Worldwide Secrets - The Rewri...

By MindAboveMadness

18.6K 404 336

Now with more angst! The Ancients have watched their descendants and charges suffer for too long. After decad... More

1: The Arrival of The Ancients
2: Hawai'ian Secrets
3: Chinese Secrets
4: Norwegain Secrets

5: Hapsburg Secrets

2.2K 46 44
By MindAboveMadness

Quick Announcement before you continue! School has started, so updates will be slowing to once or twice a month! (Likely once a month.)

After a few minutes, Norway settles into a seated position on the floor next to Canada and Brazil takes the vacated spot.

"Sverige, if you please," Norway asks Sweden to hit the play button. The quiet giant nods and plays the next scene.

The scene opens in an ornate chapel, and it's obvious from the start that a royal wedding is taking place in the chapel. As the faces of the two humans become clearer, the reason behind why this particular wedding is being shown becomes even more obvious. This is the wedding of Philip of Hapsburg, later known as Philip the Handsome or Philip I of Castile and Joanna of Castile, later known as Joanna the Mad.

"20 October 1496" Austria whispers, knowing the date well. [1]

The ceremony speeds by at an unnatural pace, and the focus of the memory is shifted to the two young adult males who had been watching from the shadows. The younger personifications of Austria and Spain come into focus, standing but an arm's length away from each other as they watch the proceedings.

"It seems we'll be under the same house once again," Spain observes quietly as the wedding ceremony ends. He's referring to the time when they were both Roman territory, though they never interacted much at all. Austria gives a small nod of acknowledgement, saying nothing. Spain turns to look at his silent companion and notices him paler than he was before, his fingers tightly clutching the long sleeves of his era-fashionable clothing. "Nervous?"

Austria looks at him this time, giving him a hesitant nod. They both know what's awaiting them the moment the crowd leaves the chapel. After all, Philip and Joanna are not the only two getting married tonight.

"There's no need to be," Spain assures quietly. He looks as if he wants to say more, but he stops himself.

Silence falls over the pair until a new man, a different priest than the one that officiated the royal wedding, approaches them. By now, everyone else has left the room. The priest leads Austria and Spain to the altar and begins performing their union. It is mostly formality, with the priest speaking on and on, though only one thing stands out - the consummation of their union is forbidden.

Not long after revealing this, the two are presented with rings displaying the Hapsburg family crest. Austria is to go first, taking the ring and silently sliding it onto Spain's finger. Spain goes next, copying the movement. Then the two nations are presented with a document not unlike a marriage certificate, and sign it. As they're doing so, the screen fades to black.

"'Forbidden' huh?" Prussia says with a snicker. "Gee, you really stuck to that one, huh Specs?" Austria's face colors and a few nations look in curiously amusement.

"Whoah, wasn't homosexuality like illegal back then? Especially like, in Europe?" America asks a bit cluelessly.

"Not necessarily," England answers. "If I remember correctly it wasn't condemned until it was made illegal in the eighteen hundreds." [2a]

"It was rather taboo before then though," Portugal adds. "Especially compared to today's standards."

"It was outlawed in Rome for a while," Veneziano adds in after a little.

"Not like the stupid church cared when St. Aelred was alive," Romano mutters. [2b]

"Oh," America says with a nod. From the looks on the faces of several Western Hemisphere and other younger Nations, they were pretty in the dark too.

After another bout of silence, the next scene begins to play.

There's a knocking on Austria's door, and he sighs as if he's been expecting it.

"Come in Eliza," he answers softly, folding the item of clothing in his arms and putting it away in a chest of drawers.

The door is pushed open quietly, but the person Austria turns to face isn't Hungary. "Guess again, mi rey," the Spanish-accented voice says teasingly.

"Anton!" Austria exclaims in surprise, a small smile showing on his face. "I didn't think you were due back for another two weeks!"

"There were some issues, so we had to leave early," Spain replies, stepping further into the room and closer to his husband. "And I missed you," he says with a grin, opening his arms to hug the other nation. Austria complies, hugging Spain back.

"I missed you as well," Austria murmurs into the Spaniard's shoulder.

After a few moments they part, but Spain slips a finger under Austria's chin, tilting his head up. Spain smiles softly and presses a lingering kiss to Austria's forehead, something that makes the aristocratic nation blush a little.

Whatever sweet moment they're having or about to have is interrupted by half a dozen small children running into the room, a breathless and infant-bearing Hungary following after them. Apologies tumble from her lips, but Spain and Austria dismiss them.

"Hola hijos!" Spain greets with a wide smile as the six of the seven young children hug him. Off to the side, Austria quietly takes the small colony from Hungary's arms, holding her with ease.

"Did you bring back our new siblings?!"

"Where are they?!"

"Can we meet them?!"

The questions are fired at a rapid pace that only serves to amuse Spain. He ruffles the hair of Italy Veneziano, the closest child to him, and smiles.

"They've had a long journey chicos, let them rest and you can meet them tomorrow." Reluctantly, the children obey Spain and leave the room. On her way out, Hungary takes the young child from Austria, and follows the children, giving the couple a playful wink before closing the door behind her. [3]

"Now where were we?" Spain says rather suggestively, pulling Austria back into his arms and kissing his lips. The kiss is chaste, but both nations pull away smiling.

"We were going to bed, Anton," Austria decides, putting a hand on Spain's chest to create a bit of distance, a hint of a grin still on his face. The Spaniard pouts playfully.

"Amorrrrr," he drags the word out.

"You had a long journey schatz, rest," Austria implores, not moving out of Spain's hold. Spain pretends to consider the request.

"Only if you join me," he decides. Austria shakes his head with a small but fond smile.

"Alright," comes Austria's answer. Spain smiles victoriously and steals a kiss from his husband before releasing him. Austria just steps closer to Spain for a proper kiss. The scene ends.

There's a couple "awws" from those watching, the most notable being from North Italy Hungary, Venezuela, and Liechtenstein. Austria's face is on fire, and Spain keeps looking at him out of the corner of his eye, a longing look on his face.

"I remember that!" Hungary says with a wide grin. "You all were so little back then!"

"Emilio and Isabella were so tiny!" Ecuador says with a laugh.

"And Carlos and Sandía!" South Mexico exclaims.

"I forgot she came over as a baby," North Mexico says. "She was so tiny and sickly until St. Augustine was finally established." [4]

"She never got much better," Venezuela remembers with a frown.

"¡Sí!" Spain says with a smile, though it seems a bit forced. "You were all so cute!"

"Not to be like, horribly insensitive or anything, but didn't the Conquistadors do terrible things in Latin America? Why were you guys all buddy-buddy with Spain?" America asks, confused.

"Sí," Spain says with a frown. "I did not approve of some of the things they did, especially to los niños." The Mexico twins look visibly uncomfortable and Austria, sitting nearby by chance, reaches a hand out to South Mexico, the sister, in comfort. She takes it and squeezes it tightly. [5]

"Papá was good to us," Venezuela says quietly, with the Mexicos and Ecuador nodding in agreement.

"Roddy, I never knew you were so affectionate!" Prussia speaks up teasingly, shifting the subject. The Austrian flushes again.

"Hush you," he tries to say sternly, but his embarrassed blush kind of ruins the affect.

"Don't be embarrassed! I think it's cute!" Hungary says, laughing a bit.

"Not. Helpful," the Austrian says through gritted teeth.

"He and Antonio were sickening," Italy Romano says, making a face.

"Ve~ Fratello! That's not nice!" Italy Veneziano says with a frown. "I liked it when Papa Austria and Papa Spain were together!"

Romano, North Mexico, Ecuador, Venezuela, South Mexico, and Veneziano's eyes all widen at the Italian's mistake. He clamps his hands over his mouth and the others stare at him in shock. Spain and Austria freeze. Every other nation in the room appears to hold their breath. No one seems to know what to do.

"I'm sorry," Veneziano says quietly. "I didn't mean to..." He looks ready to cry genuine tears.

"It's-It's fine," Austria says, swallowing thickly. "It's fine Fe-Veneziano."

"Sí... no harm done Feli," Spain says, smiling in that sad sort of way.

"You smiled," Germany says, changing the subject and looking to Austria in surprise. In the time he's been alive, he only remembers Austria smiling very few times.

"Ve~ Pa- I mean Mr. Austria used to smile a lot!" North Italy speaks up again, his smile seeming brighter than usual. "But then he stopped," his smile looses it's brightness.

Austria, Spain, and everyone else remain silent and a new scene starts playing.

"I don't want this," the voice of Spain is heard as the scene focuses. He and Austria lie together in bed, Spain's head resting on Austria's chest. Austria nods, running his fingers through Spain's chocolate curls.

"We have no choice in this matter," Austria says, his voice holding regret and an emotion none but Spain can identify. "It is the end of our time together schatz."

Austria's words are strained, the Germanic nation holding back emotion threatening to break through. Both of them dread what is to come, and it is obvious on their faces.

"We are cursed," Spain says quietly, still leaning into Austria. "We were given this opportunity to live a life together, to raise children together, to do what human couples like ours cannot. And now it is being taken from us."

"Cursed as we may be," Austria says, taking Spain's face in his hands hand thereby forcing the other to look up at him. "I wouldn't change a single moment of these past centuries. I love you and the life we had together."

Spain leans up to kiss him gently before laying back down. The soon-to-be-parted spouses say no more to each other as they lay together. With a sigh, Spain drapes an arm over Austria's waist and Austria drops his head down to be nearly level with Spain's, his nose buried in his husband's hair. Austria kisses Spain's head reverently, his hand dropping to lay on the other side of Spain. With one last kiss from Spain to Austria's jaw, the two eventually drift off to sleep.

The next morning the two empires, as well as the colonies and wards living under them, meet together for the official divorce. With heavy hearts, Spain and Austria signed the papers and removed their gold rings. Austria took his ring and slipped it on the cross necklace given to him by Spain at the start of their marriage. Spain merely slides the ring from his left ring finger to his left pointer finger. Then, after the official took their papers and left the room, the witnesses, quiet and reverent before, came to life.

With a cry, Italy Veneziano launched himself at Spain, switching between calling him 'Papa Spain' and 'Big Brother Spain' in his tearful goodbye. Austria meanwhile found himself surrounded with the New World colonies. A sniffling Venezuela latches to him tightly and even Italy Romano says his farewell. Spain also ruffles Holy Rome's hair, gaining a quick hug from the child. Hungary, not one to be left out, hugs Spain as well.

"Look after Rodrigo, por favor," Spain requests of her while they hug.

"Of course," Hungary promises almost immediately. After they part, she also receives many hugs from the young colonies, having taken on the role of maid and third caretaker for the many children.

During this, Spain seeks out Austria, pulling his now ex-husband into a firm hug. Through the hug is unexpected, Austria returns it, gripping the other nation tightly. Neither say anything, basking in their silent goodbye. When they part, Spain tilts Austria's chin up for a chaste kiss.

"Ich liebe dich," the Spaniard murmurs to the other.

"Te amo," Austria replies fondly, tears beginning to brim in his eyes. "Auf weidersehen schatz," he says softly.

"Adiós Cariño," Spain returns the farewell, his tone equally as soft.

From there, the two empires and their charges part ways, leaving through separate doors. Several Spanish territories leave the room in tears, and South Mexico and Haiti allow themselves to be carried out by Spain, something they haven't let their caretaker and father do in decades. Austria picks up a crying Veneziano on his way out, trying to keep his own tears at bay as well. [6]

No one has anything to say, but the other countries are looking back and forth between the two Hapsburg nations. Finally, the tense silence becomes unbearable.

"Schweden, could you play the next clip?" Austria asks finally, only for the next clip not to play.

"It's seven o'clock," France says, looking at his watch. A heavy silence settles over the room.

"Who wants to cook?" Cyprus asks after the pause.

"I will, aru," China volunteers, getting up from his seat.

"We'll help," Macau volunteers, grabbing Hong Kong and Taiwan by their elbows and encouraging them to stand too. Together, the three Chinese follow China into the kitchen.

[1] The first memory is the marriage of Joanna the Mad and Philip the Handsome (Philip I of Castile) in 1496, though 1516 - the year their son Charles V (Charles I in Spain) inherited Spain and its territories - or 1519 - the year he inherited Austrian territories - are often used in Hetalia.

[2a] There wasn't much of a concept of "gay" or "straight" identities until 1866 when German law makers made homosexuality illegal. Sodomy (between any combination of man and/or woman) had been declared a sin for a while (like a good 1000 years or so) but people only began being persecuted for it in the late 1100s. By the fifteenth century, people would get in serious trouble with the church for it.

[2b] Before then however, there were several openly gay priests. One such example was St. Aelred of Riveaulx, a celebrated abbot and spiritual writer from the 12 century who wrote openly about his desires for other men.

[3] The second memory takes place in about 1522, Spain is arriving back with North and South Mexico. The other children are Hispaniola Este y Hispaniola Oeste (aka the Dominican Republic (Emilío) and Haiti (Isabella)), Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Cuba (Carlos), and the infant is Florida (Sandía) (as explained by in the chapter.)

[4] Sandía/Florida is an OC by my pal LazyDropOfRain on She's described as young and sickly because it took the Spanish three times and many decades to establish any sort of long-lasting settlement in the area. The memory takes place before St. Augustine was founded, hence why Florida is so young.

[5] The Conquistadors were awful to the natives they encountered, killing, robbing, and raping the people. Some of the elite in Spain were actually against this. Columbus was actually told by Ferdinand and Isabella to not take the natives as slaves or basically do any of the other awful stuff he did.

[6] The third memory is from 1700, after the death of Charles II or The Bewitched. He died mostly due to issues caused by inbreeding. His death lead to the Spanish War of Succession which was a war between France and Austria to see who would be put on the Spanish throne: a Bourbon, or a Hapsburg. Spoilers, the French won.

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