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By -softbae

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❝get out of my dms pls❞ ❝-and lemme get in yo pants instead ;)❞ in which a guy dm's a girl terrible pickup li... More



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By -softbae

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taeil @taeilegal
someone get this man a
lava lamp asap

winwin @wingwing
i love lamps with lava
inside! 🌋💡🧞‍♂️💞

i hope everyone had a
lovely christmas break :)
welcome back friends!

yea back to hell

we back babyyyy
let's finish up the
rest of this shitty
school year

i missed everyone!!
it was such a hard
few weeks not being
around my best
friends 😭🤧💞

i was doing just fine
surviving without the
rest of you crackheads,
aside from ten ofc

you loved every second
of my existence just stfu
and love me

ngl it was pretty lonely
not hanging out like
usual since everyone
went back home

and the gc was barely
active :( it was boring
as heck

thats considered a
blessing to some

exactly, peace and quiet

i went back to china
with kun! 😄💞 but we
only got to see each other
at the airport 😭 after
that we split up and i never
heard from him again 😢😭

but we can see each
other now! 😄

exactly!! now you
won't be separated
from him again!

how was your holiday
yeona? 😄

it was fun ^^
how was yours

fun but sad 😔

what why??? you
can't be sad during
the holidays!

its because i missed
you every day 😔

kun :((

the lad did seem very
excited to get back
to school today 😊

i even had a countdown
on my phone ticking
down the days until i got
to come back to seoul to
see you again 😔

*everyone 😇

sure, you definitely
meant everyone

i'm about to puke 🤢

bro let him be cute ok,
you wouldn't allow me
to do it to her so lets at
least give him the chance

bro the only person i'd
accept cuteness from
is you



bros pls stop that was
worse than anything
kun has said

kun you sweet pea
i'll make sure you're
the first person i hug
once i get to school

okay 😄

not like anyone is interested
but! i finally got some peace
and relaxation being away
from you weirdos, i even
got some reading done :)

you finally figured out
how to setup your
retirement trust fund?

someone take me back
to winter break with my
little sister being the
most of my worries

why, you don't love us? 😢💔💞

only you winwin.....
only you

btw guys did you
get the gifts i sent?
i really hope it came
on time

i got mine! 🙌
thank you for the
cute earmuffs <3

same! thanks yeeee,
and cause you got
johnny a pair we're
matching real good 😎

okay but she got me
the blues ones and
you took them from me

you know that i don't
look good in green

you can't even appreciate
the gift she gave you? and
all the money she spent
trying to deliver it to us?
do you even know how
much stamps costs nowadays

why are y'all already
fighting like some old
married couple istg
you two are the first
ones i wish broke up
the fastest

okay but guys yeona
actually mailed me a
fucking watermelon,
like wtf my dreams
have been fulfilled :')


ayyy she sent me one
too! that was like the
best thing i got this xmas!

wtf i got you a fucking
apple watch

watermelons > apples
ANY day

fuck YOU i want my gift
back smh

thank you for the ice
bear airpods case yeona
😄 i'll keep it safe

yayy the we bare bears
trio is complete! hehe and
i hope the melons turned
out sweet guys :^)

it was :D

just like you :D

can i puke now

go for it

what did i say :(

you were being gross
and cheesy

um.. speaking of cheese,
anyone seen taeyong?

why is he related
to cheese?

bc he's a rat?

i haven't seen him
yet yeona :(

i think i saw him
earlier around campus
but i didn't get to talk to
him, literally zoomed by
in a flash

oh, okay :/

is there something

no no i'm fine


:/  are you sure?

yep! so um are you
guys already on
campus yet?

we are all here!!!!!!!
i'm already in my
dorm bc it's still a little
cold out 🥶🧊🤯💞

and FUCK is it cold out

like your heart

actually i can confirm
he's not as cold hearted
as he once was before

that was during the
break, but that's
long gone now

as expected

not surprised

ahhhh okay!
i'm almost there
i think i'm eleven
minutes away?

why so pacific?
why not say ten?


do you mean specific? 😅

wow johnny you really
reeled in a dumb one

as expected

not surprised

i can't control his level
of stupidity okay 😒

must've rubbed off on

yeona yeona yeonaaaa
hurry up ten johnny
haechan and i are waiting
for you

and that bitch friend
of yours is here too for
some fucked up reason

okay i'll be there
soon! and ten she
better not be bald
by the time i get

please hurry the
FUCK up before i
start cutting up mark
and use him as

oh are we making
a campfire? 😁🔥🍫

pls tell me you're
joking haechan

uh maybe you should
hurry it up yeona

ahaha okay i'm

no, but you know
what is a joke,


your life


"Well you must be excited to be going back to school."

Yeona's mother said, looking over at her daughter, "You can't stop staring at your phone, is it those friends of yours?"

The girl grimaced at herself. She lowered her phone to her lap, clicking the power button, "Yeah, they're waiting for me by the entrance."

"Oh then I guess I should speed up for you." Her mother pressed on the gas pedal, still maintaining the regulated speed but wasn't afraid to pass it by a few kilometers. Yeona knew she wasn't actually about to race down the road.

"This break went by too fast, it didn't feel like I got to spend time with my baby at all. I'm sure you're dying to get back. I'd be excited too, especially if I had a good looking boyfriend waiting for me."

"No no, let's not piss ourselves. Taeyong and I are not dating..." Yeona mumbled, an unsettling feeling rushed through her when she mentioned that word.

Her mother raised her brows, "Really? But you guys were together for the majority of the break, so that's why I assumed..."

"You know it's not good to assume mom, you taught me that yourself." Yeona joked halfheartedly, trying to hold up a smile, "But no, nothing has really happened."

The older woman chuckled as she turned the steering wheel, taking a left, "I don't know about your father but I like this boy. He's respectful and kind, even Jeno seems to be on board the love boat—"

"The what boat?!" She yelled, staring at her mother in disbelief from the words that casually spewed out of her mouth.

"The love boat? It's something that has to do with a boat, or was the word 'shipping'...? I don't know the lingo you kids go on about, it's hard to keep up these days." The woman shrugged, "But as I was saying, it's usually rare to see siblings support relationships without convincing the other how perfect their partner is."

Her mother laughed to herself, continuing, "It reminds me of what happened with my brother and your father, they just didn't get along. Oh those silly arguments over who made the best late night ramen were an ear full now that I think about it."

Her mother went on about the past, talking about all the little quarrels she had to deal with the two. Yeona listened quietly, leaning her head against the side window, staring outside. 

Her mind slowly falling out of reality and into her thoughts, her eyes automatically catching cars as they passed by.

It had been her and her thoughts, all alone together for a week. A week without hearing back from Taeyong since that night. 

She couldn't understand what happened, her memories replaying the same scenes over and over, rewinding all the way back from the start of night, trying to figure out if she had done something wrong. She was sure she didn't say anything to hurt him, or do something to make him uncomfortable. 

It led back to that single phone call that seemed to have changed everything.

Yeona was itching to know who it was. Or if Taeyong had called them back the second he vanished from her sight. She was deciding whether to text him about it, or to check if he was even alive. 

The next morning, she opted for the second choice, she only got back a single message.

'Sorry, I'm busy. I'll text you back later.'

'Later' had seemed to stretch out to seven days. Yeona tried hard to not pop from the pressure that built up inside. 

Seven days? He really couldn't message her back during one of those days? 

She tried to convince herself that maybe he really was busy, helping his sister with the new house she was moving into. Maybe he was nervous about the upcoming school semester. Maybe he forgot to charge his phone all week.


She was willing to give him every excuse in the book to make herself feel slightly less worried than she was ought to be.

Though her gut seemed to tell her otherwise, everything pointed back to the call.

Reality caught her entity back when her eyes lingered on the university banners passing by. Yeona straightened herself upright, catching the last few words her mother spoke. "If you forgot anything at home just call us and we'll be over in a flash. Well more so an hour, but it'll be as quick as exo's promotions."

Yeona shook her head, instantly regretting getting her mother into the music scene and signing her up on twitter. This might be a clear sign she was going through a midlife crisis. 

Her mother pulled into campus and over to the drop off section. She stopped by the curb, setting the vehicle in park.

"Oh I'm going to miss you so much!" Her mother pulled her daughter into a heavy, stuffy hug. Yeona tried to embrace her back, but the seat belt practically slicing her neck wasn't helping at all. She quickly pulled away, unlocking the belt to ease her from the pain.

"Okay bye!" Yeona squeaked out before hopping out the car, grabbing her bags and shutting the door. She was hoping to get away from her mother from anymore embarrassment. 

It seemed that she was wrong, hearing the car window lowering with a tangent screech.

"Call us when you get settled, and don't come back home without that boy!"

Yeona facepalmed, humiliation engulfing her entire body. She looked around to see a few students staring and laughing. 

She sometimes wished she had a normal family, one that didn't enjoy screaming out the windows of moving vehicles. 

Yeona quickly waved her off before sprinting away from the drop-off site and into the heart of the campus grounds. It didn't take long finding the group, they were standing a few meters away from the said meeting spot.

"Finally!" Haechan groaned when a smiley Yeona appeared, making her way towards them, "Did you manage to get lost on the way here?"

"Nope, but when you have a mother like mine the car rides seem to last hours." Yeona sighed, giving an exhausted smile when Ten took her duffle bags, not hesitating to give them to Johnny.

"Why did you give these to me? How am I going to hug her now?" Johnny pouted, he was looking forward to her arrival and all he wanted was a hug from his favourite girl friend— that took longer for him to admit than you think.

"Sorry but I can't hug anyone till I see Kun." Yeona shook her head, winking at the taller. She walked up to Mark, throwing an arm over his shoulder.

"Wow she won't even hug her best friend that she hasn't seen since last year." Minseo stepped up next to her and the group started their way deeper into campus. "Okay but did you get your schedule yet? Our classes are all over the place, do they think we're training to be Olympic sprinters?"

Yeona chuckled lightly, "My classes are on the other side of campus too. I think one of my classes is in that new building they just finished."

"I think I have a class there too, why don't we go check it out?" Ten suggested.

"You guys can go since I don't have any there, I'll just drop off Yeona's bags at her dorm." Johnny said, giving her bags a little shake. He looked over at Minseo, "Considering you're the only one with another key, you should probably come with me."

The brunette groaned lightly, "Ugh fine, Yeona go have fun without me, and I better get my hug by the end of the day."

Yeona waved at Minseo while Johnny dragged her away. Ten cupped his hands around his mouth and screamed, "You better not try anything with her Johnny!"

"Oh my god can we just leave?" Haechan instantly got hit with second hand embarrassment from his friend. He pulled Mark along with him, hoping to get away from the mess. 

Yeona dragged Ten with her, following the other two while trying to convince him that Minseo was nowhere near interested in his beloved boy.

The group strolled their way through the school grounds, making their way over to the newly constructed building. They used this opportunity to catch up, talking about their holiday as well as starting a few petty fights along the way. 

Yeona was definitely feeling the stares from the other students, still, she couldn't feel any more happier being back with her crazy group of friends.

Before they could even reach the building, Haechan was already exhausted, making them stop in their tracks. 

"You guys think we can get something to drink before we go on, I honestly don't think I can take a few more steps without passing out."

"You've literally done nothing today." Mark stated.

"Um I had to unpack, that's a lot of work already. Plus I walked all this way, I can already feel my legs giving out." Haechan huffed dramatically. He checked his pulse and held his hand to his forehead.

"Okay let's get Haechan energized before he calls the emergency hotline." Yeona sauntered, leading him to a small cafe located on campus. It wasn't their go-to spot but the quality was still good and it was enough to shut the boy up.

Haechan took Mark with him to order four hot chocolates for everyone. Yeona and Ten decided to wait outside, seeing it was a little too crowded to wait inside.

Ten leaned comfortably against the tall cement pillar while Yeona stood in front of him. He cleared his throat before asking, "So why aren't you two dating yet?"

She stared at him. She wasn't that shocked hearing his question. Truthfully, she was almost glad someone had similar thoughts as her own. It gave her an opportunity to talk about everything she'd been holding inside her heart.

She paused to herself in thought before speaking, "Well....isn't it too early to be dating? I mean it's been over a month since he's broken up with her, I don't think it's right for him to just jump into something new."

"That can't be it, we all know he's had a major crush on you for months." Ten couldn't believe her reasoning. Studying the girl's expression gave him a feeling that something wasn't right. 

"Did something happen over the break? Did you guys fight? Because if he did trust me we are all jumping him the second we see him—"

"No no, nothing like that happened." Yeona assured, shaking her hand to deny it. "We were doing fine during the break, but then we stopped talking suddenly. I don't know, he just went MIA on me."

"Oh..." Ten bit his bottom lip, getting a small understanding of the situation. "Well, maybe he's been busy? When was the last time you guys spoke to each other?"

She sighed, "A week..."

"A week!? That dumb b–" Ten stopped himself from finishing his words, feeling himself get heated. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down before continuing. "A week is way too fucking long for someone like him to go without speaking. Trust me I know more about him than you do. There's a chance he's going through something, so try not to over think about it."

Yeona nodded, her eyes lingering past Ten, "Yeah, that's what I've been telling myself everyday. I honestly hoped he'd say something, but considering he hasn't even spoken to you guys yet makes me feel a tiny bit better—"

Her words were put on hold when Ten suddenly put both of his hands on her shoulders.

"We should leave."

"What?" Yeona was confused by his unexpected request to leave out of the blue. Though he hoped she wouldn't notice his sudden change in character.

"Yea it's getting cold, let's just head over to the building." Ten mumbled and started walking away with Yeona, putting an arm over her shoulders and angling her towards his body.

"What about Mark and Haechan—"

"Who cares about those dehydrated buffaloes. I'm freezing and I don't want to turn into a popsicle. So we should leave." Ten insisted, picking up speed in his steps.

Yeona could tell something wasn't right. The way his eyes bounced between her and behind them was a clear sign that there was something she shouldn't be seeing. 

Before he could stop her, she stood her ground and turned in the direction Ten couldn't help but stare at.

It almost didn't phase her when she saw him standing there. He looked the same as the last time she saw him, maybe more lively than expected. He was listening to her, the girl standing in front of him with a sweet smile, like her heart had never been broken. 

Yeona watched on, seeing her pull a hand from behind, holding a small gift bag that could've only been meant for him. She didn't even have time to find out if he accepted it. She never thought she would be affected by the scene, until her body automatically turned her away.

Ten didn't know what to do when she looked down at her feet, her face hiding from his sight. "Y-Yeona, let's not freak out. We don't know why he's talking to Eunmi but there has to be a good explanation to it."

Yeona lifted her head up and smiled at Ten, holding back millions of thoughts wanting to crash like a tsunami. "It's fine! You're probably right, Ten. I mean there obviously has to be a reason for them to meet up after so long. It's not a big deal, really."

Ten scanned her face for any signs of heartache, "Are you sure you're fine?"

"Of course! I'll just wait for him to call me later, maybe he'll tell me about it. I shouldn't be freaking out like this anyways, it's not like we're dating." Yeona forced out a laugh, really playing out the facade. Though Ten had a feeling she wasn't really okay. 

She looked back the other way to see Mark and Haechan walking out of the cafe and towards them.


"It's okay Ten, really." She smiled at him, placing her hand on his shoulder. She motioned for him to follow her to meet up with the two boys. 

Ten, who seemed to be far from convinced, decided not to press her any longer. He could easily tell she was hiding her true feelings, and only felt bad to see that there was nothing he could do.

She tried to hold up her wavering smile, hating herself for looking back once more at the two. Her gut had been right all along, and maybe this meant that everything would change from this moment forward. 

She looked back and spoke the words that were only far from the truth.

 "I'm fine."


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