different Β» marvel ΒΉ

By salvatorebarnes

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"𝘏𝘒𝘴𝘯'𝘡 𝘒𝘯𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘰𝘭π˜₯ 𝘺𝘰𝘢 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘡 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴 𝘀𝘒𝘯 𝘣𝘦 π˜₯𝘦𝘀𝘦π˜ͺ𝘷π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨?" [ ave... More

disclaimer and author's note
part two: playlist
part three: playlist
part four: playlist
sequel announcement


3.9K 126 104
By salvatorebarnes

thank y'all for 16k reads & 500 votes :)

   "I really don't wanna do this again. I made you pass out for a reason." I remark as the girl stands in front of me. "If he's Spider-Man, are you Spider-Woman?"

She shrugs. "I mean, yeah."

"Oh. Cool." I nod. She doesn't wait for another word before quickly jumping at me.

She sends a kick to my head that I narrowly dodge. I grab her foot while it's up and twist her ankle, causing her to squirm in my grip before I use my strength to throw her back a foot or two. She rolls over her shoulder and into a squatting position.

Flicking her wrist to the right, she wraps a web on a large piece of metal and hurls it at my body. I hold up my hand and the purple aura of my power surrounds the object as I make a breaking motion with my hands to tear it in half. "You shouldn't have done that." I tell her before shooting the jagged pieces at her and embedding them into the concrete around her figure.

I bend the metal with my telekinesis, making it wrap over her body and close her in. "You should've just waited inside, kid." The metal presses down on her torso, not enough to hurt, but just enough to make her uncomfortable. I press my hand to her forehead again. "Just stay asleep this time, yeah?" I do a simpler version of what I did inside, making her eyes roll to the back of her head and her body to go slack. "One problem down." I mutter. "Again."

I survey the area around me, trying to see if anyone needed help. I noticed cat guy was trying to kill Bucky again so I jogged over. They both had each other in a chokehold.

"We didn't kill your father." Bucky states, not easing his grip.

"Then why did you run?" T'Challa's accent reverberates through his mask as he peels Bucky's hand from his neck and twists them both over onto the ground. The quickly get to their feet and, the king delivers a roundhouse kick to Bucky's face, making me run faster to reach them.

The force of the kick slammed Bucky back into a stack of crates, leaving him vulnerable to another attack. Claws appear out of T'Challa's gloved hand and he goes for his throat.

Power surges through my body again and my hand shoots out to stop him with my telekinesis. A lavender aura surrounds his hand as I slow to a stop a few feet away from them. I make a twisting and throwing motion with my hands and chuck him across the runway and into a metal container, causing a large hole in the side of it.

"If he had a random guy in a cat suit chasing after him, he'd run, too." I sigh, slightly out of breath from sprinting basically all the way across the airport. "We need to hurry up with this." I remind him.

We jog over to where we see Steve just getting out of a fight with Spider-Man. We all back up into a moveable staircase, normally used to board planes, but in this case used as a shield from all the idiots shooting at us.

"Steve!" I call out, getting his attention.

"We gotta go." Bucky says. "That guy's probably in Siberia by now." Steve looks around briefly, coming up with a plan.

"We gotta draw out the flyers." He looks over the stairs. "I'll take Vision. Raven you make sure he gets to the jet." Steve tells me and I nod.

"No! You get to the jet! All three of you." Sam comes in over the comms. "The rest of us aren't getting out of here."

"As much as I hate to admit it," Clint speaks up. "If we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it."

"This isn't the real fight, Steve." Sam comes in again to remind him. All of us working together and talking over the radios reminded me of New York, I just wished it wasn't on these terms.

"Are you guys sure?" I ask. "I'll stay behind and help, it'll be easier." I tell them as Bucky gives me a wide-eyed look, basically saying 'no'.

"The hell you are!" Sam says. "Get your asses on that jet."

"Alright, Sam." Steve sighs. "What's the play?"

"We need a diversion." He speaks a little louder this time, mostly because of wind. "Something big."

Static fills the comms for a moment before Scott Lang starts talking. "I got something kinda big." He offers. "But I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half . . . don't come back for me."

"Oh, God." I remark. Bucky's jaw slacks a little, "He's gonna tear himself in half?"

"You sure about this, Scott?" Steve tries to confirm.

Scott basically shrugs it off. "I do it all the time. I mean, once, in a lab. Then I passed out. I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss." He began chanting and once I heard it I had to hold back my grin.

A few moments later, the sound of someone laughing echoed out, making the three of us move out from our position behind our hiding spot. "I guess that's the signal." Steve deadpans as we all look up to Scott who is now the size of a small skyscraper.

"Way to go, Tic Tac!" Sam calls out. I let a smile fall onto my face and I begin ushering the two boys to the jet and away from the rest of the group.

"Listen, I know we're tired, but y'all really need to run faster!" I shout at them as I glance behind us, noticing that Rhodes nearly caught up. They don't yell anything back, but instead pick up their pace a little.

We get closer to the hangar the jet was in, but before we can get inside, a large laser shot at a the taller structure next to it, causing it to begin to collapse.

"Hurry the hell up!" I yell at the two as I let the force of my power leave my hands as surround the broken structure to hold it up. It was heavy, which made it hard to hold up, especially while running, but I felt it lighten after a moment, making me glance behind me.

Wanda stood a few meters away and was using her powers to help me. No one had mentioned that she has similar abilities to me and it made me grin to know I wasn't the only one like this. I give her a nod of thanks as I continue running while trying to assist her.

We get close and I let go of my hold on the collapsed structure as we get underneath it. The rubble begins to surround us and I dive to the ground behind Steve and Bucky to make it through.

I roll to my feet and brush my hair out of my face. I let out a sigh as we come to a stop, the fatigue of running around and using my powers so much starting to get to me a little.

A familiar red-head comes in front of us. "You're not gonna stop." Nat says lowly, rocking back and forth on her feet a little.

"You know I can't." Steve tells her. Natasha lifts her hand with a sigh. "I'm gonna regret this." She says, and I expect her to shock one of us, but instead, the electricity travels behind us and shoots T'Challa, who must've managed to sneak through the rubble.

"Go." She nods to Steve and gives me a small smile that I return as we jog past her.

• • •

"What's gonna happen to your friends?" Bucky looks between Steve and I from his seat before glancing back down to his lap and unbuckling the seatbelt he wore.

Steve sighs, his shoulders slumping. "Whatever it is, I'll deal with it." He claims.

Bucky's eyes fill with a blank stare, and I could tell that he felt guilty. He shakes his head in a small manner. "I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve. Raven, yeah of course, but me?"

My brows furrow as I lean towards him from my seat. His words shot through me as he said them. "Bucky, why would you even think that? Of course you're worth all of this." I grab his hand gently. "And why would I be any different? We've both done bad things, don't exclude me out of that."

"What you did all of those years, it wasn't you." Steve tells Bucky and I, looking between the two of us. "You didn't have a choice."

"I know." Bucky's jaw clenched as he ran his thumb over the back of my hand. "But I did it." He looks forward at Steve.

Cap doesn't say anything back, most likely because he's unsure of what to say. He presses a few buttons on the control panel to place the jet in autopilot before getting up and exiting the main cab. I swallow thickly, knowing I needed to help Bucky with this.

"Bucky, look at me." I say quietly. His sharp blue eyes find mine in a matter of seconds. "None of what happened is your fault, so please stop blaming yourself for something you couldn't control." I clasp my other hand over his. "You are not a bad person. A bad person would've left me to die in that river, but you didn't. A bad person would've ditched me after I got them out of the country, but you didn't. A bad person would've never helped me remember who I was, let alone stick with me for two years in a sucky, little apartment." A small smile graces my lips as I recall something else. "A bad person would've never gotten blueberries for me at the market since I couldn't speak Romanian."

I was inched close to Bucky at this point. His eyes practically pouring into mine. I gulped as the air filled with silence. His eyes flickered from my own and down to my lips, making my eyes do the same. I took in his face now, and it made me wonder why I never noticed how handsome he was before. His chin and lower face was coated in stubble, his eyes were shining a vibrant blue, and his jawline was pronounced.

The cool metal of his hand made its way to my cheek, holding my face as he leaned forward.

My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest and I wondered if he could hear it. My body slowly got closer to his, my face a mere inch away before I closed my eyes and he leaned in to meet me.

I sighed contently into the kiss as my hand found its way to his jaw. I pressed my lips eagerly into his, my figure practically leaning on him.

It wasn't like fireworks went off in the background, but it was more like a spark as Bucky's hand strayed from mine and rested on my waist. It surprised me when I found that this felt comfortable and natural, like this was where I was supposed to be.

The kiss fueled a burning desire for him inside me that I didn't even know I had. The flavor of sweet cinnamon stung on my lips from his and I was enjoying every second of it until we had reluctantly pulled away for air.

My forehead rested against his as a few breaths left his mouth. The genuine smile that graced his lips made a grin form on mine. He presses one more soft kiss on my cheek, as if to reassure that the previous event had really happened and it only made my smile widen and my heart swell. I was consumed by a feeling of pure comfort and content, it was like time had decided to stop right then and there for the two of us to enjoy this moment a little while longer and I appreciated it greatly. I had never recognized that I'd felt similar feelings before until now and I almost scolded myself for not seeing it sooner.

"Oh my gosh." The sudden voice of Steve made both of our heads turn to the doorway where he had dropped a small bag of chips on the floor and covered his eyes with his hands.

"Steve?" Bucky raises his eyebrows at his actions, a smile of amusement filling our faces while Steve's heated from embarrassment.

He peeked from around his hands and let out a sigh as he picked up his chip bag that he'd dropped. "Sorry. I—I didn't know you two"—he pointed between us with his free hand—"you know . . . fondued."

   At this I scrunch my nose up in confusion. "Fondue? Isn't that just cheese and bread?"

   Steve shakes his head but doesn't respond. He moves back to his seat and turns to glance at us for a moment before turning back. I clear my throat and stand up straight.

   It becomes quiet for a while, the previous situation making Steve uncomfortable and in turn, making Bucky and I feel the same.

I glanced at the small clock located at the front of the cabin, the time making me realize we only had a few more minutes before getting to the landing airspace, I move to the back of the main room in the jet. It was where I remembered the team's weapons being stored.

   "I'm just gonna get some stuff ready." I mutter, breaking the silence. They nod to me as I stop in front of the weapons wall.

Thinking that they must've gotten rid of my small vault/shelf of artillery due to my extensive leave of absence, I go to Romanoff's, but my jaw slacks when my eyes wander and I see my own last name plastered next to her vault and on my own.

My hand moves over to the handle, pressing down the slide-lock with my thumb and pulling the shelf out. I extend it to its full length, letting it click into place before looking over all of the weapons I'd put inside.

"You guys didn't get rid of my vault." I say, a surprised, yet sad smile taking over my face.

Steve looked back to me briefly, a warm smile on his face. "If I'm being honest, I—I didn't think you were going to come back, I thought you were gone." His expression faltered as he talked. "We talked about if we should clear out your things, but I guess everyone missed you too much to do that."

I had never thought about someone missing me when I left the country with Bucky. I guess for a while I assume that no one cared. I bit my lip, my eyes dancing down to the bottom rack of the shelf. "Hey, my Beretta!" I grab the rifle from its place, fitting it into my hand and arm. Although it was a standard gun for the Italian Armed Forces and Nat would sometimes laugh at my weapon choice, that gun was one of my favorites. It was an AR70/90. "Well, were in business now, boys."

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