Transferred to the other worl...

By GoblinAuthor

274K 7.6K 3K

Sora Takahashi died saving his classmate from Truck-kun. Instead of moving on to the afterlife, he was given... More

Chapter 1 - Forest of Astalla
Chapter 2 - Sanalei De 'Aise
Chapter 3 - Arendall
Chapter 4 - Adventurer's Guild
Author's Note
Chapter 5 - Cursed Sword
Chapter 6 - Revenge
Chapter 7 - Mock Battle
Chapter 8 - The Girl from the Sword
Chapter 9 - Encounter on the Road
Author's note 2
Chapter 10 - Demon General
Chapter 11 - Waking Up to a Rude Noble
Chapter 12 - Spending Skill Points
Chapter 13 - Midnight Wolf, and a Message?
Chapter 14 - Hero Summoning?
Chapter 15 - Meeting the Hero
Chapter 16 - Beastmen Capital
Chapter 17 - Dreams of the Past
Author's Note 3
Chapter 18 - Cocky Hero
update 2 (Sorry Again)
Chapter 19 - Rikuru Village
Chapter 20 - Killing my First Dragon
Chapter 21 - The Goddess' Trust
Author's Note 4
Chapter 22 - Meeting the King
Chapter 23 - Guild Promotion
Chapter 24 - Nobility & The Truth
Chapter 25 - Feelings & The Return
Author's Note 5
Chapter 26 - First Day Back
Chapter 27 - Things Have Changed
Chapter 28 - Weapons Test and Realization
Chapter 29 - The Rogue?
Chapter 30 - Awakening Divinity
Chapter 32 - Our Territory
Chapter 33 - The Start of My City
Little Contest
Chapter 34 - The Statue & Ikari Grows
Contest Winners
Chapter 35 - Buying Slaves
Chapter 36 - Residential District
Chapter 37 - Visitor & Curious Title
Chapter 38 - My Daughter
Chapter 39 - School Day
Author's Note
Chapter 40 - Progress
End of Book 1

Chapter 31 - Fighting? a God

3.5K 120 54
By GoblinAuthor

We were standing outside of a standard looking house. At the front door, stood a god who went by the name of Kami. To his right and left were Archangels, and in front of the house there were two more gods. There was some heavy tension in the air as Aiko-sama and Kami were staring down at each other.

"Please excuse us Archangels..." (Kami)

He spoke in a low voice, and after he gave his order, the Archangels bowed to him, then bowed in our direction, and flew off back down the cloudy path.

"Well then...what a surprise. It seems that you've finally found me then Akio. However, I don't think I'm familiar with this boy beside you." (Kami)

"That's right, and it's time for you to answer for disrupting the flow of your world. This is...Aros, and he is one of the strongest gods in all of existence. He doesn't like how you've been messing with the system of this world." (Aiko)

Jeez, seriously Aiko-sama? Why'd you have to introduce me in that makes me feel embarrassed having the goddess who reincarnated me, saying that I'm one of the strongest gods. I could live for thousands of years, but I don't think I'll ever get over how weird it feels to have her talk about me in such a way.

"Oh really now? What are you going to do about it then? Mortals have convinced themselves that I am the god of all of creation. My power continues to grow, so I doubt the two of you could do anything to harm me." (Kami)

His attitude was seriously ticking me off. I don't like people who think they can walk all over me. Although, if a God's power grows from a person's beliefs, then that means the people who use the system are all my followers right? And this Kami fellow only has his followers on this one planet...I think it's time to take this guy to school and teach him a lesson. It may be seen as bad manners, playing with your food, but I think it's time to toy with him.

"That's a lot of big talk, coming from a backwoods God that only rules over a single world." (Sora)

"Watch your tongue, boy. I am more powerful than you could ever believe." (Kami)

"Ah, of course. You had around 7 billion humans living on Earth right? Did you think that by forcibly advancing the level of your world, that you would somehow gain more followers from the new races? You understand they have their own gods that they believe in right?" (Sora)

Now, I could see his face turning red with anger. This is good, let's keep pushing him.

"Of course, I doubt you thought that through. I mean, look how shabby this heaven is! I know that everyone is put into the cycle of reincarnation, but I still pity Earth for having a Heaven like this." (Sora)

When I looked back at him, his hand was extended towards me, and I could see some light gathering in his palm. Good, it seems I got him mad enough to start fighting in an angry rage.

"For your insolence, I will make you experience my true strength!" (Kami)

He was ready to attack me, and I just realized that I have no idea how I'll defend myself. I just got my power but I should have done some training while we looked for him. Then, it hit me. I disabled a setting because I didn't want to know everything with a single thought, but if I activate it now and think about the best way to counter his attack. Yes, it should theory.

With my decision settled, I quickly activated the setting in my menu 'Omniscient' and started calculating different ways to counter his attack and strike back.

As it turns out, the attack he's using is just highly concentrated Mana. Which means it wouldn't be too difficult to fend it off when he fires it at me. So, taking the proper precautions, I set up special barriers. Blocking magic, dispelling magic, erasing magic, and some special barriers I added along with them so that they could combat his divine power.

When he fired his magic at me, it broke through the first barrier in a few seconds, and became weakened when it hit the second barrier. However, it was able to break through the second barrier in the end, but thankfully it was erased before it broke through the third barrier. I didn't want to use my other barriers yet just in case something were to happen that I didn't calculate for.

His face was stunned after seeing his attack being broken down and erased, as if it wasn't there.

"Wha?! How did you do that?!" (Kami)

"Simple really, it just means my power is greater than yours." (Sora)

In my mind, I wrote out some code, and executed the program. In the matter of a few seconds, a replica of Noroi's sword form, was hovering in front of me. However, unlike Noroi, this replica didn't hold any consciousness. It was basically just a strong sword that I created using my divinity. I wonder if that makes it a divine sword instead of a cursed sword?

With my sword pointed right at Kami, I give him the choice of surrendering quietly, and that if he doesn't, then I'll have to force him into submission.

"Like hell I'll surrender to some child!" (Kami)

"Haaahhh...he's an arrogant one. Aiko-sama, do I really need to keep him alive?" (Sora)

"Well, not really. I would appreciate it though, so I can punish him. But, if he's going to fight you, then I guess it'll be punishment enough if you killed him." (Aiko)

Good, this means I won't have to worry about keeping him alive, and I can fight to my heart's content. I readied my sword, and got into my stance. I was ready to fight, and I was excited for it as well. My first fight as a god, as well as my first fight AS a god. My heart couldn't stop pumping, with all the adrenaline coursing through me.

Kami reached behind him, and pulled out a white sword that was cloaked in flames. Another flaming sword? Seriously? This guy really does have a one track mind. I feel sad for Aiko-sama, knowing that this guy had received her blessing.

There was silence for a while, until I did something that I rarely do. I made the first move, and dashed towards him. However, I didn't expect to get to him as quickly as I did. In fact, I was so surprised by it that I ended up crashing into him and sent him flying through his house.

I swear it wasn't intentional this time. I suppose I'm just not acquainted with my boosted stats, so I don't know how to control myself. Not that I mind right now though. I'm supposed to be beating this guy into submission in the first place. However, when I was waiting for a counter-attack, nothing happened.

I looked back at Akio-sama, and shrugged my shoulders, then turned back to the direction that I sent Kami flying in. I still didn't hear anything, so I stepped forward, to see if I could find him in some of the rubble. But, as soon as I set foot inside, I felt something crash into my stomach.

Before I could register what was hitting me, I was already being grabbed by my neck and slammed against the house's exterior.

I tightened my grip on my sword, and spun it up to slice at his wrist, but he jumped away before I could cut him.

I landed back on the ground, and when I looked up at him, he was staring daggers at me. We stood there for a moment, staring each other down. Waiting to see who would make the next move.

Well, I was the one to move next, I started shooting blue fire bullets at him, as I ran. He tried to dodge them all, but I never let up with my flames.

Once a layer of smoke was in the area, I made another dash at him with my sword. If I want to do as Aiko-sama asked, then I need to remove one of his limbs so that capturing him would be an easier task.

When I cut through the smoke, I felt only a small bit of resistance at the tip of my sword. After the smoke cleared away, I saw Kami running away with his leg bleeding heavily. However, I wasn't going to let him escape. I was hoping for a better battle since he was a god, but now I'm feeling disappointed in myself for expecting anything more than this.

When I gave chase after him, the two Archangels from before came flying at me. It seems that he summoned for them to protect him. Although, when I took a second peek at the Archangels,I noticed a legion of angels following behind them. They were all wearing the same light silver-white armor, and wielded flaming swords.

If these angels get in my way, then I'll have to kill them all. I'll probably also have to kill Kami, so that he doesn't try summoning more reinforcements.

So, gripping my sword, I jumped up towards the Archangels, and cut them as I flew past. I felt a good deal of resistance from their armor, but when I looked back, I saw them falling down and slamming into the ground.

That was two Archangels taken care of already, now I need to get through Kami's angelic army to finish him off. So, I landed on the ground and increase the speed that I was using to chase after him.

I cut down any angel that got in my way, and created a path of blood, and mutilated angels. Some of them that I didn't kill, I would just sever their wings from their bodies and make them fall on the ground.

Slowly, step by step, I came closer and closer to Kami, and when I finally got right behind him, I ran my sword through his back.

He collapsed right after and yelled out in pain, and when he tried to remove the sword, or swing his arm back to hit me, I would twist the blade so that it would scrape his insides. It seemed like he would be dead right? Well there's no reason to worry. When I pierced his body, I made sure that it was done in a way that I would miss his vital organs.

"GAHHH!!!" (Kami)

He screamed out a horrible noise, and it sounded as if he was choking on his own saliva. However, I simply pinned him to the ground and held my hand against the back of his head. I would have liked to create a move using my pride gauntlet, but I didn't wear them today when I went to the school, so I didn't have them on me at the moment.

"Good job subduing him." (Akio)

"Thank you, Aiko-sama. So, what happens now? Going to take him right away?" (Sora)

"I suppose I should, but quite honestly I think he should be finished off now. He'll be killed after receiving a harsh punishment anyway. But, I suppose seeing your creations being slaughtered so easily is a harsh enough punishment. Go ahead and finish it...Aros-kun" (Akio)

With her permission, I removed the sword from Kami's back, and swung it down towards his neck. There was no sound made when I cut but I felt the familiar resistance that comes with slicing apart an enemy. With everything silent I watched as his head rolled to the side and a pool of blood collects underneath, staining his white robes in a crimson red.

I was still upset for his actions so, after stepping back, I set his body ablaze with my blue flames, and watched as his body was reduced to nothing but ashes.

Title Unlocked: God Slayer

Level Up! 68 --> 129
Skill Points: 102 --> 468

"So, Aiko-sama...why did you call me Aros? That's just some name given by the system, but it's not my name." (Sora)

"That might be so. However, it could be that Aros is your true name. I won't know until I've finished the research on who Aros is...or was." (Akio)

That's right...when the window popped up, it said I was given the title God Reborn. If I was a god, then why don't I remember anything about it? Did I seal away my memories or something to try and live among the mortals? Sadly, I won't be able to know until Akio gets back to me with her findings.

Without business finished here, Akio opened another tear in space. This time it was leading out of the celestial plane, and took us back to Earth.

Afterwards, Akio helped in sealing away some of my power, but we couldn't get all of it hidden away, so I had to go around and fumble with the code that was written down for my I formation. I set the code that said I had unsealed my divinity, to say that it was back to being sealed. In the end I went through the excruciating pain, that attacked my soul and body, again.

When it was finished, my fur was back to silver, the halo was no longer above my head, but I still had my eye back. However, the sight was still a little blurry. Hopefully I'll just need some time for it to adjust itself. In the meantime, I'll have to keep my eye closed and covered. I'll practice seeing out of it at a later time.

"Thank you for your help, Aros-kun." (Akio)

"Goddess, my name is Sora..." (Sora)

It seems she refused to listen to my request about my name, and continued to refer to me as Aros.

Anyway, after she left, I was standing in that classroom for a while, waiting for her brother to finish with the flow of time of this world. Then, after a few minutes of almost nothing happening, time started to flow again, and Sana stepped up to the gauge.

Nobody noticed anything different, and nobody will ever know that something happened while she was walking up to the gauge.

I promised her I wouldn't keep a secret from her anymore, but I think I'll stay quiet about this incident. At least until Akio has finished gathering intelligence on the matter.

"Ohhhh, another promising student huh? Once again with multiple strong affinities, and a high Mana capacity. Alright, now that I've finished testing your abilities, I'll take it up for discussion at the next week's staff meeting, and we'll all decide on whether to admit you into the school or not. So just make sure to come back here in about two weeks." (Alienor)

We said our thanks, and our goodbyes, then made our way out of the school, and went to the apartment that we were living in. I was feeling exhausted, so I decided to take a quick peek at my status before taking a nap.

Status (Hidden)

Name: Sora Takahashi

Race: Beastman [Silver Fox-Clan]

Level: 129

Age: 17



Strength: EX

Agility: EX

Intelligence: EX

Wisdom: EX

Titles: Person from Another World, Overseer of Auralel, Chosen by the Goddess of Worlds, Immortal Kitsune, Holder of the Eye of the Gods, Master Musician, Protector, S-Rank Adventurer, Demon Slayer, Demonic Kitsune, Enemy of the Demon Clan, King of the Vampires, Dragon Slayer, Count, Traveler, God of The System, System Administrator, God Reborn, God Slayer, Temporary Overseer of Earth

Skills: Creation Magic (lvl. 1), Fire Magic (lvl. 8), Water Magic (lvl. 6), Light Magic (lvl. Max), Wind Magic (lvl. Max), Weapon Mastery, Physical Resistance (lvl. Max), Magical Resistance (lvl. Max), Mental Resistance (lvl Max), Cooking (lvl. Max), Eye of God, Chantless Magic, Space Magic (lvl. Max), Musician (lvl. Max), Monster Taming (lvl. 6), Sinner Magic

Skill Points: 468

Blessings: Blessing of Charisma [Makes it easier to talk to others, as well as other people enjoy speaking with you more], Blessing of Strength [Grants you immense strength to use how you see fit], Blessing of the Fox [By reaching the Ninth-Tail stage you have been recognized as an immortal, you will never age nor grow old, however you can still be killed], Blessing of The Bard [<Requirement: Musician Skill Maxed> By maxing out your musician skill, you are able to play any instrument. People will gather to listen to you play. Your music can influence a Demonic Beast's actions.Your music can either be used to strengthen your allies or to weaken your enemies.], Goddess of Worlds Blessing [Given by the Goddess of Worlds to someone she has recognized as an overseer of a world. Holder of the blessing will have all stats increased drastically.]

I leveled up quite a lot from killing Kami, and my skill points are through the roof. I'll have to allocate those points later when I'm not as tired. 

After closing the status menu, I lied down on the futon so I could take a nap, before we returned to Auralel for the following two weeks. Now that the flow of time has been repaired for this world, there shouldn't be any time difference between the worlds. With my worries gone, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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