Forever Alone

By startin_over4me

946 19 1

Twilight fanfic Takes place after Cullens leave. A year after the cullens leave there is a break in. Charlie... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

111 1 0
By startin_over4me

Bella POV
I roll over in my huge queen bed and just lay there thinking. I miss them. Why do I miss them? He is my mate but damn. I've never missed him before. Why now?

I stand up and walk into my bathroom. I do my morning routine. And decide I'm gonna mess with them a little. Hehe. What to do? What to do?

I'm smiling evilly whem I walk into the throne room. Everyone smiles and narrow their eyes at me probably thinking I'm gonna mess with them. I shake my head "Calm down. I'm not gonna prank you. Not y'all anyways." Some look like they understand and some look confused. I bounce into my throne and smile even more evilly "I'm gonna mess with my coven mates." Everyone bursts our laughing. I smile and nod "I'm gonna go get ready." I walk back to my room and search through my closet for a outfit that will show who I really am now.

After getting ready I walk into the throne room. I smile at everyone and then transport myself to the woods. I sniff. Good they are all there.

I go invisible. I make everyone's powers quit working. I walk in invisible and then with my mind power I make a couch move making it drag across the floor. Everyone comes in looking around. I notice that issac is not close to anyone and that everyone gives him glares every few minutes. Haha good!
I make a picture come off the wall and hit him in the head. I shrieks like a little girl. I jump soundlessly to the top of the stairs and laugh evilly. They all freeze in place. The wolves come in the room and freeze when they hear my laugh. I smile to myself. I pick up Sam with my powers and he starts freaking out "Why am I floating? What is happening right now? I don't like this." I spin him around then very gently set a very dizzy alpha sam on the couch. Carlisle walks to him and checks on him to make sure he's ok. V and L look at each other smirking. I whisper in everyones mines "I told you I'd get my revenge." I laugh evilly again. They all jump. Issac starts walking towards where my laugh is coming from. And I transport across the room and laugh again. He turns and narrows his eyes at the corner. I laugh evilly and whisper in his mind "What's wrong jackass?" He freezes and I pick him up. He starts squirming "PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" I smile and say in a deep voice "Where would the fun be in killing you?"
After a few more hours of freaking them out. Everyone is tense and looking around. The cullens are all against the wall. V, L, peter, char, and jasper along with izzy and lizzy are sitting comfortably on the couch. I didnt mess with them. The wolves are scattered around the room laying or sitting on the floor where I put them. Issac is attached to the ceiling. Everyone is happy about that. I smile "Do you want to know who I am?" Everyone jumps at my voice cause I used my actual voice. Edward's jaw drops and trinity starts laughing. Everyone looks around and nods I appear floating in thin air with my legs crossed and swinging back and forth. I smile at everyone. The wolves rolls there eyes and sam and jacob growl playfully at me. I smile. The cullens all chuckle. And the people on the couch smile more. I laugh my tinkly laugh.
"So how are you?" Carlisle shakes his head "Bella, it's a good thing I can't have a heart attack." I chuckle. "I would never hurt you. Most of you anyways." Everyone smile knowing exactly who I'm talking about. Said person sighs "Bella let me down. I want to talk to you. Please. I'm sorry." I look up at him and smile amused "Did the great issac just apologize? Well that's funny. Your girlfriend said different when I met her. You know Alexandra. She was fun to kill. You know its against the law to cheat on your mate. Punishable by death. So you are going to die. And by the mate that means me gets to have some fun. And as the queen itll be even funner. If only you hadn't cheated. Why did you think I left? I met Alexandra in the woods she was coming to my house to see you. GOD DAMN! I'M YOUR FUCKING MATE! AND YOU WERE CHEATING ON ME IN MY OWN DAMN HOUSE!" I sigh and take a deep breath as it starts storming outside. He goes wide eyed and then glares at me "You killed Alexandra. I was wondering why she didn't show up. The only reason I cheated was because you wouldn't do anything with me. I was frustrated. I had no choice." Everyone in the room growls at him. I blink a few times did I just hear him correctly. I start shaking and flames come out of my hands V and L curse and back away from me. Carlisle goes wide eyed looking at my hands. I sigh and close my eyes taking deep breaths. I open my eyes and they are now bright pink. He curses and squirms as I float up and look him directly in the eye. "You will pay. How does being a slave sound to you. A slow painful death maybe. Oh maybe...." I smile evilly and let him go taking away all his abilities, strengths, and making him a human that smells divine. He goes wide eyed as his eyes turn green. I smile as I hear his delicious heartbeat I walk closer to him and sniff him and then whisper in his ear "You messed with the wrong girl honey bun. You can't be turned again. Venom will be extremely painful but will not change you. Oh and you smell better than any other creature alive. Have fun Issac you are now human. A very tasty human. Have a good day issac. The door is right there now get out of my house." He is wide eyed but nods walking out the door. I growl as he walks out. I jump on top of the stairs and close my eyes taking deep breaths.

I look down and smile "Now that that's over. How are y'all?" They all smile and sit down. Izzy and Lizzy look at me. Izzy smiles "He wasn't our actual brother. His mom adopted us. Our mom was really good friends with his mom. He was a jerk. He wouldn't let us have friends. He told us about Alexandra but said she was just a friend. We didn't think so but we were too scared of him to say anything. We are sorry." I smile at them. "Its all good. He may have been meant to be my mate but mates aren't supposed to hurt their mates. He hurt me badly. He is now the tastiest creature on earth. And venom won't kill him itll just hurt very very bad. Worse than the change or getting a limb torn off. I've only done that once before. He's dead now. He told someone about vampires. Man was he tasty. His blood will be very tasty. The most tastiest thing you'll ever taste." I stand up and walk down the wall and stand by the couch. "But I really need to get home. Vladimir and Stefan will be curious about today. Sorry for picking on you. I was kinda bored. Y'all can come to the castle anytime you want. It looks different now. Bright and wild. Like me. And we have a museum of artifacts I stole from museums over the years. Anything I wanted I took. And don't forget the penthouses. I have my own floor. Come anytime you want. We also have our own club, spa, and mall. Not mention the game room. And the wolf proof rooms. And jacob your imprint is a vampire she's at the castle. Shes a newborn at the moment or I'd have her here. Y'all are welcome anytime. We no longer have those weird Cape things. We just wear regular clothes. And don't forget the
Sexy clothes those are my favorites. We have two huge closets for everyone to share. One is mens and one is womens. They are for free use. You can wear whatever you want out of those. Well I have to go home now but please don't be a stranger. Toodles."

They all smile and nod and I wave before transporting to my throne. I wave my hand the tv now shows what happened. Everyone laughs as I throw sam very softly in the air then as he falls to the ground I catch him and set him on the couch. I lift peter, char, jasper, v, l, trinity, izzy, and lizzy and very gently set them on a couch out of the danger zone. Then starts the fun with the cullen family. Just playing around with them not hurting them. I smile and get up walking to my room.

Please give me any suggestions on anything you would like to see happen. I also need a Male and three female names.
Also thank you angelaleeTaveraReyes for the comment and votes. It means a lot to me.

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