Vampire Queen | PJM

By frhndiaa

11.3K 629 82

Soo Jin tried to suicide but she end up trapping in a dangerous place. She suddenly travel to the time where... More

Yoll Ha Na
Yoll Dul
Yoll Set


529 35 0
By frhndiaa

<~ ί αʍ α ѵαʍԹίɾε զմεεη? ~>

<~ ί αʍ α ѵαʍԹίɾε զմεεη? ~>

This whole chapter is a flashback only so that there is logic for human's reaction of vampire.

Flashback to the time where Y/N tried to escape the palace.

I was about to ran out of the palace when I accidentally bumped into a body. "AWW" I looked up and see

"AWW" I pulled my hair as I felt the pain in my head. "G-go" I stuttered and about to fall but he grabbed me and everything went into black.


I woke up and saw Yuri. "What happen to me?"

"Ma'am, are you planning to escape?" I widened my eyes as I remember my planned.

"Don't come closer to me!" I warned her as I saw she step forward.

"Ma'am I know that you're someone that are not coming from this era. I knew it as I saw your condition when you were awake before. We need to fix this but I failed it already. I should've warned him not to bring you here."

"What do you mean? Fix what? Tell me Yuri. You're vampire too right? No,no,no I should not trust you. You are the same as Jimin. You able to hurt me like he did to me."

"Do you aware of your surrounding Soojin?" I looked at her in shock as she mention my real name. "I also know that you jumped from that hospital building but let me tell you, you are okay in the real life. Someone caught you in time before you jump"

"Yo-you creepy. Ho-how did you know? Who are you?" I started to panic as she took out something from her dress.

"I'm curious what takes you so long time to come here than us but what I know is we need to fix this as fast as we can before the announcement that are going to be held in 3 months from now." I shake my head trying to understand all things in time. "I know you don't get what I mean but all you need to know is, his old behaviour is back. And it is because of you. The history might repeat again if we don't fix it"

"Stop with the fix thing and just tell me who are these people" I glared at her

"Chill Soojin. At first I don't know who you are but now I figured it out that you were the same girl mentioned in our history book. Have you heard about 'the cruel queen' " I raised my eyesbrow in confusion "I guess you don't know. You should focus more in your class Soo jin. The cruel queen or also known as Queen Park." she did a 'Do you have idea who it was"

"Just tell me. I don't know who is she." she rolled her eyes and took a deep breath

"She is the cruelest Queen that exist in this dynasty"

"So? Why is she so important in your story?" she facepalm and pointed at me

"She is you. You dumb a*s" I nodded and widened my eyes.

"Me!!" I pointed to myself and she nodded "Wait what?! Why related to me. As far as I know I am not cruel to anyone"

"Yet. But soon enough you will act like one. You will soon become cruel and ask the king to kill everyone in the palace including himself due to his faith in you. He fell for you too hard that he willing to kill himself for your own satisfaction."

"What do you mean? That is good obviously."

"Nooooo Soojin. It is not good. After he killed himself, you will take over his property and what you don't know is the queen felt lonely making her use all her power to make Jimin alive again but the different is Jimin will not be the same loving person toward her anymore but a hatred person. She tried to changed him again to a loving person but she failed and died because she lost most of power for waking Jimin up again. With that vampire start to harm innocence people until 1280"

"Isn't that what happen now?" she shake her head and sighed

"After I was send here, I able to change the king a little bit.I gave him a suggestion to make a agreement with all humans in which they will have peace moment if they did not interfere with what vampire do around them and vampire are not allow to feed on human unless they allow them to. Starting from that day, vampires start to drink animal's blood only even though it taste like a crap."

"Wow, very long explanation. So what should I do? How about my fear? I'm scared of your kind ok"

"I don't think you should scared of us because you should of your kind first in which no one knows what or who you are" I laughed at her "Don't you get the point you are currently in that cruel Queen?" I nodded and widened my eyes

"SO I ALSO GOT A SUPER POWER. AM I RIGHT?" she hush me and nodded

"Be careful. They might heard you. All the prince including the king himself are trying to figure it out what is you kind" I looked around and try to make things float "What are you doing?"

"Trying to figure it out my power too. See I'm trying to make things float" she facepalm and sighed

"I don't need to ask why you decided to jumped that building. Tell me if you trying to experience pain of jumping from a building" I glared at her "Anywhere don't afraid of us especially the king because he fell for you already" I scoffed

"If he love me, he won't throw me like a garbage"

"That is how vampires lives. They will use their power to express their feeling"

"But at least not toward me because I'm a human remember."

"You're not human at least in this era. Even if you was a human, he did that because he know you can heal"

"Whatever" I said as I look around to see what kind of power I have.

"Now I told you everything. I hope you trust me and make sure you did not decide to do something crazy like that queen did in these 3 months. All I need is 3 months. I guarantee we will success this and go back to real life"

"Bla bla bla. I won't promise you that I will survive in these 3 months. I may get bitten by that pervert Jimin. Ew, I still remember what was he doing with Gyu Ri." I made a disgust expression. 

"Stay away from her too. She's dangerous." I nodded and signed her to leave. "AND! Don't try to escape anymore because your majesty knew that you tried to escape just now" I widened my eyes and she nodded "Not lying and prepare for the punishment ma'am"

"Fck you bish" with that I threw my pillow toward her but she manage to exit the room first. Suddenly I remember that guy who bumped into me "Yuri-ahhh. Sh*t I should've ask her who is he and why I will felt pain as I saw him" I mumbled

I will just ask her next time

"Ask what my queen" I gulped as I heard that voice

Where did he came from?

"You're back. I thought you'll be back tomorrow"

"Why? So that you can escape from here? For your information my queen, you will never see the exit door anymore" he stepped forward closer to the bed.

"Wha-what do you mean?"

"I mean by you will stay here forever my queen" with that he hovered on me

What did I just signed up for. Help meeeee

"I'm here willing to help you"

"F*ck you Jiminnnn!! You're heavy"

"F*ck you too my queen"

End of Flashback

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