Black Pearl

By taylerloveswolves

9K 159 34

Lauren Mackenzie used to have a good life with her boyfriend Eric until Eric dies. Attempting to cope with t... More

Black Pearl
Mysterious Stranger
Don't dare leave me.
Opened wounds.
The boy with the honey like voice
Let out the beast
I'm Sorry
Time just died
Safe Haven
Staring Evil in the eyes
Don't worry, be happy
O' Death
The call
Broken Boy
Another pain added to the belt of hope
His last breath.
For the first time.

You Again

169 3 1
By taylerloveswolves

Sweaty hands, blurry eyes, and vomit. I was leaning over the toilet hurling away, Baek patting my back. Kyungsoo was holding my hand tightly, I felt like every inch of my body was falling apart.

            “Once you’re finished, come into the living room okay?” Baek stated squeezing my shoulder one last time before leaving Kyungsoo and I behind. I hurled once more and glanced over to see Kyungsoo watching me with his huge eyes.

            “Why did I have to get the flu?” I groan. The whole bathroom is spinning so I just rest my head on the toilet seat, at this point I don’t care anymore.

            “Come on, let’s go to the living room after you wash your hands and brush your teeth.” I did just that. He helped me walk over to one of the couches and he sat down then pulled me down to lay across his lap. His arms wrapped around me, my eyes saw Chanyeol’s expression, and Baekhyun’s. Their expressions soft, Baekhyun smiled at me and grabbed Chanyeol’s hand and squeezed it before speaking.

            “Guy’s I know it’s been awhile since Kai has left us, so I think we should do something, like go on a trip for awhile. To New York maybe, how does that sound?”

            I worked up a smile. “I like that, it sounds great honestly I think that’s what we all need right now”

            Baekhyun’s face brightened up at my approval. Chanyeol smiled and I giggled, they were too cute.

            “After you get better of course, we don’t want you puking and falling asleep every few steps.” Kyungsoo chuckles and I frown. I hate being sick, I sincerely, utterly, despise it.

           Chanyeol is whispering in Baek’s ear and I swear his face never turned so red. Our eyes meet, and he winks.

            “Hey Kyungie, would you uh, be a dear and take Lauren out for a walk or to the movies or something? Fresh air will be good for her.”

            “Yeah sure,” Kyungsoo grins evilly, “Have fun you two.” And Chanyeol grinned mischievously before swooping Baek up bridal style. Kyungsoo peered down at me, eyebrows raised, wearing a smirk.

            “Come on, let’s get out of here. We don’t want them to start doing stuff while we are still present.” 

            “It’s not like it would stop them” I pointed out giggling. He grabbed my tennis shoes and put them on for me and started to tie them up. I smiled deep in thought.

            “Why are you so sweet?” He gets the laces and makes a perfect bow.

            “Come on, let’s go walking.” He helped me walk outside and down the porch steps.

            “Can we go to the spot?” I ask weakly, and he just smiles at me and nods lightly, it was going to be painful for us both but we had to do it. For him.

            When we reached the steps that would wind us up on hot sand, and vast ocean I had to stop. I haven’t set foot on here since the weeks where Baek, Chanyeol, and Kyungsoo had to tell me it was time to come back inside because I would sit on the rocks staring out into the ocean and cry, I would cry for so long, and so hard I became empty inside. I took a deep breath and grabbed Kyungsoo’s hand and squeezed it tight before we both started heading towards the rocks. I used to come out here after Kai had died and I would lie down where he died and curl up, if only I could have taken away his pain, he was in so much pain.

            The rocks smelled of the ocean sea water, the sound of the waves crashing against them sounded like music to my ears.

            “Do you miss him?”

            Kyungsoo glanced down at me, “Of course I do Lauren. There isn’t a day where I don’t miss him.”

            “I miss him every day Kyung. Every single day.” I didn’t want to cry, but of course my emotions always betrayed me and I did it anyways. I shut my eyes and thought back to one of the nights I came out here, I had a mental break down and Kyungsoo found me sitting in the sand, grabbing nothing and sobbing. I kept mumbling nonsense of how I needed to bring him back, and honestly that was the worst day of the mourning process.

            Kyungsoo hugged me tight and allowed me to cry.

            “Damn it,” I said and sniffled, “I wasn’t planning this.”

            “It’s okay, he’s in a better place now, he’s happy. He wants us to be happy, remember? So we just got to try our best to be just that, for him.”

            I nodded my head and smiled sadly watching the waves keep crashing up against the sand. I just looked at the water, the sun, the sky, this was radiating beauty and I’m thankful this was the place Kai had brought me too, when we first met. I still remember his tight white shirt, and the way he kissed me, dear Lord that boy could kiss. I looked up at Kyungsoo and he caught me staring up at him, he leaned down and stole a kiss, just like that.

            “You don’t have to worry Kai, we’re happy, I promise.”

            I wanted to imagine him smiling down upon us, until Eric showed up that is. Eyes sunken, lips pale, hair jet black.

            I glared into the deep pits that used to have beautiful brown orbs that were erupting life itself but all that is left is death and vengeance.

            He can’t get to me anymore. If I could I would put his soul to rest but, he is slipping away as it is…along with the memories of him and I.

*I’M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG! SCHOOL AND STRESS HAS BEEN HOLDING ME BACK! I love you all~ There is more to come c: *

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