Beautiful Goodbye

By eeisoptrophobia

894 16 3

“Be mine.” I asked her resting my forehead on hers trying to catch my breath. “What?” she asked me slightly c... More

Chapter One - Day 1
Chapter Two - Day 2
Chapter Four - Day 4
Chapter Five - Day 6
Chapter Six - Day 13
Chapter Seven - Day 14
Chapter Eight - Day 15
Chapter Nine - Day 16
Chapter Ten - Day 17
Chapter Eleven - Day 18
Chapter Twelve - Day 19
Chapter Thirteen - My Secret Place
Chapter Fourteen - Lovely Lunch
Chapter Fifteen - Movies with Bæ
Chapter Sixteen - Day 79
Chapter Seventeen - Turn of Events
Chapter Eighteen - Day 80
Chapter Nineteen - Day 81
Chapter Twenty - Day 83
Chapter Twenty-One - Party!
Chapter Twenty-Two - Day 143
Chapter Twenty-Three - Day 147

Chapter Three - Day 3

56 0 0
By eeisoptrophobia

“Mm where am I?” Stacy asked me sleepily.

“Oh my god! You’re awake! Dont ever do that to me again!” I told her sternly.

I grabbed hold of her hand and kissed her lightly on the forehead and holding her cheek with the other hand. Our faces were so close together that our foreheads were touching and our noses were rubbing. I pulled my head up and looked at her worriedly hoping she knew what she took so I could tell the doctors. She bit her lip and stared down at her hand, fiddling with her thumbs. 

“Stacy, do you know what you took?” I asked her conceded for her safety.

She shook her head and started biting her lip again still fiddling with her thumbs. She looked up and gave me a apologetic stare. I brushed my hand through my hair trying to keep calm and just stared at my feet. Even in those hospital robes hooked up to the equipment and the drip in her arm, she was still so beautiful.

“Meth…” She said in a voice so quiet that I could barely make it out.


“Meth. I injected meth.”

I looked at her with so much fear. Fear of the fact that I might have lost the most beautiful girl to ever walk the earth. Suddenly I saw them. I saw the reason that she always wore a jumper and long-sleeved shirts. She had cuts and scars all over her arms in every direction. Some were fresh and some were just old scars. Her tanned skin made it all the more easy to notice them. She caught me looking and quickly put her arms under the blanket. I got to my feet and laid down on the hospital bed with her. I held her close with my arms around her waist as she cried into my chest. 

“Tony, may I speak to you outside for a moment?” Asked the doctor as he walked into the room and stood at the edge of the bed.

“Yes.” I turned my gaze towards Stacy who was already looking worriedly at me. “I’ll be right back okay?”

She nodded her head in agreement. I kissed her on the forehead lightly before following the doctor out of the room.

“I am sincerely hoping you know what she took now that she’s awake.” His voice was stern, almost angry.

“Yes I do. She injected Meth” I answered

“Look Tony, this isn't the first time that miss Bell has been in this ward. Miss bell has been here for a number of reasons some being overdosing or cutting too deep or yes doing drugs. You seem like a nice kid, but the amount of times she's been in here and almost not made it out is quite extreme. Try not to get to caught up in her mess. Now, we’ll have to pump her stomach to make sure we get everything out of her system then you’re okay to take her back home.”

“Yes sir.” 

These words got my hard. ‘Try not to get caught up in her mess’ these words just kept going through my head as she went into surgery. How could he say that! If he had half the chance to be in her life Im sure he wouldn't have said that!

Three hours passed and they came rolling her in a hospital bed back into the room. She was still asleep, passed out from the anaesthetic. When I saw her in this state, so helpless, it brought tears to my eyes. I sniffled back the tears so that the first person she would see would be a strong guy looking at her reminding her that she wasn't alone. She slowly awoke and moaned sleepily turing towards me with a small smile.

“Hey.” She smiled weekly and gazed at me.

“Hey, the doctor said I can take you home as soon as you’re ready.”

“Okay, let me get changed and we’ll get going.”

We got in the car and I started driving to her house. When we arrived I walked her inside and down to her room. As I laid her down on her bed and I sat on the edge all I could do was stare at her. I stared at her plump lips, so full and ready to kiss.

“What are you staring at?"

“You. You’re so beautiful, Stace”.

As soon as the words came out of my mouth she blushed a crimson red and tried to cover her face with her hands. I took hold of her hands and moved them out of the way of her face and gave her a gentle kiss. Hell yes Tone! 

“Stacy, why do you do it?” I asked her concerned.

She stayed quiet and looked down at her hand and bit her lip. God it was sexy. I decided to lay down next to her and cuddle up with her with my hands around her waist kissing her forehead.

“You can tell me Stace, I want to help you and be there for you.”

She looked into my eyes and I saw her blue sparkling eyes slowly start to turn dark.

“It all started when my dad ran out on us. I was 13 and always thought of us as ‘The Three Amigos’ and then one day he just left and left a note on the table saying ‘I cant do this, Im sorry but I never wanted a daughter… xx’ I was the one who found the note and fell on my knees and those few words broke my heart into a million pieces. After that my mum hasn't stayed with a man for more then a night. Every morning a new man leaves her bedroom and she comes into the kitchen hungover or still drunk. I care about my mum don’t get me wrong but I feel so alone it feels like she's dead. It makes me sad sometimes but then I realise that she hates me because Im the reason that dad left.”

Tears started rolling down her cheek and she tried to hold them in.

“Oh Stace, I am so so so sorry! I wish there was something I could do! You don’t deserve any of this! You’re way to beautiful for any of this shit.”

She hugged me tighter and started grabbing hold of my shirt and fell into a peaceful sleep with me beside her, cradling her in my arms.

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