, laughter and small little yips broke their silence. She saw Chloe and a little boy with a small puppy sitting on the trunk door of a truck. Both of them were laughing and talking about the recent episodes of Hotdog man and friends.

¿¿¿: Hotdog and Fries were gonna go on this quest to find the missing sauce and when they did, a huge ketchup dragon just came out of no where!!!

Chloe: Oh yeah, I remember that one. Didn't it almost eat them?

¿¿¿: Yeah almost. But they were able to stop it with the greatest weapon of all time, the mustard sword!!!!

Chloe: Woah. That's hella wicked!!!

Max: Is this your new friend?

Chloe: Yeah. I was grabbing all of our luggage until this little one with his super dog dropped by out of nowhere. He told me that he liked my hair and says he reminds me of super hero.

¿¿¿: It's true. She looks awesome!!!

???: Dude!!! What did I tell you about bothering people!!!

¿¿¿: But I just wanted to say that her hair was cool!!!

Chloe: It's alright, he meant no harm. My blue hair does indeed look amazing.

¿¿¿: Hey I never asked your name. What is it????

Chloe: The names Chloe and this lovely lady is Max!

¿¿¿: Nice to meet you. My name is Daniel and this is mushroom!!!

The little brown and white pup barked with content, scratching herself with her hind leg behind the ear.

Daniel: And that's my angry brother, Sean...

Sean: Shut up!!!

Max: Nice to meet you both. Are you heading out somewhere with your parents?

Daniel: We we're actually gonna go by ourse-

His older brother suddenly stands in front of him and cuts him off.

Sean: Y-yeah! Our dad is gonna take us to Miami. Gonna chillax by the beach, right Daniel?

He nudged his brother's shoulder and warned him to not tell them the actual truth of where they were going.

Daniel: Uh Yup, that's the place where we'll be hanging out....

Chloe: Oh cool. I'd say it's the perfect time to go there and surf the waves. COWABUNGA!!!

She started imitating a surfer while riding those imaginary waves. Daniel couldn't help but let out a laugh.

Daniel: Hahahahaha!!!! Surfs on dude!!!!!

Sean: Alright I think I'm getting super tired and sleepy. It was nice meeting you two. C'mon Daniel!!!

Daniel: Fine...I'm coming. Hope I get to see you guys again!

Chloe: Maybe.

Daniel: Alright then, bye Chloe and Max!!! Say bye Mushroom!!!

Mushroom yipped and hopped into Daniels arms.

Max: Bye guys.

Chloe: See ya!!!

Daniel rushed off to catch up with Sean. He was a bit disappointed that he had to leave them so soon. They barely knew each other but he was starting to like Chloe and her personality. At the same time thought he didn't want to get his brother pissed off. Chloe and Max brought in their things inside the room to settle in for the night. They too needed a good nights sleep before continuing their drive to New York. After bringing in the last bag, her blue haired friend flopped on to the bed.

Chloe: Ugh...now my batteries have been finished.

Max: Same with mines. I think I need to recharge in the shower.

Chloe: God, we've watched way too many sci-fi movies. You've turned me into a nerd again...

Max: Turning Chloe into a geek is a mission success.

Chloe: Shuddup!!!!! I call dibs on the shower!!!!

Max: I said it first!!!

Chloe: Welp too late.

She unzips the duffel bag and rummages around for a pair of pajamas and a towel. While she was finding them, Chloe couldn't help but worry about the two boys. She had a gut feeling that those two had something they were hiding. Something that they were trying to get away from.

Chloe: Hey Max...

Max: Yeah?

Chloe: Those two. I don't know why but I can't help but feel suddenly worried about them. Ya know?

Max: They'll be fine. Daniel and Sean did say that their father is with them after all.

Chloe: No no, not just that. I felt something off about that kid. Like some...aura bullshit thing.

Max: You sure you aren't in the 'air' right now?

Chloe: Ha ha ha very funny. No Max, I'm fine. But I'm telling you...I felt something!!!!

Max: If you are thinking what I think your thinking, it's not even remotely possible. How can a little kid like him get super natural abilities!!! We don't even know them all that well and now your suddenly assuming because of a feeling? Chloe, I think you may need to rest up.

Chloe: I know what I'm feeling, Max and soon, you'll definitely see it too. I'm gonna go use the damn shower.......

She storms off with her things in hand and forcefully closes the door shut. Chloe was fuming so hard. She was annoyed that Max didn't see it the way she did. Her time traveling friend had abilities but what if she wasn't the only one. There could be more people like her out there and they just wouldn't know it. They had this conversation not too long ago but Max just wouldn't believe it. Her discussions were just plain theories to her with no scientific evidence. Hopefully sooner or later, she'll see that there are many more like her. Meanwhile, past six vacant rooms, Sean was in the bathroom preparing the tub for Daniel to wash himself up. He brought his hot dog man toy to play with and added in a bottle of soap suds for him to watch the colorful bubbles float around him. He turned the nozzle off to prevent anymore water from running and called out to his little brother that the bath had been prepared.

Sean: Daniel!!!!! It's ready, you can come now!!!

There was no answer and Sean assumes that his brother was to busy watching the hot dog man series. He walks out and sees Daniel singing the theme song to hot dog man.

Daniel: Where ever he goes, he is everyone's hero, HOT DOG MAN, HOT DOG MAN!!!!!!

Sean: What are you doing?

Daniel: I'm watching the newest episode of Hotdog man!!! Duh...

Sean: You can watch it later. The bath is ready dude...

Daniel: But I don't want to. I don't want to miss this!!!

Sean: Dude...I am not repeating myself. You either go or no TV. Plus there's a thing called re-runs, it will come on again.

Daniel: Fine...

Daniel hopped off and took mushroom with him. While he was in the bathroom, Sean changed the channels and saw the movie Avengers airing. He took his shoes and socks off and laid against the head rest to watch the film. He started tearing up in the middle since him, Daniel, and their father all used to watch it together during movie night. Some of the scenes like Thor and Iron man facing off were one of his favorites. But he knew that his ultimate favorite was when all the supers got together to face off against the Chitari aliens. Watching that part was gonna be a lot difficult to deal with. After ten minutes or so, mushroom came bolting out along with Daniel chasing after her.

Daniel: Mushroom!!! I'm gonna get ya!!!!

Sean: Guess you're done...

Daniel: Yup and what!!!! You're watching Avengers???? Lucky. That was dads.....favorite movie.

Sean: Yeah that was...

Daniel: Sean...I miss him....

Sean: Yeah, me too enano......

He didn't want to ruin the atmosphere right now. Getting all depressed was not gonna do good for either of them. So instead, Sean searched for another movie or a show to watch. Luckily, the newest episode of Hot Dog man came on again and decided to put it on for his little brother. The mood was completely lifted and Daniel was feeling relieved and comforted.

Daniel: Hey Sean?

Sean: Yeah?

Daniel: Those two girls...they seemed really nice. Especially the girl with the awesome blue hair. I was hoping if we could, you know, ask them to give us a ride?

Sean: What? No no no. That's out of the question!!! Yes they looked nice. But that doesn't mean we can trust them. Think Daniel, what if they turn us in????

Daniel: It looks like they didn't know about the news.

Sean: Well what if they did? And they just didn't want to tell us and then the next thing you know, we'll wake up behind bars.

Daniel: B-but-

Sean: Look...I know you want to meet new people and make friends. So do I too. But right now, there are people we can't trust. They may look like nice people to us...but on the inside...they're false images. Meaning pictures that look fake...

Daniel: Kinda like...Herobrine. He looks like Steve but he is really a ghost or demon.

Sean: If you want to put it that way, then yeah. Basically that's it.

Daniel: That sucks...

Sean: I know. But once we get to Puerto Lobos, you'll make a lot of new friends there. I'm pretty sure there are kids dying to meet the great and amazing Daniel Diaz!!!

Daniel: Hahahahaha stop it!!! I guess your right. Wonder if they like Minecraft or hot dog man.

Sean: You're just gonna have to wait and find out. Alright, I'm gonna go take a shower and then we head straight to bed. We have to get up super early to grab some food and catch us a bus ride.

Daniel: Okay.

Sean grabbed a white towel from inside the motels closet's and an extra pair of pj's from inside his hiking pack. Before he was about the enter the bathroom, Daniel called out to him and wanted to ask his older brother a quick question.

Daniel: Hey Sean?

Sean: Yes?

Daniel: Did you feel anything weird about that girl that was next to Chloe? You know, the one with the brown hair with the red hoodie that had a dear in the middle?

Sean: Yeah I know which one you're talking about. No I didn't feel anything weird about her. There was nothing really odd. Why?

Daniel: I don't know. It felt like some kinda of....aw what's that word? Iiiera? Rura? Aurora?

Sean: What are you trying to say?

Daniel: Ugh. You know the Pokémon Lucario? And how he had this blue light coming out of him?

Sean: Oh yeah. That was um....his Aura! Is that what you were trying to say?

Daniel: Yeah that's it!!!!! That's what Max has!!!

Sean: Yeah right. You're watching way to much fantasy movies, enano.

Daniel: But it's true! She had this energy or something. I couldn't see it but I could feel it.

Sean: Is this part of your powers?

Daniel: I don't know. Maybe? But I know there is something weird about Max...

Sean: *Sigh* okay fine whatever. Keep thinking all you want, you know it's not gonna be true...

Daniel: BUT IT IS!!!!

Sean: Sorry I cant hear you over the sound of me taking a shower!!!!

He shuts the door, leaving Daniel annoyed at his brother. Using his telekinesis, he threw a pillow across the wall at full speed as it landed against the window. A small crack had formed against the surface. Daniel helps and quickly jumps off the bed to close the curtains. If his brother sees it, he knows it would freak him out and give him a long lecture about showing off his powers on purpose.

Sean: What was that????

Daniel: N-nothing! I accidentally dropped your backpack while I was running around with mushroom...

Sean: Well stop!!! You're not supposed to be doing that!!!!!!

Daniel: Sorry!!!

He hopped back on the bed and resumed watching his tv series. The thought still stayed within his mind though. For a kid like him, he would just forget about it and move on. But no, Daniel was still to curious about Max and who this mysterious girl really was. Tomorrow, he needed to find out the truth before it was too late.


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     The sun rose from over the pine wood trees and started to shine down against the small little town. A little gap form between the curtains accepted a single sun beam as it hits one of Max's eye lid. She slowly got up and rubbed both of her eyes while letting a small yawn escape. She turned to her blue haired friend who was snoring as loudly as possible. She didn't want to wake her up, seeing how Chloe was sleeping so peacefully. Unfortunately, her slumber had to come to an end. Max gently shook her arm and instead received a groan of dismay.

Chloe: Five more...minutes...

She grabbed the covers and pulled it over her, covering her face.

Max: You have to wake up Chloe. We gotta start heading out early. You don't want to miss broadway do you?

Chloe: Ngh.....no....

Max: Then come on!!!

Chloe: Fine...........

Max pulled her out of bed until her friend ended up leaning against her. Her legs started wobbling a bit due to the amount of weight that was pressed against her.

Max: CHLOE!!! GET OFF!!!!!

Chloe: Help me Max......I'm dying........

She rolled her eyes and decided to play a small trick on her. Max extended her arm out and rewinded back to where she was getting out of bed.

Max: Come on Chloe, get up!

Chloe: Fine............

As the blue haired girl was about to lean against her, Max stepped to the side. She landed flat against the floor. Chloe cried a bit in pain, rubbing against her side.

Chloe: Ow ow ow.....you used your time powers again, huh?

Max: Well...you were about to fall on top of me.

Chloe: I deserve it. Now could you help me up before I decide to fall asleep on the floor?

Max: Hahahah alright.

She pulls her friend up to her feet, almost collapsing again on top of her but luckily, Max held her in place.

Chloe: Alright today's plan is to grab some grub and then hit the road. As much as I would love to stay here...but it's got a huge ass forest and I need a little bit of a city street again.

Max: Just so you can get tired of that and then wanting the forest life again?

Chloe: Bingo!!!

She winks before going over to her bag and packing whatever she had left out yesterday night, back inside her luggage. Max did the same though she still felt a small weary tug from all that driving and sitting in the truck. Sleep was all she could think about, but hunger was keeping her busy instead. After a while of putting their belongings away, they walked across the street and to the restaurant ahead of them.

Chloe: Betsy's Breakfast Nook. Yup...I'm getting an omelette!

Max: I might get some flapjacks with a side of bacon.

Chloe: Can I have a piece?

Max: Not unless you give me a piece of your omelette.

Chloe: Deal!

She opened the door for her and goes in after. They noticed that the whole place was sorta empty, with only a few truckers chatting about who knows what while drinking their morning brew. It was perfect and having less people in the mornings was fine by the both of them. Chloe spotted a nearby table, quickly grabbing Max's wrist and going towards it.

Max: Jesus Chloe...it's not like it was going anywhere.

Chloe: Hey, you don't know that? For all I know, this table can suddenly come to life and just run off into the wild with their table herd.

Max: You have been reading way too many fantasy stories, haven't you?

Chloe: Was it too obvious?

Max: Very.

The waitress walks around the table counter and approaches the two girls with her pen and notepad in hand.

Waitress: Mornin girls, what can I get you two today?

Chloe: I'll be taking an omelette and for a drink, just some orange juice.

Max: I'll get some pancakes with bacon on the side. For the drink, I'll get some coffee!

Waitress: Alrighty then, comin right up!

She returns back to her post and hooks the ticket by the kitchen. Chloe got a newspaper nearby and decided to check out what was happening with the world right now. Though usually she didn't like to see or hear the news much, but, today was different.

Chloe: Break-ins, cutting down trees to expand homes....what a bunch of pricks, ooooh! A well known band named the High Seas will be traveling next to NY! We should go check them out!

Max: I heard about them on insta. They are really cool people and play some really good music to jam out to.

Chloe: So, is that a yes?

Max: Hahaha yes!

Chloe: Fuck yes and dude, I was also thinking along the lines of starting a band of our own. A duo band. Think about it, you can be lead singer and I'll be guitarist!

Max: I don't think these vocals were meant for singing. Why don't I be guitarist and you be lead singer. I have been getting really damn good with guitar.

Chloe: Fine fine. Guess I better practice my singing cause people are gonna hear me thrash the hell out!!!!

Her time traveling friend laughs and making Chloe laugh as well, both of the girls enjoying their time together. However, it didn't last too long as Max noticed the boy she saw yesterday night by the vending machine along with his little brother who were getting yelled at by five truckers.

Max: Hey Chloe, look!

Chloe: What? What is- what the fuck? Why the fuck are they bothering them????

Max: I don't know but....

Chloe: Fuck this!!!

She quickly gets up and heads outside, almost knocking the front door out of its place. The waitress took notice, making her a bit annoyed:

Waitress: Hey! What's gotten into your friend? Control her please!!!!

Max: Sorry!!!- Chloe!!!!!!!

She heads out as well to chase after her friend, knowing very well that she wasn't gonna be able to take down five y'all truckers on her own. Might as well be a death wish. However, Max wasn't gonna let her go alone. Not like this nor ever.

Chloe: Hey jackasses!!! Why don't you leave them alone!!!!

Trucker 1: Back off, this isn't your business!!!

Chloe: Well it fucking is now.

Trucker 2: leave before you fucking regret it...

Chloe: Fuck you. Why don't I just call the cops right now since you guys are harassing these two for no goddamn reason!

Trucker 1: Heh, that's would be fucking perfect since these two here...

He nods at two of his other friends to grab a hold of Sean and Daniel, separating the two as they yanked them away from each other.

Sean: LET ME GO!!!!

Trucker 1: Are on the fucking run. They're wanted and they're dangerous. So go ahead....call the damn cops. Whatever makes this shit get done quicker..


Trucker 1: SHUT THE FUCK UP, KID!!!! Why don't I shut you up right now while we wait for the police to come take your asses...

The man approached Daniel, towering over him and wrapping his hands around his neck. He started to squeeze his throat until he had no more air left.


Daniel was struggling, moving as much as could. Almost feeling that bit of air becoming emptier and emptier until a strong force hits him behind the head, making the leader let go of him and fall onto his knees. He touches the back of his head and saw that his palm was covered in fresh blood.

Chloe: I already told you once, you mother fuckers, TO LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!


His other two approached Chloe and Max and instantly grabbing the two of them. Both of them fought, even biting the hell out of them and trying to use the small wooden logs nearby to hit them, but they didn't do much harm.

Trucker 1: Heh I guess we now have two more additions because this bitch......decided to interrupt me!

Chloe: Fuck you!!! FUCK YOU ALL!!!!

He then slaps her, almost making her knock out unconscious but Chloe stood up strong. Always from people like these.

Trucker 1: Now...where were we...

He grins at Daniel, making the smaller boy cry and shake in fear. Sean pleaded with the man, begging for him not to hurt his brother but he didn't listen. Chloe then turns to Max as she stood there, worried and scared in the situation.

Chloe: Max, now would be the best time!!!!!

Max: I-

Chloe: Get it together, hurry!!!!

Max looked at Chloe and then at Daniel who was about to suffocate soon. She closed her eyes, preparing to rewind all the way back to where this incident never happened. Never existed. Until something else came into play. A loud scream came from Daniel and a huge sudden blast of force came knocking them all and even blowing the restaurant off of the ground. Max managed to land on top of one of the unconscious truckers. She gets up, wiping all of the debris away from her clothes. She looks around, noticing the damage that was done to the place.

Max: Holy shit....

She instantly thinks of Chloe and searches for her friend until she saw her pale hand sticking out from a pile of rubble. She quickly goes up to it and holds it, feeling that there was not a single pulse beating from within.

Max: No....no no no no, Chloe no!!!!!!!

Tears were coming from the corners of her eyes, saddened to see that her friend was gone. Another pile of rubble nearby was moving and out came Sean, coughing from the cloud of dust that was surrounding him. He slowly gets up though felt a stinging pain on his sprained leg.

Sean: Shit....fuck that hurts.

He rubs it and ends up taking notice to the destroyed town. All this was gonna surely signal a huge ton of cops, which he didn't want to meet at all. He got up to search for his little brother, moving tons of broken wood and bodies but Daniel was nowhere to be seen.


Max heard his voice and quickly wipes her tears away. Suddenly she heard the wailing sirens approaching in the distance.

Max: Oh shit....

She waited a bit, figuring out a good plan on how to escape out of there. Nothing came to mind for a short moment due to the sounds of the police sirens at first until an idea was able to slip through. An idea that she would have to reveal in order to survive this. Max got up and ran towards Sean in a hurry.

Max: Sean, thank goodness your okay!!!

Sean: Max!!!! Oh my god...are you fine???

Max: Yeah I'm fine!

Sean: What happened to Chloe?

Max: She....she-

Sean: Oh shit....oh fuck!!!

Max: It wasn't your fault...nor was it your little brother!

Sean: Today was not supposed to end like this!!!!! FUCK!!! I need to find him. I need to find Daniel.

Max: You will! But right now......I need you to trust me. What I'm about to do.....it may shock you but it could help us!!

Sean: Max please, I don't have time!!! I need to get the fuck out of here before the cops come!!!!

Max: Listen to me, Sean!!! We will find him. I promise you that. I know you and I just met and we barely know each other. But I just need to know something from you.......can you trust me?

Sean stood there, worried but confused at the same time since the police was almost here. Whatever was going inside her mind and whatever she had planned, he was not prepared.

Sean: .....I do.

Max: Good. Grab my hand and please....don't freak out.

He took her hand and waited for a moment for whatever she was going to until she extended her other arm upward and immediately stopped everything around them. Whatever birds that were flying nearby, stopped in midair. Flames that were burning the wood, didn't dance anymore. And the approaching police vehicles way out in the distance, stopped moving. Sean was extremely shocked that he wasn't able to comprehend all of this. He never seen anything like this nor not even knowing that there was another just like his little brother this entire time. Right under their noses. Max began to rewind back. All the way back to where she was still in the apartment room with Chloe. When she got to that certain point in time, she stops and both of them notice that everything around them wasn't destroyed anymore. It was back to its normal and peaceful setting. Max let's go of Sean, noticing her clothes that were all dirtied and ripped before, were fixed.

Max: Thank god. That actually worked....

Sean: Y-Your able to- your able to do that??????

Max: Rewind and fast forward time? Yeah. Yeah I can.

Sean: Holy fuck.......

Sean stumbles backward and ends up sitting down on the floor.

Max: Woah Sean, are you okay?

Sean: Yeah I just- I just need a moment.

Max: It's okay. I understand.

Just then, two voices come calling out to the two of them. Max turns to see Chloe and Daniel both running up to them.

Chloe: Oh my god, where have you two been? I was trying to find you but you weren't in your bed then Daniel comes knocking on the door, saying he couldn't find his brother then whoop-dee-do, finally found the both of you. Why are you guys out here???

Daniel: Seriously, I thought you guys were lost or something.

Max: it's been....a hell of a day...

Sean: No shit.....

Chloe: Wait.....What?

Daniel: I don't get it...

Few hours have passed. Max and Daniel were sitting on the rear edge of Chloe's truck while Chloe and Daniel were eating on the sides. They all enjoyed their breakfast meal from Betsy's and even explained to the two about the incident and even revealing Max and her abilities.

Daniel: That is so cool! You can timetravel???? Ugh...wicked.

Max: Hahahaha yeah it sure is.

Sean: Do you know how it came?

Max: Kinda? it suddenly triggered itself when a classmate of mine back a school, shot Chloe here and then....I was able to rewind back and fix everything.

Sean: For Daniel here....it pretty much occurred similarly to yours too. Our father...got shot by a cop and then out of no where, Daniel just sent everything flying.

Daniel then levitates the syrup and passes it to Chloe.

Chloe: Thanks little dude......and I'm sorry about your pops and all of this shit that's happening to you both. This is fucking stupid!

Sean: I know. We are both fucking tired of running! I just....I just wish we can get to Puerto Lobos already.

Max: Puerto Lobos, huh?

Daniel: Yeah. It's a place in Mexico's that dad wanted to go to. So now....we are going there.

Chloe: Well.....me and Max were kinda talking....

Sean: Yeah- hey wait where's my pancake???

Daniel: I had two of them and now it's gone!!!

Sean: Did you just????

Max: Stop time? Yup.

Sean: God you guys are annoying, hahahahaha

Daniel: So cool!

Max: We were thinking....how about we take you to Puerto Lobos?

Sean: Wait.....

Sean and Daniel both looked at each other. He noticed how excited his brother already was and even saying yes over and over again. But for Sean, he wasn't too sure if he agreed entirely.

Sean: That would be good...but if you take us...your gonna be on the wanted list too, ya know?

Chloe: Oh we know.

She took hers and Max's paper box and threw them into a black bag.

Max: But it'll be fine. If we bump into harsh situations....I can help all of us out.

Chloe: Plus....I've dealt with cops before. I'm friendly neighborhood rebel! Don't worry....we'll keep you guys safe.

Daniel: Please Sean!!! Max can teach me how to control my powers better and we....we won't have to be alone anymore. Please...

Sean looked at all of them as their eyes were staring straight back him. Awaiting for a response. Daniel was right, they barely had any help in the last few weeks since they will either recognize them on tv, newspaper, wherever they seen the Diaz brothers. They'll send them straight away into jail. But when he first saw these two. How much they cared about each other, stepping in when they had to face those truckers, and even offering them a ride all the way to where they needed to go. These two...came and met the both of them and realized how much trouble they are in and willing to help whatever they can. In a way, It's like as if their father sent them help to watch over them incase if something were to happen. Overall.....Sean made his decision.

Sean: Yeah....you can take us there.

Daniel: YES!!!!!!

Chloe: Hell yeah!!!

Max: Welcome aboard you two!

Chloe: Two newbies, coming along with us on this adventurous quest!

Daniel: Where we will find treasure?

Chloe: Duh!!!!

Daniel: YEAH!!!

Daniel hopped off and ran around with Chloe, pretending to be goofy pirates and heroes. Max and Sean laughed, watching the two mess around for a bit.

Sean: Now it's got me thinking...

Max: What is it?

Sean: Well....if you and Daniel have these...weird ass abilities. I wonder if....there are others out there with powers.

Max: Maybe but....we'll find out along the way. All of us.

Sean and Max looked at the clouds passing by over them, watching as the shadows cover them. They knew that it wasn't going to be a safe journey through the US. They were going to facing a lot of problems. Conflicts that will eventually cross their paths that may affect the group in a positive or in a negative way. But they'll have each other. They'll look out for each other incase if shit hits the fan.

It was going to be one hell of a trip.

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