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By beiger3d

13.4K 467 195

This is a fic based off of the Camp Camp Opposite AU, where Max is basically a happy boy. He will try to make... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome to Camp Campbell!
Chapter 2 - "I don't want to deal with him!"
Chapter 3 - Best forced friend ever!
Chapter 4 - Secret Place
Chapter 5 - Goodnight Max
Chapter 6 - Pudding Cup
Chapter 7 - Thief?
Chapter 8 - "Break the rules"
Author note (please read)
Chapter 9 - Storytime with Max!
Chapter 10 - Is there a docter in the house?
Summer Hibernation (not a chapter)
Chapter 11 - Selfish
Chapter 13 - food war
Chapter 14 - 'He wasn't dead, bummer.'

Chapter 12 - The Red Hoodie

622 26 16
By beiger3d

[ Thank you for 2K, holy shit I can't thank you guys enough, y'all are the best! ]

The bright, yellow, sun shone across sleepy peak, signifying that a new day had started. The door of the counselor's cabin creaked open as Gwen walked through it, her trusty co counselor dragging himself behind her. Last night was a handful, he threw up because of a child, but after resting, he felt less weak. It was cute that Max had left his teddy bear next to him, a sloppy pink bow tie wrapped around it with a 'get well soon =)' note stuck on it's face, not to forget the water bottle next to it that also had a note with a much different writing style than the other sticky note that said 'Drink water Mr. Drool ;)' . No doubt that Nikki wrote that for him. He still wondered why she wrote 'Mr. Drool' on the note. Little shit would be dead if he took photos of him drooling.

"Hey Gwen, why'd you let the two mistakes sleep in late in the cabin, on my bed?" David asked, shooting a glare at Gwen, "Aw c'mon David, let them rest. After all, the little 'mistakes' took care of your unconscious drooling self." She snapped back smugly, nudging him gently as he tensed up in embarrassment, "I'm just joking! Don't be so hard on yourself!" David chuckled nervously as he changed the subject in desperation, "Let's wake up the campers!" He exclaimed, snatching the megaphone from the woman's grip, walking towards the tents afterwards. The violet eyed woman laughed quietly as she shook her head, David would always find a way to entertain her, even if he didn't mean to. It was kinda of cute.


The distant yelling of a certain co counselor was heard in the distance, which interrupted a certain young female camper's slumber as she jolted upwards in surprise. Nikki looked around, scanning the environment to ensure she was safe. Which she was.

Her friend's quiet snores were heard to her right, just to see him sprawled out on the side of the large bed, probably on the verge of hitting the ground at any second. His face seemed to have a relaxed expression, maybe even a small smile. She also realized that her hoodie had been taken off and was folded neatly on a nearby desk, her yellow camp uniform visible to the naked eye.

Nikki then hopped off the bed and walked towards the desk that had the folded red hoodie and took it. The hoodie now on her hands, she looked at it sadly, memories flooding in of the time when she first used the hoodie. She remembered the memory vividly, it was the end of all the bullying that she'd gone through. It was like a key to peace and harmony, but not for her. For her, It felt like a small prison, more specifically, something that just made her blend in the crowd.

The young girl sighed and tied the crimson hoodie around her waist and walked out of the cabin quietly, carefully closing the door so it wouldn't squeak afterwards. She wanted to be alone, she wanted some space to think.

The bushes shook slightly as Nikki walked through it, she never liked nature, it was kind of disgusting and pretty stupid in her opinion. Yes, it could be beautiful at some times, but fuck Mother Nature, she'd rather die than spend a day in the woods. Her thoughts were cut off as she took a final step out of the bushes, a wide circular clearing surrounded by tall stands of—what looked like—pine trees. A small apple tree which grew healthily, ignoring the smaller house above it which was probably attached to it by now.

Nikki ran towards the apple tree, slightly enjoying the scenery. The area could have an exception since it's actually pretty in her opinion. She smiled as she climbed up the ladder carefully, in fear that it'll break considering how old it looked. The young girl was presented with a small room that she had previously been in a day ago. The place was old, but it was welcoming.

Nikki walked over to the rug and sat down cross legged. Untying her hoodie from her waist, she looked at it and sighed. The red hoodie that hid her true persona, the persona she was ashamed about.

Nikki used to be the type of girl that liked bright colors, Barbie dolls, and other girly items. Her mother would support her preferences and dress her up the way she wanted. Yes, it was all normal for girls like her in preschool, but when she got older, the way she looked never changed. Same pink dresses with same pigtails in her hair.

Nikki frowned slightly as she thought about the past. Like the saying goes, leave the past behind and go with the present or something. But it really wasn't easy, regarding the fact that she isn't even herself anymore. She walked over to a window and took a glance at her reflection: messy hair, dull pink eyes, a dirty yellow T-shirt.

Nikki chuckled slightly for she did not expect such a drastic change. Her magenta eyes that used to shine confidently, was now as dull as the sky on a foggy day. The clothes that were usually frilly dresses which matched the color of her eyes, were now as simplistic and bland as a male's wardrobe. Her hair, usually styled differently every single day, was now fixed to the same messy, untied hair every single day.

Suddenly, she hears the sound of creaking from below the treehouse, not far from the entrance. Nikki turned to look at the small trapdoor, walking over to it and opening it. There she sees Max, climbing the ladder, his face seeming to be in distress, "Max?" She said surprisingly, her eyes widening. This made the young boy jolt, almost falling off the ladder. He looks up to meet her surprised expression, "Nikki! There you are!" He exclaimed, climbing into the small cramped treehouse, "I've been looking all over for you! You had me worried." He sighed, "I searched everywhere, and David wasn't much of help," he laughed dryly afterwards, "Would've known you'd be here, should've checked here first..." Max mumbled quietly, eyes to the ground.

An awkward silence filled the room, both children struggling to start up a new topic. Max went first, "What were you doing here anyway?" He questioned, sitting down on the colorful rug beneath him. Nikki sat down as well, looking down at the small colorful carpet, "It's nothing important..." she shrugged, her eyes still gazing upon the colorful rug. Max's expression shifted, "What do you mean it's 'nothing important'? He sounded more worried than angry, "I said It's nothing important." Nikki on the other hand, didn't bother to keep her voice quiet. Her words now more stern, "Nikki I know something's bothering you—" Max's words were suddenly interrupted, "I SAID IT'S NOTHING IMPORTANT, WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE?!" The aqua haired female yelled, now standing up. Max was taken aback, his eyes widened, "BECAUSE YOU'RE MY FRIEND AND I CARE ABOUT YOU, WHY ARE YOU BEING SO DIFFICULT?" The raven haired boy yelled back, also standing.

He looked back at Nikki, realizing the visible tears that were threatening to fall at any second. Her eyes were glistening while she still scowled in anger. Max quickly ran up to Nikki, "Nikki...? I-I'm so sorry, was it what I said? I d-didn't mean to yell, please don't cry..." he reassured, cupping the girl's face in his hands, wiping her tears gently, "I'm okay," Nikki said, not making any eye contact towards Max whatsoever. Max however, frowned at her statement, "No you're not 'okay', you're crying and there's obviously something wrong," he rambled, clearly knowing of the fact that his own friend won't even make contact with him, "Was it something I said...?" Max dropped his arms to his sides, now fiddling with his fingers.

"It's just..., I just feel bothered," she said quietly, sitting back down. The raven haired boy followed and scrambled for the appropriate words to say since he didn't want to hurt her further, "Why?" After all the brainstorming, the only word he managed to get out was 'why'. Max mentally facepalmed.

"I don't feel happy with myself anymore, I don't feel like myself anymore." Nikki clenched her fist tightly, "I don't even recognize myself anymore," she pulled her knees up to her chest, breaking down once more. Max went over to comfort her, hugging her, "Max..., I don't think I'm even me anymore. I just want it all to end, I don't want this, I didn't wish for this to happen!" She sobbed, hugging her friend back as she let all of her sadness out.

The yellow hoodie Max wore, felt soggy on the shoulders as Nikki cried into it. Yet, he still stayed silent, hugging his crying friend. Nikki finally released, wiping her eyes while she did so, "I'm sorry for breaking down like that, and yelling at you. You didn't deserve that, I'm sorry." She apologized, forcing out a smile as his friend frowned slightly, "Nikki, you don't need to apologize. I should be the one apologizing since I just yelled at you like that," he scratched the back of his head nervously, "you're going through something pressuring and I want to help—if you let me, it's okay if you don't..." he mumbled cowardly.

Nikki sniffed, wiping her pink, watery eyes, "Y'know Max, nobody's born 'evil'. We all start off as naive little mistakes, like you and me," She said, her voice still raspy from crying, "On my part, I used to be a nice little girl. Polite, kind, girly, and active. The type of girl that played with Barbie dolls and Polly pocket figures," she explained before being suddenly interrupted, "What's wrong with that?" Max chirped, his head tilted to the side, much like a dog.

"Nothing, that's the thing. It's normal for most little girls to be interested in those. But when you show up in middle school while wearing a short pink dress, some pigtails, and light makeup. You suddenly become a target for bullying since it's not 'normal'" she sighed, "and then you're suddenly known as a slut in school." Nikki mumbled, her vision blurring in the cause of her tears.

Suddenly, she feels a comforting embrace from her friend, Max as he hugged her tightly, "Please don't cry, Nikki. We can go through this together. Like my grandma used to say, 'there's always a solution to a problem, even if you feel like it's impossible.'" He said, hugging her tighter, which made her hug back in response, "Thanks Max..." She whispered.


"Why are we going back to the camp? The counselors already have more than enough children to handle, why should we add up the number?" Whined the aqua haired girl as her raven haired friend dragged her back to the camp, "I told you, it's a secret! Stop whining and please cooperate." Her friend demanded, walking towards his tent, "Oh cool, our tent, how surprising..." The young girl said sarcastically, jazzing her hands, "No silly, you're gonna get a makeover!" Max said, rummaging through Nikki's duffel bag, throwing her clothes all over the tent, "What are you doing?!" Nikki yelled, picking up the clothes from the ground, "now I have to wash these again..." she mumbled afterwards, dropping the pile onto her crib.

"Aha!" Yelled Max as he pulled out a Russian blue skirt, along with two pairs of white, knee-length socks. He then dropped the items onto Nikki's lap, "Put this on with your hoodie, I'll be outside waiting. Don't take too long!" before saying another word, he left the tent, running towards the direction of where the counselor's cabin was located. Nikki eyed the skirt, "what's that kid up to now...?" Nikki mumbled as she took off her black jeans and putting the skirt on afterwards.


The door to the counselor's cabin was kicked open by a short raven haired boy, Max. His bright green eyes scanning the room, landing on the bedside table's drawers. More specifically, Gwen's drawers.

He ran towards the table

Some moments later, a yell could be heard outside the tent Nikki was in, "Are you done?" Yelled Max as he stood patiently outside the zipped up tent, his hands gripping on a certain object, "Yeah, you can come in." She answered, the tent zipping open as it revealed Max holding a long, pink ribbon. Nikki stared at the punch colored ribbon, hopping off her crib. Her newly combed hair bouncing behind her neck, "A ribbon? Isn't that the one you tied on your bear?" She questioned, her magenta eyes scanning the color-matching ribbon.

Max nodded before pulling Nikki, informing her to sit on his crib, "Sit still," he then grabbed a comb from Nikki's duffel bag and hopped on the crib, now standing behind Nikki. His hands touched her aqua green hair, now combing it gently. Then, he took out the ribbon and started tying it on the green hair, making a small bow tie with it.

"Done!" Yelled Max before hopping of the crib to examine his friend's new look, "I'm no fashionista, but you look very pretty!" He exclaimed, his hands on his hips showing pride, "You think so? I don't think anything's changed, but at least I'm wearing a skirt."
Nikki said, "Are you sure nobody's gonna make fun of me?" She added, her voice lowering, "I'm sure everybody will be fine, besides, nothing much was changed from your old look. You just have knee-length socks and a skirt now." Max reassured as he dragged her outside the tent.


Nothing was happening at the moment since everybody was too engulfed in their own activities in—of course—the activities field. I'm the distance, two young campers walked towards the field. The two campers being Nikki and Max. Nikki started first, "Are you sure people will be okay with me me wearing this? I don't want it ending badly..." she mumbled before widening her eyes, realizing that she've shown her vulnerability to Max. Nikki looked at max anxiously, expecting a surprised expression from him. Fortunately, he was oblivious to the current situation and continued smiling at Nikki.

"Don't worry, Nikki. Nobody will make fun of you, it's just a slight change. If they make fun of you, I'll be here for you." Max reassured, a warm, sympathetic smile on his face. He tightened his grasp on Nikki's hand, "Thanks Max..." she mumbled, a smile growing on her lips herself.

They passed the activity field, attracting a mild amount of attention. Gwen looked over at the two campers and walked over to them, "There you two are! I was starting to think you two were gonna fall into comas." She chuckled before picking both kids up and pulling them into a tight bear hug. She loosened her grip and looked at Nikki cheekily, "Was babysitting fun yesterday? I bet David didn't want to nap," She snickered, Nikki resisted her urge to laugh, "Shut up," Nikki said playfully.

Gwen lowered both campers to the ground, finally noticing Nikki's skirt, "Sorry If I noticed too late, but that's a really pretty skirt," Gwen smiled, causing Nikki to smile back, "Thanks, I guess...? I appreciate it," Nikki said, rubbing the back of her head. Max held Nikki's hand before walking gleefully through the activity field, Nikki's conversation with Gwen had seemed to attract some campers since the campers seemed to have just looked at her for a moment before focusing on what they were doing before.

The aqua haired girl trailed behind Max, slightly lost in thought, "Is it just me, or is Gwen actually okay to be with. Like, seriously, I actually enjoyed talking with Gwen earlier." She wondered, Max looking back at her in confusion afterwards, "What are you talking about?" Max said obliviously, "Nevermind..." Nikki ended. She knew that explaining would be pointless since he didn't hate Gwen. Wait no, he didn't hate anyone to be exact. Max was like a small kid that's oblivious to almost everything around him.

The raven looked back at the activity field behind him, just to see everybody in where they should be, focusing on their own thing.
He smiled, that's more like it, "see Nikki? Nobody made fun of you, they all accept you for who you are. Maybe you can just wear a ballerina dress and nobody'll notice." He half-joked, earning a grin from his green haired friend in return.

"Thanks Max." She said quietly, "Without you, I'd probably never do this. I don't know what I could do without you..."
Suddenly, she pulled Max to a hug,

"No problem, Nik."


It's been a while, huh? WOW! You thought I was discontinuing this? ME TOO!

Sorry for the long wait, I've just moved to a new school and I didn't know how to adapt to the new environment. I've been very unmotivated and bummed out lately, writers block and art block just hit me like a train.

Since this chapter exists, Nikki will subconsciously become more and more polite and feminine in future chapters. She'll probably dress differently or something, idk. I've also been thinking 'bout this chapter a lot since everybody's been commenting about how Max-like Nikki is in this Fan fiction, so...

Also, did any of you watch the season finale? I did, and in my opinion, It kinda just underwhelmed me because of how un finale-like the finale was like.

I also forgot to mention how thankful I am for +2K views! Thank you all for reading this and I'm really happy if you enjoy it! Thank youuu!!!♥️

Also, here's a drawing I did to make up for the absence:

[ ignore the background, I got carried away. Plus, the background are just pictures I put that I didn't draw ]

Anyways, I'm RP the fucking stupid bitchy ass cunt, and goodbye

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