Black Bubble Tea 【SoulEater】

By teakissu2

408 23 3

I've lived in a small apartment right next to the DWMA since I was a young girl. Almost the entire population... More



67 4 0
By teakissu2

Sona Bordot


I flop down on the mattress, letting out a blissful sigh and rubbing my head with a towel. Sporting one of Clyde's old hoodies, I breathe in his scent- cigarette smoke and iron. It's comforting. 

My apartment room has a minimalist feel. I don't waste my money on furniture or entertainment- the only reason I have a phone is because Clyde wanted to be able to call me and track my location whenever he wanted. Besides that, I don't have anything to pass the time. No Wi-Fi, no TV- I don't even have homework to work on. I haven't been to school since I was ten.

I don't normally go home early, so I guess it's a dinner-less night. I usually seal some cheese danishes from the cafe, or maybe a pastry or two to keep me full until morning. I'm saving up my money for something. I haven't decided what yet- but I'll figure it out along the way. If anything, I could take a trip to Europe.. With Clyde, of course.

I exhale slowly, and amble over to the balcony, sliding the glass door open and stepping out barefooted. The polished wood feels nice against my cold skin, the Sun kissing my cheeks softly and warming me up. It's so nice in Death City all the time. It's almost as if it's non-seasonal. 

A loud bell echoes throughout the city, clouds of birds rising from the building tops and scattering into the clouds. I watch kids start to pour out of the DWMA, cheering, laughing, enjoying their childhood. Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to be one of them. 

Then, I see her. Maka Albarn, and her group. The same group that assisted in the defeat of Asura- the one's that saved the world. I lean against the railing, trying to get a better look at them as they walk down the stairs. I served them bubble tea! I hope they like it.. Oh, what am I thinking? Of course they do, or else Kid wouldn't buy it every morning. 

When the Death the Kid first stepped into the cafe, I almost fainted from infatuation. I'm only thankful Clyde wasn't there to see it- I swear I was blushing and stuttering like mad. I know he knew I was nervous. It was very obvious. I just don't understand how everyone in Death City acts as if they're just normal kids. The first week after Asura's death, they were in every newspaper and article- and now people just pass them on the street without a second glance. It's mind-boggling. 

They start to walk on my street, only a few steps until they pass my building. I can see them clearly now, and my heart is beating out of my chest, pulsating in my fingertips. I want to call out to them, especially Maka, and tell them how amazing I think they are- but that'd be weird. It'd creep Kid out, and he'd stop buying from the cafe. I don't want that. He's one of my idols- it'd crush me if I scared him away. 

Still, as they slip past my building, their laughter and chatter echoing through the air, I can't help but stare for a moment longer. I lean my chin against my palm, analyzing their step patterns, their body language- everything. I've rarely been home this early to see them get out of school- it's so amazing to see. 

Then, Kid spots me. It's subtle- very, very subtle- but his gaze meets mine as he walks. His two weapons, Liz and Patty, notice, but I retreat inside before they can turn around. I hyperventilate rapidly, slamming the door shut and falling to my knees. Maybe he didn't recognize me.. Oh god, he knows how creepy I am now! What am I going to do? What if he stops buying bubble tea? What if he tells Maka Albarn?!

I bury my face in my knees, and squeeze my legs tight together. I have to calm down. 

"Are you crying?"

I gasp, looking up quickly and stumbling to my feet. Clyde's there, hands in his pockets, a distant look on his face. I forgot- he has his own key to my place. That was our first fight. He almost slit my throat, but I understand why. I wanted privacy- but with him, I should share everything. 

"No, no. Just- cold", I fake shiver, and chuckle awkwardly. "What are you doing here?"

"What, I'm not allowed to see my girlfriend?", He smiles, opening up his arms and wrapping them around me tight. 

"I'm not your girlfriend", I laugh a bit..

He pauses for a moment, and I gulp hard. Was that enough to set him off? Suddenly, he ruffles my hair, and holds my hand. "Not yet, cutie. When you're of legal age. Three years left!", He grins happily.

I lace my fingers into his, and sink into his touch. It's nice when he's sweet like this- but when he touches me.. with hunger still on his mind.. it's disgusting. We've never- y'know. Done it. Even when he gets mad, I swear by it. I won't do it until I'm an adult. He respects that, though. He promised he would wait.

"What were you doing on the balcony?", He asks, pulling away and looking out the glass doors curiously. 

"Just- people watching. DWMA just got off school, so there were a bunch of kids out", I fiddle with my thumbs, hoping the group had disappeared from sight. 

He scoffs in disgust, and tears away from the glass. "Fuck the DMWA."

I'm not sure why, but he has this pure hatred for the group that defeated Asura. I don't think I'd even understand if he told me. They saved us. They saved the whole city! If he knew of my infatuation for Maka Albarn specifically, he'd lose his mind on me. I'd rather not fight for my life today. 

"Do you want to go out to eat or something?", I ask, quickly changing the subject. "I can go change-"

"No, no. I just wanted to see you", He takes my hands, and pushes me onto the mattress, flopping down beside me. "...You look real cute in my sweatshirt"

I smile a bit, and let him hold me close. I let him breathe in my scent, run his hands up and down my back- bite my neck ever so gently. There's not much I'd be able to do if I didn't want this.. but I won't resist him.

 I owe him.

He drifts to sleep a few hours later, and I'm stuck alone again, trapped with my own thoughts and the jingle of the cafe bell. It echoes in my mind, repeatedly swinging back and forth, back and forth. Clyde's laid across my lap, and I finger a strand of his hair slowly, and use the other to scratch at my head, to try and shake the bell away. 

Yet, instead of seeing my brother when the bell chimes, Kid's face comes into view, and the ringing stops. 

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