Reincarnated in Naruto?

Autorstwa Skostjuke

41.5K 945 281

Who would of thought that after death you could reincarnate into a new world, a world of anime. Well I didn't... Więcej

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

7.6K 86 25
Autorstwa Skostjuke

In Konoha's villige hidden in the leaves, a peculiar girl stood in front of the 3rd Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. In his office he sat behind his desk looking over a girl in front of him, the first feature you'll spot is the bright blood red hair going past her shoulders.

She had piercing crimson eyes which had a nonchalant look, looking straight into Sarutobi's eyes without wavering from fear or unease. The girl was no older than 7 years with a skinny figure looking malnourished. She had freshly new clothes, blue pants with a white t-shirt and slip-ons.

"Its a pleasure to meet you, my names Hiruzen Sarutobi the third Hokage of the Leaf. What about you child?" Sarutobi spoke nicely and genuine smiling at the girl who had no emotion on her face. "I don't have a name, but I was called by a nickname such as Red, Lord 3rd. Sorry if its inconvenient, I just wasn't named." Red spoke politely with a nonchalant tone, as if its an every day thing making Sarutobi narrow his eyes in suspicion but didn't see any lie in her voice or her eyes.

"What about your family, where are you from?" Sarutobi asked catching sight of Red biting on her own lip with a thoughtful gleam in her eyes. "I... I don't have a mum, she was killed while I was ripped out from her womb by one of their enemies. I don't know anything about my dad or my home. I was born on the battlefield and made a slave straight after, so there isn't much information I know about myself." Red informed shocking Sarutobi you flinched with shock and pity, he couldn't believe her circumstances, it was rare to be born on the battlefield even amongst the first, second and third ninja war yet here she was not even at war.

"Yet I have an assumption of being an Uzumaki as I was sold as one...Uzumaki's are known for their bright unusual red hair and large chakra reserves, plus masters at fuinjutsu. I have these qualities except fuinjutsu which I never could land a hand on." Red explained unconsciously playing with her fringe seeing the bright red her which she still couldn't get used to.

"I see...I thought of that too. But I must say that the Uzumaki clan has been wiped out years ago by an alliance of the three nations. I'm sorry but you're an extincting clan, there are so few of Uzumaki's left, I only know of one in our village, Naruto Uzumaki yet he doesn't know of Uzumaki being a clan, no-one does except of Jounin's and higher ranks." Sarutobi explained making Red's eyes widen in shock and realisation. 'I'm in freaking Naruto's timeline!' Red thought finally finding out the long lingering question in her mind. What part of Naruto timeline am I in?

7 years ago:

In an unknown plain of land was a battlefield between an army of pursuers and a group of Uzumaki's trying to escape. Amongst them was a pregnant woman using fuinjitsu to get away and assist her husband in fighting off the horde of shinobi.

She suddenly collapsed to her knees holding her belly feeling pain, having her water broke. "No, not now baby! Hang on for a few moments..." The woman grunted out shifting her gaze forward seeing the endless of shinobi while their Uzumaki numbers dwindled like flies.

"Seems you're finished." Came a voice behind her shocking her, she span round unrolling a small scroll. But she wasn't fast enough in her state getting stabbed in her stomach. She fell back numbly trying to fight off the pain and sinking feeling in her mind. That was when she saw the man grin and a sudden shock of pain, the last glimpse of her life was seeing her baby girl in the shinobi's hand screaming in agony having her shoulder pierced through accidentally by that attack to her own belly.

'What the fuck is happening here?! Just now I was stabbed to death, now I'm being held up like a useless baby in the hands of a freaking ninja! In a freaking newborn body! The fucks wrong with this?!' The baby girl thought in the mans grasp trying to wiggle out with abnormal strength shocking the ninja.

To tell the truth the girl was a reincarnation of a 18 year old young man from a different dimension, the present world we know right now. He was the one who saved a woman from getting robbed only to get his heroism rewarded by a group of thugs stabbing him to death, yet he had no regrets knowing he took a few of them down with him, in that moment was the first time he ever killed a person, and unlocked his deep animal instinct. All his memories and experiences were kept inside the little girls brain with her DNA permanently modified.

A few days later same girl was in a cage scanning through the bars having her small hands gripping on them tightly with anger and frustration, she was looking at the room with contemplating eyes, thinking. 'Seems someway, somehow I was reborn into this world. Looks like in the olden times seeing as there are ninjas and old architecture. And I'm a slave...just great, no really...fucking great.' The girl thought falling her gaze on the ninjas sitting at a table drinking laughing around.

'Ninjas huh? I'm two days old and there isn't much to do with this kind of state...I've got to wait it out and somehow survive...yet somehow I'm staying calm, and this deep feeling...feeling of rage.' The girl thought gripping onto her dirty skirt feeling her beating furious heart, her eyes shown with rage with a glistering flame within them, the flame of a raging beast, a beast of destruction.

A year later the girl had long as moved to another place but it didn't mean she'll be freed away from the cramped cage. Right now she stared shocked and bewildered at the ninja who just jumped onto a tree which was two storeys high before disappearing, with other puffing away like smoke and doing actions which were far beyond a human's biology capability. And yeah shes outside in the cage.

'This shouldn't suppose to be possible! How can a person jump up two fucking storeys?! Wait, wait, wait! Don't tell me I was reborn into a world full of powers?! No wait...what if? My god...thinking back to the anime's back in my previous life, reading the fanfiction about anime, the reincarnation into the anime world. What if that happened? If it's true, I only know one anime with this kind of story...Naruto.' She thought with a wide gaze looking down at her hands, thinking back to that warm feeling inside herself.

3 years later, the girl was at 4 years old. Now she lived in a basement with other slaves in different rooms. She sat in a lotus position on the brick bed with her body relaxed having her forearms on her laps and having her hands interlocked with one another.

She had a concentrated expression meditating trying to figure out the chakra powers. 'I'm not really a fan of Naruto and only watch bits and pieces of it so its kind of hard to picture whatever I need to do. Well not like any other person experienced this to tell the story.' She thought.

She flinched feeling a scorching sensation in her stomach which felt like a raging flame. She mentally smirked before trying to spread the sensation all over her body. When she opened her eyes she felt relieved and much more powerful. She glanced down at the hand making it a fist and punched the brick bed making it crack slightly.

She smiled victoriously before that smile turned into a quivering lip then she bared her teeth clutching her fist in pain. "That was the most idiotic thing ever..." She grunted feeling the pain.

The next few years she begun training on her chakra using different techniques she read about back in her previous life, not from Naruto since she didn't knew any but from other manga's and anime she watched. While she was resting, while she was working on hard labour, when she was punished and played with for the laughs.

At age 7 she was in a new settlement of ninjas which she was sold out recently. She overheard others talking about using her as a freaking whore, to give them strong ninjas from her Uzumaki bloodline.

She was sitting on the ceiling in a lotus position already trained her chakra control to the point of it being her second nature. She kept moving her chakra all over her body stretching it and moulding it making it denser and stronger.

She invented or more like figured out different benefits of having her chakra and applying it to different purposes. Such as; pushing her chakra into her eyes enhancing her vision, pushing it into her ears enhancing hearing, just like enhancing her voice, thinking speed, smell.

Also the common sense ones which where enhancing her durability, speed and power. And don't forget about sticking to walls, yet she couldn't yet find a perfect opportunity to train on walking on water.

She fell off the ceiling flipping in mid air and landing silently on the floor before the doors opened reviling the usual shinobi with a usual scowl expression. "Come on Red, the leader wants his plaything." He announced making her glare at him and in return he smirked with amusement.

On the way up the stairs Red kept looking round trying to memorise the places the ninjas where in. She was planning on running tonight, but only after getting her payback on the asshole who used her as a toy. She had a shank stuck to her skin around her right arm using her chakra under her dress.

Red walked through the door noticing the leader making her blood boil with rage hidden by her nonchalant look. "Nice to see you up and ready as usual red, looking healthy too." The leader muttered mockingly making her grit her teeth, the clear amusement in his voice was irritating.

Her figure was small and skinny due to being malnourished, beaten and played with. He walked up to her grabbing her by the neck and tilting it up making her flinch, he licked her neck disgustingly making her hands twitch. "Sweet and innocent as usual... can't wait when you'll turn of age, then the real fun will start." He spoke grinning lowering Red's face to look in his eyes.

Without warning a shank fell from Red's sleeve getting caught in her hand. With a tightened grip she thrust the shank in the leaders balls making him scream in agony. She with monstrous strength sliced up the leaders groin, stomach and chest reaching his throat before slicing it horizontally, that whole movement was empowered by her chakra.

The twitching body fell over reviling Red soaked in blood from head to toe with an emotionless look glaring down at the body. "If I was older I would have taken my time in torturing you with the methods of back in my day...scum." Red spat out with anger before sensing chakra's of the other ninjas approaching.

She learnt how to sense chakra by spreading her chakra out and feeling any foreign chakra's within her area. She glanced in the direction of the window before jumping through it enhancing her body with her dense chakra. What she didn't realise with her chakra was that for everyone else it was common having blue chakra yet she had a scorching golden one.

She leap through the trees feeling the night breeze air rush past her with the feeling of freedom after so many years in constant slavery. She instantly changed directions feeling a foreign chakra in front. She sped off sensing the chakra signature's gradually closing in on her making her curse under her breath.

There were two figures passing by wearing Anbu uniforms following the chakra signature which escaped their grasp back at the mansion. They stopped in the trees scanning round as they lost track of the chakra signature, or more like the person they followed suppressed their chakra so skilfully not a trace was left.

One of them the leader had a mask with one eye showing a sharingan while the other, few branches away had both sharingans. The one eyed did a few handsign's as a way to communicate towards the other making him nod and disappear out of view.

All of the sudden the one eyed one felt a terrible shiver down his spine making him spin round and defend his face with his forearm which was stabbed through by a shank. He eyed the girl with bright red hair and crimson piercing eyes which dazzled with the moons light making them shimmer. 'Uzumaki?' He asked himself before defending his side from a powerful kick which made him wonder how a little girl like her could produce such power.

The one eyed skilfully battled Red sending a hit in her stomach winding her before turning her round and getting her in a choke hold, locking her arms behind her. "Who are you?" The one eyed asked keeping himself from killing her, trying to know who he thought to be one of the Uzumaki's.

"Even if I knew...I wouldn't tell a cyclops." She spat out aggressively trying to break free but with no luck. 'Cyclops? What's that?' One eyed thought of the foreign word which sounded like an insult from the tone.

The other Anbu jumped down from above looking into Reds eyes putting her in a genjutsu. "She isn't one of them, she's been held here as a slave Captain." The said Anbu informed while the one eyed brought red over his shoulder feeling how light she was. "Alright, thanks for the help...looking at her frame you wouldn't expect her to be able to withstand my hold but she nearly got loose." The Captain spoke glancing down at his bleeding forearm with the shank stuck in it making him curse himself.

'This girl...she's got amazing chakra, none that I ever seen before. Plus to be able to sneak attack the Captain like that...she's a protege.' The sharingan Anbu thought looking down at the girl shocked and amazed.


'I was informed that she's a protege, with right training she'll be a great asset to the village...we'll just need to teach her of the will of fire.' Sarutobi thought leading Red to her newly apartment. "Here we are, hope its up to your liking." Sarutobi announced opening the door to her apartment which looked new and spacious, not a lot of accessories but everything essential.

"Thank you Lord 3rd, I'll try and repay you whenever I become a ninja." Red spoke looking inside the apartment, Sarutobi noticed the sad longing look which was there for a split second before it was hidden behind her nonchalant one. 'That look, its just like Naruto's...yet she has something in them, something a child shouldn't have...I hope she'll pull through.' Sarutobi thought before putting up a smile.

"You want to become a ninja?" Sarutobi asked changing the subject making Red glance up at him. "Yes, I would love to enrol into the Ninja Academy. Could you do that for me, please?" Red asked making Sarutobi smile brightly and nod. "Of course child! I'll have someone lead you to the academy tomorrow...but we'll need a name for you, we can't just call you-um..." Sarutobi begun before catching himself on his breath remembering that 'Red' was a nickname made during her slavery, probably a nickname of a plaything.

"Selene..." Red muttered looking down to the floor before glancing at Sarutobi. "Selene Uzumaki." She finished making Sarutobi smile and nod. "Welcome to the village hidden in the leafs, Selene Uzumaki." Sarutobi announced making Selene nod and glance behind her seeing the Hokage faces engraved into the mountain. 'I'm in Naruto's was my dream in having some sort of anime powers in real life but seems awful when you experience this yourself, you wouldn't feel what the characters felt during those fights, those struggles and I'm one of them.' Selene thought going inside her apartment feeling the empty feeling in her chest missing her old family.

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