Futatabi Ningen•|Dazai Osamu|•

By ZvezdaMoya

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The 22-year old (F/n)(L/n) gets rescued from a lab by....a God? And no, they don't fall in love with each oth... More

Author's Note
Book Talk
Author's Note
Just wanna share this lololol


1.8K 56 153
By ZvezdaMoya

"Oh..What a surprise.." I said, shocked.

I entered the office, thinking this was just a normal day. But oh boy, I was very wrong.

I entered to see a group of unfamiliar people talking with the other members. Well, all of them were unfamiliar, except for one.

It's the woman I fought yesterday, Ozaki. I totally touched her weak spot talking about her past yesterday, not to mention I knocked her out cold.

Ozaki was glaring at me like I was some pesky amoeba. An older looking man seemed to notice.

I don't know his name yet, so let's call him Dracula 2.0 for now.

"Do you perhaps know her, Ozaki?" He inquires.
Shit, I can feel myself sweating. That hat-wearing potato was looking at me straight in the eyes.

The other members who were conversing with Ozaki's companions seemed to notice, and Atsushi was frozen into place, startling a young blond girl.

"Sorry for yesterday, Ozaki-san." I bow. "I made sure I didn't cut off any limb, but I didn't know you would pass out with just one strike.." I apologized.

The hat-wearing potato flinched. Then charged towards me. "How dare you harm Ane-san!" He punched me in the stomach, but not as fast as my Requipping skills.

So his fist came into contact with not-so-metal-but-stronger-than-metal metal. Ouch.

"Nice one, (N/N)-chan!" Osamu applauds from behind.
Thank you 'Samu, for saving me from getting myself get punched once again by a potato.

"Heh~ I came in earlier than you today, 'Samu..What happened?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Hmm~? You left your phone again after the fight from yesterday." He smirks, glancing at Ozaki. "You were so into it, too~"

" 'Samu!!" I shouted, blushing. "Hehe~ I took a picture, you know~" He teases. "How scandalous~" He quoted Ozaki from yesterday.

"Delete it! Delete it, idiot Osamu!!" I said, giving repeated light punches on his chest.

"Ne, Atsushi-kun, are they dating~?" A girly and childish voice said.
"Ah, not really. They're just close." He smiles.

Thank you Atsushi, I'll make sure to treat you with tea on rice some time.

"These two idiots did prank us by telling everybody they were dating." Kunikida pinched our ears.

"What~? I thought we were forgiven!" Osamu and I said in sync.
An irk mark formed on Kunikida's forehead.
"So they pranked you like that already? How are you supposed to know that they're really dating or not~? Ne Atsushi-kun, how do you know if two people are dating?" The blonde little girl asked.

"I actually don't know how to answer that, Elise-chan.." He struggles to answer her question.
"Sorry for not introducing myself sooner. I'm Mori Ougai, Port Mafia's boss." Dracula 2.0 introduced himself.

"Sōseki wanted the both of us to mingle with each other peacefully for some unknown reasons." Fukuzawa explains.
"Well, this chick right here knocked out Ane-san yesterday!" The potato pointed at me.
"A chick? Why thank you, I didn't know I looked that pleasing~" I smirked. Osamu stifled his laughs.
"Nakahara-kun, stay calm. Nobody is allowed to attack, remember?" Mori warns.
"Yes sir." And with that, he fell back.

"Say, don't you want to know how a couple acts like, Elise-chan?" I smile gently. Atsushi raises an eyebrow, it's like he knows what's coming. I wiggled my eyebrows at Osamu, who in return, gave a wink.

"See that orange-haired dude right over there, with the black-haired girl?" I whispered in her ear.
"Yep! I do!" She smiles. "Why is the girl touching him like that?" She asks me.
Ranpo flinched, accidentally choking on a jellybean. Good thing he recovered quickly.
"Yeah, that's what couples do really. They do bolder ones on the bedroom." I whispered. Her ears went red.

"R-really? So I was half-naked in front of Mori-san, and it was reserved for somebody I wanna to have sex with?" She exclaims.

Holy shit I was so shook I choked on my own spit.

"You know that stuff, Elise-chan?"I asked. She nods enthusiastically. "I kinda saw it in a monitor, at one of the rooms back at the headquarters!"

Holy shiitake she says it like it was nothing! Somebody cleanse this child.
She hugs the hat-wearing potato's arms.
"This Nakahara Chuuya-kun! I usually play with him back at home!"

So that's his name.

"Also, can I call you (N/N)-chan as well? Oh wait, I should give you another one!" She beams. "How about Scarlet-chan? Your hair is red, that should be good! I won't forget you that way!" She smiles.

"Aw, you're so precious, Elise-chan!" I squealed, pinching her cheeks.

Ozaki's looking at me differently now. I wonder why... Also, Mr. Potato Hat finally got some chill.

"Say, we don't usually interact with the Agency like this, so I have a request!" She says.
"Sure! What is it?" I asked.

"You and Dazai-chan are really close, so can you two be my parents for a day?" She asks.

Ranpo is smirking. He's behind me, but I can feel it. Atsushi froze once more, Yosano was choking on her water, and Kunikida looked like he was about to lecture Dazai on what to do.

"Of course, Elise-chan~!" Osamu smiles. He glances at me. "That's is, if your mom wouldn't mind~" He smirks.
"Who said I'd say no?" I smirk back.

Naomi looked like she's gonna fangirl herself to death. Fukuzawa and Mori simply chuckles.

"Can I go out with them, Mori-san?" She gives him puppy eyes. "Since you're being so adorable, I will allow it, Elise-chan~" He smiles.

This guy is a pedophile, that's for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if the room Elise was talking about when she accidentally saw porn for the first time was his.

Elise was happily conversing with Osamu and I, but there's another kid glaring at us. Or at Osamu, at least.


"Crouch down daddy, I want a piggyback!" She said. He obliged, chuckling. "Sure, but who's gonna carry mommy, then?"

"You know, I don't know if they're acting their part, or they're just treating each other normally, except the mom stuff.." Kaji said.
"That's actually how they treat each other." Shiro replies.

Jesus Christ, I didn't even notice him come in.

"Seriously? They're like a married couple! That's an everyday thing for you?" Michizō blurts out, receiving a light whack in the back.
"One shouldn't judge one's way of affection." Hirotsu said.

Thank goodness Mori introduced his members to me, it would troublesome if I have to make a bunch of nicknames for these people, like Detective Gramps, Regina George or Edgy Teen, maybe even call her brother 'Angst Incarnate'.

Kyoka suppressed a laugh. Everybody glances at Tanizaki and Naomi, who were busy bonding.

I glanced outside, and flinched, looking at Osamu running full speed around the streets with Elise on his back. I hope she doesn't fall off...

"Anyways, I applaud you for the fight yesterday. Your ability lets you equip weapons and armor, yes?" Ozaki said.
"Yes. You're really good at hiding your intentions, judging from that fight.." I said.

"You knocked out an executive with one hit, you must be really strong then." Gin said. "N-not really that strong..just lucky?" I stuttered, fiddling with my neckwear.
"Well, the thing is, I don't think anybody can do that with sheer luck.." Higuchi said.

"Your ability is convenient, but not good if used by the wrong person. It relies mostly on physical effort." Fukuzawa said. "You're physically very strong, pretty unusual for somebody who spent most of her life in a giant cylinder." He adds.

"Eh?" Higuchi said in confusion. "You were in a lab once, (L/N)-san? Why?"
"Meh, I have no idea." I shrugged. "I don't even care, really. If it's not revealing itself today, I'll know it soon."

Osamu came back, holding Elise's hand on his right and carrying boxes of drinks while Elise was carrying donuts.

"Elise-chan asked for these, so there you go everyone, eat up~" Osamu explains.
Within seconds, they dug in.

"Ne, 'Samu," I called. "Hm?" He looks at me. "How much did you spend? Did you take Kunikida's wallet?" I asked. Kunikida glanced at us. "I should've thought of that!" He shouts, earning a whack in the head.

Watching Osamu and Kunikida reminds me of Shiro and Ama-chan...
Speaking of Shiro....

I glanced at the familiar white head, who was busy talking to Ranpo about something. He glances at me, then whispers something.


Well, as if this entire thing wasn't suspicious. The Port Mafia and the Agency talking and enjoying each other's company without killing each other.

I bet 3,500 yen on this. As soon as this day is over, we're going to start killing each other again.

"Say, let's play something!" Ranpo beams. Everybody's heads perked up.
"What kind of game?" Higuchi asks.
"You have to write three questions for anybody inside the room, then you put it in this box! Each one of us gets to take one question, then read it aloud to the person." Ranpo explains.

"No lying, of course." Shiro smirks.

Oh boy. I know where this is going.
Everybody started writing their questions and putting them in a box.
Here's what I wrote:

For Chuuya:
Where do you get those hats from? It looks good on you.

To Elise:
You and Mori are really close in my opinion, what's your relationship with him?

To Ranpo:
How come you aren't a diabetic after eating all those sweets? You also eat so much chips, is your kidney doing well?

Hmm..seems good.

We started playing. Osamu got my card, asking about where Chuuya gets his hats from. He said the last part with a gross look on his face.

"Whoever asked that and said that he looks good on those hats of his, needs a lecture from me.." Osamu said, still with the gross look on his face.
"I guess you're gonna lecture her, then?" Yosano wiggles her eyebrows, pointing at me.

"Ew, what the hell Yosano-chan..?" I flinch.

"To Dazai-san, what are you and (L/N)-san, for realsies? From Ranpo." Kyoka asks.
"We're close friends, but who knows, I might get a promotion~" He smirks.

Beautiful bastard. But his answer got me thinking.

We're pretty close friends, but we treat each other pretty differently compared to other best friends. Its been a few days since we met, and we got so close we were like atoms on a solid.

"To Kōyō, what would your reaction be when Atsushi and Kyoka starts dating each other?" I said, smirking. "From Higuchi."

"I'll be happy, she finally gets to have a taste of love~" She answers. "I don't like the concept of love, but it seems that Atsushi is taking care of her."

Oh~ definitely the Mafia's mom.

"To (L/N): Did you know that Dazai-san was from the Port Mafia? From Akutagawa." Tanizaki said.

"Yeah, I had a hunch that he came from the Mafia. Probably a very important figure in Port Mafia's history, probably got himself to a high position and was a very big threat, probably could easily take over the Mafia if he wants to." I said.

Mori's eyes widened.

"It's just a hunch, but somehow my hunches are getting really accurate, especially about Ozaki-san." I said. "I don't really think the way I treat 'Samu would change even after knowing this." I smile.

"Ne, your hunches are really accurate, it's scaring me, (N/N)-chan~" He said.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I said in confusion.

"To Mori: (L/N)-san is really strong, what are the odds that you would recruit her to the Mafia?" Naomi asks.
"From Ozaki."

Well, the question aside, it's a good thing she actually complimented me like that. But seriously, what's with the '-san' honorific?

"Very high. I would like to try, but it seems Dazai is giving her much attention, that I think she would decline my offer. She'll be a good addition. Besides, we do need another executive, Ace is slacking off." He answers.

More questions and answers followed, and I get to know more about them.


Finally, we're home. We are dinner in one of those really good restaurants in the middle of the city.

"Ne, Dazai seems to really like you, (F/N)-chan." Shiro said. "It's like he wants to ask you out, but for him, it's too soon."

"You think so?" I raised an eyebrow. "No. I know so. Even Ama-chan can notice." He said. He receives a whack in the head.

"You know, I'm gonna turn crazy if you keep on hitting my head like that~" He said in the mocking tone.
"You act as if you're asking for it, Shiro." She said.

"Anyway, I do see Dazai's advances on you. You seem to be responding well to his advances, but you could be unaware of that. What do you really think of him?" She asks me.

I turned on my phone and went straight to our chatroom.

(N/N): Are you home already, 'Samu?
'Samu: Yep, are you home already? Did Shiro make a move on you? I would so sad if he did~ 😫
I let out a chuckle. Osamu's mind is always up to something, it always entertains me.

"It's Dazai, isn't it?" Shiro smirks. "Ah, youth~" He smiles to himself. "Youth indeed~" Ama-chan nods.

(N/N): Don't worry, he didn't.
(N/N): We were actually talking about you.
'Samu: Me? What about me?
(N/N): It's about the way you're treating me.
'Samu: Eh? 🤨 Did I treat you badly once? Because if I did, I wouldn't forgive myself...😣
(N/N): Not really.
(N/N): You treat me really nicely, it made Shiro wonder if you had feelings for me..
'Samu: I do.
(N/N): Okay.
(N/N): Wait what?
'Samu: I do have feelings for you.

I screamed and buried my face in one of the couch pillows. Ama-chan and Shiro sprinted to the living room, weapons out.

"Seriously? I thought you were getting bloody murdered!" Shiro exclaims. Amaterasu just chuckles. "What happened, (F/N)?"

I didn't know how to explain it, so I just shoved my phone in their faces.

"Ohoho~my ship is finally becoming canon~" He smiles to himself.

'Samu: Sorry if I made the chatroom awkward, (N/N)-chan..
(N/N): Oh no, it's fine. I'm glad you didn't hide it from me.
(N/N): I can't tell if I love you the same way, I'm sorry. I figured that maybe I should know more about myself before loving someone else.
(N/N): Maybe if I know who I really am, I might know what this feeling in my chest is. Would you help me?
'Samu: Of course I'll help you, (N/N)-chan~!

I can't help but feel bad for Osamu. It's just that all I know about myself was my time in that stupid lab. Nothing about my parents, not even about where I was born. I know myself, but at the same time, I know nothing.

I'm so happy Osamu agreed to help me. He always makes my day better. Just like how Shiro brightens Ama-chan's day.

(N/N): Thank you, 'Samu!
'Samu: Anything for you, (N/N)-chan.

I went to my room. Not to sleep, just wanted to chat with him without Shiro snooping around.
(N/N): 'Samu, if we find out who I really am, and I'm actually a killer or some evil shit, would you kill me?
'Samu: Hm? That's ridiculous, (N/N)-chan~
'Samu: When you found out that I was once in the Port Mafia, has the thought of killing me cross your mind?
(N/N): Nope. That will never cross my mind.
'Samu: There you have it~! 😋
'Samu: If you were living a villainous life before, it's your choice whether you go back to it or not.
'Samu: But if you do go back to your villainous ways, I might need to carry you back..🤔
(N/N): Damn, it somehow sounded cool when you typed it..if Chuuya typed that, he would sound like a grandpa.
'Samu: Nice one, (N/N)-chan!
'Samu: Eh? It's getting late....
'Samu: I wanna chat more with you, (N/N)-chan!!😖
(N/N): Oi, save that for tomorrow, we need a good night's sleep..
'Samu: My timechecks can't save this...😑
'Samu: It really is easy to lose track of time when you're enjoying so much...
(N/N): Heh. Told ya.
'Samu: Anyways, good night, (N/N)-chan~!
'Samu: 😴
(N/N): Good night, 'Samu~⭐
'Samu: ZzZZzzz....

Good night, Osamu...

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