Shackle the Shadow

By LaniNKS2018

765 192 206

Reincarnation exists, and for society's worst criminals, death is the ultimate escape plan. Particular types... More

Author's Note
Aeternum Prison - Day One


103 30 15
By LaniNKS2018

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Hot salty tears dripped from her chin and became one with the ocean that lapped at her bare feet as she sat cross-legged on the sandy shore staring out into the horizon.

How she envied the waves. How she longed to melt away into the ocean and join them. Perhaps if she moved closer to the sea and let it engulf her, consume her, maybe she could become one with the sea and never return.

Waves of deep royal blue crept slowly towards her, before running away, only to repeat the process in a disturbing cycle, never swallowing her up, taunting her with the droplets of salty water that sprayed onto her bare, sand-encrusted feet.

She stared at the retreating waves and just beyond those taunting promises stood the one thing she would never reach: The sunset. Breath-taking smudges or lavender, turquoise and a fiery red blended to create a sight so astounding, she longed to reach towards it. She reached a hand towards the sun, moving to stand up before a large hand clamped down on the outreaching hand, unyielding as she fought to free herself. Her last teardrop fell and hit the soft white sand as she whirled around, ready to fight whoever had a hold on her, chaining her from her freedom.

She held in her gasp as she saw the sky so low that the world felt small and closed off. Dark, ominous black clouds covered the sky, leaving nothing with a shadow; for the world was made in one great shadow.

The wind picked up, warning with its loud howl, like a wolf crying into the night. The air turned thick with the sweet smell of the coming storm. The first crack of lightning flashed through the air, like a serpent of brilliant light sent down to bite the earth, within seconds the rolling boom of thunder reverberated overhead. Harsh cold water splashed onto the planet without any mercy, chilling her to the bone.

But she couldn't run.

Enormous arms wrapped around her slender frame, burning chains scorched her entire body, holding her close to a hard chest.

She trembled when his hands touched her skin.

"Dance with me." A rumbling voice whispered in her ear, and he forced her body to sway from side to side. She shivered again, fear creeping into her bloodstream. She shook her head, vigorously, dark hair covered her eyes. She felt her body turn in a slow rhythmic circle.

"Dance with me, and we can pretend the world doesn't exist." He whispered again, his voice husky and dark, like whiskey, "Just you and me."


Slowly, she opened her eyes, facing the sunset again, while the raging storm loomed behind her.

"How does it feel, Z? How does it feel to lose the best thing that has ever happened to you." He whispered, tucking a small piece of hair behind her ear. He pressed a kiss on the top of her head, and just as suddenly as his warmth came, he disappeared.

She stood there, gasping for air.

"Face me, you traitor." A voice hissed behind her, the warmth lost in the freezing storm, hitting her back like whips.

"Turn around, Zillah." Zillah looked down at the white lace dress clutched in her hands.

"Had I known this was going to be our last dance, I would've dressed for the occasion," Zillah whispers, before lifting her head to say goodbye to the setting sun.

She took a breath and faced him.

The scream woke her.

Zillah launched to her feet gasping for air, trying and failing to see any threat in the darkness. She took a step forward but could only feel the cold tiles that trapped her in this dark room. She scurried over to the corner that she thought was the farthest from the door. Unable to stand anymore, she crouched low to the floor, wrapping her arms around her legs and making herself as small as possible.

"Shhh," Zillah whispers, trying desperately to calm her rapid heartbeat. She let go of her legs to grasp her head, wanting to soothe the aching headache," It's okay, I'm okay. It's going to be okay. It's just a nightmare, and I'm okay." She shook her head, trying to clear the image, the feel of his arms. It's my imagination. There's no way I had seen that. He's just a nightmare. He's not real.

Zillah couldn't tell if her eyes were even closed or open. But she stayed as still as possible to listen to any sign of breathing or any indication that someone was in her cell.




How long have I been here? The days and nights had blurred too close together, and it felt impossible to distinguish the time.

The hunger pains that had consumed her thoughts now laid in the back of her mind, forgotten for now.

The burning pain from her fingers had dulled to a small ache whenever she moved her finger.

Her body still felt sore from the last time the guards had forced her to eat the rotten food, and they called 'bread.' The guard had said they were coming to get her soon. She would have to face the other prisoners.

Zillah suppressed the shudder that ran through her body. She couldn't remember any information she had heard about Aeternum Prison. The only viable thing she did remember was that this prison was for the worst of the worst. The most brutal criminals that had ever lived.

Lights flashed on, and Zillah threw her face into the floor trying to shield her burning eyes from the light. The buzz of the door opening caught her attention, but she didn't dare move. Something heavy landed on her back, and she flinched away, making it fall with a clink on the floor.

"Put that on, Darlin', it's time for us to go." Zillah lifted her head to stare at four men with tasers pointed at her. She stared, dumbfounded at the straight jacket beside her.

"We can either do this the easy way or the hard way, Dumplin', and it's your choice." Zillah glowered at the man who spoke, and he raised his taser gun higher, warning her. With shaking hands, she grabbed at the jacket and unloosened the buckles before sliding her arms.

A guard steps forward, and it took everything in Zillah to not back away, and bare her teeth at the men.

"Please," She whispered, her words unclear by the plastic over her teeth, "I just want to go home." A loud bark of laughter sounded from all the men as the strapped her tightly into the jacket.

"And I want to go to visit Mars. But it ain't gonna happen, sweetheart. It's time to accept that." A guard mocked, and a hard hand smacked her rear. Zillah jerked back and slammed her body into the guard, and he barely moved an inch.

"Woah! We got a little spitfire here! The guys are going to love you." Zillah felt her whole body stiffened as hands grabbed at her arms, guiding her towards the open door.

"Guys?" Zillah gasped, her eyes wide as she tried to see through the dark masks.

"Yup, we don't discriminate against gender here. But don't worry, the Warden handpicked the perfect cell for you, Doll. You'll see." He chuckled darkly before placing a dark hood over her face.

WORD COUNT 1234!!!!!

I really hope you like this chapter!!! Let me know what you guys think of the POV!! It's a little different, but I'm going back to my other style next chapter!!

Let me know what you all think!!

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