Hidden Power

By Jinx_It

250 19 9

Girls Rex's age don't usually have what she has.... Now what they are... Come find out More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

38 3 0
By Jinx_It

After I went to tell Mama we were heading out and promised to bring back a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream for her, we filled into Mickie's car and raced to the mall. After today's drama it was nice to leave the house. But something didn't feel right... My stomach and chest were on absolute fire, but it didn't hurt. I took comfort from the heat. I leaned my head on JoJo's shoulder and let my hair blow in the wind.

"Hey Rex?" Said JoJo

"Yea Jo?"

"Did I ever tell you about our family tree?"

"Yea. Why?"

He glanced at Mike and he turned off the music "Did I tell you that Mike's family and our family are connected?"

I sat up "What?!" I never knew. I never even suspected "What do you mean?! You mean the three of us are related?!"

"Extremely distant but yes, yes we are Rex" Mickie said from the front seat.

I stared at him in shock "You knew?!"

"Well yeah! We do have this pow-" he stopped when JoJo glared at him

"She's not ready for that yet"

"What? Ready for what?! Mike you better tell me! I will beat your ass to a fucking pulp if you don't!" I start cursing when I'm extremely mad.

Mike stared at me in a mix of fear and what I think was admiration. He glanced between JoJo and I.

"Sorry man" he said to Josef "I'm more scared of her then I am of you"

JoJo sighed "Alright fine. Tell her"

Mike slowed down the car to turn "Well listen up T-Rex. Our families share a secret. A secret so ancient and sacred they aren't allowed to to tell their children until they show the signs" He stopped the car in the mall lot far from the others. He turned around in his seat to look at me "Rex you have been showing signs since you were born. Your special. We don't show signs until at least 14."

"Show what signs? What secret? What power?!" My head was filled to the brim with questions

"The signs come in order. First you get a birthmark, you know that birthmark you have on your wrists?"

I pulled up my sleeves and showed him. My birthmarks were identical and shaped like open flames. When ever people asked I said it was a tattoo. Mike and my family were the only ones who knew they were what they were.

He continued "Well we have them also" He pulled up his shirt and showed me. It was right above his heart. I looked at JoJo. He pulled back his long hair and there it was. On the back of his neck.

"What....? What does all of this mean?" I asked

"It means we have the power of the Flame. Capital F" JoJo answered

I stared at my wrists. At Mike's heart, and at Jo's neck.

"We are the only three people of nineteen generations with the power of the Flame" Jo said

I kept staring at my wrists. I swallowed. "And the other signs?"

"Well we start to feel an attraction to fire. And Rex" He chuckled "you've been playing with fire the second you could walk." I smiled at him

"Next you start to feel a weird heat in our bodies" Mikie said "And Rex honey I love you dearly. I know you better then you know yourself. You have had that heat since Kindergarten."

"So.... What does this mean?" I asked

"Before I answer that I have to show you something" JoJo said

"Show me what?"

"Take off your shirt"

"Uumm ok..." I took off my shirt and fixed the blue spaghetti strap I had under it

JoJo took a picture of my back with his phone "Look Rex" I looked at the picture. There was a birthmark I've never seen before. It was the shaped of three water drops right under my neck.

"What the huh?! Where did that come from?"

"It showed up a couple weeks ago... Rex do you know how rare it is to control two elements?"

"Woah woah woah! Woah! Control elements?! You're saying that our family has the ability to control the element that's represented by our birthmarks?!"

They stared at me completely flabbergasted "Actually that's exactly what we're saying"

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