Alpha Valiante

By SkittlesNdRainbows

422K 11.9K 1K

Madison Walcott: She's a twenty two year old werewolf with a dark past she'd rather forget. Trying to move on... More

Before we begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 8

10.4K 312 29
By SkittlesNdRainbows

I wake up and the sun is out, I can tell because it's currently making its presence very known in my eyes.

Squinting I lift my hand to shield my eyes from the evil of the world

Sitting up I feel a pain shoot through my body from my side and I look down to see my side, right below my rib cage, bandaged up and all of a sudden all the memories come back to me

Oh yeah. I got stabbed. That punk stabbed me!

It's not as bad as it was at first, since I'm a werewolf I heal faster than humans. I should be fine in about two-three days

I look around and realize I'm not in my room. I sniff around to smell whose room I'm in.

It smells divine in here. Absolutely mouthwatering I tell you.

I soon realize that it's my mates room. Why the hell am I in here. I thought he hated me?

I look around and looks like he and I have a favourite colour in common cause everything in here is black.

I throw the sheets off of my body and try to stand up. I gotta get off this territory

"What do you smell?" I hear a sexy- no I mean a gruff voice say

I look up and he steps out of the darkest corner of the room like a stalker

"How long have you been there?" I ask looking at him

"That doesn't matter. What do you smell?" He responds

"What do you mean?" I ask this maniac

"My scent. What does it smell like to you?" He asks

I think about that for a moment.

Normally mates know exactly what the smell of the other is since it's your favourite smell but I haven't really been able to pinpoint mine

"I.. I don't really know. Rain and..." I stop to think

I don't know what it is but it's the manliest smell ever

"Like a man, you know?  Like a real man. I can't really pinpoint it to a certain thing like cinnamon or strawberries but for someone like him I think strawberries would be an insult being Alpha Dickwad and all. But I don't know it's just really manly and really sexy. Like everything else about him"

"You think I'm sexy?" He says drawing me out of my thoughts

He starts walking towards me

I look at the way he's dressed. Typical bad boy. Black everything with - wait did he just say...

"Oh crap did I say that out loud?!" I say

"'Alpha Dickwad' huh? Well I don't know about the wad part but I most certainly do have a Dick and everything about it screams 'Alpha' too" he says smirking

'Wow Maddie. Wow! Just great. Now his ego is going to be even bigger thanks to you' I internally scold myself

Great so my mate's an ass and a perv

"What about you?" I ask "What do you smell?"

He doesn't say anything he just walks towards me and looks at me.

He's standing so close now I can feel the heat radiating off of him and our chests are almost touching

I stare into his dark brown eyes. I can't help it they just enchant me, they draw me in no matter how much I try to fight it.

His eyes are magical. They hold so much yet reveal so little.

While holding my gaze I notice that he reaches out with his hand and uses it to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear making a shiver run down my spine

This man!

He then just plays with a strand of my hair

This guy is beautiful. Not in the normal way. He's not average beautiful. He's like rugged and screams man but it is so gorgeous

Suddenly he buries his hand in my hair and roughly pulls my body forward tilting my head to the side

I am completely at his mercy here and this dominant rough side is such a turn-on!

Don't tell him I said that!

He sniffs my neck, trailing his nose up from my collarbone to my ear making me feel all kinds of tingly

"What do I smell?" He whispers in my ear in a low voice that should be illegal

What is about about guys with deep voices that when they whisper in your ear all sanity flies out the window and all of a sudden you turn into a wanton hoe that's been in the desert for fives years with heavy sexual cravings that just need to be satisfied at any cost?

"I smell..." He says "You" his breath fanning my neck

Yeah fun fact about me, my neck is really sensitive

"I smell something forbidden, something prohibited"

"Something I shouldn't want but I must have"

"Something I might break but I would love destroying"

"But most of all...." He says and comes even closer and tilts my head even more to the side to give himself even more access

"I smell your arousal" he says in a deeper voice

Oh shit! 

"And that arousal is making it very difficult for me to not grab your small form, throw you on this bed and have my sinful way with you"

My breath quickens at this.

"Would you like that Maddison?" He asks bringing his body closer to mine

Gosh my name coming from his mouth is making my mind all kinds of fuzzy

"Would you like me to do what I want to you? To have your body completely at my mercy?" He asks

"I think I should forewarn you though. I am not a gentle man. I will not be like other men that are soft and sweet"

He grabs my hip and yanks my body to his

"I will be rough, hard and dominating" he says and I take in a breath

"However based on your reaction I think that's what you would like. You would like me to tie you up." He says inhaling my scent again

"Let me tell you this though, I will make you beg" he says

"I don't beg" I say in a shaky voice

"Is that so?" He asks "You will beg me"

"I will tie you to the bedpost and turn your body into such a shaking, quivering heated mess that you will have no other option but to beg. And even then I still will not give you what you want."

"I want you at my mercy, Maddison. When you finally feel like you can take no more, when you feel like you are about to collapse then and only then, will I take you. Hard!  Rough!" He says slamming my body closer to his

"I want you screaming my name until your voice is hoarse and the whole world knows who you belong to. Until the only thing you can remember is my name and what I made you feel. I want you feeling me for weeks afterwards and then the only thing I want you to remember is...."

He then nips my earlobe

"I am in control" he says and before I know it, he's gone.

Holy fudge cakes!


Also please

Follow me on Instagram: @Skittle_Queen13

Follow me on TikTok: @SkittlesNdRainbows

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