Jay x Stephen Danplan (discon...

By Avaruiz0000

12.4K 272 340

So I saw someone post a Stephen x Jay and it give me inspiration to actually post mine it alright has two par... More

I was worried!!
Whats going on!?
A/N idea
Do I like him!??
New plan..
Am Sorry.

How could you!

2.6K 39 56
By Avaruiz0000

{Jay's POV} in 3rd person

This Type of text means thoughts/thinking this will only happen in 3rd person POV

Jay just finished recording with Dan and the rest of the Danplan crew and was already getting ready to go out into the night... He had to go out late so he waited till 1am.

*where most people were in bed *

Jay sighed as he went out fully dressed. He had on a black baggy hoodie with dark blue jeans and boots he waited till it became 1am and, went out . He went somewhere where nobody would see him, he waited for a van to pick him up.

"I don't want to do this.." he sighed annoy he wanted to sleep and he was tried but he had the energy to still do anything even though he hasn't slept in days.

He saw the van pulling up, the car door sledd open and he saw his partner Zandra. She was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with black jeans with a black baseball hat with her hair in a ponytail and also had boots on too.

-Zandra is nice very loyal like long-term friendship funny but basic is partly a sociopath overall a great person.

" what's up Jay " she said careless "hey Zandra " Jay reply. Behind Jay Zandra notice something like a another shadow...Zandra kept quiet till Jay and Her sat down.

"I think I saw a another shadow but like am kind of tried so am not sure. " she blurted out

"Your probably just imagine things it was probably my shadow to be honest." jay said, he didn't seem to care.

"I just wanna get this over with...."



"So how's your recording go" Zandra broke the peaceful silence.

"Pretty good I think, I made my sleeping deprived a joke in the video though I think my friends are worried about me."

"Why's that's" Zandra question Jay

"Well their my closest friends and normally when we talk am not tried and I did act kind of strange but I think it's fine"

"Hopefully they don't know what going on... hopefully this will be over soon"

"Yeah so do I... so how your day"

"Sadness,fake friends and loneliness "

"Wow that's... pretty sad"

"Well I like to be alone so it not that bad I least your my real friend"

"Wow I feel very special"

" Your not meant to feel special mother fucker "

*Jay and Zandra laugh a bit*

Jay and Zandra arrived. They sat patiently, waiting for the boss to give then
instructions .the car door finally opened and boss came in, looking sus as fuck.He was wearing a coat with dark tinted sunglasses with expensive boots and designer pants.

-the boss/Eddy is selfish,cruel but sometimes a softie. is full on maniac.a bit of a sociopath. loves to see people scared and helpless

"Right make sure y'all are ready cause one mistake will be a punishment"

Jay and Zandra shudder at his words.

"SO LISTEN UP!.. Jay you'll be heading to building C side alleyway their be a guy standing he's armed today we were only able to bring one gun so Jay you won't have a gun instead you'll have a knife so be careful. "

"Zandra you're going to building D rooftop we need you to take a gun to take them 'out' your mission be difficult so you'll take the gun. Building A and B will be taken care of by someone else. Any question?"

"Why does SHE get the difficult one am the man here" Jay jokingly, Zandra scoff

"Because you got the difficult one last time and you made a small mistake..."

Jay and Zandra stayed quiet

"anyway just don't do it again next time you'll get the difficult one anyway... NOW GO!"

Jay and Zandra rush out the van and parted ways.

"good luck Jay."

"You too."

Jay headed towards his building he felt someone watching him..

Jay looks around to try someone looking at him. just to find nothing looking at him he didn't think much about it.

Jay saw the alleyway. the alleyway is full of THICK bushes,trees,vines and a abandoned car and smooth cement and a dumpster.

"Perfect" Jay thoughtfully added

Jay got to the alleyway he didn't seem to see the man at first but then he saw a light come from the man phone.

Jay only had a knife he didn't like killing people like that it only makes him lose his sanity more and yet he knows he enjoys it and it disturb him and fuck him up a lot more..

Jay slowly crept up to the man. The man didn't seem to notice anything... Jay then stab him from the back. the man made a painful groan. The man quickly turned around and punched Jay in the face. The man punched was powerful. Jay felt his cheek start to bleed.then man proceed to stab Jay in the shoulder.

Jay made a painful groan, Jay snapped and slashed the mans throat open and push him on the ground,Jay then proceeds to get on top of him, Jay took his anger and pity on the man while smiling like a maniac.

1 stabs

2 stabs

3 stabs

4 stabs

5 stabs

6 stabs..

7 stabs...

8 stabs....

Jay slowly stops...

9 stabs .....

10 stabs...

*pant* *pant* *pant*

Jay slowly get up of the 'dead body'

Jay turns to look around for something to get rid of the body. but then felt something grab his shoulder

"Wait what the fuc-!"

Jay was pin by the man, the man coughing up a lot of blood on Jay. The man was cutting Jay's hip slightly Jay pushed him and stab his head.

Jay looks at see hip that now bleeding while panting

*pant* *pant* *pant*


*Jay lift his hand to his cheek*

"Shit that a lot of blood..."

Jay then looks at his shoulder

"Well then fuck my life..."


Jay looks around again

Jay saw gasoline tank and machetes near by.

"This mother fucker thought he was gonna kill me huh..."

Jay poors the liquid on the body and lit it up with machetes

He watched the body burn




"HahahahhahaHAHAHAhahahaHaHahajahahahaha MuhahahaHAHaha

"Hahahahahaha hahahaha MuhahahaHaha"

"NO! This is not right pull your self together Jay"


"HahahahahhahaHAHAHAHAHAMAhAha ughhh NoNoNoNoNoNo not TODAY"

Jay after calming down he starts waiting for it to stop burning and try cleaning the blood on the ground.

46 minutes later

Finally am done...


"I think I cleaned it pretty well. I don't think there's evidence... I think it's time to leave..."

Jay turns around to leave he starts leaving he heard something but kept walking.

"Ok this is stupid Is there someone else here.  they had to have followed me since the van right?? Shitttt I don't know.I'll just walk a little more hopefully it just my mind playing tricks on me"

Jay is half way walking though the alleyway he heard silence sniff cry sound like it's scared. The noise was coming from the bushes.

(The alleyway is not that big so the person saw it)

it sounds soft.... it's kind of cute ...wait what that's fuck up Jesse Christ I need help! anyway too bad I have to kill it damn it I have to clean up again!

Jay was a bit pissed but he wanted to do this calmly

Jay slowly approaching the crying human hiding behind the thick bushes.

Was it's curled up in a ball.

He was wearing a black baggy hoodie with black baggy jeans with black sports shoe he had his hood on.

Jay smiled like a murderer. Jay got down on his knees. Jay got closer by being in front of him it doesn't seem like he's going to do anything...

"your not gonna fightback ?.."

Jay now saying everything in a scary tone

"hehe....how sad you can't even defend your self ..."

he gently touched him the smaller male jump a bit out fear he was shaking


"hehe....I guess it time to go..."

he gently got a grip on his face and gently lift it to see his face jay got a lil look and-

Jay shocked to see it was Stephen. Stephen just keep crying he looked terrified and traumatized!?

"What a-are doing here!?"

"J-Jay you have bl-ood on y-you"

"He must have followed me here meaning... he's been following me since I was at the van!"

"Why did you follow me?!"

Stephen couldn't believe it, he was scared but off piss at Jay why JUST WHY would he do this.

"W-why would Y-you do this!" Stephen said with anger while still curl up and crying.

Jay was going to say something but was interrupted by someone.



(1459 words used wow)

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