Minecraft: Story Mode Season...

By Luckmalediktor

841 15 5

One week has passed since the events from the previous season: Everything is chaos! The Admin and his bikers... More

A Team Divided
The Ambush
Friends and Enemies
A Flawless Plan?

Radio Free Beacontown

110 2 0
By Luckmalediktor

Axel, Olivia, Radar, Jack and Nurm were taken to a big room, and were surrounded by tons of Scavengers, all laughing observing their predicament

Well, never thought i would see you guys here again...it's good that you're here tho, this place was almost running out of..."guests" -stated the leader of the Scavengers, known as Porkchop

Who are you? Why are you doing this? -asks Olivia, while being held in handcuffs

You may call me Porkchop, me and my fellas have been living in this "Institute"for let's Just say...for a very long time -explained the leader of scavengers

[Whispering]They must be those "animal people" Jesse told us about! -whispers Axel to Jack

Jesse?I remember this name...wait!You!With beard and eyepatch! -shouts Porkchop to Jack

Oh great,he remembers me! -exclaims Jack

Oooohhhh yes i do!You and that friend of yours where hanging on a cliff -remembered Porkchop

Yeah,and YOU left us to die there!Just because we didn't gave you our swords! -stated Jack,with a personal grudge against Porkchop for not helping them

Oh c'mon,i was young back there -explained Porkchop

What?! -Shouted Jack

You shouldn't be so mad,you and your friend did manage to go back to...what was it called?Bacontown? -questioned Porkchop

It's called Beacontown and...do you know how to get us back? -asked Radar

No!But even if i did,i have no interest in helping you!There's so much you guys could do here for us... -explained Porkchop

What are you guys even doing here?Didn't you guys became scavengers after ESCAPING from this prison?! -shouted Jack

Yes we did,but when we heard that a boy known as the "Wither Slayer"disrupted the entire prison and the Warden was dead,we decided to hung up in this place,it was almost abandoned when we arrived actually -explained Porkchop,while placing a hand in his forehead

But why are you guys even chaining us?This just makes you like the associates! -stated Radar

You mean the guards?Oh don't worry about them,they're all probably dead,the mobs from that maze outside don't go easy on nobody hahaha -jokes Porkchop,while the scavengers laugh

Dark sense of humor?I already hate them! -whispered Olivia to her friends

Anyways,we need you guys to go collect some food for us all outside! -explained Porkchop

Outside?!Are you crazy?Those weird mobs the Admin created are crawling everywhere! -shouted Jack

Nah,you'll be fine,I'll send two man to go with you,just to guarantee you weirdos won't try to escape -stated Porkchop

Weirdos?Look who's talking!You guys literally have animals on your heads! -exclaimed Axel

Enough!Go,and don't come back until you have your inventories full of whatever you find out there! -shouted Porkchop as he sends his prisoners and two guards outside

Scene changes to Beacontown,Jesse,Petra,StacyPlays,StampyCat,Nell and Ivor are all on a mission:Free the airwaves of Beacontown

However,it would not be easy,since Maya uses one of Romeo's control tower's rooms as the radio station to broadcast her TV show "Ultra Hunt",and they were broadcasting now,but this wans't reason to give up for the resistance

The mailman doesn't deliver,so find him and return to sender,today's jackpot could be good,ahhahahahaha -shouts Maya from all the city's TV-sized billboards

Jesse and his team are near the tower,watching Gill and two bikers trash talking while guarding the tower's entrance

Does anybody wanna go over the plan again? -asks Jesse to his team

No i'm good,but i still think we could use more help,seeing that the broadcast station is on the supreme tower,right under The Admin's feet -stated StacyPlays

Another reason to keep our foot-prints small! -explained Petra

Do you know what you're going to say? -asked StampyCat

Yeeaah...sure! -exclaims Jesse who is a little nervous

He doesn't have a clue...-states StacyPlays

That's not our problem!We just need to get him up there! -states Petra

They're distracted!Let's go! -urges StacyPlays

They get more near the tower but when StampyCat gets close to a trash can,the mailman searched for the Blaze Rods,who was hiding inside the can,gets scared and jumps out of it while screaming histerically,and he ends up bumping in the Prismarine Colossus' foot,since he was also near the tower,the mailman quickly recovers from the hit and runs away once again,luckly for the resistance,he didn't catch the biker's attention

Meanwhile,in the tower's throne room,emperor Romeo is observing Beacontown,while feeling the presence of the enemy,this makes him summon his second-in-command

You summoned me,Emperor? -asks Aiden when he arrives behind Romeo

The city is too quiet!I feel the presence of Jesse! -states Romeo,while menacingly looking at the ruined city

He would be a fool to show his face! -states Aiden

Do i look like a fool? -questions Romeo as he turns to Aiden

I will handle security of the tower myself,i will not fail you! -states Aiden,as he bows to his emperor and leaves

Aiden goes inside an elevator to exit the tower,while he goes down,the bird view goes to a window showing Maya filming "Ultra Hunt"in the television-turned radio station

Clock is still ticking, and the Mailman hasn't been delivered. That means it's bonus time! -shouted Maya from the TV studio before laughing

 And then he said "It wasn't me." -Gill laughs with two members of the Blaze Rods

 Keep your eyes peeled! The Emperor senses something -ordered the quiet one,interrupting their laughing

 Senses? Is that like some new power he suddenly got? -asked Gill

 What do I know?Just don't make me look bad! -orders Aiden as he leaves the trio and goes back to the tower

Jesse and the resistance manage to enter the tower by it's other side,where there were no guards

They take an elevator

This should be the eighty first floor. Television studio right above us. -explained StampyCat

ok,let's go! -exclaimed Jesse

Scene changes to the underneath,the stranded members of the new order of the stone are being forced to collect food for the scavengers,while Olivia is with Axel and Radar,Jack and Nurm are in the other side collecting dirt for Porkchop

All of sudden,Olivia blinks at Axel,and the muscular man pretends to be agonizing from a heart attack

AUGH,MY HEART!IS IN PAIN!!!HELP ME PLEASE!!! -yelled Axel in a attenpt to distract the two guards

One of the guards rushed to help him,while the other would remain behind him,this gave Olivia the oportunity to grab a shovel and hit it hard in the guard's head,knocking him out,this alerted the other guard

HEY!YOU! -yelled the second guard

Before the guard could attack Olivia,Axel quickly got up and literaly lift him up,before throwing the horrified guard on a hole nearby,trapping the guard in it

You won't get away with this! -shouted the guard inside the hole

With your weapons,it'll be more easier actually -mockingly stated olivia

Olivia and Axel break their chains with the swords they stole,before breaking their friends's chains as well

So what now? -asks an worried Radar

We go there! -shouts Jackwhile pointing to the same build that he and Jesse followed to go back to Beacontown in season 2

Into the unknown...-states Olivia

And then,BEACONTOWN! -shouts Axel,and they all celebrate 

Scene changes to bird view,which goes inside the Radio Station where Maya is filming her TV Show

So what? You help us catch everyone else, but no one knows where the Mailman is? -shouts Maya -He's just a postal worker, why have we not caught him, people? -she shouts through the TV,where a family of a mother,father and daughter are watching her TV show,but they hear a crash at the show and the TV goes colored

All of sudden,the resistance breaks in and attacks everyone at the TV studio,Petra runs to an female biker managing the broadcasting system and spins with her left leg,using her right leg to kick the biker,sending her spinning in the computer chair while desperately screaming and falling to the ground,allowing Petra to use the chair and manage the broadcast

StacyPlays,StampyCat,Ivor and Nell manage to knock down all the bikers and take all the TV show equipament and use it on their own,meanwhile Jesse goes confront Maya

This is a closed set! -shouts Maya

Sorry Maya,but your show has just been canceled! -states Jesse

This triggers Maya to draw one of her sais and attempt to stab Jesse,but StampyCat manages to hold her left arm on her back,restraining her,this allows Jesse to kick her hand and make her sai get stuck in the wall,they proceed to tie them all up and begin the broadcast

All right, Jesse. Once we go live, it'll only be a matter of time before they know we're here. Are you ready? -explains Petra,receiving in response a nod from Jesse,who was in front of the main camera

 Then we're live in five, four, three, two...

The TV Show goes back to live,but this time,Jesse is in front of the camera

the show is transmitted to the entire overworld,including Beacontown,all the big screens and televisions of the city are showing Jesse

Hello Beacontown,it's me,Jesse,the Wither Slayer !

 a little girl and her parents are watching the broadcast

[gasps] you said he was gone.Look,it's Jesse! -states the little girl to her parents

In the streets of the town,a group of civilians are watching the broadcast throught a nearby eletronics store

The Wither Slayer is alive! -states one of the civilians

The Admin wants you to be afraid,but I need you to be brave!

Aiden is walking around the tower,until he sees a monitor showing Jesse's speech,and quickly go watch it

With the help of former-ocelot Aiden,The Admin struck a major blow against Beacontown.

These words enrage Aiden,he lashes out/yells and runs to a nearby computer,invading the street's security cameras system and uploading all the videos to the monitor which Petra is using to broadcast Jesse's speech,meanwhile,Gill sees Jesse in one of the city's big screens and runs inside the tower

We are ready to strike back.There is a resistance. And we may be small, but we are power—

Jesse stops talking when he sees a video on the monitor,a video of the prismarine colossus attacking Beacontown,his so beloved city.After it ends,another video appears,a video showing the most traumatic moment Jesse has ever witnessed:Reuben's death

This distraughts Jesse,making him almost unable to speak,the memories of his best friend's last breath haunting him in seconds,he lowers his head and makes a sad face,this intrigues Petra,who looks at the monitor and sees the video,she immediately tries to desperately delete the video,but stops when the resistance hears a hard knock on the door,revealing to be Gill trying to break in the broadcast room along with Aiden and two bikers

Hurry,HURRY! -yells Aiden to his general,who's almost breaking the door

Jesse continues with his head lowered,until he sees some photos of the people captured by "Ultra Hunt" scattered on the floor,this makes Jesse realize that the resistance is not alone,so he retuns to his speech

 I may not have my power anymore,but I call upon the power of the people! When we get knocked down, we rise up. Stronger than before. This is our city! He thinks he can bully us with stone giants . Well this isn't the first time our city has faced ruin. Buildings fall, but we rise![The civilians cheer] And to you, Romeo, I say this: fighting me may make you feel powerful, but you're about to see what real power is.[Romeo watches the message on a big screen,from the tower] THE RESISTANCE NEVER QUITS!

The whole city cheers,everyone was inspired by Jesse's speech,meanwhile,The Admin is furious for this opposal,growling in rage

Gill charges at the door and finally breaks it,along with Aiden and two bikers,but they were too late,only finding Maya and her TV crew tied up and writhing to break free,while the resistance had already left throught a window

While the two bikers go untie the tied up TV crew,Aiden and Gill go to the opened window and spot the resistance leaving in garbage trucks

They got away? -asks Gill,while making a surprised face

Not for long! -states an enraged Aiden

It's time to take the trash out! -exclaims Aiden,while observing the resistance leaving in the garbage trucks and figuring out their base's location

Chapter four coming soon ;-)

Word Count:2008 words

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